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on the surface this would appear to argue for a decrease in the FY 1987 production and surveillance funding requirement, this is not the case. Given the lead times involved, the FY 1987 request is required to initiate the recovery of the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings driven reductions as well as conduct the necessary product/process engineering and tooling design to bring eight systems to first production DELETED This is, of course,

in addition to meeting FY 1987 and FY 1988 delivery requirements.

Question: Please describe the activities being conducted and the funding level for the Marshall Islands in FY 1986 and FY 1987.

Answer: Current FY 1986 activities, funded at the level of $4.5 million, fall into four categories: medical, bioassay, environmental, and logistical support. The medical portion is designed to continue follow-up health care to the 174 members of the exposed population. This includes: (1) two annual ship-supported missions to Majuro, Ebeye, Utirik, and Mejato to examine and treat exposed and control populations; and

(2) maintenance of a resident physician, nurse, and lab technician on Kwajalein for follow-up of the exposed population. The bioassay work is performed to verify dose predictions and to ensure that populations are within national and international radiation standards. This includes: (1) whole body counting for the resettled Enewetak population and the Bikinians who resided on Bikini in the 1970's; and (2) plutonium analysis of urine samples.

Environmental efforts focus on sampling the northern Marshalls environment, formulating dose assessments, and maintaining a radiological data base pertaining to the Marshalls. Included here are four ship-supported missions to Bikini to characterize the radiological conditions, to develop methods to reduce or block the uptake of radionuclides in the food chain, and to provide radiological advice relative to atoll resettlement. Lastly, the Department of Energy, through its field operations and support contractor, provide logistical support to the Marshall Islands programs including procurement, transportation, equipment maintenance, chartering of the medical ship, and establishing field camps on Enewetak and Bikini.

The breakdown of the $4.5 million funding for FY 1986 is as follows:

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FY 1987 activities and funding are more difficult to predict since the Department of Energy is assigned no direct responsibility in the Compact of Free Association legislation. However, we are prepared to continue activities for which we have the United States expertise--provided funding is made available by the Congress or on a reimbursable basis by another agency or the Government of the Marshall Islands.

Question: List how much is included in the FY 1984, 1985, 1986, and 1987 budget for State taxes. Please provide this by site

and State.

Answer: I am pleased to provide the requested data.

(The information follows.)

State Taxes Estimates

(Includes Gross Receipts, Sales/Use, and Property Taxes)
($ in Thousands)

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Question: What rate of inflation was assumed in this appropriation in FY 1984, FY 1985, and FY 1986? Please provide the details that form the composite.

Answer: The inflation information you requested is shown in a table which I would like to insert in the record.

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Question: Provide a table showing the amounts for

restoration, revitalization, and prevention of plant deterioration for FY 1984, FY 1985, FY 1986, and FY 1987. In the later category, include GPP, capital equipment, and operating expenses. Please provide this information by activity and location.

Answer: I would like to provide the following

information for the record.

(The information follows:)

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a/ Unless otherwise noted, the sources for data are the FY 1985, FY 1986, and FY 1987 Congressional Budget Books.

b/ The sources of these data after FY 1983 is the MA-22 analysis of Maintenance as gathered from the FIS. The data shown in these columns is for the entire Weapons Program. It is not broken down to the OMA level.

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