EXTRACTS FROM CRITICAL NOTICES. GEOGRAPHY GENERALIZED. "So much information, of so high a character, in so small a compass, and at so low a price, has rarely if ever appeared before."-- Spectator. "It is particularly entitled to commendation, as more bad books have been written on geography than on any other subject. Mr. Sullivan treats geography as a SCIENCE, which, like all sciences, must be taught on the principles of classification and cc.nparison. The basis of his classification is what may be termed the mather athes of geogranby, and he therefore begins with explaining in clean mole language the form, motions, and magnitude of the earth. ecompreheadea without some knowledge of the physical gravitation, &c., taking reach of ordinary obse described in their phys political distribution. As e it. asi аг nature of attraction, ith facts within the ..th's surface are the accidents of amination are mpelling the excellent; they are Constru master to teach."- Athens THE SPELLING-BO TO SIMFIF AN ATTEMPT MAR. "These little works exhibit the same." lity of view, grounded upon the principles of the subject and the PHILOSOPHY OF TEACHING, which distinguish Mr. Sullivan's useful publications."-Spectator. THE DICTIONARY OF DERIVATIONS. "This admirable little book-which no family, where a true knowledge of language is cultivated, should be without."-Spectator. "A work as admirable in its execution as it is novel in design."-- Scotsman. A DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. "This most complete and admirable work only requires to be known in order to make it a household book."- Saunders. THE LITERARY CLASS BOOK. "A volume well worthy of Professor Sullivan's reputation. It is sure to be largely read."- English Journal of Education. "Dr. Sullivan's school-books, sever aber, are distinguished by one great principle-that of simplifying the subject taught, and of bringing out, in a few plain and striking rules, the great leading ideas of the science in hand."-Dublin University Magazine, August, 1856. "In fact, Dr. Sullivan's school-books have been inly instrumental in making a name for the system of Education pursued in the National Schools."-The Irish Quarterly Review, for January, 1858. * * *The circulation of these books in Ireland, Great Britain, and the Colonies, amounts to upwards of 151,300 copies per annum, as appears by the following return, from Messrs. Alex. Thom and Sons, the Government Printers in Ireland : "By referring to our books we find that 454,000 copies of Professor Sullivan's School Books have been printed in our establishment within the last three years. "ALEX. THOM AND SONS. "1st July, 1861." THE LITERARY CLASS BOOK; OR, READINGS IN ENGLISH LITERATURE: TO WHICH IS PREFIXED AN INTRODUCTORY TREATISE ON THE ART OF READING AND THE PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. BY ROBERT SULLIVAN, LL.D., T.C.D., BARRISTER-AT-LAW, &C. SEVENTH EDITION. DUBLIN: MARCUS AND JOHN SULLIVAN, 27, MARLBOROUGH-STREET. LONGMAN, GREEN, LONGMAN, AND ROBERTS, LONDON; |