
it is not worth the effort, while the day of health is theirs, to study the character of our master, and through him the Deity. Let them not hope, that unless they prepare and purify the atmosphere of their souls, the sun of righteousness will shine on them with effectual brightness. They may have pardon, because God is love, but they will lose deep, deep happiness, in meditating on the hope of his presence and nearer likeness.



CHRISTIANITY DESIGNED AND ADAPTED TO BE A UNIVERSAL RELIGION. A Discourse delivered at the Ordination of the Rev. J. W. Thompson, as Pastor of the South Congregational Society, in Natick, Feb. 17, 1830. By Alexander Young, Minister of the Church on Church Green, Boston. Boston, Gray & Bowen.

This is a well written and eloquent discourse, abounding in correct thought, and appropriate and striking illustrations. We shall not attempt any analysis of its contents. Those of our readers, who have not had opportunity of perusing it, will be able to form some opinion of the author's style from the following extract. Christianity is adapted to become a universal religion, because it appeals immediately to the noblest

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part of our nature, and addresses man in his high capacity of an intelligent and rational being. Other religions have appealed to the lower and weaker principles of his nature; to his senses; to his love of the marvellous; to his fondness for show and parade; and hence secret rites and mysteries, imposing ceremonies and gorgeous spectacles, have, in all ages and countries, constituted their principal and most attractive elements. But Christianity, being purely an intellectual and moral system, addresses itself to the understanding and the heart. It presents to man views of God, of duty, and of futurity, most sublime and comprehensive, and calls upon him to employ on them his highest faculties. It does not command him to prostrate his reason before an unintelligible and mystical creed, but submits all its pretensions and doctrines to scrutiny and proof. Its spirit is the spirit of liberal inquiry and free discussion. The consequence has been, that in every age it has exercised and enlarged and strengthened the human mind, and that the Christians of every period, from the introduction of the gospel to the present time, have been the foremost, and the most successful in cultivating the intellect, and enlarging the dominion of knowledge. The Fathers of the church were many of them men of learning, and of deep and vigorous thought. Witness their Apologies in behalf of their adopted faith. When, too, an intellectual darkness shadowed the earth for ages, the little light that glimmered through the gloom, shone through the lattice of the cloister. The monastic institution was the great

depository and guardian of the treasures of literature as well as of revelation. It shielded from barbarian violence, and saved from natural decay, the classic, as well as the evangelic records. By the patient hand of the christian monk were these precious documents transcribed and perpetuated. And let it be remembered, that the revival of letters was coeval with, and derived no small degree of its impetus and energy, from the spirit of religious reformation, which was then beginning to work mightily.'

The Sermon is accompanied with the Charge, Right Hand of Fellowship, and Address to the people, all of which may be read with interest and profit; and to the whole is appended a short sketch of the life and labors of the vneerable Elliot, which greatly enhances the value of the pamphlet.

A PLAIN AND SERIOUS ADDRESS on the subject of the Christian Religion, urging the practice of it in a candid and charitable spirit. Published by the Society for the promotion of Christian Knowledge, Piety, and Charity. Boston, Gray & Bowen,

We are desirous of calling the attention of our readers, and especially of those who are in the habit of purchasing tracts for distribution, to the publication the title of which we have copied above. It is a small tract of thirty-six pages, issued by the Society for the promotion of christian knowledge, piety and charity; we

are happy to find that this society is resuming its benevolent labors. Of the publication alluded to we shall only say, that it is written with great plainness, simplicity and good sense; that it breathes throughout a christian spirit, and is well adapted, we think, for popular use. It is the production, if we are rightly informed, of one venerable alike by his years, and pious and useful exertions, and who with unabated vigor and zeal, is devoted to the cause of truth, and pure, scriptural religion.


BIOGRAPHY FOR YOUNG PERSONS; designed to illustrate the triumphs of Genius and Perseverance. No. 1. Boston, Leonard C. Bowles, 1830. pp. 149.-THE CHILDREN WHO LOVED INNo. 1 and 2. Boston, Leonard C. Bowles, 1830.


pp. 24, 29.

The first named work begins with a valuable history of the art of printing; in which we have the life of Guttemberg, the inventor of moveable types, and of Caxton, who introduced printing into England. Then follow biographies of Bishop Prideaux, Count Rumford, and Madame de Stael, which, though designed for youth, will be attractive and useful, we think, to all ages. The books, entitled, "The children who loved instruction," were written by a Sunday School Teacher, and are fitted to interest juvenile readers in the historical portion of the holy scriptures.

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