
man, and certainly we make the remark | planning of those raids in which the serin no spirit of disparagement to the very vitors are first captured. Invading the entertaining accounts of the social organ- nests of other tribes, in order to carry off ization of ants which Sir John gives us. the grubs of workers for industrial use, is But as he is inclined to claim for ants the so very aggressive and original a bit of next place in the scale of intelligence to strategy, that in comparison with it, the human beings, and appears to consider it revolutionary rising which might reclaim one of the grounds of that claim that, like the nest for those who do the labor, would human beings, they have introduced a seem natural and almost a matter of system of slavery, and have found it inju- course. And yet we never hear of any. rious to their own energy and self-respect, thing of the sort. Why are there no serwe wish he had given some attention to vile wars, to balance and avenge the the question why ants alone, of all crea- slave-making expeditions? Why, espetures in the world, appear to possess this cially when everything is in the hands of strange instinct for robbing the young of the kidnapped workers, as it certainly is other species of their own race, and in the case of most of the "slave-makbringing them up to assist in the work ing" tribes,- Polyergus rufescens, for and organization of their community. It instance, or still more, Strongylognathus, is quite clear that if the workers thus in- and most of all, Anergates, do we hear troduced from outside had the smallest of no fall of those feeble dynasties which revolutionary disposition, they could often do not so much hold the sceptre, as have mutiny with success against the original it held up for them by their industrious dynasty, and make the nest their own. servitors, and then of the restoration of In some cases, the queen and her rela- the crown to the race which really works tions are so absolutely dependent on their and rules? Why are these fainéant imported labor, the coolies, as we may queens not only tolerated, but apparently call them, which the rulers introduce in maintained by those who might upset their infancy that without the ministra- them in a moment? Where military destions of these aliens they could not even potisms seem so common, and aggreseat the food within their reach; having sive wars so much a matter of course, why lost-alone amongst animals, says Sir are mutinies unheard of, and democratic John, unless it be a few ant-loving beetles upheavals unknown? We could very the instinct of feeding themselves. well understand the plea that there is no But besides the power of letting the sufficient intelligence amongst ants to requeens and their relatives perish of hun- sent the condition of slavery, if that plea ger, if they chose to exert it, there seems were but compatible with the obvious to be no reason why the so-called slave fact that there is sufficient intelligence races should not so feed some of the amongst ants to desire kidnapping expegrubs they capture as to turn them into ditions; but why, if there be intelligence rival queens, if at least the assumption enough for the offensive movement which be true, as Sir John seems to believe, that disturbs the equilibrium, should there not the whole difference between a queen and be intelligence enough for the resistance an ordinary worker depends on a differ- and reactionary movement which restores ence of food and treatment in early life. it? Surely the desire for the command If that be so, there seems no reason in of mere labor, if that were the motive, the world why, if they wished it, the bor- - is a more artificial, and, so to say, elabrowed workers who manage the nest, orate state of mind, than the desire for might not so treat some of the larvæ of homogeneity of race? Surely it is easier their own race plundered from unenslaved to imagine even a creature of dull innests, as to produce a queen of their own stincts expelling the alien rulers from its race, whose standard they might then home, than it is to imagine a creature of raise against that of the former queen or the same sort of instincts planning a raid queens of the nest, and so revolutionize for the purpose of introducing a colony of the State, and turn the alien dynasty out young strangers? And the remarkable of it. We find it difficult to understand thing is that if Sir John Lubbock has why, among creatures which are advanced proved anything by his experiments, it is enough to choose the unfortunate alterna- that most races of ants feel much more tive of extending their operations by jealousy of the presence of any sort of coolie labor, there should be no evidence stranger, than they feel desire for the of the wish to turn the tables on the liberation or recovery of their friends. slave-makers, - a course which would ap- Only, as this never seems to apply to the parently be so very much easier than the coolies imported in their rudimentary


