
render, for none can give up what he does | houses, surrounded by the mighty walls, not possess; and even to seek to lose our rise the menacing Kasba, and numberless self, we must have known it. If it seem a domes and minarets. On a flat sandbank poor thing to know our selves, it is be- at the foot of the city lies Goletta; the cause we have forgotten that none can coast on either side is covered with white know himself who knows not another than villas, to which large pleasure-gardens, himself. Our own nature can be revealed orangeries, and olive-groves are attached. to us only when we are transplanted be- Here and there, but, on the whole, sparyond it. The depths within are always ingly, the date-tree-true "note" of Afmade clear by some light reflected from rican landscape soars above all. Such another soul, and can be fully illuminated is the actual aspect of Tunis; and on the only by that light which is not reflected, coast, in the midst of this fair scene, rise and which shines from the other of every two bare, mournful mounds to record two human soul, the true complement of our momentous struggles and tremendous decommon humanity. feats, the triumph of Rome and that of Islam; one marks the ruins of Carthage, the other the place of sepulture of St. Louis, king of France. To the east of the narrow strip of land on which the town extends lies a great salt lake, El Bahireh, the dwelling-place of a bird population. What a picture that must be, formed by the long lines of camels journeying along the bank with their Arab guides, and the innumerable multitude of

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From The Spectator. "THE BURNOUS OF THE PROPHET." THERE are those who tell us that Cairo, even if it escape the evil chances of war, must inevitably yield to the influence of Western civilization - which is not of a beautifying tendency-and be-pelicans and flamingoes among the reeds come as commonplace as Venice will be, when the "City of Song" has been put to rights, and accommodated with quays. The traveller of the future, directing the course of the most recent representative of Prince Hassan's. carpet whereon who is there that has not longed to lay him down, and be carried to the Beautiful Isles? will most likely find even Tunis metamorphosed by the process which will be republican French for Haussmannization. But while "the old robber's den, Tunis, the whitest of all African towns, 'the Burnous of the Prophet,' as the devout Arabian calls it," remains unchanged, it is a sight well worth seeing. All writers tell of the beauty of the gulf on whose shores lie the ruins of Carthage. Little isles with rocks towering high above the blue waves protect it against the raging storms of the open sea, and a chain of picturesque mountains frames the water towards the east; while westward the banks slope gradually, showing far, far away the mist-swept peaks of the last spurs of the Atlas. In the background of the gulf, on one of the dark heights, rises the city, which has so fierce a history and so fanciful a name; shaped like an extended burnous, with its citadel, the Kasba, for the bood. Seen from the sea, Tunis, as the Chevalier de Hesse-Wartegg describes it, lacks nothing that actual beauty and historical association can lend to satisfy the gazer. From among the far-stretching crowd of dazzlingly white

and in the salt-scummed water; their plumage of white, and all the shades of red, from pale pink to rich crimson, showing out under the cloudless blue African sky! Very beautiful, seen from the sea, is the old stronghold of war, palace intrigue, murderous deeds, and prosperous piracy; and although its magnificence and wealth are of the past, it cannot be disappointing to explore the Tunis of to-day, of which it is said: "The people have remained the same, and they have preserved the primitive originality of their customs and usages, from the state of constant hostility to the surrounding tribes in which they live. In Tunis we shall see, therefore, a part of the purely genuine Orient, a bulwark of the Middle Ages reaching dark and threatening into modern times." The perfect expression of Mahomedan life is afforded by Tunis, when the town of the Franks is passed and one penetrates into the town of the Moors, through one of five little streets leading up from the Marina (where Western life is represented by Italian coffeehouses), the widest of which is just broad enough to admit one carriage, while in the others three foot-passengers can hardly walk abreast. The narrowest and dirtiest of these streets lead to the Jews' quarters, chiefly distinguished for dirt. The wretchedness of the Ghetto forms a strange contrast to the growing impor tance of the Jewish population, which is supplanting the Arabs in trade and indus

