
53. The Fate of LUTHER fhall be described elsewhere, as I have many Times heard and feen bim; I fhall here only observe, that he has often been defirous of receding from his Doctrine of Faith alone, but could not; and that therefore he is still in the World of Spirits, which is in the Midft between Heaven and Hell, where he fometimes undergoes great Sufferings.


Of the Papifts in the Spiritual World.



Have already given fome Account of the Papifts, and the Laft Judgment

upon them, in the Treatife concerning the LAST JUDGMENT, n. 53 to 64. The Papists in the Spiritual World appear round about the Reformed, and are feparated from them by an intervening Space, which they are not permitted to pass: Nevertheless, they who belong to the Order of Jefuits, by clandeftine Arts procure for themselves a Communication, and alfo fend out Emiffaries, through fecret Paths, in Order to make Converts; but they are quickly dif covered, and after being punished, are either fent back to their Companions, or caft into Hell.

57. After the Laft Judgment, their State was fo changed, that it is no longer allowable for them to collect themselves into Companies as before, but Ways or Paths are appointed for every Kind of Love, whether good or evil, which are immediately entered by all on their leaving the Natural World, and which lead to a Society correfponding with their Love; thus the Wicked are conveyed to a Society which is in Conjunction with the Hells, and the Good to a Societywhich is in Conjunction with the Heavens; by which


which Means it is carefully provided, that they form not to themselves artificial Heavens as before. Such Societies in the World of Spirits, which is in the Midft between Heaven and Hell, are innumerable, being as many as there are Genera and Species of good and evil Affections: And in the mean Time, before they are either elevated into Heaven, or caft down into Hell, they are in fpiritual Conjunction with Men in the Natural World, by Reafon that Men alfo in the Natural World are in the Midft between Heaven and Hell.

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58. All thofe among the Papifts, who had not been mere Idolaters, but had performed good Works from a fincere Heart, according to their religious Principles, and who had also looked to the Lord, are led to Societies eftablished on the Confines of the Reformed, where they are inftructed, the Word read, and the Lord preached to them; and fuch as receive Truths and apply them to Life, are elevated into Heaven, and become Angels. There are a great many of these Societies in every Quarter, and they are on all Sides protected from the deceitful and crafty Machinations of the Monks, as well as from the Babylonish Leaven. Moreover all their Infants are in Heaven, who, being educated by Angels under the Lord's Aufpices, are ignorant of the Falfes of their Parents' Religion.

59. All

59. All who come from the Earths into the Spiritual World, are at firft kept in the Confeffion of Faith, and in the Religion of their particular Country; this is the Case also with the Papists, in Confequence whereof they have always fome reprefentative Pope fet over them, whom they adore with the fame Ceremony that they used to do in the World. It rarely happens that any one, who had been Pope here, acts the Pontiff there; nevertheless, he, who was Pope of Rome twenty Years ago, was appointed to this Office, by Reafon of the Belief he had entertained in his Heart, that the Word was more holy than is generally imagined, and that the Lord ought to be worfhipped: But after having exercised the papal Function for fome Years, he refigned it of his own Accord, and betook himself to the Reformed Christians, among whom he ftill abides, and enjoys a bleffed Life. It was given me to converfe with him, and he informed me, that he worships the Lord alone, as being the God who hath all Power over Heaven and Earth; and that the Invocations of Saints, together with their Maffes, are trifling and of no Avail. He further faid, that, when he lived in the World, it was his Intention to restore that Church, but that he found it impracticable for feveral Reasons, which he also mentioned. On the Day of the Laft Judgment, when the great northern City was deftroyed, which contained the Papifts, I

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faw this Pope carried forth in a Chair, and conveyed to a secure Place. But widely different was the Fate of his Succeffor.

60. Here I am at Liberty to add a certain memorable Circumftance. It was given me to converfe with Louis XIV. Grandfather of the prefent King of France, who, during his Abode in the World, worshipped the Lord, read the Word, and acknowledged the Pope merely as the Head of the Church; wherefore he enjoys great Dignity in the Spiritual World, and governs the best Society of the French Nation. On a certain Time I faw him defcend as it were by a Ladder, and after his Defcent I heard him fay, that he seemed to himself to be at Versailles, and then there was Silence for about the Space of two Hours; after which he faid he had spoken with the King of France his Grandfon, concerning the Bull Unigenitus, advifing him to change his first Intention, and not receive that Bull, as it would be detrimental to the French Nation: He told me, that he had infinuated this profoundly into his Thought. This happened on the 13th Day of December, in the Year 1759, about Eight o'clock in the Evening.

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