
just and illegitimate government; nor did we omit to address an instruction to our venerable brethren the bishops of those provinces.

That government, however, was not slow! How speedily did it prove by facts, and furnish decisive evidence, that in that instruction we had foretold what Religion had to expect from it! The occupation, the plunder of the patrimony of Jesus Christ, the abolition of religious houses, the expulsion of the Holy Virgins from their cloisters, the profanation of churches, the allowance of unbridled licentiousness, the contempt of ecclesiastical discipline and of the Holy Canons; the promulgation of a code, and of other laws, contrary not only to those Holy Canons, but also to the precepts of the Gospels and to the divine rights; the abasement and oppression of the clergy; the subjection of the sacred power of the bishops to the power of laymen; the force in many ways put upon their consciences; the violent displacing of them from their cathedrals, and sending them away, with other equally nefarious, equally sacrilegious atrocities against the liberty, the immunity, and the doctrine of the church in those our provinces committed instantly, as before in all those other places which had fallen under the power of that government, these, these, are the wonderful rewards! these the illustrious monuments of that astonishing attachment to the Catholic Religion, which, even at this day, is incessantly boasted of and promised!

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For us, who experience so many bitternesses on the part of those from whom we could least expect them, already filled with them, and afflicted by them on every side, we grieve not so much for the present as for the future state of our persecutors: for if the living Lord be angry with us a little [while, Eng. tr.] for our chastening and correction, yet shall he be at one again with his servants: but thou, who hast been the author of all mischief against the church [the Hebrews] how shalt thou escape the hand of God? God will not forgive any, neither will he respect the greatness of any for he made both the small and great; and to the most powerful he has reserved the most powerful punishment *. Moreover, we desire, that by whatever means, even by our own life, the eternal perdition of our persecutors might be prevented, and their salvation ensured ! — for still we love them; and never have we ceased to love them! We desire never to depart from that spirit of charity, that spirit of meekness † which nature has imparted to us, which our will has exercised, and that we might in future, as we have hitherto, spare the rod, which has been given to us, together with the charge of the whole flock of the Lord, in the person of the most blessed Peter, from the Prince of Pastors, for the correction and the punishment of wanderers, and of obdurate sheep, and for making them an example and a salutary terror to others.

But this is not the moment for lenity. Every one who behold's cannot but see, unless he be wilfully blind, to what such atrocities tend, if they be not opposed in some manuer, while it may be done. On the other hand, there is none who does not see, that there remains no hope, in any shape, that their authors either by admonitions, or by councils, or by inireaties, or by expostulations, may be rendered friendly to the church. To those meaus they have left no access: they neither hear them, nor answer them, but by accumulating injuries upon injuries; nor can it be pretended that they submit to the church as sens to a mother, or as disciples to their mistress, by those who devise nothing, who do nothing, who attempt nothing, but with intention to subject her as a servant to her master, and by subjecting her to overturn her very foundations.

What then remains for us to dò, unless we would incur the reproach of negligence or slothfulness, or perhaps even that of having wickedly deserted the cause of God! except to lay aside all reference to terrestrial things, to renounce all fleshly prudence, and to follow the precept of the Gospel, If he will not hear the church, let him be to thee as a heathen man, and a +1 Cor. iv. 21.


2 Macc. vii. 33, 34.



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publican *' Let them once again understand that, by the law of Christ, their sovereignty is subjected to our throne: for we also exercise a sovereignty; we add also, a more noble sovereignty, unless it were just that the Many spirit should yield to the flesh, and celestial things to terrestrial t.' great Pontiffs, illustrious by their doctrine and holiness, by one or other of those crimes which are subjected to anathema by the sacred canons, have been reduced to equal extremities in behalf of the church, against kings and contumacious princes. Shall we fear to follow their example even in this, after so many crimes so nefarious, so atrocious, so sacrilegious, so universally known, so openly manifest to all? Should not our fear be greater, rather to have justly deserved the accusation of having so done too late, rather than too early; especially, when by this last crime, the most wicked of all that have hitherto been perpetrated against our temporal sovereignty, we are warned, that from henceforth we shall not be more free to discharge those so weighty and necessary duties of our Apostolie Ministry?

