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Tetzel-Efficacies of "Indulgences," and Form of Ab-

solution-Leo X's Bull, and consequences-Henry

VIII of England, and origin of title of Defender of

the Faith-Abolition of Papacy in England-State of

Germany, and of the Priesthood, with the increase of

the Dominion and Wealth of Church of Rome-Sin-

gular Policy of the Popes-Downfal of Papal Supre-

macy-Latter Popes-Origin of the appellation Pro-

testants-College of Cardinals-Crowning the Pope-

Benedict XIV-Restrictions of the Pontiff-Robes of

the Cardinals-Service in the Capella Papale........ 329


Ceremonies of Christmas Eve-Papal Chapel-Churches

of St. Louis-Sa. Maria in Aracoli-Theatrical Nati-

vity, and Miraculous Bambino-Sa. Maria Maggiore ;

Porta Maggiore; and Procession of the Holy Cradle-

Ancient Rome, and Historical Summary of the various

causes of her Successive Ruinations-The Emperor

Valens, and First Settlement of the Goths in Italy-

Their Defeat-Their Victory, and Death of Valens-

Alaric and first Siege of Rome-Second Ditto-Gen-

seric and Pillage of Rome - His Successive Victories

-Ancient Prophecy-Sack by Ricimer-Extinction of

the Western Empire-Theodoric takes Rome and as-

sumes Royalty-First assumption of Title of Pope-

Constantinople, and Justinian-Church of Sa. Sophia-

Victories of Belisarius-Amalasuntha, Queen Regent

of Italy-Succeeded by Vitiges-Who evacuates Rome,

and Belisarius enters-Vitiges besieges Rome, and de-

vastations consequent-Totila sacks Rome-Last Vic-

tories and death of Belisarius in the East-Narses re-

captures Rome Exarchate-Alboin, King of Lom-

bardy-Gregory the First-Luitprand and Astolphus

in arms against Rome, which obtains succour from Pepin

and Charlemagne-Reciprocal Requitals; and rise of

the Sovereignty of Papal power-Ruin of Rome from

Christianity-Gratian attacks Paganism-Statue of

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