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state for the very purpose of working the invading ants never seem to take possesorganization of the nest, so also, which sion of the ant-hill they invade, but only is much odder, it never seems to be to rob it of its larvæ and pupa, considerapplied by these coolies to the mistresses ing again, that the moment the defending whom they serve. Indeed, quite the con- force retires, the invaders never seem, trary, for it is clear that many of the according to Sir John Lubbock's account, military expeditions planned by the impo- to press their enemies, but devote themtent dynasty, for instance, of the Strongy- selves at once to the carrying-off of the lognathus ant, would never have even a infant ants, it seems very doubtful chance of success, but for the military whether the real object to which this agexploits of the slaves who aid their raids. gressive instinct tends is the gain of force Instead of turning on their mistresses in to the nest, so much as the gain of new their need, these workers of another race subjects for the maternal care of workers help them as loyally in the new aggres- who find themselves insufficiently prosions made for the sake of carrying off vided with satisfaction for their nursing more slaves, as they do in the work and instincts. The working ants being all organization of the nest itself. And this females and laying very few eggs themseems to show that Sir John Lubbock is selves, probably find that the queens of wrong when he guesses (p. 106) that the their nest do not provide them with subindifference displayed by the ants of a jects sufficient for the exercise of their nest of Polyergus rufescens to the neigh- maternal instincts, and after building borhood of two strange ants, a neighbor- roomy apartments for the reception of a hood which other nests of ants had much larger number of larvæ and pupæ strongly resented, might be explained by than they have to attend to, they ask persupposing that "the warlike spirit of haps to be led out to battle, that they may these ants was broken by slavery." If provide themselves with a sufficient numthe much degenerated Strongylognathus ber of orphans on which to exercise their ant (as Sir John deems it) is cordially as- maternal feelings. The reason we supsisted by its slaves in military expeditions, pose this to be the object of the instinct, it can hardly be that a much less degener- rather than any ambitious motive for the ate type has lost its warlike spirit through mere enlargement of the power of the the demoralizing influence of slavery. nest, is this, that the first result of The slaves-if slaves they be - appear these raids must be, not to provide the to be just as closely identified with the nest with new force, but, on the contrary, military instincts of their mistresses, as with new burdens. A very much greater they are with the civil organization of amount of labor must be required from their kingdom. Slavery, or the actual the old workers after the raid than before, condition of these alien servitors, what- since none of the new acquisitions, not ever it may really be, does not appear even the most advanced pupa, can be in to diminish the fighting instinct, at alla condition to do anything for themselves events in the slaves, but only to engage it entirely on the part of the nest in which they first make their entrance from the chrysalis state into active life; and to us the wonder is why, though there is no inherited instinct in favor of having only ants of the same race in the same nest, there should be so strong an inheritance of instinct in favor of what we may call the Jingoism of ants, in other words, marauding expeditions tending to strengthen the population of the nest from which those expeditions proceed. Is, then, Jingoism more deeply rooted in the insect world than even the patriotism of race?

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Apparently so, if it be Jingoism, or anything analogous to Jingoism, which prompts these forays for larvæ and pupæ. But, considering that there is nothing like the desire for mere conquest visible in these expeditions, considering that the

for some time after their capture, so that for many days after the expedition, the nest of aggressors must be very much weaker for purposes of war, as well as much harder worked in relation to ordinary duties, than it was before. Now, it is obvious that the instinct immediately gratified is far more likely to be the disturbing instinct which causes these raids, than any instinct which can be gratified only ultimately, and after a considerable period of abeyance. And, therefore, we are disposed to believe that it is the inadequately satisfied maternal instincts of the workers, which really lead to these unprincipled raids on the offspring of other nests. The Romans made raids on the Sabines to obtain wives, but the Formica sanguinea makes raids on the Formica fusca to obtain not wives, but children, to nurse and feed and care for. It is, we suspect, a sort of aggressive pedagogy

