
The poet's early circumstances-David Pearson's knowledge -John Logan's visits to Kinnesswood-Bruce's intent -His preparedness for this-His death-Visit from fell Logan succeeds in securing Bruce's finished MSS. bo Pearson's testimony as to Bruce's early production of Cuckoo"-The hymns-Old letters-Bruce's poems pub The last stanza of "Ode to the Cuckoo"-Mr Young's hy Preface to 1770 edition-Logan refuses to give up Br Daphnis's opinions of Bruce's poems-Dr Davidson's evi Bickerton-Dr R. Anderson-Dr Baird's MSS. burr copies of letters lately discovered-Logan's volume of 17 Robertson of Dalmeny-Logan's statements-"The Brac -Rev. Dr Grant's letters-Rev. Dr Carlyle-The parap Disraeli.

THE full consideration of the early cir and upbringing of Michael Bruce will b the chapters devoted to his life. We n his works. The chief concern will be to the reader the facts that David Pearson testify that Bruce wrote poetry before native village, and amongst these pieces wa to the Cuckoo." So far as Logan is conc

orest Mill to put his writin s in proper form ook ready for publication, doubtless in the ope that thereby he might be the means of

his parents in their straits. David Pearson testifies he had seen this finished "poem book," James Bruce the poet's brother; while, as a of course, Mrs Bruce, his mother, was well of it. There is also the letter by Mr John his former schoolfellow, who was born and in the same "loan" in Kinnesswood, whose edge is evident from the manner in which he he being resident in Edinburgh as a student time. The letter is dated 25th January the writer seemingly knowing in what state s writings were, for in urging publication marks, "do not fail to do it soon." There is

other letter from a dear and intimate fellow, Mr George Lawson, afterwards known as For Lawson of Selkirk. In February 1766

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these intimate friends. Add to this the clea and reliable testimony of David Pearson to inquiries addressed to him by Dr Ander states: "When I came to visit his father [ Bruce] a few days after Michael's death and brought forth his poem book [the N and read the 'Ode to the Cuckoo,' etc." dated 29th August 1795, testifies strongl thought of Logan's conduct, after he had g of Bruce's MSS., adding, "The Cu hymns at the end of the book are assured production." This was in reference to t Logan published at London in 1781. Th other person outside of Bruce's family who poet and his writings more intimately tha nor can his statements be denied. Y easily be understood that while he coul

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r with them to a period long within the y of the writer, to whom they have been often -ed, and it was in the houses of these inhabitKinnesswood that a large collection of old letters and some of Bruce's books were dis, and that information bearing on this subject hin recent years been obtained. It is matter ch regret that a large collection of documents to support these statements and much more tely burnt, from a belief that they were of no Nor can we forget that when Logan the poet's father and got his MSS. book, he d a visit to David Pearson at Wester Balgedie, whom he got a collection of highly-valued and letters, so that we can easily suppose that having in his possession the poet's book, n's reluctance would be overcome, and thus became the holder of these also. Had been subjected to cross-examination as to


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