
hope remaining to liberty audaciously outraged by the detestable principles avowed by the French republick. It is the only means of establishing a balance of power capable of opposing the destructive ambition and devastation of the French system."

5. The fifth article relates to a treaty of commerce between Great Britain and South America.

6. The sixth article stipulates the opening of the navigation between the Atlantick and Pacifick oceans, by the isthmus of Panama, as well as by the lake of Nicaraguay, and the guarantee of its freedom to the British nation.

7. The seventh article respects the arrangement of the commerce be tween the different parts of South America itself; proposed to be left on its present footing, till the assemblage of deputies from the different provinces of the continent can arrange the terms of their union.

8. The eighth article points to some project to be devised, of a connexion between the bank of England and those of Lima and Mexico, for the purposes of mutual support, and of giving England the advantage of that command of the precious metals which the country supplying them might have it in its power to yield.

9. 10. The ninth and tenth articles relate to the project of alliance between South America and the United States. The principal points are the ceding to the United States of the Floridas, the Mississippi being proposed as the most advisable boundary between the two nations, and the stipulation of a small military force from the Anglo-Americans, to aid in the establishment of their independence.

11. The eleventh article, respecting the islands, states the plan of resigning all those which belong to the Spaniards, excepting only Cuba, the possession of which is rendered necessary, by the situation of the Havanna commanding the passage from the gulf of Mexico.

This document is dated Paris, the 22d of December, 1797. The proposal transmitted to Mr. Pitt, for the return of general Miranda to this country, was acceded to with alacrity; and the general had a conference with that minister in January following. It accorded with the plans of Mr. Pitt, at that time, to enter with promptitude into the scheme proposed for the emancipation of South America. The outline of the proceedings was fully agreed upon; and, so far had the preparations advanced, that general Miranda, in a letter to Mr. Hamilton, the much lamented legislator of the United States, dated 6th April 1798, thought himself authorized to write in the following terms. "This will be delivered to you, my dear and esteemed friend, by my countryman, don ***** the bearer of despatches of the greatest importance for the president of the United States. He will tell you se cretly all you wish to know upon this subject. It appears that the moment of our emancipation grows near, and that the establishment of liberty over the whole continent of the new world is intrusted to us by Providence. The only danger I foresee is the introduction of the French principles which might poison liberty in its birth, and soon would finally destroy yours. Your wishes are in some degree fulfilled; since it is agreed here, that in the first instance English troops shall not be employed in the land operations, since the auxiliary land forces will be only American, whilst, on the other hand, the navy will be entirely British. All is settled, and they are only waiting for the fiat of your illustrious president to start like lightning. With what pleasure haveI heard, my most dear general, of your appointment in the continental army of the United States of America. Our wishes, it appears, are going to be at last accomplished, and every circumstance concurs now in our favour. May Providence make us wise enough to use

it in the most advantageous manner."

The proposal was, that North America should furnish 10,000 troops, and the British government agreed to find money and ships. But the president Adams declined to transmit an immediate answer, and the measure was, in consequence, postponed.

In the beginning of 1801, during lord Sidmouth's administration, the project was again revived. The plans of government to be recommended to the people of South America, were considered and approved; even the military operations were sketched and arranged; and the preparations far advanced for the expedition. The preliminaries, however, of the peace of Amiens were signed; and the measure was put off to a future opportunity.

When war was again declared against France in 1803, the business of South America formed one of the principal designs of ministers; and measures were taken to carry it into effect, the moment that the peace which still subsisted with Spain should be broken. This event did not occur till 1804, when Mr. Pitt was again at the head of administration. The measure was now prosecuted with zeal. Lord Melville and sir Home Popham were employed in arranging with general Miranda the whole details of procedure ;* when the execution was again suspended by the affairs of Europe, and by the hopes and exertions of the third coa lition.

The prospect thus appearing shut upon them in Europe, the South American exiles from the provinces of Caraccas and Santa Fée, residing

*On this point the reader may derive satisfaction, by consulting the trial of sir Home Popham; the evidence of lord Melville at pp. 153 to 164; and the declarations of sir Home at pp. 91, 92, 94, 95, 100; and an Appendix note A. See “Trial of Sir Home Popham," printed for Richardson, Royal Exchange, 1807.

