
been poured out in copious effasions. In many towns, within the bounds of our sister churches in Connecticut, Vermont, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire, the gospel of Christ is seen to be the ' 'power of God, and the wisdom of God to salvation.' Zion is there putting on her beautiful garments, there is,

flowing with a full stream, that viver which makes glad the city of our God; and the great Shepherd is leading his flock to the green pastures, by the living waters.

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Advancing towards the south, we see the footsteps of our glorious Redeemer, within the bounds of the Presbyteries of Long Island, Hudson, and New York. Jesus shows that he is able to save, even to the uttermost, by the conversion of old and hardened sinners, of open avowed unbelievers, and of abandoned profligates. The slaves of Satan are delivered from their bondage, and admitted into the glorious liberty of the sons of God. In the western parts of the state of New York, particularly in the newly-settled regions, the progress of religion has been great; that desert buds and blossoms as the rese; and promises, under the auspices of grace, to become as the garden of the Lord. It is mentioned as a proof of this, that in the space of 11 years the number of ministers of Jesus, in that country, bas increased from two to nearly 50.

Although the revival in New Jersey, of which the Assembly made report to the churches last year, has, in some degree, declined, yet we are delighted to hear that the precious fruits of it remain, that apostacies are very rare,-that they who name the name of Christ, appear generally to walk worthy of their vocation; and that, although the harvest seems for the present to be past, yet still, in many places, the gleanings are considerable.

In the Presbytery of Philadelphia the work of the Lord goes on, in the congregations of Cape May and Fairfield. Many souls are there brought from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God.

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There are tidings also from some par's of the Presbytery of Balti.


more, which make glad the hearts of the friends of Zion.

The Assembly are happy to learn that the fruits of the great revival in some of the southern states, which took place years ago, still remaiu ; that there also apostacies are very rare, and professors of religion appear to have their conversation in Heaven. In some instances, professional characters, formerly notorious for their adherence to the principles of infidelity, and for inatten tion to the duties of religion and morality, are now found publicly manifesting their attachment to the friends and the doctrines of Christianity.

With pleasure we have received the information, that several seminaries of learning have been favoured with the special grace of God; and some of those youths who are expected hereafter to influence public opinion and sentiment, have be come disciples of a crucified Res deemer.

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In addition to this general view of the good things which God has done for us, it is remarked, that the Missionaries employed by the General Assembly, and by other Missionary bodies within their bounds, have performed their services with fidelity, and, in several instances, with considerable success. pel has been carried to destitute places, and the Sun of Righteousness has risen, with healing under his wings, upon some of the dark and benighted régions of our wilderness. A goodly number of churches have been organized during the year past; and now, in several places, there is an earnest cry for the stated preaching of the gospel, where, ten years ago, there were none who cared for these things. The Missions to the poor blacks in our country, have also been, in some degree, blessed by the Head of the church; and even the heart of the savage has been melted by the all-subduing grace of God.

It is pleasing also to remark, that in some places, where Infide lity appeared to have built her strong holde, the doctrine of Christ crucified has triumphed. The im


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pious heresy of Socinianism, which reduces to the level of a mere man our blessed Lord and Saviour, bas been also, in some instauces, considerably diminished.

The Assembly cannot forbear mentioning here, with great satis faction, the institution of several Bible Societies, in addition to the one established nearly two years ago, in Philadelphia. We thank God that he has put it into the hearts of the pious and benevolent of various denominations, to devise and furnish the means of sending the Scriptures, which alone are able to make men wise unto salvation, to the poor and needy; and we anticipate with joy the happy effects which it is hoped will result from these institutions. It is our most ardent prayer, that they may be increased, until all who dwell upon the earth shall be favoured with the word of God, the only infalli ble rule of faith and practice.'

The Assembly also acknowledge with joy the goodness of God in checking the progress of the errors, and healing the divisions which have prevailed for some years in a few of the western churches.

In producing the happy effects which have been just detailed, God has done honour to his word and ordinances. As the Assembly cannot recognize as genuine any work in the hearts of men bearing the name of Religion, but that which is pro duced by the instrumentality of truth, acknowledges and honours that truth, so they observe as usual, a confirmation of this great principle in the reports concerning the state of religion at the present ses. sions. In those parts of the church, without exception, in which vital religion has flourished, in the course of the last year, the fundamental doctrines of the gospel, viz. the total depravity of human nature, the divinity and atonement of Jesus Christ, justification by his imputed righteousness, the sovereignty and freeness of divine grace, and the special influences of the Holy Spirit in the regeneration and sanctification of sinners,' have been decidedly received and honoured.


