
delinquents myself. I need the money, and I and I will, right away, so don't worry. You
this seems my only source of relief." | know what Scripture says, Fret not thy.

“Oh, no, no. Better not do that, Elder. self because of evil doers."
I'll attend to it in a day or so.”.

“And it also says, 'Thou shall do justly,' The But necessity was too urgent, and the Brother Harper," replied the minister,

pastor could not wait a day or two. So he more severely, perhaps, than he meant. "I left Brother Williams, and passed up the am in need, brother, and I feel as if justice village street to carry out his determination, was not done, when my salary is not to endeavour to collect his own salary. promptly paid."

He stopped first at the store of a mer " Don't want sermons out of the pulpit," chant. Mr. Meredith, the proprietor, was muttered the brother, almost angrily. “I leaning idly against the counter, smoking a wonder what would be done if I was in cigar. No sooner did he see the minister such a fret every time I didn't get money than he put on a cold, business-like air, as fast as I wanted it.” This he said as and with a brisk Good morning, bustled the minister walked away. Little he knew about the store as though time was money of the anxiety of that poor, over-heated indeed. Did he note the pale face of his | brain, going home, not to rest, but to its

pastor ? Did conscience whisper that his unpaid labour, which must be done whether ist subscription had overrun the time, and that he was sustained or not. pe on that and other sums his minister was Almost disheartened, the minister was wholly dependent ?

passing by a little lonely house, very low and The pastor's courage failed him. He very narrow, with one small window in could not speak to that cold, hard nature. front, when he heard a tap on the pane.

He instinctively felt that no doubt the man An aged parishioner sat there, beckoning who would have paid the money, but would | him in.

never have forgotten the dun. His sensi “Why, Nancy !” he said, "I didn't know tive nature could not endure this, so he you had moved."

left the store, and was presently hailed by “Yes, here I am, and I've told Brother Lot cheery voice,

This and Brother That to get word to you, "Holloa ! Brother Lawrence.” Looking for it seems as if I haven't seen anybody for up, he saw Deacon Childs, in a dashing three weeks. I'm so thankful you have new carriage. “He has probably paid,” called. I've been waiting for Brother Wilthought the pastor, “and I cannot liams to call, so that I might pay my mite borrow."

—my subscription, I mean--that I've been “Will you take a drive, parson ?" saving for two months. I'm uneasy till it's

*No, thank you, Deacon Childs, I have off my hands. So you will take it, won't D e work to do,” he replied, and passed on.) you? There it is, Brother Lawrence, the

"Dreadful quiet man,” muttered the widder's mite." deacon to himself: "what a pity he has "God bless you," cried the preacher, so little ispirit! He preaches tip-top ser with a full heart, almost affected to tears, mons, but somehow he looks like a man as he took the three-dollar bill ; “but I'm with the blues. I wonder, by the way, if

afraid you need this, -sister ; I am, really.” wat salary is all made up ? Guess it is. "What, need the Lord's money? Oh, Gee up, Racer."

no; I promised that to him, and I couldn't Meanwhile the minister stopped at use it. It takes even the mitee, I know, to

Shad, other places, but "gone out," or make up the wholes, and you're worthy of Owswere written upon the door-posts. your hire, if ever man was. All I hope is

Dus way home he met Silas Harper, that the brethren who give more, always eeing the erection of his new house. give in time. It's worried me that they

are putting up an elegant man- didn't come after mine." sion, my friend,” he said, quietly.

“ God bless you," exclaimed the minister s, if it don't give me a chance for a 1 again, and there were tears in his eyes now. rence. I one. The truth is, Brother Luw. "The Lord's Spirit is on the poor,” he €, I shouldn't have begun this job just | said to himself ; " my heart is made lighter ay hands are too full; what with the by this gift. O! if all would but feel as yand my business, I can't see to l she does!” ng properly, that's a fact. And, by | “I can't go to meeting, father, with these your salary is in arrears. I ought to old shoes," said the younger boy, meeting the payment of my subscription, ' him at the door, and displaying shabby feet.




“You are put

"Yes, if it don

yet; my hands are church and my anything properly,

the way, you

attend to the payment

«Nor I, with this old jacket!” cried the men lines of care and sadness should be other, whose elbows had supplanted the graven ? Day after day, and week after laboured patches. And the shoes and the week-in consequence of getting behind. jacket were added to the other burdens hand-Henry Lawrence, who went to that under which he was to labour at his ser field a well, if not a robust man, lost the mon for the coming Sabbath. Little things, nervous energy so essential to his success perhaps you will say, reader, to give as a Gospel minister, grew anxious, careanxiety to a mind rich with genius, and worn, and dyspeptic, and finally broke full of the Holy Spirit: but ah? those who down. It was not any want of appreciahave passed under this peculiar cloud of tion, it was not that his official labours suffering will tell you that perplexities like were too arduous; but the little cares, the these wear more upon the vital functions petty annoyances, and the unto than other and greater calamities which gagements (by necessity unfulfilled) that can be traced unmistakably to the provi chained him to his door-bell, upset at last dence of God. God meant that ali men the trembling equilibrium of an exhausted should fulfil their duties as they have nature. opportunity ; but how many Christians And will not God hold those men ace pocket their gains, and if they think of the countable who might, by a little thougats debt to the minister, say to themselves, a little self-denial, a little Christian honesty, "It's not much, I can pay that any time.” have prolonged the labours of God's sera