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try so fast, that it will soon be the more we scan spacious courts, with rows of important element all along the coast. columns; but scarcely do we put our first In the Ghetto, "the streets are, after step leading there, than some Arabs, who every fifty or one hundred steps, blocked are lingering about, drive us back with by walls or houses, the latter having no screams; we have approached a mosque, numbers nor the streets names. The in- inaccessible to Europeans." With these habitants leave their houses rarely, and and other strange features of this typical then only to go to a synagogue, or to see Mahomedan city, the grand quarter of a friend close by. There are others who the Dar-el-Bey contrasts finely. Here is do not leave their houses for years, who a great square, with a well-kept garden, live and die where they have been born, planted with palm and almond trees; a without ever entering the Arabian part or bazaar, where the merchants congregate, the Marina." When, having ascended to and over which is raised a mosque, cov the Kasba, one looks down from the outer ered with fine sculptures and an hexago walls, grand even in decay, over the ma- nal minaret of yellow sandstone; on the jestic Moorish town, following the maze third side is the Kasba, on the fourth of the thousand lanes and passages that the stately front of the bey's palace, with compose it, and gazing on the multitude a couple of ragged soldiers at the gate, of domes, snow-white and dark-green, occupied in knitting or basket-making. above the great expanse of houses clus- Near this square stand the palaces of tering down to the sea, with the tall mina- centuries ago, desolate indeed, but still rets towering above it all, one's glance magnificent. "I found," says the Chevfalls on a quarter in which there is the alier de Hesse-Wartegg, " many houses mere monotony of crowded dwellings, in which the colonnades were marble monwithout dome, mosque, or turret, or even oliths, with splendid capitals, evidently a tree to break it. That quarter is the taken from that great quarry which lies Ghetto. The Arab quarter is not much in the immediate neighborhood, where the less dreary, though the streets are wider, building-stones are ready cut, and beautifor the houses have only a ground-floor, fully ornamented, Carthage. This anno windows, and the doors are always cient town was such a fruitful field for shut; but the scene is full of strange the Tunisians, that in every second house features, and well worth studying, before are found Roman stones, with inscriptions the grand quarter, that of the Dar-el-Bey, or sculptures, parts of columns and capis reached. Here are numbers of mosques itals. If Tunis were destroyed, her ruins there are five hundred in Tunis would be the ruins of Carthage!" The bazaars, barracks; khans crowded with palaces of the bey are splendid and inheavily-packed camels and mules; silent congruous; the Bardo, an hour from the streets, where now and then a muffled capital, is a fine sample of Oriental archiwoman slips by; noisy lanes, "where you tecture and decoration, spoiled by Parisare either pushed about or carried for- ian upholstery and vulgar European carward, and where you are in danger of pets. Dar-el-Bey, his only town residence, getting under the feet of a camel, which, is magnificent and neglected; his real with its bale of goods, takes up the abode is in a separate building, walled, breadth of the little street, while slowly and standing in a garden, near the Bardo. and solemnly stalking towards you." One He goes to the Bardo once a week, to sit may enter a dozen well-paved streets, that in judgment on his subjects, and receive all get narrower and darker, until they are the ambassadors and consuls of the great closed by a high house in ruins or by a powers; and then there is a brief stir, barred and bolted gate; and if one sits and the court presents a stately picture. down to rest on a stone, one may be It is, however, only an external brilbeaten and pelted, because it is the tomb-liancy, and it cannot deceive the visitor as stone of a saint, and have to run from to the misery reigning within the Moorish enraged fanatics. "Some of the houses," empire. Mahomed Es Sadock Pasha a recent traveller tells us, "are bedaubed with the most primitive drawings of wild animals, plants, or houses, at which a wild fellow, half-naked, works, as we pass; he jumps up at us as if he were mad, and is only kept back with trouble by his coreligionists; he is a saint, which in Tunis is equivalent to a fool. Walking on, we come to wide-open gates, through which

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Bey is an amiable enough prince, by all accounts, fond of children, but childless, and very simple in his habits. He has only one wife, and though he pays her a formal visit of an hour's duration at her castle every day, he rarely sees her, as the hour of his visit is generally one appointed for devotion, and on his arrival he goes to a small room in the palace to pray.