a passion for the extension of formican | more organizing power than their queen Kindergarten which leads the ants into or queens, whom they only condescend to these unscrupulous raids to carry off the help by their artistic industry, on condi children of their enemies. The food is tion that she supplies them with enough prepared, the nurseries are prepared, but objects for their care. Sir John Lubbock where are the children? That is the con- suggests in one place that the slaves dition of things, as we imagine, which should rather be called auxiliaries than leads the ants into their aggressive wars. slaves, and this, we strongly suspect, is Sir John Lubbock may, perhaps, sug- the key to the matter. The working ants, gest that this explanation hardly consists even when they are of another race from with the displeasure with which a repub- the queen, have never, we must rememlic of ants in which there is no queen ber, known any independent life in a nest often meet a queen who is offered them. of their own; and all their instincts are He has shown that though he can gain no less gratified, perhaps even more comthe crown for a queen by offering her to pletely gratified, in a nest where they are a few disunited ants, and then gradually much superior in ability to the nominal increasing the number of her subjects, he dynasty, than they would be in their own cannot introduce a queen into a nest original nest. The working ant, we which has long been organized without should suspect, cares remarkably little any queen, except at the peril of her life. who produces the children, provided she And yet as a queen would promise a lib- has the care of them, provided she supereral progeny to the nest where at present intends the whole organization of the there are but few young ones, and they kingdom which the mother ant is incomnot workers, but only males, which are petent to superintend for herself. very short-lived, it would seem that there cannot be so ardent a desire for offspring as our explanation of the motives of raids on other ant-hills suggests. But then it must be remembered that the possession of a queen, though it may prom ise children for the future, does not at THE modern traveller, approaching once gratify the instinct which the posses- Cairo in the short twilight of a winter sion of larvæ and pupa would at once evening, first catches sight of the citadel, gratify; and again, that it is not all ants' the dome of its great mosque still perhaps nests which do organize these raids for pink with the last rays of sunset. But grubs and chrysales, nor is it at all periods the darkness and fuss of the railway sta that even the aggressive species of ants tion, the rough road over which he drives will start such expeditions. Therefore, it to his hotel, the sparse distribution of gasis quite conceivable that even though the lamps, do not allow his first impressions conservatism of ants-especially of ants to take any distinct form; and it is not in confinement, where there is no unlim-until, on the following day, he has peneited space at their disposal - induces them to attack a stranger queen, yet when they are positively feeling the need of more maternal work to do, that need may well be sufficient to drive them into ag gressive war.

As to the further question, why the working ants do not produce queens of their own race out of the captured larvæ of their own race, instead of keeping the nest under the queens of a different race, we can only suggest that the patriotism of ants is probably local, and not one of pedigree, that it consists in loyalty to the nest and the habits of the nest, loyalty to the father-land, not in loyalty to any race at all. In all probability, if the alien workers of a nest are capable of any feeling in the matter, they do not regard themselves as in any sense slaves, but rather as imported managers, with much

From The Saturday Review. SALADIN IN CAIRO.

trated to the old parts of the city that he has anything to remind him that he is in the capital of Saladin. When, some seven centuries ago, Saladin himself first came to Cairo, he approached it by one of the northern gates, and the newly-built mosque of the mad khalif Hakeem was perhaps the most imposing building he saw. The citadel was still unbuilt, although the rock on which it stands dominated the city. To the eye of a born soldier there was evidently something amiss here. One of his first cares was to fortify the commanding eminence. A soldier nearly as great perceived that Saladin's citadel was itself commanded by a still more lofty rock; and a little fort, built by Mohammed Ali on the Mokattem Hill, and armed with cannon, superseded all the elaborate system of wall and tower, scarp and counterscarp, tunnel and gal


