


environed by such alluring grandeur, yet it is said of this youthful Monarch, that " he did that which was right in the sight of the LORD." DAVID was but a youth when he entered the lists against GOLIAH of Gath; yet, what piety of expression, what confidence in GOD: "Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, but I come unto thee in the name of the LORD of Hosts." And the result was, that though the means appeared so unequal to the end, yet in the name of his GOD, and by the power of his Gon, he brought the proud uncircumcised Philistine down. With the impious giant was an arm of flesh;" but with the pious stripling was "the LORD his GOD to help him." Religion is better than weapons of war. weapons with which religion furnishes its espousers are not "carnal, but mighty through GoD to the pulling down of strong holds." Various other shining examples of early piety, well worthy the imitation of youth of every character, are also to be found in the Sacred Scriptures.


(To be concluded in our next.)


ACCOUNT OF SIR PHILIP MORDAUNT. SIR PHILIP MORDAUNT was young, beautiful, and brave. He had an ample fortune of his own, and the love of the King, his master, which was equivalent to riches. Life opened all her treasures before him, and promised a long succession of happiness. He came, tasted of the entertainment, but was disgusted from the beginning. He professed an aversion to living, was tired of walking round the same circle, had tried all kinds of worldly enjoyment, and found them all grow weaker at every repetition. "If life even in youth be so displeasing," cried he to himself, "what will it appear when age comes on? If it be at present indifferent, surely it will then be execrable." This thought embittered every reflection, till at last, in the madness of perverted reason and of infidelity, he consummated his folly with a pistol..

How vastly different is the case of the youth who

is possessed of genuine piety. He may be without fortune, without worldly honour, and obscure in his situation in life; but having tasted the good word of GOD, and felt the powers of the world to come, he can delight himself in the LORD from the very beginning of his Christian course. He is never tired of walking round the same circle of religious exercises. Repetition of duty increases his spiritual strength. His youthful years are cheerfully spent in the active service of his SAVIOUR: old age he anticipates with pleasure; and if it should please the LORD to protract his earthly being to that period, he calculates on the satisfaction and thankfulness with which he shall look back, in the retrospect of life, on years devoted to the glory of GoD, and forward, to the approach of an eternal felicity. Thus he patiently waits, till his change shall come, and till angels shall conduct his happy spirit to glory. O what a contrast with SIR PHILIP MORDAUNT!

Dudley, Sept. 13th, 1822.



DIED, on his birth-day, May 27, 1822, aged twenty, ANDREW MURRAY, son of LIEUTENANT MURRAY, of Lofthouse. From the time when he professed to enjoy vital godliness, until the hour of his death, he exemplified by his conduct the reality of the work of regenerating grace upon his heart. Exercised as he was, during his last affliction, with pains the most agonizing, amidst them all, resignation was pourtrayed upon his countenance, and his language was, "Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him." Far from repining at the righteous will of the LORD in 66 appointing wearisome nights and painful days unto him," he resigned all into the hands of a mer ciful God, and prayed only for "grace to help in time of need." When informed that his medical attendant had not the smallest hope of his recovery, he said that he wished to depart and be with CHRIST, which was far better." Being asked if he could now



firmly rely upon the atonement of CHRIST, he answered, "He is to me all in all;" and upon another occasion, he expressed his comfortable persuasion that GOD for CHRIST's sake had pardoned all his sins. At many times, while he was meditating upon the goodness of God, his heart was cheered, and his mouth filled with the praises of GoD: death had lost its sting. In this happy state his spirit returned to GOD who gave it. A. MURRAY.


Daughter of the REV. RICHARD WINTLE, of Dursley, Gloucestershire, who died May 30th, 1822, aged near fifteen Years.

ELIZA WINTLE was born in Derby, on the 9th of November, 1807. From her earliest years, she was blessed with a measure of the preventing grace of GoD, by which she was restrained from those sinful follies and amusements, which fascinate, ensnare, and ruin multitudes of young persons. Under its influence, also, she was led to reverence the SUPREME BEING, and to take pleasure in attending his worship and service. How far she was truly pious, prior to her last illness, I am unable to determine; but her subsequent experience, and happy death, have induced me to think that she must have been very sincere in her religious conduct.