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Wherefore, by the authority of Almighty God, and of the most holy apostles Peter and Paul, and by our own, we declare all those who after the invasion of this holy city, and the ecclesiastical dominions, and the sacrilegious violation of the patrimony of the blessed Peier, the Prince of the Apostler, by the Gallic troops (outrages complained of by us in the aforesaid two consistorial allocutions, and in many protesis and reclamations published by our order in the said city, and states of the church) against the immunity of the church, against the church itself, and the rights of this holy See, and its temporal authority, perpetrated either by themselves or by others, together with all their abettors, advisers, adherents, or others in any manner concerned in the furthering of the aforesaid violences, we decree that they have incurred the


with the other censures, and penalties inflicted by the Sacred Canons, by the Apostolic Constitutions, and by the General Councils; especially by that of the Council of Trent (Sess. xxii. chap. xi. de Reform); and if need be, we do anew excommunicate and anathematize them; we declare that the have incurred, as penalties, the loss of all and every kind of privilege, grace, and indulgence, in whatsoever manner granted to them, whether by us, or by the Roman Pontiffs our predecessors: neither from this censure can they be liberated or absolved by any, unless by us, or by the Roman Pontiff for the time being, unless in the article of death; and then falling again under the same censures in case of recovery: and further, they are incompetent and incapable to obtain the benefit attending on absolution, until they have publicly retracted, revoked, annulled, and abolished, to the utmost possible, all and every kind of outrage; and have effectually reinstated all things, or otherwise have made condiga satisfaction to the church, and to us, and to this Holy Fee, in the ; inises aforesaid.

• Wherefore we decree and declare by these presents, that all those, and likewise all others, deserving of the most special mention, together with their successors in office, shall never, under any pretence, be in any degree relieved from the retraction, revocation, annulling, and abolition of all the outrages above mentioned; but shall be bound to make adequate, real, and effectual satisfaction to the church, to us, and to the said Holy See, ac. cording to these presents; yea, they are always bound under these ebligations, and shall so continue, in order to the validity of whatever benefits they may obtain from absolution.

But, while we are constrained to draw from its scabbard the sword of church severity, we do not in the least forget, that, unworthy though we be, we hold the place of him who, when he exercises his justice, does not forget mercy. Therefore, we direct and command, fist our own subjects,

*Matt. xvii.

+ St. Greg Naz. Orat, xviii. ad Maug.

and also all Christian people, in virtue of holy chedience, that none of them, os occasion of these letters, or by any pretext derived from them, should presume to hurt, injure, prejudice, or damage in any manner whatever, the said parties, their property, rights, or prerogatives. Even while inflicting those punishments which God has put in our power, for so many and so great injuries to God, and to his Holy Church, we propose to ourselves, above all, that those who now trouble us should be converted, and be troubled with us (St. Aug. Ps. liv. 1.) if haply it might prove that God should give them repentance to the acknowl dgment of the truth*.

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For these causes, lifting up our hands to Heaven in the bumility of our heart, we do again remit and commend to God, whose, rather than ours, is that most just cause which we support; and again by his grace assisting us, we profess our readiness to drink to the very dregs, on the behalf of his church, that cup which he himself first of all condescended to drink for her. We beseech and intreat him by the bowels of his mercy, that he would not despise nor reject the prayers and deprecations addressed to him by us day and night for their recovery. Certainly, no day so bright or equally joyful could shine for us, as that ou which it were granted us by the Divine Mercy to see our sons, now the cause of so much tribulation and grief to us, again taking refuge in our paternal bosom, and speedily rsturning to the sheepfold.

