
were made by a Friend of the monthly meeting, for the merciful help that had been dispensed, during the transacting the weighty matters that came before the meeting.

Third-day morning, we had nine miles to ride to attend Sempronius meeting: when breakfast had closed, feeling a call of duty to relieve my mind of an exercise which it had been brought under, I endeavoured to seek after holy help to discharge this duty we parted under feelings of affection for each other, and were favoured to reach the meeting-house before the time of Friends' assembling, for which there was cause of thankfulness, considering the badness of our roads. The preparative meeting, being under adjournment to accommodate the visiting committee, was held here this day: we here met with a few well-concerned members of our religious Society; but there was reason to fear, as it respected others, little more remained with them than a claim to outward membership. Although my being willing to sit where the people sit, as it respected the bulk of this meeting, was the way to enter into suffering, which the creature was ready to recoil at; yet I was sensible this must be the case with us, if we labour in the Lord's vineyard to the benefit of the people. After meeting was over, my companion, myself, and the committee, proceeded towards Salmon Creek meeting, and took up our abode at Jacob Griffin's.

The next morning we attended meeting at Salmon Creek; the state of the Society here was trying to the rightly-exercised members amongst themselves as well as the visitors; yet it was pleasant to find a willingness to receive the close doctrine that was offered amongst them, and to observe the apparent love that was manifested towards us at our parting. After meeting, we proceeded towards Scipio, and took up our abode for the night at the house of the widow Line's.

Fifth-day morning, attended Scipio preparative meeting: the meeting held long, Friends appearing disposed to go into the state of this meeting more fully than I at first expected would be the case; much counsel was imparted through different instruments, I humbly hope, rightly fitted for the work. The meeting closed to good satisfaction upon the whole, though the spirit of unsoundness of principle, and a disesteem of the Sacred Writings, which afterwards made such havock in this monthly meeting, had already a little manifested itself at this time. After meeting, we rode to Aaron.

Sixth day, we attended the North-street preparative meeting, where we found a considerable body of goodly-looking Friends, with whom we had as comfortable a meeting as any that has fallen to our lot, since coming into this monthly meeting; I considered it a favour, our being thus incorporated with the com

mittee during our passing through these monthly meetings: after meeting, we rode to Union Springs.

The following day, we attended the preparative meeting: here Friends have a commodious, nearly new-built meeting-house, beautifully situated in a very retired spot, with but quite a small number to attend it. If I had any sense given me of the state of our Society here, the life of religion was at a very low ebb; yet it was pleasant to find a disposition on the part of the members to go further into the state of things than the answers to the queries brought in by the overseers had done. Intending to go to Junius meeting to-morrow, and the distance being too far for us to reach in the morning, we requested Friends' assistance in pointing out a suitable stopping-place to-night: the Seneca Falls was proposed to us, where we were informed resided a family who were members of our religious Society: after taking our leave of the committee, and the kind friends with whom we took up our abode, we pursued our journey to the Falls.

First-day morning, we rode to Junius before breakfast: here we found a large new-built meeting-house, erected under the expectation of there being a very considerable settlement of Friends, but after the house was finished, most of the new settlers emigrated to some of the back settlements; in consequence of which the meeting was small, as to members of our Society; a few not in profession with Friends attended; but the whole of us made a desolate appearance. The straggling and unseasonable manner of the meeting's gathering, together with the careless posture in which some took and kept their seats, was cause of much exercise to my mind; the sorrowful tendency of which was felt, by keeping the meeting for a length of time in a very unsettled state. I found my peace very much depended on my being faithful, by recurring to these painful circumstances: before we separated, in fear and trembling I ventured on my feet, craving of the Lord to keep me faithful to his requiring; and in the course of what I had to communicate on these disorderly proceedings, I was led to address some individuals implicated therein, who were taking an active part in the concerns of the Society, and to lay before them the loss they were sustaining themselves, and the danger there was of their example encouraging others in these practices. After I had been thus engaged, when taking my seat again, my mind was plunged into great suffering, through a fear that took possession of it, that I had not had a sufficient warrant for expressing myself as pointedly as 1 had done, and that it had been the enemy's work to lead me into difficulty: I would gladly have slunk out of the house before the meeting broke up, to miss remarks that I thought I should not escape hearing. Before I got clear of the meeting-house

premises, when the meeting broke up, a goodly-like aged woman Friend came up to me, giving me her hand in an affectionate manner, exhorted me with much apparent feeling of mind, to be faithful in my moving along in the service assigned me amongst Friends, adding, with tears, "I am one of those thou was led so pointedly to address near the close of the meeting, and I hope thy exercise will not be lost upon me." These remarks felt as a cordial to my tried mind, accompanied by feelings of gratitude, that dismay had not been permitted quite to overwhelm me; I did not doubt my Divine Master well knew the need there was for me to pass through this dispensation, to humble and keep down the creaturely part in me.