In August, 1821, she was visited with a severe affliction, which was made a great blessing to her. From that time, she became more deeply serious and thoughtful than ever; and though she did not make an open disclosure of her mental feelings, yet the change she had experienced was too great to be concealed. It was well known to her mother, that she was praying to the LORD for mercy, with the most fervent impor-tunity. It pleased the LORD to restore her at this time, and she enjoyed tolerable health through the winter.

About the middle of May, she was seized with a typhus fever, under which her constitution finally sunk. In such a home as hers, she could not remain long without spiritual assistance. I talked and prayed:

with her, in the early part of her affliction. Her kind and affectionate mother did her best to promote her spiritual and eternal welfare ; and her fond father was not wanting in his endeavours, to conduct his beloved child to the shores of bliss.

Some few days before her death, her father asked her, if she could give herself into the hands of God. She replied, "Yes." He then asked her, "Do you believe that, through the merits of CHRIST, you shall be saved?" She answered without hesitation, "Yes." At another time, he asked her, if she felt the LORD with her, supporting and comforting her in her afflic tion. She answered, "Yes." He asked her, if she felt a wish to be restored. She replied, "If it were the will of GoD, I should wish to live, but if not, I am willing to die." On the Saturday before her soul took its flight, she was extremely ill; and appeared to be near death, not being able to speak. The family, overwhelmed with sorrow, were standing round her bed. But though deprived of speech, she was perfectly sensible; and willing to afford them all the satisfaction in her power, she beckoned to them, and, with her finger, pointed to heaven. On Sunday morning, a female friend, who was sitting by her bedside, said, "You were very ill yesterday, and we all thought you were dying; had you any fear of death?” She replied, "No, not the least." On Wednesday afternoon, the day before she died, her mother read to her several of our beautiful hymns describing heaven; to which she listened with great attention and pleasure. When her mother ceased to read, ELIZA pointed upward, and sweetly said, "Mother, heaven is not very high!" Her mother replied, "No, my dear, if love reigns in the heart, there is heaven." She instantly exclaimed, "Amen! Amen!" She languished till Thursday, when she gently breathed her soul into the hands of GOD.

From the commencement of her last illness, till her soul returned to Gon, she was highly favoured with spiritual support. Her sufferings were great; but she bore them with patience and resignation.



Not a murmuring word escaped her lips; not a peevish thought was expressed in her countenance. Blessed with the comforts of religion, and adorned with the graces of the HOLY SPIRIT, her whole aspect was interesting and lovely even upon a death-bed.

The following is a short sketch of MISS WINTLE'S character. She was affectionate and dutiful to her parents she abhorred duplicity, falsehood, and deceit of every description: she was particularly upright in her conduct; and if she saw a fault in her sisters or acquaintances, she would reprove them warmly, and sometimes roughly. Such conduct, in the estimation of some persons, seems to be rude and unamiable; and I confess it has that appearance: but ELIZA had never learned how to dissemble; she knew not how to conceal the feelings of her mind. But if she was warm and open in her temper, she was also ready to forgive, even under circumstances by which she had been highly irritated and grieved. That she had her faults, I readily acknowledge; but while they exhibited the depravity of human nature, and showed her to be a fallen creature, they evidenced at the same time that she was a fallen creature under the restraints of grace. My dear young reader, consider the shortness and frailty of human life: prepare to meet thy GOD. JOSEPH LISK.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COFFEE-TREE. THE Coffee-Tree is a native of the Indies, grows surprisingly quick, and its body is naturally of an upright form, from fifteen to twenty feet in height. The leaves are four or five inches long, and two inches broad, smooth, green, and glossy on the upper surface; and the flowers, which grow in bunches at the base of the leaves, are white and sweet-scented. The berries or fruit are of a somewhat oval shape, about the size of a cherry, and of dark red colour when ripe. Each of these contains two cells, and each cell has a single seed, which is the coffee as we see it before it undergoes the process of roasting. The blossoms first appear in July, when they show themselves

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