
die, if one of us is to sacrifice himself, let it be me. I long for death more than I ever did. But you must live and enjoy the pleasures of life; for the gods have smiled upon you ever since the hour of your birth. You possess a distinguished name and rank, and all the boons which Heaven showers upon its favorites with lavish hands. Think of the brilliant future which is in store for you, of your parents whose pride and joy you are, and, above all, of your love for Alice."

"And of the friend who is dearer to me than all the treasures of the world. Come! Let us renew, at this beautiful hour, the old bond of our love. Whatever may happen, no accident, no reverse must separate us. Swear to me everlasting love and friendship, as I do to you."

Overcome by their feelings, the youths embraced each other fervently. The soft moonlight illuminated their features. On the heart of his friend Milton vowed to himself to renounce Alice and sacrifice his love to him. When he raised his pale face again, a tear was yet trembling in his eyes, the only trace of the dreadful struggle which his heart had undergone.

The sacrifice had been made.

In this hour he crushed the most precious dream of his heart for the sake of his beloved friend. He was imbued with the teachings of the ancients, and, bearing in mind the glorious examples of antiquity, he was able to achieve this victory over himself. Never was King to learn the greatness of the sacrifice he had made to him.

The friends wandered hand in hand through the silent night. King tried once more to draw Milton's secret from him; but the poet replied beseechingly:

"Do not insist on it to-day. You know that silence under such circumstances is always most welcome to me. For all that, you must not charge me with a lack of candor. Your

own confession engrosses my mind so much, that I cannot give utterance to my feelings. Therefore, content yourself with the reply that I have likewise found a young girl worthy of the most ardent affection."

"And I am sure she loves you, for you are worthy of the fairest and noblest woman's love."

"I do not know it," replied the poet, restraining his feelings, "for I have not yet uttered a single word about my love. My innate timidity has always prevented me from so doing."

"But your glances, your face must have certainly revealed the secret to her. The female eye is in this respect by far more keen-sighted than ours. She knows that you love her."

"I believe not; and even though she were aware of it, what good would it do me? She stands too high, and will never condescend to give her hand to a poor poet and future schoolmaster."

"That, then, is the secret cause of your grief? It should not induce you to give up all hope. Love is omnipotent, and levels mountains obstructing its path. Every new obstacle increases its strength and impetuosity. You must not lose heart. A poet is the peer of the greatest noble in the kingdom. Your learning will open you the way to the most exalted positions. You have friends and patrons who will interest themselves in your behalf and assist you energetically. My own father loves you as his son, and his influence at court will enable him to obtain a good position for you. Then you may go boldly to your beloved, or, if you are too timid and bashful, I will ask her to give you her hand."

"I thank you from the bottom of my heart," faltered out the poet.

"After the dearest wishes of our hearts have been fulfilled, we will, with our beautiful and virtuous wives, enter upon a new life. Do you not feel, as I do, the transports filling my heart

at this thought? Alice will be at my side and inspire me with enthusiasm to perform the noblest deeds, for she is endowed with a lofty spirit and a heart ardently devoted to the most sublime interests of mankind. For her sake I shall give up the idleness in which I have hitherto lived, and strive to distinguish myself. Henceforth I will devote myself earnestly to the service of my native country, and toil for it with unflagging zeal. I shall share with her every victory I shall thus achieve, and if ever a civic crown should be conferred upon me, it shall adorn the fair brow of my lovely wife. But when silent evening draws nigh, when the loud noise dies away, and business is over for the day, I shall hasten to her, the friend of my soul; the cozy roof of my Penates will receive me, the purest love will indemnify me for the wranglings of factions and the cares of the statesman, and her lips will greet me sweetly and gently with charming kisses and smiles. Our time will pass in the most delightful manner, and you will join us, no longer alone, but accompanied by your sweet wife. Your happiness will redouble mine. You will bring with you the gifts of the Muses, and the admiring hearers will surround the poet with sincere enthusiasm. Thus my house will be transformed into a temple of love and friendship, a quiet sanctuary where daily incense will be offered to the Muses and Graces. We will enjoy life hand in hand, not egotistically, but serving the great whole, setting an example to future generations, and handing down to our children the friendship which once united their fathers so firmly and tenderly."

The happy youth gave vent to his enthusiasm in this manner, without suspecting how deeply he wounded his friend by his words. Milton no longer betrayed by word or gesture the pain torturing his heart. He walked silently by his side, with a mortal wound in his heart.

the neighborhood of his father's house, that he gave way to his profound grief. Milton sank, faint and exhausted, on the green turf, which he moistened with his tears. It was not until now that he felt the whole bitterness of the loss he had sustained. Alice's image stood before his soul; he vainly tried to drive it away; it returned again and again, with a gentle, beseeching face. The sweet lips seemed to say to him, "Do not drive me from you," and she opened her soft arms to him longingly. All the places where he had seen her rose again in his memory-Haywood Forest in the silvery moonlight, the garden with its pond, the court-yard, and the cozy sitting-room of the ladies. His poetical imagination added to the pangs torturing his heart; it called up before his soul again and again the radiant, yet so modest and innocent, eyes of the beloved girl, her gestures and motions so full of the most charming grace, her sweet smiles and sagacious words; it depicted all this to him in the most glowing colors. She had never appeared to him so beautiful as at this moment of despair, when he was to renounce her forever, and drain the cup of his sorrow to the very dregs.