lery, which had made Saladin's fort almost impregnable in his day and long after. Many of the old features still remain untouched, though to build his great mosque Mohammed Ali destroyed the Hall of Columns which was the chief chamber of Saladin's palace in his castle. The Mosque of Nasr is a barrack, and the defences on the city side are new and armed with cannon; but the deep wellJoseph's Well, as the dragomans call it the very Gothic-looking round towers, the vaulted gateways, and the machicolated battlements show that a hundred years after William the Conqueror built the Tower of London, and a hundred years before Edward I. built Conway, the most picturesque features of our pointed style were well known in the East. Recent researches, indeed, would rob us even of the credit of inventing that most characteristic of our Western medieval institutions, the coat-of-arms. Mr. Edward Rogers, of Cairo, in the course of last season read a paper before the local antiquarian society in which he enumerated the chief heraldic devices of the Ayoobite and Mameluke sultans of Egypt. When in future we read the crusading novels of Scott, we must transfer the shields he blazons from the Christian knights to their opponents. The imperial eagle was carved on the walls of his citadel by Saladin long before it was assumed by the German kaisers. A lion, as like as possible to the lion which Richard I. put on his great seal, is carved on either side of the entrance of an old garden attached to the palace of Al Muizz, and Mr. Rogers assigns it to a Mameluke king. The very shape of Richard's shield - long, pointed, and rounded at the top is that of the stone shields carved over the north-eastern gate of Cairo, which was built by Jauhar, when he brought the khalif from Cairoan.

Saladin's career needs no help from fiction to make it romantic. Himself the son of Ayyub, or Eyoob, a Kurdish chief, he early became attached to the service of his uncle Asad, usually called Shirkuh, who commanded the army of Nooreddin, king of Aleppo, a strong upholder of the Abbasside khalifs. Salah-ad-Deen Yussuf, the son of Eyoob, was still very young when two viziers of Egypt, the ministers of the Fatimite khalif, residing at Cairo, quarrelled, and one of them succeeded in banishing the other. The exiled Shawer betook himself and his tale of woe to Aleppo, and Nooreddin offered him the help of Shirkuh and his Kurds to

regain his power. But Shawer soon quarrelled with the wild mercenaries, and made an unholy alliance against them with Amaury, or Amalrich, the Crusader king of Jerusalem. Shirkuh, with the help of his nephew, defeated them both; and taking Cairo, promptly put the perfidious Shawer to death, and annexed Egypt to the possessions of his master Nooreddin. The Fatimite khalif, a mere puppet, conferred on him a robe of honor, and gave him the title of Malik al Mansoor or Victorious King. He was thus in a strange position, serving not one or two, but three masters-namely, Nooreddin of Aleppo and both the rival khalifs. His servitude sat lightly upon him, however, and on his nephew, and did not hinder them from establishing their power in Egypt without much reference to any will but their own, and with, probably, little time to make a choice between the Shia and Sunnee doctrines, or the Abbasside and Fatimite khalifs. The central fact in Saladin's life seems to have been the high average mortality of his opponents, and indeed of all who stood in the way of his advancement. They always died when they ought to die, just as people do in novels. Yet, with a very few exceptions, which go to prove the rule, he did not murder his rivals, or, if he did, managed to conceal the crime so adroitly that his reputation escaped unhurt. Shawer's death was the almost natural consequence of his manifold treacheries. But Shirkuh only lived long enough to secure his nephew a firm hold upon Egypt, and the title of Malik al Nasr which means nearly the same as Malik al Mansoor- from the Fatimite khalif in his palace or state prison. Nooreddin sent word to Saladin from Aleppo that he must not receive these favors from a heretic, and ordered him to proclaim the orthodox Sunnite khalif. Saladin desired the preachers in the Cairene mosques to omit the name of the Fatimite khalif from their prayers, and to replace it with that of the Sunnite commander of the faithful. They obeyed, and Al Aadad, buried in the recesses of his palace, knew nothing about it. What he might have said, and what believers in his sanctity might have done, we know not, because of course he died just at the proper conjuncture. Saladin's life after this was one of uninterrupted prosperity. Nooreddin died just when he might have become troublesome; so did Nooreddin's little boy; but here, it is to be feared, Saladin did not wait for the interference of Providence. King of Egypt, and of Syria all

but Palestine, Saladin turned his attention next to the Crusaders and their little kingdom, for which see "The Talisman" passim, and taught them chivalrous be havior and heraldry. After the fatal field of Hattin Jerusalem itself fell into his hands. This was the culminating point in his life; and he died himself in 1193, having exercised undisputed power for five years. His family quarrelled among themselves; his own descendants were dethroned, and those of his brother form the Eyoobite dynasty of Egyptian sovereigns which reigned with varying fortunes for eighty years, one of the last being another Saleh, whose army, when he himself was dying or dead, took St. Louis prisoner at Damietta.

