
occasion of a storm and much danger, he himself says, "I believe it was the Almighty's goodness to check my consummate vanity!" Yet in a future letter to earl Spencer, on occasion of honours granted to him at Naples, he deprecates the idea of "one spark of vanity," and says: "God knows my heart is among the most humble of the creation." Again, on the other hand, he is represented by his biographer as venting the murmurs of ambition, against the sparing grant of a baronial coronet, after the battle of the Nile. At an early period, his determination to become eminent was almost prophetically announced. When first acting with sir William Hamilton a Naples," sir William," said he, "you are a man after my own heart: you do business in my own way! I am now only a captain; but I will, if I live, be at the top of the tree." Again, writing to his sister, he observed: "They have not done me justice in the affair of Calvi; but never mind; I'll have a Gazette of my own."-We know it to be a fact, moreover, that after the action off St. Vincent's, when a friend was complimenting him on his conduct, talking of the honours which must be conferred on him, and suggesting that he would be created a baronet: "No," said Nelson, looking displeased and contemptuously, and placing his hand on the left side of his coat, "if I have done any thing that deserves reward, let them give me what will mark the action."-By those, indeed, who knew lord Nelson, no doubt can be enter tained of his attachment to personal distinctions, and to the exteriour marks of them. His death itself may probably be ascribed to this source.—Much may be said on the subject of honorary and personal distinctions. Where they have been deserved, they can neither be grudged nor disapproved: yet it is not desirable that they should be the principal stimulus to exertion, since purity of motive would thus be destroyed; and however the man who seeks and who ostentatiously displays them may be justified, he who with equal claims to them still contemns and rejects them will ever be deemed the greatest character.

His extreme hatred of the French, as a people, was another trait. In above a dozen instances in these volumes, we have such expressions as the fol lowing: "Down, down with the French :"-" I have an antipathy to French men:" "the scoundrels of French :"-" there is no way of dealing with a Frenchman but to knock him down." "Down, down with the damned French villains! Excuse my warmth; but my blood boils at the name of a Frenchman. I hate them all, Royalists and Republicans." &c. &c.

If he was nationally illiberal, however, his soul was generous (as he himself singularly calls it in a letter to earl Spencer) and his heart and purse were ever open to his friends. On being voted 10,000l. by the East India Company, he immediately made out drafts for 500l. each to bis father, his two brothers, and his two sisters; his unvaried and unbounded solicitude for his band of brothers, as he called the captains of his squadron at the Nile, and for all his brave companions at all times, is strikingly amiable ;* and his zeal for the common cause, while at Naples, induces him to declare that, sooner than the operations of war shall be stagnant from a want of money, he will sell the property of Bronte,t and the magnificent presents

* A prominent instance of this sensibility to the interest and reputation of his brother officers occurs in his well known letter to the lord mayor of London, August 1, 1804, in which he refused the profera thanks of the city for having so long blockaded Toulon, because he denied the fact of the blockade, and because the other officers of the fleet were not included in the vote. See Vol. II. p. 423.

† Vol. II. p. 144. Mr. Harrison strongly represents the reluctance of lord Nelson to receive this title and estate as a reward from the king of the two Sicilies, for the dis

which had been made to him by different sovereigns. His kindness of heart also appears in a letter relative to the Bronte estate [see Vol. II. p. 243] which he commences by saying: "My object at Bronte is to make the people happy, by not suffering them to be oppressed; and to enrich the country, by the improvements of agriculture.""

Decision and promptitude were also well known attributes of lord Nelson, and none perhaps can be more important and more requisite in a commander. These he not only displayed in the hour of battle, but on occasions of deliberation, he resolutely abided all consequences, in following what he conceived to be his duty for the good of the service. When he was in NaplesBay, and was desired, by lord Keith, then commander in chief in the Mediterranean, to detach to him at Minorca a part of his own squadron, he did not scruple to disobey the order, "till the safety of his Sicilian majesty's kingdom might be secured:" but he wrote immediately to lord Keith, to the admiralty, and privately to lord Spencer (then at the head of the board) in justification of himself; and though he knows, he says, that he must be subject to trial for his conduct, he relies on the uprightness of his intentions, and submits to the judgment of his superiours. In like manner, he strongly, though ineffectually, urged general, sir James St. Clair Erskine to despatch troops to the relief of Malta, though he was aware that particular circumstances prevented sir James from conceiving himself to be warranted in such a step; nobly adding, however: "I wish if possible to take all the responsibility." His still more palpable disregard of orders, which he disapproved, was notoriously exemplified in the affair at Copenhagen: where he would not see a signal which was reported to him, but the complexion of which his ardent and sanguine mind could not tolerate.-This subject of obedience to orders is too delicate and important for our discussion of it in this place we only record lord Nelson's conduct, and refer to his opinion, as generally expressed in a letter to lord Spencer. [See Vol. 2. p. 191.]

