


OH that I was a red hot poker!"*
Thrice that Stentorophonic stoker
Of coal-black conscience, R**1**d H*ll,
Vociferates," that I, at will,

66 Might in your hearts, ye God-less race,
"Stir up the smould'ring fire of Grace!"-

Thus o'er their tankards and decanters Whigsters and Revolution ranters,

Our H***rds, Wh******ds, Gr**s, and more hacks Of Opposition, strain their thorax

* The exordium (thrice repeated) of a discourse delivered some time since at his Methodistical Manufactory, by the Reverend Divine above-mentioned.

[blocks in formation]

Eager to kindle through the nation

A red-hot zeal for REFORMATION.
Would you believe these prating drinkers,—
The Constitution 's made for tinkers,

Who fain would patch up her old house, and,
While they mend one hole, make a thousand.
Reform, or democratic botching,

Is to New Whigs meat, drink, and lodging:
And oft they cast a wistful glance,
Where cherishes enlighten'd France
The TREE by Faction's vot'ries priz'd,
See from that soil all ills expell'd
Which erst Pandora's casket held!
There kindles RADICAL REFORM
The Revolutionary storm;

Exterminates those unclean beasts,
Denominated Kings and Priests,
That, nurs'd in her Augëan stable,
Impos'd for ages on the rabble
Restrictions obsolete and odd,

Allegiance and the fear of God;
Taught duties barbarous and crude,
Justice, good faith, and gratitude;

Profanely cherish'd Revelation,

That sanctified abomination;

And bade men venerate the Bible,

That Counter-revolution Libel,

Of Gallic freedom, faith, and works,

Intolerant as EDMUND BURKE'S

Though PAYNE has prov'd the whole a fable
Devis'd by rev'rend knaves in sable.

There, though the Sabbath 's out of season,
Décades they boast, and FEASTS OF REASON:


* As the Festival instituted by enlightened Gallic Idolaters, in honour of the GODDESS OF REASON, does so much credit to the New Philosophy of the eighteenth century, I shall subjoin the following brief account of that memorable solemnity, as given in the Anti-Jacobin of Dec. 25, 1797.

"HEBERT, a professed Atheist, at the instigation of the execrable Condorcet, set up a newspaper, intitled-" Journal du Véritable Père du Chêne."-This paper was filled with blasphemy and obscenity of the grossest kind, and was distributed with a most pernicious activity.

"The blessed effects of this patriotic print were not long in manifesting themselves. The people, accustomed to see the Religion of their ancestors daily reviled, learned to think of it with indifference, and soon became ripe for the FARCE which CONDORCET, and his Atheistical associates, were preparing for


"GOBET, the Revolutionary Bishop of Paris, appeared at the bar of the Constituent Assembly, with his inferior Clergy, and made a formal abjuration of CHRISTIANITY. He threw

Turn Crucifixes out of doors,

And adoration pay to wh- -S.

For France is too refin'd a nation

To worship, in the Pagan fashion,

A cold, insensate Deity

That cannot speak, nor hear, nor see;

Whose countenance a nose may brag on,

That never peep'd into a flagon;

Nay to take snuff, or sneeze, or smell,
A shoeing-horn might serve as well:

himself, he said, on the mercy of the nation, for having so long deceived them with the absurdities of the Impostor CHRIST, and his pretended FATHER, whose doctrines he now abjured with detestation and horror; and he assured them that in future he would acknowledge no other Deity than REASON.

"Here began the ceremony so much admired by our Jacobin prints. HEBERT kept a strumpet of the name of MOMORA, the wife of a renegado Corsican. This miserable prostitute was fixed upon to represent the GODDESS of REASON; she was fantastically tricked out, and led, at the head of a grand procession, to the Church of Nôtre Dame, the Cathedral of Paris. Here she was solemnly placed on a Throne of Turf and Flowers, while GOBET, and the rest of the Revolutionary Clergy, burnt incense on an altar erected just before her.

"While this was performing, the canon announced the instauration of the new Goddess: the enlightened people of Paris fell prostrate at the signal, and paid their brutified adorations at the feet of a street-walker and an adultress!"

Whose throat can chaunt no civic tunes,

Nor medlars tell from macaroons :
No.-French Philosophers take pride all
In worshipping a LIVING IDOL;
And to a Goddess sacrifice

Who, rosy lips, and wanton eyes,
And breasts protuberant, and what else,
Of meretricious goods and chattels,
Kind Nature gave, black, brown, or fair.
Devotes to public wear and tear.
To this Divinity they burn

Incense, who freely one good turn
Wont with another to repay,
Can flames enkindle and allay;
Nay, to oblige her special friends

Can light their candle at both ends,
Repay their pious fumigation
By suscitating conflagration,

In pericrane of Philosopher
'Till his regen'rate brains boil over,
And adoration he'll gainsay all,

Save what is paid to REASON'S BAAL.

· Φιλομέμενοι θειάσαι πόρνην πολίτιδα :

Clem. Alexand. Admon. ad Gent.

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