Thus he lay on the ground, brooding over his grief; the foliage of the trees murmured softly over his head, as if they wished to join in his wails; the nightingale broke the stillness of the night by its long-drawn, sobbing notes, but he did not hear the sweet bird, which seemed to lament his sorrow. He called Death in a loud voice, and wished that the green turf might open and close over him forevermore, but the angel of death flitted past the unhappy poet to strike with the point of his sword more fortunate beings, revelling in the enjoyment of all pleasures.

Milton had vowed resignation, and he was strong enough to conquer himself. After paying tribute to human weakness, he rose to that

It was not until King took leave of him, in height of ancient heroism which he had found

in the writings and examples of antiquity. | Lawes, the musician, came to see him from Like the immortal Greek youth, he attached a time to time in order to hasten the completion higher importance to the faith which he had of the mask and come to a thorough underplighted than to love, although this view of standing in regard to it with the poet. He friendship entailed upon him the greatest suf- brought him greetings and flattering invitaferings during his whole life; for all the fibres tions from the Countess of Bridgewater and of his soul were firmly fixed in the ideas of the her daughter. Milton had engaged to conduct modern world, which grants the foremost place the rehearsals of the mask in person, and this to love, and not to friendship. His resignation necessitated a sojourn of several days at the was not a natural triumph over a passion, but castle, which he would have preferred to avoid. rather a fastidious imitation of examples, set However, it was impossible for him to break at a remote period and amid vastly different the promise which he had made to the countess, circumstances. In sacrificing himself for his and, therefore, he was obliged to set out refriend, he destroyed love, a higher ideal than luctantly and with heavy heart, accompanied friendship. by the musician, to Ludlow Castle.

However, he rose victorious from the ground; only his pale, distorted face bore yet the traces of the fearful struggle through which he had passed. Day was dawning in the eastern horizon; faint red gleams colored the gray clouds. The morning breeze swept merrily through the rustling foliage and awakened sleeping Nature to renewed life. Its strong breath rent the veils of night. Already the lark was warbling in the blue air, and sending unseen its greetings from the clouds to reawaken Nature. The horizon grew brighter and brighter; the rosy streaks of the clouds turned into flaming purple and radiant gold. The last remnants of darkness filed before the

victorious power of light.

How greatly changed were the feelings with which he beheld again the scenes of his lost happiness! On seeing the hospitable house, he felt his grief and despair burst forth with redoubled strength. He needed his whole determination in order not to be borne down by this crushing burden. The reception which he met at the hands of the noble family was exceedingly cordial, and Alice expressed her delight at his return so openly, that he was scarcely able to restrain his emotion. His changed demeanor would not have escaped her and the other inmates of the castle, had they not all been engrossed in the preparations for the festival and the arrival of numerous guests from far and near. Milton owed it to this circumstance that he remained unnoticed in the crowd. Under the pretext that it was necessary for him to revise his mask once more and make many alterations in it, he withdrew from the society of the others, and held intercourse only with Lawes, who had to confer a great deal with him in regard to the music.

After a short slumber which Milton allowed his exhausted body, he was able to resume his wonted labors. Above all things, he deemed it incumbent upon him to finish the work which could not but arouse so many mournful reminiscences in his mind. He did so with stoical self-abnegation, and it was only in rare intervals that his oppressed breast heaved a heavy sigh when he thought of his first meetThe other guests, among whom were Edward ing with Alice Egerton. Such reminiscences, King and Sir Kenelm Digby, passed the time it is true, rendered more painful the sacrifice in the most agreeable manner. Now they which he was about to make to his friend, made an excursion in the park, which rebut it was impossible for him to avoid them. I sounded with their loud laughter; now they

made a trip to the more remote environs of Ludlow Castle, or went out hunting. The soul of all these diversions was Sir Kenelm Digby, who always distinguished himself as the boldest horseman, the best shot, and the most amiable story-teller. Notwithstanding these brilliant qualities, Alice seemed to shun rather than seek his presence; she avoided being alone with him, and evaded his incessant effort to gain her favor, so far as she could, without positive discourtesy. She much preferred the company of a young gentleman from Wales, with whom she had become acquainted at the house of her Aunt Derby, and who, as a neighbor, had likewise received an invitation to the celebration of her father's birthday.

