
ROBESPIERRE,* most renown'd desperado,

Next claims your profound admiration;
Who empties the veins like Sangrado,
Phlebotomist chief of the nation :

He laments, while a weasand is whole,
That his blade should inactive remain;
And (like Macedon's lord o'er his bowl)
Swears that thrice he would slaughter the slain.

In committing to DANTON + the seals

We have shewn ourselves wiser than you are;

For whenever the state 's out at heels

We 've a farrier provided to shoe her:

"nity and wisdom; you have proved that you are free: finish "it with the same dignity, and do like me-go to bed."

See pages 87 and 88 of Fennel's Review of the Proceedings at Paris during the Summer of 1792, 8vo. Williams, Strand. *M. Robespierre, originally a poor orphan of Arras, afterwards clerk to an obscure attorney. Fennel, page 429.

Who is there that, when the report of recent massacres was made to the Club of the Jacobins, heard him (Robespierre) treat the tears of widows and orphans as criminal, and pronounce these ever-memorable words: "Un peu du sang de plus ne fait pas de mal;"" a few more assassinations do no harm ;”—and who does not rank him as superior even to a Sylla.

Flower of the Jacobins, page 29. Owen, Piccadilly, 1792. *M. Danton was the son of a butcher; he procured the protection of the late Princess de Lamballe by marrying a relation

He was nurst in the shambles 'tis known,
And now practises slaughter afresh,

To prove

"What is bred in the bone

"Will never be out of the flesh."

There's GORSAS who well ascertains

Of relative rights the extent,

Since he beat out his old father's brains

Who begot him without his consent.*

of the maid of one of her femmes de chambre. By the interest of the princess, he was appointed farrier to the Count d'Artois' stud; he practised also as a doctor, but was so unsuccessful that the count constantly threatened such of his servants as displeased him, with the attendance of Danton. He was one of the principal instigators of the horrid massacre committed on his former benefactress, and is now the Minister of Justice.

Fennel, page 432.

He was so abject in his mode of paying his court, that he frequently used to caress and kiss the horses, which he said, had the happiness to be the favourites of the Comte and Comtesse d'Artois ; and never did he hear their names pronounced, before the 20th of June, 1789, without taking off his hat, as a token of respect. These facts were so well known as to have been proverbial at Versailles. Flower of Jacobins, page 88.

Hast thou not kiss'd thy hand, and held my stirrop,
Bare-headed plodded by my foot-cloth mule

And thought thee happy when I shook my head?

Shakspeare 2d Part of Henry VI.

* Your Practical Philosophers reject the duties of this vulgar relation (the relation between parents and children) as contrary

Escap'd from the Wheel heretofore,

At the gallies he serv'd his probation;
His proficiency prov'd at the oar,

He's advanc'd to the helm of the nation.

to liberty; as not founded in the social compact; and not binding according to the rights of men; because the relation is not, of course, the result of free election, never so on the side of the children, not always on the part of the parents.

Burke's Letter, pages 36 and 37.

M. Gorsas affords a striking practical exemplification of these principles of modern French Philosophy. The infirmities of a declining father obliged him to relinquish the superintendance of a day-school at Versailles to his son M. Gorsas, who engaged to afford him a decent maintenance during the remainder of his life. In less than three months, his inhumanity to this aged parent was so notorious as to incur the censure of the police; and he soon afterwards, by a blow on the head with a bottle, put an end to his life. This atrocious act M. Gorsas was doomed to expiate upon the wheel, but at the entreaty of his brother, a groom to the Duke de Polignac, that nobleman procured a mitigation of his punishment, and he was condemned to the gallies for life. In 1788 he found means of presenting a petition to the Ambassadors of Tippoo Saib passing through Thoulouse, who obtained his enlargement, on the condition that he should never be seen within forty leagues of Versailles. But in a revolution effected by massacre and treason, the merits of M. Gorsas could not fail of ascending to their proper level; and this practical philosopher and parricidical doctor of the French school has consequently become a leading member of the National Convention of France.

See Fennel, p. 434, and Flower of Jacobins, p. 42.

MARAT, whom all ruffians applaud,

Will to slaughter or robbery lead 'em ;
This tergiverse Champion of fraud

Shall extend the dominion of freedom:
Tho' our credit (with Cambon's* good care)
As threadbare is worn as our coats,
Tho' with famine we groan, and despair,
Marát can soon alter our notes. †

See MERLIN, preceptor of youth,
Exemplify filial affection;

Bright pattern of honour and truth,

The cement of nuptial connection!

*Minister of Finance.

† M. Marat, who makes so conspicuous a figure in the annals of anarchy, at the time when he was accused of being an accomplice in the forgeries of the Billets d'Escompts, or Notes of the Bank of Discount, established by M. Neckar, bore the name of Champion; he judged it expedient, however, on this occasion, to turn his back upon his name and country, and take refuge in England.

For a farther and more particular account of this honest gentleman, see No. I. Additional Notes at the end.

Quis cœlum terris non misceat, et mare cœlo

Si fur displiceat Verri! homicida Miloni?

Clodius accuset mæchos, Catilina Cethegum? Juv.Sat. 2. M. Merlin was under-usher to a school (in the Fauxbourg of St. Antoine); he was on the point of being married, but having

See rev'rend CHABOT* too conspire
To accomplish our regeneration:
That adulterous capuchin friar

Shall teach us to flee fornication.

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received the lady's fortune on the day before that appointed for the wedding, he contented himself with the more portable treasure, and disappeared. Fennel, 430.

His filial gratitude is slightly touched on in No. II. See Additional Notes at the end.

* M. Chabot, the son of a baker, was educated by his uncle, an attorney; he eloped with his uncle's wife, and debauched her daughter by a former husband. He then deserted them both, and induced a Madame Droits to rob and elope from her husband. For this last exploit he was imprisoned at Bourdeaux ; on his enlargement he became a capuchin of St. Francis; then an officer of the national guard; and once again assumed the garb of an ecclesiastic; and on the eve of the infamous 10th of August, 1792, for two hours together, from the pulpit of l'Eglise des Enfans trouvés, inculcated the duty and lawfulness of Insurrection, &c. &c.

See Fennel, p. 68; and Flower of the Jacobins.
Qui Numina Divûm

+M. Dupont.-
Sperneret, et nullos aris adoleret honores.


Who heav'n's best blessings with contempt repays,

And bids no incense on its altars blaze.

"Quois! les trônes sont renversés, les sceptres brisés, les rois

expirent, et-les autels des Dieux, restent debout encore !

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