The means, in addition to the preaching of the word, which God has owned and bless d, are, catechis ing and prayer-meetings; and the Assembly hail it as an auspicious omen, that, upon many of his people and churches, God has poured out a spirit of grace and supplication. We rejoice in being able to say, that praying-societies have considerably increased in the last twelve months. Let those who have been favoured with the effusions of the Holy Spirit, persevere with increas ing diligence in the use of those means which it has pleased God to bless; and let those who are still in a state of languor and coldness, remember that it is only in the diligent use of the means appointed by God, that they can expect to obtain his blessing. We recommend this the more earnestly, dear brethren, because, although the state of the church, on the whole, is prospering,yet, in some very extensive and po pulous regions of our country, reli gion declines, errors prevail, vice abounds, and souls are perishing! Let the friends of Jesus, throughout our land, united in one purpose, and animated by one spirit, rise to more vigorous exertions for the promotion of vital piety. Let their time, their talents, and their all, be de voted to the cause of God and of Christ. God has done and promised enough to encourage our hopes, and animate our labours. The time is approaching when Jesus will come in the glory and majesty of his grace, proceed from conquest to conquest, and fill the whole earth with his salvation! Try then, brethren, the utmost efficacy of prayer, and let every soul with fervour cry, Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus! Amen.'

Stated Clerk.'


A Gentleman in New York, writing to a friend in London, says, That the ministry of the Rev. Dr. Romeyn, who has laboured in that city for two years past, has been minently blessed. Dr. Milledeller,

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FOR SALE, on Tuesday, the 3d ay of July next, fifty negroes; among whom are thirty who have always been employed as a jobbing gang. Not less than ten will be bargained for. Those unsold by the 8th of the same month, he will put up to sale one by one. · At the same time he intends to sell the property left by the late F. S.; consisting of a house, &c. a very able young negro man, five young women, and two children!

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Provincial Intelligence.

Whit-Monday last (June 13) was held the usual Anniversary, at Mr. Walker's, Peppard. The Rev. Mr. Kingsbury,of Southampton, preached in the morning, on the Iniquitous Practice of Revelling, from Prov. xiv. 12-14; Mr, Castleden in the afternoon, from 1 Cor. xv, 58; and Mr.Lovegrove in the evening, from Luke xv. 7. Messrs. Churchill, Redford, Eastmead, Watkins, and Wood, assisted in the various services of the day. The children of the school, with about 50 poor people, were dined and supphed with provisions for the day; and the crowning of the whole was the presence of the Lord, which made it a picasing and profitable opportunity.

July 26. Mr. D. Davies was ordained to the pastoral charge over the Independent church at Rhes-ycae, Flintshire. Mr. Evans, of Ruthin, began the service; Mr. Griffiths, of Machynlleth, explained the Nature of a Gospel church, from 1 Cor. xiv. 40; Dr. Lewis, of Llanuwchllyn, asked the questions; Mr. Jones, of Holywell, offered up the ordination-prayer; Dr. Lewis delivered the charge, from Col. iv. 16; Mr. J. Jones, of Liverpool, preached to the people, from 1 Thess. v. 12; Mr. Williams, of Wern, and Mr. Lewis, of Bala, preached in the evening; and Mr. Jones, of Llanpeter, the preceding evning. Mr. Jones, of Newmarket, and Mr. Thomas, student from Wrexham, engaged in the devotional parts of the services. The congregations were far too numerous for the chapel, and appeared (as usual on such occasions) very serious and much affected. - The Members of this Sgciety were heretofore a part of the Independent church at Holywell, who, after Mr. Davies accepted their call, separated, and formed a distinct Society. - Mr. Jones, of Holywell, has preached in this neighbourhood for more than seven years; and Mr. Davies has laboured in this place for the last 15 months with much acceptance. .

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Sept. 5. Mr. Abr. Toothill (only son of the Rev. J. T. of Rainford, Lancashire) travelling for a respect, able house in Manchester, lost nis life, as supposed by accident, in one of the lakes of Westmoreland. was a young man of serious and amiable character, having just attained the age of 21. A Bible was found in his pocket. His remains were interred at Rainford; and a funeral sermon preached by Mr. Kenworthy, of Horwich, from Job i, 24.

The Sussex Mission Society held their Half-yearly Meeting at Brighton, on Sept. 26. The sermon in the forenoon was preached by Mr. John Burder, from 2 Cor. v. 19, at Mr. Styles's Meeting; Mr. Ottaway preached in the evening, from Acts v. 42, at Mr.Gough's Meeting; Mr. Griffiths preached on the preceding

evening, at the Countess's chapel, from Luke xxiv. 47. The devotional exercises were conducted by Messrs. Mather, Styles, Fisher, Gough, and Kerby. The business of the Society was transacted after the morning service; and very flattering prospects were unfolded. The next Annual Meeting is to be held at Chichester, in the second week of April, 1811. Mr. Burder's sermon, we understand, is to be printed, with the Report of the Committee annexed to it, at the request of the Ministers of the Association.

An Institution has been formed at

Forest Dean, for the distribution of Bibles and other religious books; and schools have been opened, which are attended by upwards of 100 children. Subscriptions and Donations of Money or Books, are received by the Rev. J. Horlick, of Mitchell Dean; the Rev. W. Bishop, Gloucester, &c.