Political discernment also was displayed on many occasions, by the admiral, in his judgment of men and his anticipation of events. When he saw the renowned general Mack at Naples, he observed: "General Mack cannot move without five carriages. I have formed my opinion. I heartily pray I may be mistaken;"—and when at a review, and shanı fight, Mack's troops were by a blunder completely surrounded by the supposed enemy, Nelson exclaimed: "This fellow does not understand his business."-Of the Neapolitan minister, the marquis de Gallo, he said: "He admires his riband, ring, and snuff-box so much, that an excellent petit maitre was spoiled when he was made a minister.”—Of sir John Acton he usually speaks in high terms: "He has the wisest and most honest head in this kingdom""Acton and Belmonte seem to be the only uncorrupted men in the kingdom,"--but afterwards he changed his opinion, and said: "Acton has, I am almost convinced, played us false."

As to professional conduct and ability, though these are points of the first importance, they require from us no illustration; since the actions of the hero have so splendidly illuminated them. We shall only add that, besides the judgment and daring which they displayed, he was remarkable for the diligence and rapidity of all his movements, whether refitting in port, or when in chace, or in combat. He adopted the best of all methods, that of personal example; and as he himself observed, he did not say " Go," but "Let us go."

charge of his duty to his own sovereign: asserting that he yielded only to the representation of the necessity that the former prince should adequately testify his gratitude.


૧ ૧

In a domestick point of view, a shade is cast over this sketch by the disagreement of lord Nelson and his lady; a subject on which we feel ourselves incompetent to speak, and which we should have deemed it indecorous to introduce, had not Mr. Harrison chosen to treat it with more freedom than any other point which comes before him, except one that is intimately connected with it, viz. the character and conduct of captain Nisbet, lady Nelson's son by her first husband In his preface, alluding evidently to this topick, the author declares that he "has fearlessly endeavoured freely to investigate transactions of the utmost delicacy in private life;" a fearlessness which does not appear with the best grace on such a topick, especially when it is seen in that instance alone. A difference of temper and sentiment is ascribed to lady Nelson, which, united to her reception of disad vantageous reports concerning some of the connexions of her husband, created estrangement, and finally a separation. Lord N. then lived wholly in the society of sir W. and lady Hamilton; to the latter of whom it is universally known that he was enthusiastically attached, and to whom the biographer asserts he would certainly have been united after Sir W's decease if he had outlived lady Nelson. Perfect purity, however, is ascribed to this attachment; though it is admitted, in the only passage which recog nises a failing in lord Nelson's character, that he was not abstemious in regard to women, and which we shall quote, since it contains some mention of the female child so mysteriously recommended in his will.

Among the amiable and interesting group at Merton, was Miss Horatia Nelson Thompson, lord Nelson's adopted daughter, then an infant about five years of age. What real affinity, if any, that charming child may bear to his lordship, is a secret at present known by few; and, as it should seem, by none who feel at liberty to divulge it. She was, certainly, an object of his constant and most tender regard; and, though the family in general appear disinclined to believe her his daughter, it seems highly probable that she is so. Should this prove to be the fact, it cannot greatly affect his lordship's reputation; who, it is not to be dissembled, though by no means ever an unprincipled seducer of the wives and daughters of his friends, was always well known to entertain rather more partiality for the fair sex than is quite consistent with the highest degree of Christian purity. Such improper indulgences, with some slight addiction to that other vitious habit of British seamen, the occasional use of a few thoughtless, profane expletives in speech, form the only dark specks ever yet discovered in the bright blaze of his moral character.