in the United States of America, and in the island of Trinidad, pressed general Miranda, and at last prevail. ed upon him, to quit his residence in this country, and make an effort in their behalf through the medium of America alone. Though the poli ticks of Britain presented to him, at the moment, no prospect on her part, of active assistance, they appeared, at least, to promise the security, that no body of French, or of Spanish troops, should cross the Atlantick, to confirm the dominion of the enemies of Britain. In these circumstances, he was induced to think that no great force, that nothing more, in short, than what might be requisite to impose respect upon the small number of troops in the Spanish garrisons, and to afford some appearance of se curity to the people, was, in the known condition of the publick mind, required to effect the revolution; and at the same time, the disputes subsisting between the United States of America and Spain, respecting Lou isiana, afforded him a hope in that quarter of all the assistance which the occasion demanded. With a full understanding on the part of the government here, and even, as it would seem, with promise of support, he proceeded to America; but on his arrival there, found, to his mortifica tion, that a compromise on the sub. ject of Louisiana had already taken place, and that the publick aid of government was not to be obtained. He was received, however, with cor diality and distinction by the presi dent and secretary; and, from various quarters, received encouragement to suppose, that, by private exertions and resources, such means might be got together, as, with the help of good fortune, might be adequate to the enterprise. Though the govern ment of the United States, from the obvious motive of exculpating themselves in the eyes of France, thought proper afterwards to disclaim all knowledge of the transaction,—and even to order the prosecution of two

of the persons who appeared to have been principally involved it it,-it came out upon the trial, to the conviction of the jury, who thereupon acquitted the parties, that the government had been privy to all the proceedings of Miranda, and, by never so much as whispering their disapprobation, appeared of necessity, both to him and to his agents, to favour, though they deemed it impolitick at the time to countenance, his undertaking.

The particulars of the expedition to Caraccas, it is necessary for us entirely to pass over. It failed, feeble as were the means employed in it, chiefly from the intelligence which had been treacherously conveyed to the Spaniards, and by the misconduct of the American shipmasters, over whom the general had not sufficient control. But it had this in it of benefit, that the careful protection of persons and property which Miranda maintained, removed every shadow of prejudice which the industry of the Spanish agents had been able to raise respecting the purity of his intentions, and had not the British commanders, who seconded his views, been induced to withdraw their support, and to urge the dereliction of the enterprise, by the false intelligence which reached the West Indies, of the conclusion of peace by lord Lauderdale; at any rate, had our government lent a very small assist ance, not a doubt can be entertained that the province of Caraccas would have then declared its independence.t

* The principal facts, together with the proclamations of general Miranda, documents of importance in forming a judgment of the whole bearings of this affair, may be found in a pamphlet, which we recommend as containing some correct information, not to be found any where else, entitled, "Additional Reasons for our immediately Emancipating Spanish America." By William Burke.

†That this was the opinion of the best informed among the Spaniards themselves, appears from the following ex

The part which our country had in this expedition, it is still of some importance to explain. The prospect of the vast advantages to Great Britain, from the independence of that part of South America, which was the object of Miranda's immedi ate views, induced the British admiral on the station, sir Alexander Cochrane, to enter into a formal stipulation for certain means of operation he was to afford to the undertaking, and certain advantages which were to be yielded to his country in return. The governours, both of Dionisio Franco, director of the king's tract of an intercepted letter from Don revenues at Caraccas, to the governour of Cumana. "Un des hommes," says Depons [Voyage à la Terre Ferme, t. ii. p. 293] un des hommes de l'Espagne qui connoit le mieux les interets de sa nation."

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"Caraccas, 16th August, 1806.

"Miranda, despicable indeed, if left to his private resources alone, will, it appears to me, give us more to do than what we thought, if supported, as he appears to be, by the English; although the assistance they have until now given him be reduced to the not disapproving only of his enterprise.

"He effected his landing at Coro without any resistance, because the garrison of that interesting point, was reduced to 200 fusileers of the militia alone; and although they might have armed more than 1000 men, they had no arms for the purpose, and in the same case, we find, are now all the inhabitants of these provinces.

"With this information, the captain general of the province has marched with all the armed force he could collect; but it will be a month before he can reach will find him already intrenched, and in Coro; in which place, it is probable he a situation to make good his retreat. That, in my opinion, will be the least of the evils which may happen to us; because, if the English give him any assistance, let it be ever so little, and offer him support, his situation is the most advantageous of all those he could have chosen in all these coasts, as the peninsula of Paraguana may afford them à situation to establish another Gibraltar, as long as they are masters of the sea; and it may happen that this spark of fire, that appears nothing, may finish by devouring the whole continent, &c.


Trinidad and Barbadoes, allowed the general to recruit in these islands, and even from the militia. But after a little time, the admiral wrote to him, that" by recent instructions received from England, he was directed to limit the assistance general Miranda was to receive from him, to protection from the naval force of the enemy, to prevent succours being landed,—and to secure his reembarcation, in the event of his being obliged to leave the shore." It is probable, that the negotiations at Paris, in which the ministers were then engaged, and their hopes of peace, were the sole motives of the reserve which they embraced on this occasion. That they had by no means determined against the great plan of emancipation, as some of their enemies have been busy to insinuate, we are happy to be able to prove, by the succeeding passage of the same letter. "I am further directed," says the admiral, "to send by a fast sailing vessel, full details of the situation in which the continent of South America now stands, in order that his majesty's ministers may finally decide as to the measures they may take." In consequence of the above, he adds," a schooner attends captain Dundas of the Elephant, to Coro, which schooner will receive on board your despatches, and immediately proceed to England." He concludes by saying: "I think it proper to give you this early information, lest you should be led to expect a military force to arrive for your support; a circumstance I am ignorant of being in the contemplation of his majesty's government; but, should any arrive, you may de pend on its being forwarded to you without loss of time." In another letter, ten days later, he says: “I wish I could send you five or six regiments; and if the negotiations for peace blow off, I do not despair of a force arriving from England, to place you in perfect security."

