[blocks in formation]


We must say farewell, for our paths divide,
On the shore we stand, while you cross the tide;
But for those who go, and for those who stay,
There's the Lord's own presence from day to day.

Farewell, farewell, it must be well,

We are safe in His blessed keeping; As forth we go, His fields to sow,

We shall meet at the time of reaping,

As forth we go, His fields to sow,

We shall meet at the time of reeaping.

Tho' we say farewell, and the partings come,
They are only steps on the journey home;
If we cannot gaze on each other's face,
We may always meet at the throne of grace.

We must say farewell, it may not be long,
E'er we sing together another song;
For at any moment He may return,
Then our partings will to a meeting turn.

We have talked together of Him we love,
We shall better speak when we meet above;
And shall oft recall in those glorious days,
How we met on earth and we lisped his praise.

May the Lord be with you and richly bless,
May He keep you safely from all distress;
May He cause His face on your path to shine,

May his own sweet peace be both yours and mine.

I certainly can recommend Brother John E.

Curry, the great evan-
John E. Brown is cer-

Brown and Brother C. P. gelists of this day and age. tainly the greatest iron moral human being I ever met. One can see that most prominent in him in every way. Brother Brown started out preaching when 18 and he has been in the work 18 years and has converted more than 10,000 souls and his converts have converted about as many more. He is a most wonderful speaker. Be sure and hear him. Some people have gone hundreds of miles to hear him and Brother Curry sing. Brother Brown is one of the most powerful convincing evangelists in our present day and Brother Curry is one of the finest singers and teachers I ever heard; his plaintive voice and beautiful singing at the altar services and Brother Brown's preaching brought me into a higher plane of spiritual life. Brothers Brown and Curry are great men and loved by all. Go and hear them by all



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We can heartily recommend Dr. Godby's commentaries to all who wish to read something eloquent in language that pictures out and explains God's plans and the interpretation of the prophecies that the reader will be astounded at his descriptive powers. Dr. Godby is certainly one of the greatest spiritual and godly Bible scholars in the present day and age of this world. All of his commentaries can be had at the Bible Institute in Los Angeles, California.


I can also heartily recommend Dr. Whedon's commentaries. He takes the scriptures as they are and goes along and gives many other great scholars' opinion and lets the reader decide for himself by the opinions given. They are very good and all of Dr. Whedon's commentaries can be had at the Bible Institute, Los Angeles, California or M. E. Book Concern, Chicago, Ill. -J. J. MORGAN.

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