
tion, who held a high place in the estimation of his townsmen, was an assistant commissary during the Revolutionary War, and kept a tavern near St. John's Church, which was also used for a magazine, as well as other purposes called for by the public service. To supply troops with soap he established a "potashery," as it was then called, which was continued many years after the peace. Specimens of the soap were preserved as late as twenty years ago, and were more highly appreciated than the best Windsor.

To the late Mark Leavenworth, Esq., must be awarded the credit of an early pioneer. He was an apprentice to Mr. Hopkins, the silversmith, and being thrown out of employ by dame fashion, he commenced the manufacture of gun-locks; this was followed by axes and steel-yards, which were about the first articles fabricated here for an outside market; these were taken South, and exchanged for cotton and tobacco. This was about the beginning of the present century.

About this time Silas Grilley and others commenced the manufacture of composition buttons, made of pewter and zinc, which was carried on for several years with success, until superseded by the gilt buttons, which laid the foundation of the metal business. This has since overshadowed every other pursuit, and made the place what it now is.

Toward the close of the last century James Harrison commenced the manufacture of wooden clocks. He is said not only to have erected the first water-wheel known in this vicinity, but to have made the first wooden clock known in Connecticut. His commencement was in a rude way, using a saw, file, and pen-knife for machinery, turning the pinions by foot power. Subsequently, after erecting a water-wheel on Little Brook, he invented some very ingenious machinery for cutting the wheel - teeth and


pinions; but having little means and moderate ambition, he was content with a very small business. Others, more eagle-eyed and enterprising, foresaw that, with proper energy, the business might be multiplied and rendered profitable. Among them was Colonel William Leavenworth, formerly a large merchant, but having met with reverses and given up trade, he therefore converted his store into a clock shop, and finding his business increasing, changed a flour mill which he owned into a larger establishment, where he erected improved machinery, and prosecuted a large business for several years. In the meantime



ness for several years. In the meantime several rival establishments sprung up, the most successful of which was that of Mark Leavenworth, before alluded to, who continued a prosperous business up to 1835, when he commenced the manufacture of gilt buttons. This he ultimately abandoned, but continued to manufacture lasting or Florentine buttons until his death. He was the last of the wooden clock makers in this town, having amassed a handsome fortune by the business, which was much lessened by subsequent schemes in connection with others.

This brings us to the establishment of the gilt button experiment, about 1804. by Abel, Porter, & Co., but which first rose into importance under Leavenworth, Hayden, & Scovill, but was not fully developed until the accession of the brothers, J. M. L. & W. H. Scovill, whose names for the last twenty-five years have been so conspicuous in the history of the town.

In 1810 James Scovill and Austin Steele commenced the manufacture of woolen goods here.

From these small beginnings a colossal business has grown up in Waterbury. In 1830 the amount of capital employed in manufacturing here was less than one hundred thousand dollars. There is at the present day an actual capital, invested here in different branches of manufacturing, of three million dollars. The banking and mercantile capital employed here amounts to about one million in addition. There are some fifty stores, and a present population of about eight thousand five hundred.

Thus we see what enterprise has accomplished within the last few years in an interior Connecticut town, possessing no advantages from situation save in its water power. Until the completion of the Naugatuck Railroad in 1849, all the transportation to and from market was by way of New Haven, requiring a land carriage of twenty-two miles. This, it will at once be seen, was a serious obstacle to the success of a business requiring so large an amount of tonnage as the manufacture of metal, which has become the principal business of the place. The variety of articles manufactured here, collected in a list, would be quite a curiosity.

Among the illustrations which I present in the present number are views of St. John's, the Second Congregational, and

the new Roman Catholic Churches of this city. St. John's Church (Episcopal) is a massive structure of native granite. The corner stone was laid June 6th, 1845. Consecrated January 12, 1848. This church has for the last twenty years been under the pastoral care of the Rev. J. L. Clark, D.D., and is in a very flourishing condition.

The Second Congregational Church was organized April 4th, 1852. On the 19th of May Rev. S. W. Magill was installed in the pastoral office. It is a handsome edifice of brick and stucco. The lofty and graceful spire which adorned this structure was two hundred and nine feet in height.

Both St. John's and the Second Congregational Churches have suffered severely from a gale, the violence of which was unparalleled in this vicinity, which occurred on the 18th January last. The spires of both these edifices were destroyed at that time. The cuts represent the structures as they appeared previous to the gale.

The new Roman Catholic church, of which I present a view, drawn from the architect's elevation, is now in process of building, under the direction of Mr. B. P. Chatfield. The material is brick, with freestone copings. The whole extent of the structure is sixty-six feet by one hundred and sixty. The corner stone was laid 5th of July last.

STRIVE, WAIT, AND PRAY. STRIVE; yet I do not promise

The prize you dream of to-day, Will not fade when you think to grasp it, And melt in your hand away; But another and holier Treasure, You would now perchance disdain, Will come when your toil is over,

And pay you for all your pain.

