The queen of hearts


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Page 30 - History of Caricature and of the Grotesque in Art, Literature, Sculpture, and Painting, from the Earliest Times to the Present Day. By THOMAS WRIGHT, MA, FSA Profusely illustrated by FW FAIRHOLT, FSA...
Page 27 - Syntax's (Dr.) Three Tours: In Search of the Picturesque, in Search of Consolation, and in Search of a Wife. With the whole of ROWLANDSON'S droll page Illustrations in Colours and a Life of the Author by JC HOTTEN.
Page 17 - It is to be regretted that the prose writings of Milton should, in our time, be so little read. As compositions, they deserve the attention of every man who wishes to become acquainted with the full power of the English language. They abound with passages compared with which the finest declamations \ of Burke sink into insignificance.
Page 19 - Complete in Three Vols. Vol. I. contains the Plays complete, including the doubtful ones; Vol. II. the Poems and Minor Translations, with an Introductory Essay by ALGERNON CHARLES SWINBURNE.
Page 22 - Roll of Battle Abbey; or, A List of the Principal Warriors who came over from Normandy with William the Conqueror, and Settled in this Country, AD 1066-7.
Page 6 - Cyclopaedia of Costume ; or, A Dictionary of Dress — Regal, Ecclesiastical, Civil, and Military — from the Earliest Period in England to the reign of George the Third. Including Notices of Contemporaneous Fashions on the Continent, and a General History of the Costumes of the Principal Countries of Europe. By JR PLANCHE, Somerset Herald.
Page 25 - Sheridan's Complete Works, with Life and Anecdotes. Including his Dramatic Writings, printed from the Original Editions, his Works in Prose and Poetry, Translations, Speeches, Jokes, Puns, &c. With a Collection of Sheridaniana. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, with 10 fullpage Tinted Illustrations, 7s.
Page 1 - More Worlds than One. The Creed of the Philosopher and the Hope of the Christian.
Page 10 - The illustrations of this volume . . . . are of quite sterling and admirable art, of a class precisely Parallel in elevation to the character of the tales which they illustrate; and the original etchings, as I have before said in the Appendix to my ' Elements of Drawing, were unrivalled in masterfulness of touch since Rembrandt (in some qualities of delineation, unrivalled even by him).
Page 26 - Strutt's Sports and Pastimes of the People of England; including the Rural and Domestic Recreations, May Games, Mummeries, Shows, Processions, Pageants, and Pompous Spectacles, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time.

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