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We decree that the present letters, and every thing in them contained, or deducible from then, may not at any time (even under the parties before mentioned, or any others interested in the premises, in whatever manner, or of whatever state, degree, order, pre-emineace, or dignity they may be, or otherwise; or who ought to be mentioned individually, or specially, by any other expression or term of dignity, by pleading that they' have not consented, or that having been called, cited, and heard, that they have not beeu sufficiently convinced of the verity and justice of the occasion of these presents, or for any other cause, colour, or pretext whalever) we say, may not at any time be impeached of subreption or obreption, or nullity, or want of intention on our part, or want of consent of the partics interested, nor of any other defect whatever: neither shall they be held, impugned, infringed, refracted, questioned, or reduced to terms of right; neither shall any remedy lie against them by special pleading, or by restitution to the import of the whole, or by other evasion of right, of fact, or of grace; neither shali this remedy, having been solicited, granted, and issued of our knowledge and plentitude of power, be questioned in judgment, or out of judgment; but the present letters shall always continue firm, valid, and efficacious, and shall maintain and obtain their full and entire effect; and by those whom they concern, and for so long as they' coucern them, they shall be beid inviolable and unshaken : 80, and wot otherwise, shall they be taken by all judges, ordinary, or delegate; also by the Auditors of Causes of the Apostolic Palace, and by the Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church, also by the Legates a latere, and by the Nuncios of the said See, and by all others enjoying or to enjoy whatsoever pre-emipence, or power; depriving them and each of them, whoever he be, of the power, faculty, and authority of otherwise judging of them, and inter preting them declaring null and void whatever may be attempted against them by any one, whether by authority, and of knowledge, or by ig


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Notwithstanding the foregoing, and so far as need be, our rule, and that of the Apostolic Chancery, de jure quæsito non tollendo, and the other Apostolic constitutions and appointments, and whatever other statutes and customs established by oath, or by Apostolic confirmation, or by any other corroboration and establishment, notwithstanding all usages and styks fio time immemorial, all previous privileges, indulgences, and Apostolic

* 2 Tim ii. 25.

letters; -notwithstanding all other, or whatsoever persons, and with whatever dignity resplendent, whether ecclesiastical or worldly, and however qualified, and requiring specially to be expressed, under whatever tenor and form of words, notwithstanding, also, whatever clause derogatory of derogatories, or other efficacious of most efficacious, or insolite, or irritating, and all other decrees, purporting to be of motion, of knowledge, and of full power, whether consistorial, or otherwise, in whatever manner, contrary to these premises granted, yielded, made, and often repeated, and however often they may have been seen, approved, confirmed, and renewed, from all and singular of them in the present instance, we derogate;-from their whole tenor general and special, specific, express, and individual, word by word, and not only by general clauses, under whatever form expressed; according to the tenor of these presents, as if they were here inserted and explained word for word, formally, and nothing of them omitted, taking them as if they were wholly and sufficiently expressed and inserted in these presents; which notwithstanding, shall still continue in their full strength and primary effect for this special purpose; and we do expressly derogate from whatever is contrary to them; and our will is that such be derogated from.

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And whereas these present letters cannot be safely published, especially in those places where there is the greatest need, as is a notorious fact, our will is that they, or copies of them, be affixed and published at the doors of the church of the Lateran, of the Basilica of the Prince of the Apostles, ́ also of the Apostolic Chancery, of the General Court of the Monte Citorio, and in the Square of the Campo di Fiore in this city; and that, being so affixed and published, they should be binding on all and singular who are concerned in them, as if they had been served on each of them nominally and personally.

And further our will is, that to the same letters, or otherwise printed copies of them, subscribed by tire hand of some notary public, and furnished with the seal of some person of ecclesiastical dignity, faith be givén, in every place, and among every people, as well in judgment as out of judgment, wherever they may be exhibited, as if these presents themselves were there exhibited and shewn.