waly, or favorite of Allah; and a sacred formula, which the orthodox only use for Mohammed, is applied to the usurping race of the Fatimites. Though it is evident, therefore, that Saladin did not build these ancient gates, which are in fact the gates of the palace of Al Muizz and bis successors in the khalifate, he did build the great wall which is still in places to be seen, often covered by modern houses, or heaped-up rubbish, and which took in all the suburbs that had grown round the palace and its mosques. They were commenced in 1170, while Egypt was still under the nominal rule of the last Fatimite khalif, Ali Aadad. The work was carried on after the khalif's death by Saladin's minister, who placed the present citadel There must have been something very in its commanding situation, and compowerful in the individuality of Saladin. pleted much of what we still see. The He and Mohammed Ali are the two rulers eastern walls of the city were prolonged of Egypt of whom the people most often southward, so as to connect the quarter speak, and to whom they habitually at- round the palace with the citadel, and so tribute all great public works. Even the we have the southern gate, the Bab Zu magnificent system of inland irrigation in waylah, in the middle of the town. The upper Egypt, which is perhaps five thou-true gate in this direction is that which sand years old, is called the Bahr Yussuf, Saladin's river. The long line of the aqueduct which forms so prominent a feature in the view from the citadel of Cairo is ascribed to him. Above all, they thank him for the orthodoxy which since his time has prevailed in Egypt. The Shia heresy exists only among the Persian schismatics who come to Cairo on business, and perform strange and barbarous ceremonies annually in honor of Hassan and Husseyn. Among other great works thus assigned to Saladin are the old city gates; but Mr. Kay, whose paper on the subject we have already had occasion to quote from more than once, has lately been at the trouble of deciphering the inscriptions in the old Cufic character which remain upon them. Cufic stands to Arabic much as black-letter stands to modern type, but it is very difficult to translate on account of the absence of diacritical points. Yet Mr. Kay has made them out, and made out, moreover, that they record the building of the gates by Badr al Jamali in 1087. But the strangest thing is to find that on the great north-eastern gate, the Bab en Nasr, the Shia confession of faith is still inscribed, having probably been suffered to remain unmolested by Saladin and his orthodox successors, owing to the difficulty of decipherment. This confession consists of a declaration that Ali is the exclusive

opens on the ruins of "Old Cairo," and is called after the Lady Zenobia, "al Sitteh Zeynab," a granddaughter of Mohammed, who is said to be buried in a neighboring mosque. The name is still common among Egyptian women, who little know that, in commemorating their patron saint, they also commemorate a queen of Egypt. From this point the walls were to have been continued in such a way as to include the ancient city, but the design was frustrated by the death of its great author. The walls are best seen at the north-eastern corner, where a bastion or tower of very curious construction still stands. The traveller who prefers ancient Egyp tian to Arab art examines every stone for hieroglyphics. These walls and the citadel and many another building of Cairo were in part constructed of the materials which had accumulated on the site of Memphis. It was easier to pull down buildings which had convenient canals close by, and whose stones could be floated across during the inundation, than to quarry in the rocky hill on the landward side; and the wonder is not that the pyramids are so greatly dilapidated, as that any of them remain. Yet on the inner face of the Bab en Nasr itself, high up over the archway, a sharp eye can detect hieroglyphs of the most ancient character, and part of a frieze of figures carved in the style of the pyramid-builders.

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