We shall not further dwell on family disputes which are not properly before us, and are here certainly represented ex parte. A more important point of investigation, in which the publick conduct of lord Nelson was implicated, we have not yet touched in this place; we mean his refusal to ratify the treaty with the Neapolitan insurgents: but, as Mr. Harrison's report of this affair has excited a specifick vindication from captain Foote, who was principally concerned in it, we shall reserve our remarks for a succeeding article, in which captain F's tract will be considered.

On the point in question in the ensuing paragraph, we can say nothing: but since we know that the imputation here intimated has been made, and the contradiction here stated is so peremptory, it seems but justice to transcribe it :

Among the various gross imputations against his lordship, which the future historian may find registered in some of the preserved, licentious, publick journals of blended facts and falsehoods, and inconsiderately adopt, is that of the hero of the Nile's having been so addicted to gaming, that he lost, at a single sitting, the whole he had gained, both pay and prize money, during the year of that memorable victory: whereas, in truth, his lordship was so extremely adverse to this vice, that he had scarcely ever, in his life, entered any one of the fashionable gaming-houses; nor ever, as he repeatedly assured his friends, whom these base reports induced particularly to ask the question won or lost even the trifling sum of twenty guineas!

Hitherto we have been chiefly occupied with the features of the very uncommon portrait which we have been contemplating; but we shall now adver to a few passages from the work which relate to incidents and trans. actions.

It has been remarked, that the official letter from sir John Jervis, after the action off St. Vincent's, was extremely sparing of commendation on the officers of the squadron, and especially in regard to the astonishing achievements of commodore Nelson Mr. Harrison, however, has obtained lord St. Vincent's permission to print extracts from a private letter which he wrote to the first lord of the admiralty, to the following effect:

The correct conduct of every officer and man in the squadron, on the 14th instant, made it improper to distinguish one more than another, in my publick letter; because I am confident that, had those who were least in action been in the situation of the fortunate few, their behaviour would not have been less meritorious: yet, to your lordship, it becomes me to state, that captain Troubridge, in the Culloden, led the squadron through the enemy in a masterly style, and tacked the instant the signal flew; and was gallantly supported by the Blenheim, Prince George, Orion, Irresistible, and Colossus. The latter had her fore and fore topsail yards wounded, and they unfortunately broke in the slings in stays; which threw her out, and impeded the tacking of the Victory.

Commodore Nelson, who was in the rear on the starboard tack, took the lead on the larboard, and contributed very much to the fortune of the day; as did captain Collingwood: and, in the close, the San Josef and San Nicolas having fallen foul of each other, the Captain laid them on board; and captain Berry, who served as a volunteer, entered at the head of the boarders, and commodore Nelson followed immediately, and took possession of them both. The crippled state of these ships, and the Captain, entangled as they were, and that part of the enemy's fleet which had been kept off in the morning-as described in the publick letter-joining at the instant, it became necessary to collect the squadron, to resist an attempt to wrest these ships, the Salvador del Mundo, and San Ysidro, from us, which occasioned the discontinuance of the action.

Previously and subsequently to the action off the Nile, admiral Nelson suffered much inconvenience, and the service was much impeded, from not having any frigates attached to his squadron; a deficiency which has occurred in other instances, with similar bad consequences. In a private letter to lord Spencer, which is, throughout, worthy of notice, he commences by referring to this circumstance.


Mouth of the Nile, 9th August, 1798. Were I to die this moment, want of frigates would be found stamped on my heart. No words of mine can express what I have suffered, and am suffering, for want of them. Having only La Mutine brig, I cannot yet send off captain Capel, which I am very anxious to do: for, as an accident may happen to captain Berry, it is of some importance, I think, for your lordship to be informed of our success as speedily as possible. If the king of Naples had joined us, nothing at this moment could prevent the destruction of the store ships, and all the transports, in the port of Alexandria; four bomb vessels would burn the whole in a few hours: but as I have not the means, I can only regret the circumstance. I send you a packet of intercepted letters, some of them of great importance; in particular, one from Buonaparte to his brother. He writes such a scrawl, as no one not used to it can read: but, luckily, we have got a man who has wrote in his office to decypher it. Buonaparte has differed with his generals here: and he did want-and, if I understand his meaning, does want, and will strive to be, the Washington of France. "Ma mere" is evidently meant for "my country." But, I beg pardon: all this is, I have no doubt, well known to admi. nistration. I believe, our victory will, in its consequence, destroy this army; at least, my endeavours shall not be wanting. I shall remain here for some time. I have thought it right to send an officer (by Alexandretta, Aleppo, and Bussorah) over land, to India, with an account of what I have gathered from these despatches: which, I hope, will be approved. I have sent a copy of my letter to the board of control, that they may give the necessary directions for paying the officers' bills. If it should have gone to the East India Company, I hope that board will forward it. Ever believe me your lordship's most obliged and obedient servant,