Wait; yet I do not tell you

The hour you long for now, Will not come with its radiance vanish'd, And a shadow upon its brow; Yet far through the misty future, With a crown of starry light, An hour of joy you know not

Is winging her silent flight. Pray; though the gift you ask for

May never comfort your fears, May never repay your pleading,

Yet pray, and with hopeful tears; An answer, not that you long for,

But diviner, will come one day; Your eyes are too dim to see it,

Yet strive, and wait, and pray.



WHO has not felt, in some dear churchyard | I saw again. Behold! Heaven's open door,


When evening's pencil shades the pale gold sky,

"Here at the closing of my life's calm lot, Here would I love to lie?

[ocr errors]

Here, where the poet thrush so often pours His requiem hidden in green aisles of lime, And bloody-red along the sycamores Creepeth the summer time.

"Where through the ruin'd church's broken walls

Glimmers all night the vast and solemn sea, As through our broken hopes the brightness falls Of our eternity."

But, when we die, we rest, far, far away;

Not over us the lime-trees lift their bowers, And the young sycamores their shadows sway O'er graves that are not ours.

Yet he is happy, wheresoe'er he lie,

Round whom the purple calms of Eden spread;

Who sees his Saviour with the heart's pure eye, He is the happy dead!

By the rough brook of life no more he wrestles,

Huddling its hoarse waves until night depart;

No more the pale face of a Rachel nestles
Upon his broken heart.

He is encircled by the quiet home,

From whose safe fold no little lamb is lost; The Jegar-sahadutha of the tomb

No Laban ever cross'd!

*Genesis xxxi, 47, 52.

Behold! a throne; the seraphim stood o'er it; The white-robed elders fell upon the floor, And flung their crowns before it.

I saw a wondrous book; an angel strong
To heaven and earth proclaim'd his loud ap-

But a hush pass'd across the seraph's song,
For none might loose the seals.

Then, fast as rain to death cry of the year,
Tears of St. John to that sad cry were given ;
It was a wondrous thing to see a tear
Fall on the floor of Heaven!

And a sweet voice said, "Weep not; wherefore fails,

Eagle of God, thy heart, the high and leal? The lion out of Judah's tribe prevails

To loose the seven-fold seal." "Twas Israel's voice; and straightway, up above, Stood in the midst a wondrous Lamb, snowwhite, Heart-wounded with the deep, sweet wounds of love,

Eternal, infinite.

[blocks in formation]

His sun shall fade as gently as it rose;
Through the dark woof of death's approach-
ing night

His faith shall shoot, at night's prophetic close,
Some threads of golden light.

For him the silver ladder shall be set;

His Saviour shall receive his latest breath; He walketh to a fadeless coronet

Up through the gate of death!



Won the Quadrumana which are more

with whom you come into closer contact. Does he pick up a blade of grass? he will examine it with as much care as if he were determining the value of a precious stone? Do you put food before him? he tucks it into his mouth as fast as possible; and when his cheek-pouches are so full that they cannot hold any more, he looks up at you, as if he seriously asked your approval of his laying up stores for the future. If he destroy the most valuable piece of glass or china in your possession, he does not look as if he enjoyed the mis

E now come to those smaller species chief, but either puts on an impudent air, as much as to say, 'I don't care,' or calmly tries to let you know that he thought it his duty to destroy your property."

generally kept as household pets. That
there is much about the whole class that
is repulsive we cannot deny; and yet so
grotesque is their appearance, and so great
their power of mimicry, that the most
melancholy person can scarcely look upon
their gambols without relaxing at least to
a smile. Since these tricks are such uni-
versal provocations of mirth, it is not sur-
prising that they have been supposed to
originate in the same feeling. But this is
not necessarily the case. Mrs. Lee, whom
we beg leave to quote, is very clear and
sensible on this point.
She says
monkeys enjoy movement; that they de-
light in pilfering, in outwitting each other,
and especially in outwitting men; that
they glory in tearing and destroying the
works of art by which they are surrounded,
in a domestic state; that they lay the most
artful plans to effect their purposes, is all
perfectly true; but the terms mirthful and
merry seem to me to be totally misapplied
in reference to their feelings and actions,
for they do all in solemnity and serious-
ness. Do you stand under a tree whose
thick foliage completely screens you from
the sun, and you hope to enjoy perfect
shade and repose? A slight rustling
proves that companions are near; pres-
ently a broken twig falls upon you, then
another; you raise your eyes, and find that
hundreds of other eyes are staring at you.
In a moment more you see the faces to
which those eyes belong making grimaces,
as you suppose; but it is no such thing;
they are solemnly contemplating the in-
truder; they are not pelting him in play,
it is their business to drive him from their
domain. Raise your arm, the boughs
shake, the chattering begins, and the sooner
you decamp the more you will show your
discretion. Watch the ape or monkey

But to proceed with our description: we notice, first, the Cercopithecus Mona, or Varied Monkey. This pretty little animal has flesh-colored lips and nose, a brown face, with a black band upon the forehead, the back and thighs of a lively brown spotted with black, and black limbs. His height is nearly seventeen inches, and his length, from the tip of the nose to the root of the tail, is two feet.

