The Library Bulletin of Cornell University, Volume 3

The University, 1896

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Fréquemment cités

Page 177 - Kobell's Tables for the Determination of Minerals, with an Introduction to Modern Chemistry. By HENRY ERNI, AM, MD, Professor of Chemistry. Second Edition, rewritten, enlarged and improved.
Page 20 - Report on Medical Education, Medical Colleges and the Regulation of the Practice of Medicine in the United States and Canada, 1765-1891.
Page 307 - Medical Guide for AngloIndians. Being a Compendium of Advice to Europeans in India, relating to the Preservation and Regulation of Health. With a Supplement on the Management of Children in India, Second Edition. Crown 8vo, limp cloth, 3*.
Page 363 - BUDDHIST BIRTH STORIES; or, Jataka Tales. The oldest Collection of Folk-Lore extant : being the Jatakatthavannana, for the first time edited in the original Pali, by V. Fausboll, and translated by TW Rhys Davids. Translation. Vol. I. Pp. cxvi. and 348. 1880. 18s. THE CLASSICAL POETRY OF THE JAPANESE. By Basil Chamberlain, Author of
Page 347 - An Inquiry into the Causes and Consequences of the Orders in Council, and an Examination of the Conduct of Great Britain towards the Neutral Commerce of America.
Page 115 - On the Influence of Mechanical and Physiological Rest in the Treatment of Accidents and Surgical Diseases, and the Diagnostic Value of Pain.
Page 250 - Principles of Geology; or, the Modern Changes of the Earth and its Inhabitants considered as illustrative of Geology. Ninth Edition. Woodcuts. 8vo. 18s. - Manual of Elementary Geology ; or, the Ancient Changes of the Earth and its Inhabitants illustrated by its Geological Monuments.
Page 263 - Philological Proofs of the original Unity and recent Origin of the Human Race, derived from a Comparison of the Languages of Asia, Europe, Africa, and America, by AJ JOHNES, 8vo.
Page 115 - Education; on the Educational Value of the Natural History Sciences; on the Study of Zoology; on the Physical Basis of Life; the .Scientific Aspects of Positivism ; on a Piece of Chalk ; Geological Contemporaneity and Persistent Types of Life ; Geological Reform ; the Origin of Species; Criticisms on the " Origin of Species ;
Page 4 - Illustrated Encyclopaedic Medical Dictionary : Being a Dictionary of the Technical Terms used by Writers on Medicine and the Collateral Sciences in the Latin, English, French, and German Languages.

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