
Christ Jesus, and that in him there is neither male nor female. By this was first shown to a degenerate world, the value of mental culture and refinement to the female character, and to the discharge of feminine duties, and the natural and restored rights which the daughters of Eve had to these advantages. By this was man taught his obligation to yield this right, and impart these benefits to the associate of his days. In what society have feminine virtues shone forth more distinctly and distinguished than where the principles of the Bible have been received and recognized as the only guide? where, but under such influence, has the proper sphere been allotted to woman?

Education, a proper estimate of their real character, and the station they occupy in society have rendered Christian females an ornament to their circle, and benefactors to their family and nation; and their possession of these are fruits alone of the Christian dispensation. It is to the gospel of Jesus Christ you owe your early advantages, and by the gospel solely are the females of the coming age secured their proper station. The same gospel will produce the same effects in heathen countries; the same seed will be followed by the same fruit. Give the gospel to the heathen; let it go forth in its purity among them, and pass through the breadth of the land and the length of it. Let it be the inhabitant of every village, and the inmate of every dwelling; let it be taught in the schools, and read in the books: it will soon rise to visit the office of the magistrate, and sit on the

throne. Speedily it will influence the minds of the people, and sway their affections, condemn violence and oppression, and make iniquity to hide her head. It will extinguish the funereal fires when lighted for immolation, and cause the widow's heart to sing for joy. Death shall then be swallowed up in victory, and its sting be lost. Then shall it be sung, O death where is thy sting! O grave where is thy victory! But how can this be if the gospel is not received, or even preached among them? for how can they hear without a preacher, and how can they preach except they be sent?

To educate the young will cut up delusion by the roots; this process has a reaction, and produces a reciprocal progress. The education of females is an important branch of the plans of benevolence for a heathen world. It is because females are ignorant of their obligations, their duties and their end, that delusion so easily overcomes them, and that they so cheerfully or inconsiderately surrender themselves to the flames. The instruction of the children will be the medium of improving the parents, and of carrying home truths, against which their door would be barred if presented in any other form, or more directly appealing to themselves. When the male part of the community enjoy the benefits, they will very soon encourage the communications of general knowledge to the other sex. When females are introduced to the full possession of religious and otherwise useful knowledge, they will be the more able to instil the

elements of truth, and to impart a love and a zeal for knowledge to the generation of children intrusted to their care.

But till this is accomplished, are souls now hastening to eternity to remain in ignorance, no one caring for their redemption? Are there no means to be employed? Was this the plan pursued by the first preachers of the everlasting gospel? Did they defer their efforts to make known the glad tidings of great joy? They followed up the commission of their Master, who is likewise our Master, and is Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, to day, and for ever, in his truth, in his operations, in his mercy. The duty of Christians is, and the practice of those who have received grace to be faithful, will be to go and do likewise. You, my young friends, sit under the sound of the gospel; the least you can do, remaining at home, is to contribute of your substance liberally. The degree of liberality required is according to your means and your obligations; those who have been forgiven much, will love much; those who have received much and are sensible of their debts will return the more; those who would be faithful in much will also be faithful in that which is the least. What have you that you have not received? You owe all to him

who loved you, and gave himself for you. There is that which scattereth and yet increaseth, and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty. How much would you give to save one widow from the flames? Oh! if you had witnessed

this sad exhibition of delusion, I think you would give much-yes, all that you possess, especially if you could follow the victim of suicide and murder into the presence of her God, and into her final portion. Is it not your duty to give as much, although you have never beheld such distress to excite your benevolence? It exists. Your liberality, with the blessing of a covenant-keeping God, will aid the diffusion of the blessed gospel; and whenever this light is shed forth, there will be found no place for the lurid flames of funeral pyres. It is the liberality of Christians thus blessed, which will destroy all heathen delusions. Oh, think what a multitude of sins will be hid by the salvation of such souls! think what revenues of glory will accrue to Zion's king!

There are fields where Jehovah has shown his presence, and blessed the seed which has been sown: there are labours which he has followed with success; but where the labourers are few, where thousands of souls are perishing for lack of knowledge, and where the labourer cries to his fellow-christians, " send over more help," and to the public servants, or those whom God has fitted to become the public servants of his church, 66 come over and help us," the first duty required of you is support by your contributions, and your united prayers for those messengers of the churches already engaged, who bear the burden and heat of the day. They feel the work to which they are called, to be indeed an honourable, but a very responsible and trying work; and whilst they bless Jehovah who has

counted them faithful, putting them into the ministry, and with humility would say, each for himself, " unto me who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ:" they would also, tenderly alive to their awful charge, add: "We are unto God a sweet savour of Christ in them that are saved, and in them that perish; to the one we are the savour of death unto death, and to the other the savour of life unto life, and who is sufficient for these things." Brethren pray for us: for your "brethren and companion's sake, now say peace be within thee."


I may mention to those of you who are members of the Glasgow Youths' Auxiliary Missionary Society, that there are stations in India to which are attached Missionaries from Glasgow. In one sphere of labour two native Christian pastors have been ordained to the work of the ministry, and a seminary has been formed for students, in which are thirteen young men of piety and promising talent training up for labouring among their brethren, some of them nearly ready to be sent forth, besides two schools for boys and girls, in the former of which are twenty-two boys learning the Tamil, Teloogoo, Canarese, Hindostanee, and English languages, and receiving instruction in the knowledge of Christian principles, and Christian practice; and in the latter ten girls, who are regularly instructed in what is necessary for this world's engagement, and

* This was written as a letter to the members of this Society.

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