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The fish were

THE TRANSPORT OF FROZEN FISH.-The | Hudson's Bay Settlements. steam yacht "Diana," has solved an interesting question with regard to the importation of salmon. The vessel belongs to the Hudson's Bay Company, and has been fitted up by the Bell-Coleman Mechanical Refrigeration Company of Glasgow with one of their patent dryair refrigerators, designed by Mr. I. I. ColeThe hold is made air-tight, and lined with a non-conducting lining, and contains about thirty-five tons weight of fish, which have been kept at a temperature of about 20° or 22° Fahr. throughout the voyage from the

caught at the rate of about three tons daily, and placed in the cold-air chamber immediately as they arrived alongside the ship. On opening the hold in London the salmon were found in as good condition as when taken out of the water. The flesh is declared quite firm and of excellent color. We understand that the refrigerating engine to which this result is due has not given the slightest trouble throughout the voyage or freezing operations at the other end. Engineering.


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[blocks in formation]

Pardon, Lord! full well I know

These same thorns that make me fret: Down to help us homeward, lo! Thy untwisted crown is let.

Oft upon the pathway rough,
Sheep-track steep up to thy fold,
In my hands the flowers came off,
But the thorns did keep their hold.

Out of darkness light is born;
Out of weakness make me strong
For the day when every thorn
Breaks into a rose of song.

Like a sparrow sits thy bird,

Chirping on the housetop dark; Up when comes my morning third, I shall mount, that morning's lark –

Roses, roses all my song!

Roses in a gorgeous feast! Roses in a royal throng,

Surging, rosing from the east!

Sunday Magazine.


STAY, ruthless Time, touch softly on the brow With feathered wing the one so loved, who


Holds forth a hand to greet you as you pass, And checks the sand fast hurrying through your glass,

Leaving a year's more love to swell her store, Enriching that which she possessed before.

Stay, Time, and ponder for a moment rare Upon the life of one with whom to share A tithe of all her precious gifts were fare And honor worthy of the proudest claim: A life of love, truth, spirit-all I name Could not set forth the hold she has on thee. Pass, then, with soothing touch, and give to The cares which some must bear, but leave her free.


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ROSES all the rosy way,

Roses to the rosier west, Where the roses of the day

Cling to night's unrosy breast!

Thou who mak'st the roses, why Give to every leaf a thorn? On thy highway here am I,

Feet and hands and spirit torn!

O FOR that afternoon, that lane
Where I pick'd flowers! Never again
Will common wild-flowers look so well, -
So freshly blush the pimpernel,
And modest blue and simple white
Stand in the grass to such delight!
I pick'd my flowers for Flora's sake,
Happy to have a chance to make
A nosegay she might chance to see,
And know that it was made by me.
I found a baby oak-leaf, too,
So I had green, white, red, and blue.

From The Nineteenth Century.


Times, instead of counselling Mr. Bright's young people rather to drink deep of No wisdom, nor counsel, nor under- Homer, is for giving them, above all, "the standing, against the Eternal! says the works of Darwin and Lyell and Bell and wise man. Against the natural and ap- Huxley," and for nourishing them upon pointed course of things there is no convoyage of the "Challenger." Stranger tending. Ten years ago I remarked on still, a brilliant man of letters in France, the gloomy prospect for letters in this M. Renan, assigns the same date of a country, inasmuch as while the aristo-hundred years hence, as the date by which cratic class, according to a famous dictum of Lord Beaconsfield, was totally indifferent to letters, the friends of physical science on the other hand, a growing and popular body, were in active revolt against them. To deprive letters of the too great place they had hitherto filled in men's estimation, and to substitute other studies for them, was now the object, I observed, of a sort of crusade with the friends of physical science a busy host important in itself, important because of the gifted leaders who march at its head, important from its strong and increasing hold upon public favor.

I could not help, I then went on to say, I could not help being moved with a desire to plead with the friends of physical science on behalf of letters, and in deprecation of the slight which they put upon them. But from giving effect to this desire I was at that time drawn off by more pressing matters. Ten years have passed, and the prospects of any pleader for letters have certainly not mended. If the friends of physical science were in the morning sunshine of popular favor even then, they stand now in its meridian radiance. Sir Josiah Mason founds a college at Birmingham to exclude “ mere literary instruction and education; and at its opening a brilliant and charming debater, Professor Huxley, is brought down to pronounce their funeral oration. Bright, in his zeal for the United States, exhorts young people to drink deep of "Hiawatha ;" and the Times, which takes the gloomiest view possible of the future of letters, and thinks that a hundred years hence there will only be a few eccentrics reading letters and almost every one will be studying the natural sciences - the

Address delivered as "The Rede Lecture" Cambridge.



the historical and critical studies, in which his life has been passed and his reputation made, will have fallen into neglect, and deservedly so fallen. It is the regret of his life, M. Renan tells us, that he did not himself originally pursue the natural sciences, in which he might have forestalled Darwin in his discoveries.