The deplorable state of publick affairs at Naples in 1798 is thus depicted also in a letter to lord Spencer :

I see the finest country in the world, full of resources; yet, without enough to supply the publick wants. All are plundering, who can get at publick money or stores. In my own line, I can speak. A Neapolitan ship of the line would cost more than ten English ships fitting out. Five sail of the line must ruin the country. Every thing else is, I have no doubt, going on in the same system of thieving. I could give your lordship so many instances of the greatest mal-conduct of persons in office, and of those very people being rewarded. If money could be placed in the publick chest at this moment, I believe it would be well used; for the sad thing in this country is, that although much is raised, yet very little reaches the publick chest. I will give you a fact-When the order of Jesuits was suppressed in this country and Sicily, they possessed very large estates. Although these, with every other part of their property, were seized by the crown, yet, to this moment, not one farthing has reached the publick chest. On the contrary, some years, the pretended expense of management was more than the produce. Taxes have been sold for sums of money, which, now, are five times more than when sold.

When lord Nelson was at Hamburgh on his return to England,

A venerable clergyman, apparently between seventy and eighty years of age, was perceived one morning by his lordship, with a large book under his arm, anxiously looking towards the door of his apartment, with the most expressive solicitude depicted in his countenance. His lordship, immediately, with his ever prompt kindness and humanity, desired Mr. Oliver to inquire what was the object of his wish. Having learned that he was the pastor of a place forty miles distant, who had travelled thus far with his parochial bible, in the first leaf of which he wanted the immortal hero to inscribe his name, his lordship instantly admitted him into his presence; readily complied with his request; and then, taking him kindly by the hand, heartily wished the patriarchal and spiritual shepherd a safe return to his rural flock. The aged and pious minister suddenly dropped on his knee, fervently imploring Heaven to bless his fordship, for so generously condescending to indulge his wish, and solemnly declaring that he should now be happy till it pleased God to call him, when he would die contented, having thus done homage to, and obtained favour from, "the Saviour of the Christian World."

Another circumstance, of still greater singularity, occurred at Hamburgh, relative to a wine-merchant. This gentleman, who was likewise more than seventy years of age, and of a very respectable appearance, had requested to speak with lady Hamilton. Her ladyship, accordingly condescendingly admitted him to a private audience; when he informed her, through the medium of Mr. Oliver, who interpreted for both parties, that he had some excellent, old Renish wine, of the vintage of 1625, and which had been in his own possession for more than fifty years. This, he said, had been preserved for some very extraordinary occasion; and one had now arrived, far beyond any he could ever have expected. In short, he flattered himself that, by the kind recommendation of her ladyship, the great and glorious lord Nelson might be prevailed on to accept six dozen bottles of this incomparable wine: part of which, he observed, would then have the honour to flow with the heart's blood of that immortal hero; a reflection which could not fail to render himself the most fortunate man in existence, during the remainder of his days. His lordship being informed of these curious particulars, immediately came into the apartment, and took the old gentleman kindly by the hand, but politely declined the present. He was, however, finally persuaded to accept of six bottles, on condition that the worthy wine-merchant should dine with him next day. This being readily agreed, a dozen bottles were sent; and his lordship, jocosely remarking that he yet hoped to have half a dozen more great victories, protested he would keep six bottles of his Hamburgh friend's wine, purposely to drink a bottle after each. This his lordship did not fail to remember, on coming home, after the battle of Copenhagen; when he "devoutly drank the donor." It is said, that this wine-merchant, soon after lord Nelson had first taken him by the hand, happening to meet with an old friend, who was about to salute him in a similar way, immediately declined the intended kindness, and said he could not suffer any person to touch the hand which had been so highly honoured by receiving that of lord Nelson. Certain it is, that this man felt so overcome by his excessive sensibility, that he literally shed tears of joy during the whole time he was in our hero's presence.

The subsequent relations also prove the admiral's benevolence of heart and openness of purse.

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