
ring. He asked his landlord what people worshipped


"We are almost all Baptists hereabouts," answered that individual; "we've had a great revival lately, and there's going to be some twenty souls baptized today. Better go and see them."

"Yes," said Israel with a new interest; "I shall gladly embrace this opportunity." He thought that his coming hither at that time was providential, and repeated to himself, "For he that hath mercy on them shall lead them, even by the springs of water shall he guide them." Is. 49: 10. He did not yet see that all events are providential. "You have witnessed such important occasions as baptizings before?" continued the man.

"No, sir," replied Israel; "having spent nearly all my life in school, I have seen but little of the various forms and customs of the world."

"Folks dead, mostly, perhaps?"

"Yes, I can adopt the language of the inspired prophet Behold I was left alone!' I have, however, a good guardian."

"Property, I presume, for him to look after? Well, I hope you will make up your mind to cast your lot in with us Baptists. We're a great people, sir, and we date back to the Lord Jesus himself, who was the true founder of our denomination. That, you know, is what no other sect in Christendom can begin to boast of."

"To whom do the Congregationalists refer, as their founder?" asked Israel.

"Not to the Lord," answered the man, shaking his

head oracularly; "they're always talking about Circumcision and the Covenant. I don't know which of the two they take for their forefather. There never was a set of people more deluded than they are, unless it is the Catholics. They beat all for that."

"The Roman Catholics, do you mean?" interposed the young man, quietly.

"Of course, sir," answered the landlord with an air of irritation.

"They refer to Christ as their founder, though we Protestants believe that there has been in some of their data, a falling away from the apostolic faith and practice. We certainly decline to acknowledge the 'Datum apud Sanctum Petrum," added Israel, who had not yet put away the attempts at pedantry, which are the folly of nearly all newly-emancipated collegians.

"O, as to that, you see, sir," said the landlord in an uncertain way "Ah! what was I about to say ? Yes, all the sects try to get straight descent from the Lord of Hosts; but, sir," (striking on the table by way of emphasis), "not one of them have a grain of truth in 'em, only what they fetch round from us Baptists. You know that place where it says, 'If you don't follow my words, you will be cast into the fire and burned,' or something like."

"Do you believe that all who are not Baptists will share that fate?" now asked Israel, dropping his fork and looking fixedly at his host.

"I wouldn't go bail for them," answered the man; then continued in a tone of greater seriousness, "Young man, if you want to be on the safe side, you'd

I think after you

better make up your mind at once. have seen them baptized to-day, you will be wholly of my mind."

"I have had friends, of other denominations, whom I highly regard for their goodness," said Israel; "now, these are either going to be saved after death, or they are not. Certain it is that not one of them has been baptized by immersion. But perhaps you believe in a purgatorial state," he added, "in which these people will be disciplined for their delinquency, while the Baptists will go immediately to Heaven?"

"No, none of that. I believe in two places after death, and only two," answered the landlord.

"Very well. To which shall these good Christians who have not been baptized like yourself, go?"

"I've got a book," said the man moving uneasily in his chair, "which I want you to read. It is written by one of our most famous Baptist ministers, and explains all this much clearer than I can. You see I am a plain man, and not a D. D."

"And I already have a book which was written by several very plain men, who took their degree directly from the great Head of the church. It is the New Testament, sir. I do not find there denunciations upon any sect; but the requisitions for salvation are boldly stated to be summed up in faith in the Lord Jesus Christ."

"Believe and be baptized," said the man, "and thou shalt be saved."

"It does not read, however, that he that believeth not and is not baptized shall be damned. The persons to whom I have referred have been baptized,

though not in the way which you believe to be right."

"At all events," said the landlord, “I am just as certain as I am of anything in this world, that we Baptists will receive a great reward, in the next life, for our following our Master into the river Jordan." "Then you must hold to different states of happiness hereafter?".


"There's one glory of the sun, we read; glory will belong to our people, while those who may be Christians, but who have lived all their days in daring disobedience to the divine command, will shine about like a star that's almost gone out. But, then there's a mighty host of them that will be cast into outer darkness with other wretched wrong-doers. I can't say but all who have not been baptized, and who know better, will share this dreadful fate."

"Perhaps they will," responded Israel with a deep sigh, as he remembered his father's note in the Greek testament; "but I am rejoiced that it is not left for me to decide."

"I have no doubt," said the man, "that all real Baptists will be among those who, Christ promised, shall set on thrones, and judge the world. O! it will be a blessed day; yes, a most glorious day, when all the kingdoms of the earth shall wail at the triumphs of the truth which they have despised."

Israel had now finished his breakfast.

As he rose

to leave the table, the landlord said to him, 66 The -more you read the Bible, the more you will see that the Baptists are the only ones who are right." In various forms, he repeated this assertion till Israel had

nearly ascended the stairs which led to his room. "The bell will ring again at half-past ten, and if you like, I will take you along and give you a seat in my pew," he called after him.

Israel thanked him, and disappeared.

At the ringing of the second bell for church, the landlord found many things to engross his attention, until it was nearly time for the people to cease going.

"Shall we not be late at church?" asked Israel, when they were fairly started, and had yet some rods to walk.

"All right, sir," answered the man, while he looked slyly at his guest. “You must know it isn't every day that I have a stranger like yourself to bring with me into church."

"To me tardiness seems disrespectful to the officiating clergyman, and also to the place and the sacred object of our meeting," said Israel.

"Undoubtedly; but then our minister knows me, and he knows, too, I suppose, that I'm one of his heaviest payers. 'Money answereth all things' you see."

"It does not answer a good conscience, I believe," said Israel, in a lower voice.

"O! as to that, 'Baptism is the answering of a good conscience,' Paul says. I attended to that important matter, years ago," added the man with new solemnity.

They gained their seats in season to hear the prayer after the singing. Israel called home his wandering thoughts as well as he could, till he succeeded in fastening his attention. It took him longer to do this, as, following the manner of those around him, he re

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