He is supposed to know nothing of the management of his possessions; before him all is splendor, behind his back all is desolate ruin. Whichever of his palaces he shall die in will be dismantled and left to decay, for a bey must not live in a palace in which a predecessor has died. "None of them has had himself transported into the street on death approaching, and there are more than a dozen palaces in Tunis to-day which cannot be used by the beys. A melancholy example of this absurd custom is Mahomedia, once the magnificent residence of Achmet Bey, who had it built thirty-five years ago, at a cost of ten million francs. This palace, with its secondary buildings and villas for ministers and dignitaries, was situated two miles out of town; and when Achmet Bey died, the furniture was moved, the floors, glazed tiles, doors and windows, were broken out, and dragged to another palace. The heavy marble columns, statues, the curbs of the wells, etc., remained behind with the walls, and he who passes those imposing ruins to-day might think thousands of years had passed over them. The hand of the Arab destroys thus in our day, in the midst of peace, as his ancestors, the Vandals, did centuries ago, only in time of war! So much for Oriental culture!"

The population of Tunis is a chaos of nations, costumes, grades, and classes. "Society" is represented by the Mamelukes, who in reality are Greeks and Syrians; the Moors form the middle class, the women are absolutely invisible, except when they visit the bazaar which furnishes the beautiful and luxurious articles of their attire; and even then, they are so muffled up that no notion can be formed of what they are like. Moorish ladies are said to be entirely uneducated, without an idea of reading, writing, or music; and so strict is their seclusion that no man can invite male guests to enter his dwelling, he must receive them "in the gate." There is no social life; the men meet at the bazaar. The jewel bazaar is entirely in the hands of the Jews; perfumes and spices are sold by the pale, handsome, grand-looking Moors. It would take volumes to describe the bazaars, and the wonderful wares they contain, the astonishing results that are produced by the skill, the patience, and the untiring perseverance of the race that knows nothing at all about competition or the envy of trade. "It happened to me several times," says the Chevalier de Hesse-Wartegg, "that a dealer had not got what I wanted. He

went to his neighbor, and brought from his shop the article asked for. When I asked him whether it was his property, or if he had a share in it, he always said, Kif, kif.' It is the same, whether you buy here or there."

Who shall depict the street life of Tunis, with its variety of race, color, and costume? It severely taxes the imagination of us Westerns, who hardly know what color means, to picture a crowd with the great majority of the individuals composing it dressed, being Moors, in the following costume: "The turbans are sometimes white, sometimes yellow, flowered, and always carefully wound; the jackets are short, and embroidered, the wide trousers full of folds, there is a colored sash round the body. Then they (the Moors) wear a light cloak of thin silk round their shoulders; their feet, covered with the whitest of stockings, are put into slippers of red or yellow leather; the handkerchief, tied by a corner to the cloak, hangs in front; a rose behind the right ear, and a cane with a silver button, completes this dress." Then there are the red-turbaned Moors, Hadji or Mecca pilgrims; the shereefs, or descendants of the Prophet, green-turbaned; the kadis, with white turbans, in closer folds; the Jews in darker attire, and dark-blue or black turbans; the Bedouins, in their white-hooded burnouses; the Kabyle women, who only are unveiled; negresses, and women from Malta and Greece. There can be few stranger subjects of contemplation on the face of the earth than the aspect of "the Burnous of the Prophet."


From Nature.


AT a recent interview with Mr. Charles Marvin, M. Semenoff, vice-president of the Russian Geographical Society, remarked that "every annexation in central Asia is a source of satisfaction to our scientific men. Fresh fields are opened up for research, and all this must naturally be of interest to persons devoted to science." Some such thoughts will probably have occurred to most ethnologists on hearing that Korea has at last broken through the barriers of exclusiveness, and concluded commercial treaties both with England and the United States. Foreigners will doubtless for some time be restricted to the three treaty ports thrown open on the

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eastern and southern coasts, and to Seul,
the capital, where British and American
political agents will reside. But the op-
portunities thus afforded of studying the
interesting inhabitants of this region can-
not fail to be gradually extended, until the
whole peninsula becomes accessible to
scientific exploration. Meantime a few
notes on the ethnical relations of the peo-
ple to their neighbors will probably be
acceptable to the readers of Nature.