What does it avail, in presence of all this, that we find one of your own prophets, Bishop Thirlwall, telling his brother who was sending a son to be educated Latin and Greek: "I do not think that abroad that he might be out of the way of the most perfect knowledge of every language now spoken under the sun could compensate for the want of them"? What does it avail, even, that an august lover of science, the great Goethe, should have

for preserving to the literature of Greece
and Rome its predominant place in educa-
tion"? Goethe was a wise man, but the
irresistible current of things was not then
No wisdom, nor
manifest as it is now.
counsel, nor understanding, against the

said: "I wish all success to those who are


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versities should come together on the everything. And this is, in truth, your common ground of natural science. On great, your surpassing distinction: not the ground of the dead languages, he said, your movements, but your men. From they could not possibly come together; Bacon to Byron, what a splendid roll of but if the universities would take natural great names you can point to! We, at science for their chosen and chief ground Oxford, can show nothing equal to it. instead, they easily might. Mahomet was Yours is the university not of great moveto go to the mountain, as there was no ments, but of great men. Our experience chance of the mountain's being able to go at Oxford disposes us, perhaps, to treat to Mahomet. movements, whether our own, or extraThe vice-chancellor has done me the neous movements such as the present honor to invite me to address you here movement for revolutionizing education, to day, although I am not a member of with too much respect. That disposition this great university. Your liberally con- finds a corrective here. Masses make ceived use of Sir Robert Rede's lecture movements, individualities explode them. leaves you free in the choice of a person On mankind in the mass, a movement, to deliver the lecture founded by him, and once started, is apt to impose itself by on the present occasion the vice-chancel- routine; it is through the insight, the inlor has gone for a lecturer to the sister dependence, the self-confidence of poweruniversity. I will venture to say that to ful single minds that its yoke is shaken. an honor of this kind from the University off. In this university of great names, of Cambridge no one on earth can be so whoever wishes not to be demoralized by sensible as a member of the University a movement comes into the right air for of Oxford. The two universities are un-being stimulated to pluck up his courage like anything else in the world, and they and to examine what stuff movements are are very like one another. Neither of really made of. them is inclined to go hastily into raptures Inspirited, then, by this tonic air in over her own living offspring or over her which I find myself speaking, I am boldly sister's; each of them is peculiarly sen going to ask whether the present movesitive to the good opinion of the other.ment for ousting letters from their old Nevertheless they have their points of predominance in education, and for transdissimilarity. One such point, in partic-ferring the predominance in education ular, cannot fail to arrest notice. Both to the natural sciences, whether this brisk universities have told powerfully upon the and flourishing movement ought to premind and life of the nation. But the Uni- vail, and whether it is likely that in the versity of Oxford, of which I am a mem-end it really will prevail. My own studber, and to which I am deeply and affecies have been almost wholly in letters, tionately attached, has produced great and my visits to the field of the natural men, indeed, but has above all been the sciences have been very slight and inadesource or the centre of great movements. quate, although those sciences strongly We will not now go back to the Middle move my curiosity. A man of letters, it Ages; we will keep within the range of will perhaps be said, is quite incompetent what is called modern history. Within to discuss the comparative merits of letthis range, we have the great movements ters and natural science as means of eduof Royalism, Wesleyanism, Tractarian- cation. His incompetence, however, if ism, Ritualism, all of them having their source or their centre in Oxford. You have nothing of the kind. The movement taking its name from Charles Simeon is far, far less considerable than the move ment taking its name from John Wesley. The movement attempted by the Latitude men in the seventeenth century is next to nothing as a movement; the men are

he attempts the discussion but is really incompetent for it, will be abundantly visible; nobody will be taken in; he will have plenty of sharp observers and critics to save mankind from that danger. But the line I am going to follow is, as you will soon discover, so extremely simple, that perhaps it may be followed without failure even by one who for a more ambi

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