... Seven years, my Lord, have now passed since I waited in your outward rooms, or was repulsed from your door; during which time I have been pushing on my work through difficulties, of which it is useless to complain, and have brought it, at last, to... The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. - Pagina 172door James Boswell - 1826Volledige weergave - Over dit boek
| 1791 - 718 pagina’s
...favour. Such treatment I did not expeft, for 1 never had a patron before. • The Shepherd in Virgil grew acquainted with Love, and found him a native of the...patron, my Lord, one who looks with unconcern on a man ftruggling for life in the water, and, when he has reached ground, encumbers him with help ? The notice... | |
| 1791 - 542 pagina’s
...I never had a patron before. " The (hepherd in Virgil grew at l::il acquainted with Love, and bund him a native of the rocks. " Is not a patron, my Lord, one who looks with unconcern on a man (truggling for life in the water, and, when he has reached ground, encumber* him with help ' The notice... | |
| 1791 - 536 pagina’s
...to the verge of publication, without one ait of alliilance*, one word of encouragement, or one fmilc of favour. Such treatment I did not expect, for I never had a patron before. " The fhepherd in Virgil grew at laA acquainted with Love, and found him/a native of the rocks. " Is not... | |
| Christian Felix Weisse - 1792 - 338 pagina’s
...encouragement , or one fmile of favour. Such treatment I did not expeä , for I never had a Patron before. — Is not a Patron , my Lord , one who looks with unconcern on a man ftruggling for life in the water , and, when he has reached ground , encumbers him with help? The notice... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1792 - 652 pagina’s
...treatment I did not expecl, for I never had a patron before. 4( tt tl ** The Shepherd in Virgil grew acquainted " with Love, and found him a native of the " rocks. " Is Cl ** Is not a patron, my Lord, one who looks with unconcern on a man ftruggling for life in " the... | |
| Robert Anderson - 1795 - 322 pagina’s
...to the verge of publication, without one act of affiftance, one word of encouragement, or one fmile of favour. Such treatment I did not expect, for I...a patron before. " The Shepherd in Virgil grew at laft acquainted with Love, and found him a native of the rocks. " Is not a patron, my Lord, one who... | |
| Joseph Towers - 1796 - 464 pagina’s
...affiftance» one word of encouragement-, or one • fmile of favour. Such treatment I did not expe6t> • for I never had a Patron before. « The Shepherd in Virgil grew at lafl acquainted '• with love, and found him a native of the rocks. ' Is not a Patron, my Lord, one... | |
| 1796 - 512 pagina’s
...aííiílancc, one word of encouragsment, or one fmile of favour. Such treatment I did not expeft, for I never had a patron before. " The Shepherd in Virgil grew at lait acquainted with Love, and found him a native of the rocks. " Is not a patron, my Lord, one •who... | |
| 1796 - 524 pagina’s
...afliftance, one word of encouragement, o; one fraile of favour. Such treatment I did not expeft, fot I never had a patron before. '' The Shepherd in Virgil grew at h!l acquainted with Love, and found him a native of the rocks. " Is not a patron, my Lord, oner who... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1801 - 422 pagina’s
..." verge of publication, without one act of " affiftance, one word of encouragement, or " one fmile of favour. Such treatment I did " not expect, for...had a patron before. " The Shepherd in Virgil grew acquaint** ed with Love, and found him a native of " the rocks. w Is ** Is not a patron, my Lord, one... | |
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