Mongols, while the Sien-pi, numerous especially in the south, are, perhaps, the above-mentioned Kmaso of the Japanese historians, representing the fair type, whose presence is attested by overwhelming evidence. These Kmaso made frequent predatory excursions in very an cient times to Kiusiu and Hondo, even forming permanent settlements on several parts of the coast. It is probable that they also reached the Riu-kiu (Lu-Chu) archipelago, and thus may the presence be explained of a certain fair element in Japan itself, and especially in the Riu-kiu group.

The term Korea, now applied to the whole peninsula, was originally restricted to the northern state of Korié, the Chinese and Japanese forms of which were Kaoli and Korai respectively. With the The Caucasic seem to have preceded fusion of Korié, Petsi, San-kan, Kudara, the Mongol tribes in the peninsula. But and all the other petty States into the they were gradually outnumbered and present monarchy about the end of the largely absorbed by the yellow stock, fourteenth century, the name of the north- owing to constant migrations, especially ern and most important of these principal- from the Chinese provinces of Pechili ities was extended by Japanese writers to and Shantung, throughout the fourth and the whole country, while the monarchy fifth centuries of the vulgar era. It is itself, at that time subject to China, took also to be noted, that with every revoluthe official Chinese title of Chaosien tion or change of dynasty in China, the (Tsiosen), or "Serenity of the Morning," leaders of the defeated party usually took in reference to its geographical position refuge with their followers in Korea. between the continent and Japan, the The Mongol stock was thus continually "Land of the Rising Sun." For the in- fortified, while the stream of Caucasic habitants themselves there seems to have migration had ceased to flow from prebeen no recognized general name, al- historic times. Hence it is not surprising though those of the southern_division to find that the prevailing type is now were commonly designated in Japanese distinctly Mongoloid. Of the nine or history by the expression Kmaso, or ten million inhabitants of the peninsula, "Herd of Bears," yet to the people thus probably five-sixths may be described as contemptuously spoken of, the natives of distinguished by broad and rather flat the archipelago were indebted for a features, high cheek-bones, slightly obknowledge of phonetic writing, for their lique black eyes, small nose, thick lips, peculiar Buddhism, for their porcelain black and lank hair, sparse beard, yellowand some other industries. Political ish or coppery complexion. The rest, relations had been established between representing the original Caucasic elethe two countries certainly before the ment, are characterized by rounded or third century of the new era, when a large oval features, large nose, light complexportion of the peninsula was reduced by ion, delicate skin, chestnut or brown the queen regent Zingu. Since then the hair, blue eyes, full beard. Between the political ascendency has oscillated be- two extremes there naturally occur sevtween China and Japan, and the substan-eral intermediate shades, all of which tial independence hitherto preserved by the Seul government must be mainly attributed to the rivalry of its powerful neighbors.

The Korean race is commonly regarded as a branch of the Mongolic stock. But it really seems to have resulted from the fusion of two distinct elements, the Mongolic and Caucasic, the former no doubt predominating. These are probably the Sien-pi and San-han of Chinese writers, from whose union the present inhabitants are said to have sprung. The San-han (San-kan, or "Three Kan") prevailed in the central parts, and were apparently

The language of Ernst Oppert is conclusive on this point: Unter den vielen Thausenden, die mir während meiner Reisen im Lande zu Gesicht gekommen, habe ich sehr viele von so edeln und charaktervollem Gesichtsausdruck gefunden, dass man sie, wären sie nach unserer Sitte gekleidet gewesen, für Europäer hätte Auch unter den Kindern war eine halten können. grosse Anzahl durch ihre schönen regelmässigen Züge und rosige Hautfarbe, ihr blondes Haar und die blauen Augen so auffällig, dass sie von Europäischen Kindern kaum zu unterscheiden waren, und ich mich des Eindrucks ihrer Abstainmung von Europäern nicht zu erwehren vermochte, bis bei weiterem Eindringen ins Land diese Erscheinung eine sehr häufige und alltägliche wurde und diese zuerst gefasste Ansicht als irrig zurückgewiesen werden musste." (Reisen Nach Korea. Leipzig, 1881, p. 8.) However untrustworthy this writer may be in other respects, his evidence on this question may be unhesitatingly accepted, agreeing as it does with that of so many other observers.