Simple and unassuming in his whole bearing, Sir Robert Carbury exhibited the most striking contrast with the accomplished courtier. His frank, rosy face, his good-natured blue eyes, did not indicate a very profound mind, but an excellent heart coupled with a great deal of common-sense. A certain uncouthness caused him to appear less gifted and accomplished than he really was. He lacked neither knowledge nor judgment, after overcoming his innate bashfulness and gaining confidence in himself and the persons with whom he had to deal. His body was exceedingly strong and well built, and, as is often the case with such men, his strength was coupled with almost feminine mildness and gentleness; yet all felt that he would display extraordinary courage and great perseverance in critical moments. There was in his whole appearance something hearty and honest, qualities which are still to be found very often among the English country gentlemen, and for which this honorable class is particularly noted. His broad, Welsh dialect, and an almost childlike awkwardness, rendered Sir Robert Carbury the butt of Alice's brother and the other guests. This excited at first her compassion, and she indemnified the poor cavalier for the naughty

jests of the company by her kindness, which won his whole heart. He perceived the motive of her conduct and was grateful to her. In this manner he soon became her constant companion, and Alice had sufficient opportunities to discover the excellent qualities which his plain outside concealed from the eyes of the world. She soon entered into an even closer connection with her protégé, by taking pains to polish his rough and angular peculiarities, and call his attention, with noble frankness, to his imperfections. She did this with the greatest delicacy, and found in him a most willing and docile pupil. The sneers presently died away, particularly as Carbury's strength and undoubted courage obliged the others to treat him with a certain degree of respect.

However, the preference which Alice gave him was not calculated to excite the jealousy of the chivalrous King, nor that of the accomplished courtier. Both continued uninterruptedly to court the beautiful girl, who, in accordance with the spirit of the times, received their homage as a tribute due to her from all gentlemen. Thus surrounded with admirers, engrossed by all sorts of amusements, Alice did not notice the poet's absence so much as she would have done under other circumstances. It was only in moments of thoughtful quiet that she missed the faithless friend, who was most congenial to her of all the men with whom she was acquainted, and who was yet so dear to her heart.



MEANWHILE Milton, assisted by his friend, had in his quiet retirement given the finishing touches to his work. The parts were assigned to the performers, and the rehearsals

commenced. Besides Alice and her brothers, | You avoid mixing with the company,

King and Sir Kenelm Digby were to appear in the mask. The former was to play the Attendant Spirit; the latter, in accordance with his own offer, the god Comus. The part of the nymph Sabrina was assigned to a relative of Alice, because she possessed a beautiful voice, and her part consisted mostly of songs. Several guests had been prevailed upon to appear as dancers. The spacious hall of the castle was the scene of the rehearsals. All the performers manifested an earnest desire to acquit themselves creditably, and looked forward to the performance itself with unfeigned pleasure. The poet, in the first place, read the mask to them, and was rewarded with enthusiastic applause; even Sir Kenelm Digby could not refrain from clapping his hands at several passages.

Alice approached Milton to thank him. Filled with genuine enthusiasm, she seized his hand. A shudder ran through his frame when he felt this gentle contact.

"Instead of a mere occasional poem, you have created a masterpiece," she said, in a low voice. "Shakespeare himself would not be ashamed of this play; but you have committed a great wrong against me."


seem to shun us. Up to this time your labors have been a valid excuse, but from this day forward I count upon you. I long for more congenial conversation than I am able to find among the guests. I hope we shall resume, before and after the festival, the topics on which we formerly conversed."

Digby's approach rendered it unnecessary for the poet to make a painful reply to her. He withdrew with a stiff bow, and the rehearsal commenced. On the following day he sought likewise to avoid Alice. He was unable to conceal from her any longer the fact that he did so on purpose, and she vainly sought for the reason of his strange conduct. She examined carefully the course she had hitherto pursued toward him; she recalled every word, every glance, whereby she might have wounded the irritable and sensitive feelings of the poet; but she was unconscious of having done any thing of the kind. The more painful, therefore, was the impression which his manner toward her now made upon her. She was incessantly engrossed by the endeavor to discover the hidden cause of this strange change. She attributed it now to bodily suffering, misled by the sickly pallor of his face and the ex

"I do not understand you,” faltered out the pression of pain stamped upon his features; poet. now to domestic misfortunes. In the anxiety which the poet occasioned her, she applied to King for advice and information. King's re

"You have not been true to nature, but made of me an ideal which can nowhere be found in reality. I am far behind the pictureplies were evasive, and by no means reassuryou have drawn of me; but I will not expostulate with the poet; he uses his poetic license as he deems best. You should have spared me the blush that will suffuse my cheeks when I am to recite your verses in public."

ing. He intimated to her that an unhappy affection for a lady of high rank was the cause of Milton's dejection. On hearing this statement, which was uttered in a very careless manner, Alice became greatly excited. More

“Every one will find that my prototype is sagacious than King, she thought she knew worthy of even higher praise."

“Let us drop the subject,” said Alice, coloring. "I thank you both for the magnificeut poem and your good opinion. I will desist from my charge, but only to prefer another.

the lady of whom Milton was enamoured. How much would she have given to learn her name, but her timidity prevented her from making further inquiries! Her heart trembled with delight, for now she understood it all-Mil

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