
the ship was in great danger of being beaten to pieces. She was, almost every minute, lifted up, to a considerable height by the swelling tide-and as often, by the subsiding thereof, was dashed against the ground, with such violence, that the captain, I dare say, expected little else, than the loss of the ship and cargo. We had five hundred and thirteen hogsheads of tobacco on board.

On the Wednesday night the storm, I have mentioned, first arose. On the Thursday morning, we ran aground, and on the evening of the same day, the first effort was made to get the vessel off, but failed. On the Friday morning, the flood came again to its greatest height. As little as I knew of sailing affairs, I thought I could see there was no probability of working the vessel round, in the ordinary way, because she had been run aground in a place too narrow for that purpose. I proposed to the captain the method of caging the ship, (a term I had learned while on board) when the tide made again. He fell in with the proposal, and, on the Friday morning, all things were made ready to cage the ship. Long ropes were made fast to the ship's head, and the other end of the G

ropes were made fast to the sterns of the yawl and long boat, and these supplied with able seamen, ready to labor at the oars, as soon as the word was given. This is the method of caging a ship. The word was given the men labored with might and main-the ship began to move, and in about five minutes time, we rode safe in the channel. The shouts of the seamen, on this joyful occasion, seemed to rend the skies. It was now about nine in the morning, and quite calm, not a breath of wind from any quarter; so we were obliged to lay at anchor, all that day. At sunset, a light breeze sprung up, and we got under weigh in the twilight. The captain had dismist the first pilot, and we had got another, who was judged more skilful.We had to pass the same island, we so narrowly escaped the day before. It was dark by the time we got long side of it, by which time the new pilot had rendered himself incapable of his duty, by making too free with the bottle. The captain, on discovering this, spoke to him on the occasion. Upon which a desperate quarrel ensued, accompanied with such horrid language, that the pilot, in his rage and fury, gave up the charge of the ship, protesting with the most shocking imprecations, that,

if she sunk to hell, he would not lift a hand, or say a word to prevent it. The captain and sailors were strangers to the place only they knew we were among rocks and shoals-so that they seemed at their wits end. The captain came and sat down in the cabin, where the passengers were, for he knew not what to do-and by the violent agitations of his body, discovered the still greater agitations of his mind; he wept, and seemed to give up all for lost. The sailors, on deck, still endeavored to steer the vessel as well as they could, but knew not which way was best and safest to lay her. But at this instant the rudder bands gave way-the ship turned round, in the place, and drove at random. Such noise, uproar and confusion now took place, that one of the passengers fainted, and all of every description seemed perfectly thunderstruck.-As to myself, I can say with truth, that, as far as I can now recollect, I was as composed, and unappalled, as I am at this moment-nor had I been otherwise from the time the storm arose, on the Wednesday night. Whether my serenity of mind arose from ignorance of the danger we were in, or, from a greater degree of natural fortitude, or a firm reliance on divine protection, I shall not

attempt to decide:-but so it was, and, perhaps, this was a means, under God, of rescuing all from danger.-As soon as the rudder bands were made fast, and the ship was subject to the helm, I calmly went upon deck, in quest of the pilot. I found him sitting alone, and, like Achilles, indulging himself in wrath and rage.-I mildly addrest him, and begged him to take charge of the ship. He refused, and urged that he had been maltreated by the captain, and could not submit to the insult. I admitted the captain might, in his warmth, have uttered words improper-but he ought not, on that account, to suffer his resentment to transport him so far, as to endanger the ship and cargo, and, perhaps, the lives of the passengers and others, who had given him no offence. I might add, that his own interest was at stake, and that the welfare and support of himself and family, in future, might much depend on the transactions of that one night. In a while he became more calm, and, being a little sobered, gave me his word he would take charge of the ship again, and doubted not to bring all safe into port. He did so, and in a little time brought us into an open sea, where we rode out the rest of the night, without any obstruction. On Saturday

morning the wind blew hard again, and so directly in our teeth, that it was impossible to make Liverpool that day. However, by often putting about, and lying near the wind as possible we arrived about sun-set at a village, or small town, on the coast, about eight miles below Liverpool. Having cast anchor here, the captain and passengers went on shore, and we refreshed ourselves, at an inn. Mr. Collinson and myself stayed at the inn all night, and returned no more to the Everton. The next morning (Sunday) we hired horses and a guide, and reached Liverpool, just as the bells were ringing for church. We were very anxious to attend divine service, and hear a sermon, at some of the churches, that morning-and, regardless of dress, we entered the first church we came to. It was an elegant building, large and roomy, and crouded with hearers. The minister, that preached, made a noble appearance, being full drest in all his canonicals :-but his sermon was as empty as his dress was full. It was merely historical; and nearly of the same cast were all the sermons I heard in that town.

I took lodgings that night in Liverpool, and, early on the Monday morning, I had

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