
Sir Richard Sutton, Knight. Over the Gate are the Arms of the latter.

The moft probable Account of the uncommon Name of this College feems to be this; The Founders purchafed from Univerfity College, for the Site of their intended Building, two ancient Seats of Learning, Brafe-Nose and Little Univerfity Halls; or, as the latter was more commonly called Black Hall. Both these are supposed to have received their respective names from fome Students, who removed thither from two such Seminaries in the temporary University of Stamford. And Anthony Wood fays the Stamford Seminary was called Brazen Nofe from an Iron Ring fixed in a Nofe of Brafs ferving as a Knocker to the Gate; which is faid to be remaining there at this Time.

But another Antiquary, Dr. White Kennet, fays, that it was originally a Copper-Nofe, or a red CarbuncledNofe, which was commonly expofed as a fign to fome Hofpitia, or Houses of Entertainment; and from thence probably the Hotel or Hall at Oxford, as well as the other at Stamford, had it's denomination.

The Founders, with a View to both these ancient Seats of Learning, ordered their New Seminary to be called, The King's Hall and College of Brafen-Nofe Agreeable to it's Antiquity as Univerfity Hall, there are ftill over the Door of the Refectory two very antient Bufts: the one of the glorious Alfred the first Founder, the other of John Eregina a Scotfman, who first read Lectures there in the year 882.

The Refectory itself is neat and convenient, adorn ed with the Pictures of the principal Benefactors, and very good Paintings on Glafs of the two Founders. It ftands on the South Side of the first Quadrangle. In the Center of which is a Statue of Cain and Abel.

Through a Paffage on the Left-hand of the Gate of the firft Quadrangle we enter the fecond. This is a more modern Structure, and is fupposed to have fallen from the Hands of that great Architect Sir Chriftopher Wren.

A Cloy

A Cloyffer with the Library over it forms the Eaft Side; the Chapel the South.

The Library has lately been very completely fitted up with neat Cafes for the Books, and a most elegant Ceiling. The Chapel has a neatness and fimplicity becom ing the Houfe of God. If thefe may be confidered as the Parents of Beauty, this Edifice has very ftrong pretenfions to it. The Eaft Window is from a Painting of the celebrated Mr. Mortimer, and is very finely executed.

The Ante-Chapel has an elegant Monument to the Memory of the late Principal Dr. Shippen, who during his prefiding over the College had the utmoft regard to it's Intereft. His Buft gives the ftrongest Features of his Face,

The Foundation of this College is for a Principal, twenty Fellows, thirty-two Scholars, and four Exhibi


The Number of Members at prefent is about eighty or ninety.

Vifitor. The Bishop of Lincoln.

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S fituated oppofite to the Gate of the Public Schools, confifting of one Court, which about fixty years ago was begun to be rebuilt. The College is intended to be erected in the form of a Qua drangle, to confift of four Angles, and four inter mediate Buildings; each Angle to confift of three Stair-cafes and fifteen fingle Apartments; every Apart ment to contain an outward Room, a Bed-place, and a Study. Of these the South East Angle, and the Chapel in the South, the Principal's Lodgings in the Eaft, the Hall in the North, and the Gateway (with the Library over it) in the Weft, are already finished, agree


able to the Plan of the Oxford Almanack for the year


Hertford or Hart Hall, an Ancient Houfe of Learning, was an Appendant to Exeter College. But having received an Endowment in Part, was, (at the Request of Dr. Richard Newton, then Principal, who endowed the Senior Fellowships) incorporated Sept. 8, 1740.

And, though it is now ftiled Hertford College, it may be called by the Name of any other Person who will complete the endowment of it, or become the Principal Benefactor to it.

This College confifts of a Principal, two fenior Fellows or Tutors, Junior Fellows or Affiftants, Undergraduate Students, and four Scholars.

Vifitor. The Chancellor of the University.


EW College is fituated Eaft of the Schools and the Theatre, and is feparated from Queen's College only by a narrow Lane. It is dedicated to St. Mary Winton, and has been called New College from it's firft Foundation, being at that time highly regarded for it's extent and grandeur.

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We enter this College by a Portal, leading into the firft Court, which is a Quadrangle of about 168 feet long, and 129 broad, with a Statue of Minerva in the Middle of it. This Court, as built at the Foundation of the College, was low, with narrow arched transom Windows, in the Fashion of the Times: But foon after the Restoration of King Charles II. another Story was added over the old Building, and the Windows altered to their prefent Form. The magnificent Gothic Building on the North Side is the Chapel and the Hall; on the Eaft the Library; on the South the Fellows Apartments, and on the Weft the Warden's Lodgings, which


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