SECOND-DAY, 18th of 12th mo. 1826, we rode to Rochester, a newsettled city in the evening, whilst sitting in the family with whom we abode, my mind was brought under religious exercise, accompanied with matter for communication; but conversation was so continually kept up, I felt unequal to come at that quiet my soul longed for, in order to obtain relief. I retired to bed, sad although not sick, a state of mind the Christian traveller must expect to be frequently baptized into, if a real desire continues alive in the soul to be made willing to suffer for and with Christ, whilst he continues to be under suffering and persecution in the hearts and minds of so many among us in the present day; this I believed I was given to see and understand, was sorrowfully the case in this meeting. A hope was awakened in my mind, that if I was careful to watch it, an opportunity might be found, should my exercise continue with me, at the close of our taking breakfast next morning; but by the coming in of persons of other societies, no quiet could be attained: this free access to the private apartments of Friends in this country, which those of other societies are allowed, is a great interruption to the orderly conducting of families, and I doubt not injurious at times to both parents and children, by the hearing of conversation inimical to their best welfare.

The next morning, we took our leave of the family who had kindly entertained us, accompanied by Henry Moser, we proceeded towards Hartland this night, and lodged at an inn. We continued our journey, and reached my kind countryman, Michael Robson's, in time to attend the select monthly meeting in the afternoon. Attended the monthly meeting the next morning, which was held in a log meeting-house: the meeting was not fully gathered until an hour after the time appointed, which had a very unsettling effect. I was constrained to endeavour to awaken the attention of the well-concerned members of the meeting to this subject, to consider if something more was not required than had been done towards a remedy: what service I had amongst the

Friends of this meeting, to the creaturely part was humiliating, yet I trust I had no cause to be dissatisfied with that which had fallen to my lot; the closing minute made on their books, after noticing my certificates, stated that my gospel labours had been acceptable.

I had requested my kind companion, Samuel Wood, to inform me when we were in the neighbourhood of any of the Indian settlements; this I found was now the case, and that the settlement of the Tonawonta Indians could be taken on our way to Canada, whither we intended soon to bend our course; I also learnt that there were Friends attending the monthly meeting who resided about nine miles from this settlement, and who were well acquainted with the Indians of the Tonawonta tribe, by being at times called upon to be in council with them, when any matters of importance between them and the white people claimed their attention. These Friends being spoken to on the subject, very kindly offered to give us any assistance in their power towards collecting them; but on turning the subject over in my own mind, I durst not give expectation at present of my being likely to accept of these kind offers of service.

Sixth-day morning: after rather a sleepless night, partly occasioned by the exercise of mind I was brought under, that I might be rightly directed in the matter respecting the Tonawonta Indians, and not have to return again, after I had passed the road that led to their settlement, we proceeded towards Lockport through the woods, on a new road. Little more, however, appeared to have been done to this road, than cutting down and clearing away the trees for carriages to pass, and making a few ill-contrived bridges, by laying trees across some of the worst of the swampy places which we must otherwise have passed through; these trees were placed the reverse of what they should have been, and some of them were so far apart, that the wheels of our carriage very narrowly escaped dropping down between two of these trees. Some of the mud-holes we had to go through were so deep, it was difficult for our horses, when appearing to exert their utmost strength, to raise us out of them again: a large tree had been blown down across our road, which at first sight threatened to impede our journey, but as no other way appeared for our help, we were obliged to risk our wheels, and exert our endeavours to get the waggon over it; which having accomplished, we pursued our course by a letter H which we found cut on the trees, denoting where the high road lay to our place of destination, which we were favoured to reach in safety, and were kindly received by Ralph Coomstock and family.

The next morning, we made a visit to a sick Friend, and a few other calls: was led to hope our time thus spent had not

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