The varied monkey is one of the species most commonly imported, and that most readily endures the change of climate. Elegance of form, grace of movement, gentleness of disposition, keenness of observation, quickness of intelligence, and, in short, everything that can make a creature of this kind attractive, is possessed by this monkey to an unusual degree.

Although lively even to petulance, it is not vicious, and readily becomes attached to its master. It is even susceptible of a degree of education, if the master can make himself sufficiently feared to enforce obedience.

In one habit it differs from all other monkeys; it never makes grimaces; and it wears on its features a certain gravity and sweetness of expression. It partakes readily of any cooked dish, bread, fruits, and certain insects; and is particularly fond of ants and spiders. It has great agility, though all its movements are gen. tle. It is very persevering in its endeavors to carry out its wishes, but never resorts to violence; and after having teased for a long time for some pleasing object which is still persistently refused, it will suddenly cease its endeavors, make a gambol, and appear to think no more about it.

Its morality is rather questionable with regard to the rights of property. It has such a tendency to pilfering as no punishment can correct. It slips the hand quietly into the pocket of those who may be caressing it, and that, too, with the address of a skillful conjuror. In order to secure without disturbance the objects of its desire, to steal a few fruits or knick-knacks, it will readily turn the key of a closet, untie a package, and open the ring of a chain. Heedless and capricious, it is not always disposed to caress its master; but, when tranquil, and not preoccupied, it will gracefully respond to any advances. It will play, take the most amiable attitudes, bite gently, press against the person whom it loves, and utter a little musical cry, which is its ordinary expression of joy. In general, it is less amiable to strangers, and rarely fails to bite those who are hardy enough to touch it. It is also subject to capricious and unaccountable antipathies.

Its native country is Northern Africa, and Barbary in particular. It appears, also, to have been found in Abyssinia, in Arabia, Persia, and some other parts of Asia. As it is very timid, it rarely approaches the habitations of men, and never enters his plantations. In time of famine, when the fruits become rare in the forests, it descends in troops to the plains, and there turns the stones over and over as assiduously as the most enthusiastic entomologist, in order to find the insects that may be hidden beneath them. In order to preserve its specimens, it has no pin-box, such as serves the learned men who catch flies, but two very commodious sacks, cut after the pattern furnished by dame nature, namely, its pouches. These are two membranous pockets, such as most monkeys are furnished with, one under each cheek. In the varied monkey these are large enough to contain provisions for two days; but its gluttony is still more capacious, for it will devour in a few hours, or as soon as its stomach will permit, that which it would have economized with a little forethought. Few sights are more comical than the figure of this monkey, with its cheeks so distended with provisions, as to make its head appear to be of twice its usual size. In this state it is a living representation of the bloated, puff-cheeked figures by which the ancient painters represented the winds.

and seeks an isolated tree, in the foliage of which it can be concealed; for it is fearful lest its comrades pillage its storehouse, by beating and forcing it to open its mouth, which sometimes happens. At the bottom of its hiding-place, seated in a bifurcation of the branches, it draws from its sack, one by one, the insects which it has taken, smooths them with its little fingers, plucks off the wings and the feet, which it throws away, carries it to the teeth, and finally eats it at several mouthfuls with a well-principled gastronomy; and then recommences the same operation with another, until its provisions are exhausted. Then only does it think of rejoining its comrades.

The Diana, or Spotted Monkey, bears a striking resemblance to the Mona in habits, character, and general appearance. This lively creature is found in Congo and Guinea, where, in large troops, it inhabits the silent forests. Its natural food is fruit, birds' eggs, and insects. As it is readily tamed, the negroes often capture and se!! it to the Europeans, who come to trade upon the African coast.

The character of this little monkey is very amiable. It is much attached to its master, and answers his call upon all occasions. One of my friends possesses an individual of this species, which used to accompany the family from the city to the country-seat about three miles distant. The road was bordered with trees, and the curious animal climbed them all without exception. When the trees were sufficiently near, it jumped from one to the other with unexampled lightness and rapidity. But it soon wearied with this experiment, and jumped upon the back of a spaniel, which was forced to carry him. The first time this was done, the poor dog was very much frightened, and tried to relieve himself of the unwonted burden. But the monkey seized the long tufts of hair with its four hands so firmly, that in spite of running, leaping, and turning, its position was maintained. When the dog rolled over it jumped off with a light bound, watched the performance, and when the animal rose, another bound placed the monkey on his back again. At length, finding opposition useless, the dog took it all in good part, and became the involuntary saddle-horse of the Diana.

Like the Mona, it is a little thievish, At such times the Mona avoids the troop, and it has the trick of concealing in beds

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