
secution, were we called to resist unto blood, where would be found witnesses for the truth? Where the "Zeal that in the martyrs glow'd,

Dying champions for their GOD?

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And though it would be unreasonable to expect a martyr's grace unless called to " pass through the flames to heaven," yet is there much probability that those who cannot daily deny themselves, and take up their cross, should be able to stand in such circumstances as have been supposed? Is it to the unfaithful servant that the LORD will give another talent? In our journey through this wilderness, there are most likely for all of us many trials; and how much consolation would be afforded, if with humble confidence we could lay hold on this promise: "Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee." Are there not some in our societies in London, Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, and in almost every place where Methodism has been long established, whose characters will correspond with what has been said above? They may be the children, and perhaps also the grand-children, of Methodists; but they will find that religion is not hereditary: the piety of the parents will not finally save the children, nor avail for them in that day when GoD shall judge every man according to his works. O let us all awake! And since we are the LORD's by creation, by preservation, by redemption, and by the baptismal covenant, let us not delay to be his by self-dedication. Having so long borne the "christian name," let us now "the christian vows fulfil."


A. D. M.


No. IX.

THE tale of the Orphans caused much conversation among the children to whom it was told 66 Do you think," asked FANNY, "that a large family could live in as much harmony and peace as ALFRED and MARGARET did?" "They certainly might," replied JANE; "though it may be more difficult, it is not impossible; for I know of one that does. It consists of eleven children, the sons and daughters of a lady and gentleman of respectable fortune. There is a great difference in their ages; the eldest is one and twenty, the youngest an infant; and there is as great a variety in their characters. They do not possess that family-likeness which may be often traced in the mind as well as in the countenance; and this will be seen more clearly when I have described them.

"JOSEPH, the eldest, is an amiable young man. He has not great talents; but their absence is well supplied by good common sense, and more than common good-nature. Like the Hebrew JOSEPH, he had in his youth "served the LORD;" and religion not only sanctified, but also ennobled his mind. This, joined with a superior education, and his own persevering efforts, had greatly improved his understanding, and given the highest polish to his naturally sweet disposition. In general society he was considered intelligent and agreeable, but it is only in the quiet and freedom of home that his worth and kindness are fully known and appreciated.-EMILY rather resembled her brother in ability and temper; and while there is a want of that firmness and solidity which are the characteristics of his nature, her exquisite taste and graceful


manners throw a soft lustre over all her actions. She is not, however, so fine and elegant as to be useless; but is too much engaged in, and delighted with, domestic employments, to find time or inclination to shine in courts, or walk the plain,' though she might do both 'with unaffected grace.'HARRIET is all simplicity and frankness; her great vivacity and warmth of disposition cause her to be condemned as romantic by some, and admired as interesting by others. Though not deficient in intellect, it is scarcely able to control her excessive feeling her motto might most truly be, 'My heart leads and governs me.' HARRIET'S temper and spirits are very changeable; from grave to gay, from gloomy to serene,' is only a short step with her; but she loves her friends too well to allow them to suffer by her variableness.- -BEATRICE, on the contrary, is a most calm creature. She has not EMILY's taste, or HARRIET's feeling; but possesses a stronger understanding than either of them. A great reader, and a great thinker, it is no wonder that she is too much absorbed to care for personal graces, or outward accomplishments. Destitute of these, and having a reserved dignity in her behaviour, she is not much admired in company, but her brothers and sisters respect and love her.

EDWARD is gifted with more universal talent than any of his family, and he might justly be desig nated by the hackneyed term of a genius. He seems capable of retirement and repose; he could pass whole days alone in some obscure part of the house or garden, without a book, or any other amusement but his own thoughts.-CHARLES, his next brother, is full of life and action. He has not EDWARD's mind; but then he has a ready wit, quick comprehension, and


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much firmness of nerve, and energy of thought;' and these fit him far better for this world. And while EDWARD dwells in a world of world of airy nothings,' CHARLES is delighted and engaged only in things that have a local habitation and a name.'- There are five other children, but they are as yet too young to have much said about them. They are the play-things of the elder ones, and promise to be as amiable and interesting as those whose names I have mentioned.-The variety of disposition among these young persons, and consequently that of their pleasures and pursuits, is not more remarkable than the peace and comfort in which they live; and this harmony is the result of their affection. An occasional visitor, or a constant resident in their family, would have before him a beautiful proof that DAVID drew no imaginary picture when he said, 'Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even AARON's beard; that went down to the skirts of his garments: as the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion: for there the LORD commanded the blessing, even life for evermore.' And this love is not, as in many cases, a latent feeling, reserved for the hour of parting or of death, as something too valuable for common use; neither is it the torrent's smoothness ere it dash below ;' no, it is their daily ornament, animating their countenances, and expressed in their ordinary words and actions. The slight but often recurring quarrels which are thought nothing of, but which 'eat as doth a canker,' into the very heart of happiness, are unknown among them. "By my description of this family, you will per

haps be led to think that they are a race of purer beings than are generally found. But though their faults have not been particularly noticed, you must know that, like all human beings, they have naturally sinful hearts, from whence wicked thoughts, words, and actions, have often sprung. Besides this, they have each their peculiar faults, their easily-besetting sins. Now, some of the fruits of sin are

anger, wrath, malice, and all uncharitableness;" how came they then to be so united and peaceful? I must ascribe it, first of all, to their daily practice of two of the most difficult duties of affection, self-denial, and esteeming another above themselves;-and, in the next place, to the excellent example of their parents. They had made the cultivation of the heart and temper two great objects in the education of their children. They did not tell them to love one another with a stern eye and angry voice. Rather, acting like WEST's mother, whose kiss, he declared, made him a painter, they allured to brighter worlds, and led the way.' But all these means would have failed, had not these children heen favoured with Christian instruction. Nature and reason will tell us that we ought to live and love as brethren; but the Gospel only can make us do so. They have learned that man is a fallen creature, and consequently distant from GOD; who, of his great mercy, has given his Son to die for us, and to restore to man the possibility of salvation; that religion consists in the return of the human spirit to GOD, by JESUS CHRIST, and the reception of the HOLY SPIRIT, who alone can cleanse the thoughts of our hearts, and make us perfectly to love God; and that, if a man love God he must love his brother also.' To these gracious words

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