serve to explain the contradictory ac- morphological resemblance, few traces counts of the missionaries and travellers can now be detected of any fundamenspeaking from actual observation, but tal unity of speech between the Koreans generally ignorant of the original constit- and the surrounding Mongoloid peoples. uent elements and ethnical relations of Like the Manchu, Mongolian, and Japanthe natives. All, however, agree in de- ese, the Korean is a polysyllabic, aggluti scribing them as taller and more robust nating and untoned language, with a rich than the Chinese and Japanese, while phonetic system, including as many as fully equal to them in intelligence and fourteen vowels and several gutturals and moral qualities. They are a simple, hon- aspirates. In structure and vocabulary est, good-natured people, very frank, labo- it seems to approach nearest to the Japanrious, and hospitable, although hitherto ese, with which W. G. Aston has comcompelled by their exclusive laws to treat pared it.* strangers with suspicion and an outward show of unfriendliness. That this unfriendliness is merely assumed through fear of the authorities is abundantly evident from Capt. Basil Hall's account of his intercourse with the natives of the islands on the west coast.

The national writing system is purely phonetic, consisting of a syllabic alphabet of great antiquity, but unknown origin.. It is probably an offshoot of the common alphabetic system formerly diffused throughout east Asia and Malaysia, and scattered members of which are still found Polygamy, although permitted, is little amongst the Lolo and Mosso of southpractised, in this respect resembling their west China, the Tagalas and Bisayans of peculiar Buddhism. But while some con- the Philippine Archipelago, the Korinchi, sideration is shown for the women, to Rejangs, and Lampungs of Sumatra, and whom the streets are given up in the the Dravidians of southern India. In evening, the gods are treated with the Korea, however, the literati use the greatest contempt and indifference. In Chinese ideographic system exclusively, many towns there are no temples, nor even leaving the despised native writing to any domestic shrines. The images of women and children. This alphabet may gods and saints are mere. wooden blocks be seen in the first volume of Dallet's set up like landmarks by the wayside, and "Histoire de l'Eglise de Corée," which inferior as works of art to the idols of the has hitherto been almost our only authorPolynesians. When one of these divini-ity on the subject of the Korean language ties gets blown down or rots away, it be- and literature. Last year, however, a comes the sport of the children, who large Korean-French dictionary and a amuse themselves by kicking it about amid the jeers and laughter of their elders. The religious sentiment, which may be said to culminate on the Tibetan plateau, seems to fade away west and east as it descends towards the Atlantic and Pacific seaboards.

Korean grammar in French were published in Tokio. There is also a "Korean Reader," by Ross (Shanghai, 1879), which the writer has not seen.


"It seems probable that the distance which separ Formerly masters of the Japanese in ates Japanese from Korean is not greater than that which lies between English and Sanskrit.... Everymany arts, the Koreans at present culti-thing considered we may regard them as equally closely vate few industries beyond the weaving and dyeing of linens and cottons, and the preparation of paper from the pulp of the Brussonetia papyrifera. Silks and tea are imported from China and Japan, and the exports to those countries have hitherto been mainly restricted to rice, raw silk, peltries, paper, tobacco, and ginseng.

allied with the most remotely connected members of the Aryan family." (Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society for August, 1879.) In this awkwardly worded sentence the writer does not mean to say that Japanese and Korelated to each other as are the most remotely conrean are allied to Aryan, but that they are as nearly nected members of the Aryan family to each other.

But for the Chinese influences, which are of comparatively recent date, the speech of the Koreans would betray few indications of their mixed origin. Here as elsewhere the primeval languages have refused to intermingle; the Caucasic has perished, the Mongolic alone surviving. But the dispersion took place at such a remote period that, beyond a general


THE power of accumulation from the gradual growth of small sums has rarely been shown in a more forcible manner than in a return recently published, which gives the amount of fractions of a penny on dividends of the national debt now

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