
SERM. the man who is fkill'd in many different X. branches of learning, in hiftory, in languages,

in politics and philofophy, or who knows how to act a proper part in very different ftations of life, is reputed wifer than he whofe knowledge is confined to a few particulars, But how adorable is that wisdom which has difplayed itself marvelously in the whole gradation of being; which fhines confpicuoufly, not only adjusting with the utmost exactness, the mechanism of the material world, but has formed intirely different and fuperior kinds, namely fpirits, to whofe nature and condition of being the methods of his providence are as well accommodated as to the other. The conftitution and form of government under which intelligent creatures are plac'd, is, at leaft, as clear a manifeftation of the Divine wifdom, as the frame and direction of the corporeal fyftem. And, which is most worthy of our obfervation to the present purpose, these effentially different kinds are most conveniently disposed of, with relation to each other. Spirit and body are united in the human compofition; and as the fyftem is dif tinguished in its formation by the Creator's fkill, it is as much diftinguished by the adminiftration of his providence. From man there is a defcent, I mean as to the degrees of their


their perfection, in the works of God which SERM. X. we are best acquainted with. The next inferior rank are the brutal fpecies, and among them a beautiful variety, fome making a much more confiderable figure than others in the animal kingdom; fome more eminently useful, and even making nearer approaches to the human understanding. From them the perfection of the animal life leffens by various defcending degrees, till it comes fo near the vegetable world as scarcely to be distinguished. Of vegetables there are as various kinds, all of them miniftring to fenfitive beings as a fuperior order, and thefe latter are directed to the proper use of them by particular instincts: And inanimate things are constantly fo governed as to ferve the purpose of producing the feveral forts of herbs, trees and fruits. This order is maintained amidst an infinite diverfity; and as there is a scale of being appointed by the great defigning Author, fo there is a fubordination of ufe, the lower ftill ferving the higher, till we afcend to man, the chief of the works of God in our world. Who that attends to this obvious face of nature, and the daily administration of providence, can help acknowledging not only defign, that is, the being of God, but perfectly wife counfel, difcovered in the admirable œconomy

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SERM. œconomy of all things, as far as his works X. come within our knowledge?

A more particular and accurate inquiry into all these things, would fet the evidence of Divine wifdom ftill in a clearer and ftronger light; fhewing not only that the univerfe, confidered as one intire work, difcovers wonderful counsel in the conftitution of it, having all its parts for several uses regularly disposed and fitted to each other; but every particular being which can be confidered as a separate intire fyftem and compleat in itself, carries in its frame the cleareft manifeftations of its Author's perfect understanding. Not only the Lord by wifdom stretched out the heavens, and established the earth by his difcretion, but in the conftitution of every single terrestrial and celeftial body, is manifefted the exquifite fkill of their defigning intelligent Maker. As to the celeftial, they are too far diftant for our minute obfervation; and human science is principally converfant about their magnitude,. distance and regular motions, in which the modern improvements of aftronomical learning open a furprifing fcene, difplaying the wifdom of God beyond what appears to the first views of an uninftructed fpectator. In the compofition of bodies whofe properties are better known to us, as air, water, earth, ftones,


ftones, minerals, vegetables of every kind, SERM. animals, and especially the human body;-in X. all of these and each of them, the manifold wisdom of the Creator is difcovered. here also it is worthy of our obfervation, that the progrefs of learning has most eminently tended to establish the foundations of religion; for the discoveries which have lately been made in natural hiftory, philofophy and anatomy, have greatly illuftrated and confirmed this important article we are now confidering. It is not convenient in this fhort difcourfe to defcend to particulars, even which are commonly known. But this I may fafely fay, that it shows an amazing infatuation in any man, who has not spent his life in the utmoft obfcurity, intirely unacquainted with that knowledge of nature which is the fubject of common converfation in this age and these parts of the world, not to be convinc'd, that as the works of God are manifold, fo in wif dom he has made them all, and particularly that the human body is fearfully and wonderfully made.

If we proceed farther to confider man in his better part, which God made after his own image, the workmanship will appear in a peculiar manner, worthy of the Author's perfect understanding. And first of all, let us Y 3 obferve

SER M. obferve our fituation in the univerfe. We are X. nearly allied and closely united to the corporeal world, a part of matter fitly organized to convey the notices of external things, and to be the mind's inftrument of action, is a part of ourselves. Is not wifdom manifested in placing rational capacities thus conveniently for contemplation, and for the proper improvement of them in a rational happiness, which especially arises from adoring, and actively fhewing the praises of the Almighty, All-wife and bountiful Creator? Since this earth is fuch a beautiful fabric, fo curiously fram'd and adorn'd, and all God's works in it, even those which are unintelligent, praise him in a filent way, by giving to rational beings an occafion of observing and admiring his perfections manifested in them, can we help thinking it was worthy of the wife Author, nay, does it not appear to be the finishing excellence of fuch a work, to furnish it with understanding inhabitants, fitted with proper powers and affections for enjoying it, capable of difcerning its various beauty, and applying it to the delightful purpose of celebrating his praise? This honourable province is therefore wifely affigned to man, as he is qualify'd for it by the faculties of his nature,

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