A West Lothian Bible Society has been lately instituted. They first met in Ballgate; but now meet in Linlithgow, the county town. The magistrates have been so polite as to give them the council-chamber for their place of meeting. They, amount already to 100 of the most respectable inhabitants in that part of the country.

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kingdom, can look back upon the few last years, and not rejoice in the highly beneficial efforts which have been used to disseminate the Bible, and enlighten the Heathen nations abroad; and also to promote Suuday-Schools and Itinerant Preaching at home?

The writer of this paper would most sincerely regret if he were to say or do any thing that would, in the smallest degree, tend to the in jury of these truly important operations. It is, however, needful to be on our guard, that, whilst we are suitably occupied with these great objects, we do not forget other duties, which, though of much less magnitude, are, in some measure, connected with them; and in regard to which it may be truly said, These ought ye to have done, and not have left the other undone.'

Whilst our ministers have taken a most active and liberal share in these works of faith and labours of love, and some even beyond their ability, it is evident to the writer, as well as to many others, that something is needful to be done towards supplying their necessities and lightening their cares. Some of them have already spent, and others are cheerfully and laboriously spending their time, their strength, and their talents, for the cause of God and the advantage of their fellow-men, whilst the interests of their own families are not adequately provided for. Much has been said upon the subject, and many ways proposed for their relief; but it is time that something of an adequate and permanent nature was actually done.

The advocate of this new object has long had his eye and his heart fixed upon this work of mercy ; but the time and labour required to nourish and bring to maturity his first and darling child, have hitherto prevented *. Providence having now accomplished that object, far beyond his most sanguine expecta tion, he has determined, by the assistance of the Almighty, to devote all the time and strength which can be spared from other necessary and important avocations, to the formation of an institution to be deng

* Asylum for Deaf and Dumb.

minated The Congregational Asylum; to embrace, 1st, The educating and boarding (and clothing, if possible) of 80 or 100 Children of Ministers of the above denomination; and, 2d, To provide a comfortable retreat for 10 or 12 aged Ministers, worn out in the honourable and arduous service of the Christian sanctuary t. In proportion as the exertions in favour of religion increase and prosper, and the churches of course are multiplied, the number of our pub. lic teachers must also increase; and it is a fact too well known to need any enlargement or proof in this Circular Letter, that the pecuniary circumstances of the generality of our ministers are far from being what they ought to be; but few of them can provide for their families more than food and raiment; some scarcely these. As to any surplus to lay by to meet the peculiar necessities of old age, or decently educate their children, with too many it is utterly impracticable.

The children of Dissenting Ministers are shut out from all those schools which are under the influence of the Establishment. Is it

not then much to be regretted, that as yet there has been no better provision made for them among their own denominations? The want of this accounts for their being generally so ill-educated. As to Dissenting Ministers teaching their children themselves, that is next to impossible, owing to the multitude and variety of their avocations; and to provide them with suitable private schools is nearly as difficult, arising, in general, from the smallness of their incomes.

Although the individual who, in an bumbie dependence upon God, has taken upon himself the laborious task of raising and establishing this temple of mercy, and on whose exertions and zeal it must materially depend, at least for some time, is a minister of that denomination for whose advantage it is formed,-yet he feels great satisfaction in being able to say, that Providence has placed him out of the reach of deriving any advantage from it him

self, either now or in future: he is of course necessarily exonerated from even the suspicion of having any interested motive in devoting himself to this needful and important service.

In making this appeal to the liberality of Christians, the writer thinks he may especially and most confidently reckon upon the zealous co-operation, not only of the ministers and officers of Congregational Societies, but he also hopes that the rich and affluent among the laity in general will show a prompt zeal (as they have done upon so many other occasions) not merely by their own individual subscriptions, but by endeavouring to influence all within their neighbourhood, to whom Providence bas afforded the means of doing good. What may be done by strenuous exertion and persever, ing application, and that in a short period of time, has been so abundautly demonstrated to the writer in the case of the Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb, that he feels no hesitation in persuading himself that ample and growing success will attend this work also. J. TOWNSEND. Jamaica Row, Bermondsey,

Sept. 25, 1810.

Ministers of the Congregational Denomination, who intend to make application for the admission of children, should send an account of of this paper, together with the their number and age to the writer

names and residences of such Annual Subscribers and Benefactors as

they may procure. Subscriptions are also received by the following Backers: Down, Thornton, and Co. Bartholomew Lane; Fuller, Challeris, and Co. Lombard Street, Hankey and Co. Fenchurch Street; Rogers, Olding, and Co. and Mainwaring and Chatteris, Cornhill.

The following Cuse of the Rev. G. Bullock, is submilled to the Attention of the Benevolent.

MR. Bullock was a student in the late institution at Mile End, under Dr. Addington. He passed through his studies with respectability; and

The nature and extent of this part of the plan must depend on eircumstances.

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