The extraordinary events which immediately followed the rupture of the negotiations at Paris, and the removal from his majesty's councils, which soon succeeded, of the ministers by whom that negotiation was conducted, afforded them no opportunity of recommencing any operations for the emancipation of South America; and the facility with which they allowed themselves to be drawn into the support of the schemes of conquest, so injudiciously undertaken by sir Home Popham, deranged all their views with regard to that great object of policy. Of the memorable expedition to Buenos Ayres, the history is too well known to require any recapitulation in this place. Its effects, with regard to the great and salutary plan of liberation, have been twofold. It has certainly shaken, and that violently, the confidence of the American people in the British government. They had been told, from the highest authority, that the views of that government were sole. ly to aid them in procuring their independence; yet the first army they behold, comes both for conquest and for plunder. However, it has

* A proclamation, transmitted by lord Melville, then secretary of state, and circulated on the coasts of Spanish America by the governour of Trinidad, in 1797, calling upon the inhabitants to resist the oppressive authority of the Spanish government, assures them, "that measures have been taken to support them by means of the British naval force, and to supply them with arms and ammunition, merely to enable them to maintain their commer. cial independence, without any desire on the part of the king of England, to acquire any right of sovereignty over them, or to interfere with their civil, political, or religious rights; unless they themselves should in any degree solicit his protection." Let us consider the effect which this proposal was calculated to make upon the minds of the people of South America, when contrasted with the conduct directed to be pursued in the instructions to the assailants of Buenos Ayres. In the instructions to general Whitelocke [See the documents published in the Appen

had this fortunate effect, that it has given us, nationally a much juster idea than we formerly possessed, of the value of the South American population. It has turned the publick curiosity more forcibly toward that quarter of the world; and it has afforded us some precious evidence of the desire which pervades South America to shake off the yoke of a foreign government, and assume the guidance of its own affairs.

The men who had succeeded to power, when general Miranda returned to England, were prepared to embark in the scheme with real energy. After various delays, a force was at last assembled. And it has been oftener than once publickly stated, we believe, with perfect accuracy, that the expedition which was prepared at Cork last summer, and which was to be commanded by sir Arthur Wellesley, was intended to cooperate with Miranda in the long projected measure of emancipating South America; and, had not the extraordinary revolution which broke out in Spain given to those forces a different destination, it is probable that, by this time, that important measure would at length have been accomplished.

We are now once more at peace with the Spanish nation; and, of

dix to Whitelocke's Trial, p. 8.] is the following passage. "With the force above stated, you will proceed to execute the service intrusted to you, by the reduction of the province of Buenos Ayres under the authority of his majesty." In the next page, he is directed "not to introduce into the government any other change than that which must necessarily arise from the substitution of his majesty's authority for that of the king of Spain." In the instructions likewise to general Crauford respecting Chili, he is commanded to make no other changes "than that of placing the country under his majesty's protection and government;" and told, "that the form of the former government is to be preserved, subject only to the changes which the substitution of his majesty's authority for that of the king of Spain may render inevitable."


course, all idea of using force to detach her colonies is out of the question. We are not only at peace, but we are in alliance with her. A generous sympathy with a people contending for their independence has had, at least, as much share in producing that alliance, as our common hostility to their oppressor. We are bound, therefore, by every consideration of national honour, to abstain, while this struggle lasts, from any step which might admit of being construed into an injury or offence to our allies. If the Spaniards, therefore, should succeed in repelling their invaders, and should remain in peace and alliance with us. we must renounce, of course, all notion of emancipating her colonies without her consent. Incalculably beneficial as such an event would be for us, and even for Spain herself, and impossi ble as it might be for any efforts of her's long to prevent its occurrence, still we conceive, that the relations of peace and amity in which we should stand with that power, would prevent us from interfering to promote it, and tie up our hands from attempting to separate from her those dependencies. upon which she still set a value, although she might really derive no benefit from their possession, and might be guilty of the greatest oppression with regard to them. If it were possible, therefore, for us to entertain those pleasing views on the probable issue of the present contest in Spain, to which some of our more sanguine countrymen seem still to adhere, we should only have to say, that we should trust with some confidence, that the same spirit and intelligence which had been triumphant in Europe, would be just and generous in America. And that the amended government and enlightened councils of regenerated Spain, would relax the severity of its control over its remote dependencies, and yield, spon taneously, to its transatlantick chil


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