Given at Rome, at the Church of Santa Maria the Major,
under the Fisherman's Ring, the 10th day of July, 1809, in
the Tenth Year of our Pontificate.

This curious paper, which will be memorable in the annals of ecclesiastical history, needs no comment. We may, however, readily suppose, from the well-known disposition of the French Emperor, that this bold act of his Holiness would be warmly resented. We are informed, by the public papers, that the Pope had been escorted, under a strict guard, to Savona, where he had been kept in close confinement several days. He was then removed to Grenoble, with a design, as it was supposed, of being taken farther into France; but the people flocked with such eagerness from all parts to pay homage to the unfortunate Pontiff, increasing in numbers in proportion to his progress, that the French General deemed it prudent to return with him to Savoua, till further orders were received from Paris. No person is permitted to see him, but those to whose care he is intrusted.

It is added, That before he left Rome, aware of the dreadful measures to which the French Ruler might have recourse, in order to extort from him what measures his policy might require, had, in conjunction with the body of Cardinals, chosen his coadjutor and successor to the Pon tificate, who is said to be the Archbishop of Palermo.

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WAs the eldest son of the late Mr. John Dando, of Dursley, in Gloucestershire, who was the principal instrument in introducing the gospel into that town; and who, after many years living an ornament to his Christian profession, died somewhat more than 30 years ago, in the full assurance of faith.


Mr. Dando enjoyed the advantages of a religious education. Very early in life he was the subject of many serious impressions; which continued for a considerable time, and were accompanied with a more than ordinary attachment to the people and ways of God. promising appearances, however, did not continue without interrup tion. As he grew towards manhood, the propensities of his corrupt nature soon withered these early blos soms; and for some time, youthful folly prevailed above his better judgment: but God, by his special grace, would not permit this indifference to his best interests long to remain; for when he was about the age of 18, he was led, from motives of curiosity, to hear a Mr. Darby preach, who, at that time, was a drummer in the army; but who afterwards settled as a preacher at Witney, in Oxfordshire. During the sermon, he became enraptured and almost overwhelmed with the display of God's boundless love and goodress to sinners, through Jesus Christ. His powers were all absorbed in the contemplation of this blessed theme; and, ere he was aware, his soul became like the chariots of Amminadib.' In this delightful frame of mind he continued for some time, ardently longing to be released from the body of sin, and to be admitted into that ineffable state of happiness of which he now had such a delightful foretaste: but, as it is with most in the Christian course, many

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fears and, doubts soon succeeded; together with such a view of the exceeding sinfulness of sin, as at times much dejected him, and rendered him doubtful of his interest in the everlasting covenant. These exercises, however, were abundantly blessed to him, as he was led to form a more proper estimate of the merits of the adorable Redeemer, in whose finished work he was ultimately brought to place the most entire confidence. The eternal Spirit having thus illuminated his mind, every circumstance that tended to debase and humble the sinner and exalt the blessed Saviour, gave him the greatest delight and satinfaction. Many of the energetic discourses of the late venerable George Whitfield were made very useful to him; and he has been heard to express his attachment to that great and good man in the strongest


Mr. Dando was a member of the dissenting congregation, at Rodborough, in Gloucestershire, for upwards of 30 years; and when the Rev. Toomas Adams, who several years was a faithful and zealous minister at that place, died, he was appointed one of the trustees of the Tabernacle there, with a strict injuuction to be watchful against the introduction of unscriptural doctrmes. During his long residence in this neighbourhood, his friends will, doubtless, recollect with pleasure the many pleasant hours they have spent together,-what sweet counsel they have taken together, as they have gone to and from the house of God! They will also bear in mind the strict integrity, consistent walk, and holy coversation of their departed friend.

After Mr. Dando had lived with his first wife more than 30 years, it pleased the Almighty to deprive him of this comfort *. Aitho' he was no the whole enabled to bear this great trial with tolerable fortitude, yet,

* See an account of her sudden death in our Magazine for August last,

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