The three dollars went their little way, 1 vant ? I leave it with them to answ and the widow's mite fed, but clothed not. Exhausted so completely that even rest and sleep flew from his pillow, the pastor rose on the Sabbath with a throbbing brain and trembling hands. Prayer, and the sweet assurance that God was with him, gave

OLD JOSIAH BYNG. him courage to meet the exigencies of the

A SKETCH FOR QUICK-TEMPBBED day, but the fire of zeal, the trust and con

CHRISTIANS. tentment in and with his people, he had

UNLIKE many more famous heroes of not. He saw his boys creep into their pew story, whose names are with blushing faces, for on no account would he allow them to stay from the house

“Linked with one virtue and a thousand er of God, and he felt their shame keenly. It Josiah Byng was noted for many youts would not do in the pulpit to use the whip, for those who had come up manfully to l was in some respects the mour duty must be sharers with the few who had Christian man, but his easily besers not; but as he saw the well-dressed mem was a hasty temper, and this caus bers take their seats, and remembered the many severe struggles and much spongings, and mendings, and renewings, “Špite of all my resolutions,". of his own much worn suit-it could not me one day, “it will get the bet but flash through his mind-he felt the I can't help it ; and I have com rising of a feeling which he could only con- | to confess my infirmity to you,,, quer by steady, fervent prayer, and by the l your counsel and your prayers. thought that God tried his saints below “The honest truth is," he a that they might be better fitted for the tears in his eyes, " old man as. sweet enjoyments of the better land. Still hair growing white,-with all the poor body so wearied, the mind so dis ences and discipline in life, some pirited, could not pass through such toils, get mad !” under such discouragements, without suf « There is a righteous indigna fering proportionate fatigue. At night his it is justifiable sometimes to spasmodic strength deserted him, and he express," I said, to draw him 0.1 lay helpless as a little child, the tortured “Righteous indignation isn brain presenting images from which he re for me," he answered, earnestly coiled, yet from which even days would not isn't the word either. In plail release him.

get mad. I get so mad I C Who wonders that upon the faces of such | myself. The other day I foud * The above is taken from an American pape. We suppose it is true of America. things never occur in England!- EDS.

. single marked and gross fault. He

spects the model of s


resolutions," he said to get the better of me;

have come humbly

to you, and ask for

is," he added, with 110 man as I am,-my

with all my experi" lite, sometimes I do

indignation which nes to feel and to

ton isn't the term earnestly. "Anger

plain English, I Ad I can't contain I found one of my

ca. Of course such


neighbour's hogs in my garden ; I knew , attempt to affect by prayer; the inbred [ he let them get in there on purpose : and habit working like a worm into the very

when I went to speak with him about them, mustard-seed of our faith, destroying its DE he was insolent; we had some hard words vitality.

-I flew into a terrible passion-all about The village blacksmith, a violent and a garden and a few hogs, not worth, all reckless man, addicted to strong drink, had put together, an atom of the shame and shod Mr. Byng's horse, and severely lamed

self-degradation I felt afterwards. I've him. Mr. Byng, indignant at the un. i prayed over this failing in agony of soul; workmanlike job, led the animal back to but it don't seem to do any good.”

the smith's. “When we pray,” said I, we must prav “Is this the way, Adam, that you shoe with something besides our lips, and with a poor nag that never did you any harm ?”. something more than a part of our hearts “I shod him well enough,” answered and a fraction of our wills. We must pray Adam, insolently. with our entire hearts and wills, then there Other words followed, which provoked will be no hold left for our sins to cling to Old Josiah to say that he knew Adam was

drunk when he put on that unlucky shoe. “That just explains it!” he exclaimed. “Drunk, you old liar? Drunk, do you " I've felt, though I couldn't put it into say ?” said Adam, seizing a stick from the words before, that when I have prayed floor. “Say another word, and I'll lame there has always been one little place left you worse than I lamed your horse!" in my heart för Satan to lurk in. He « Adam Brown!" exclaimed Josiah, the would generally keep dark and quiet there | old temper flaring up,“ you are a miserable, for the time, so I would flatter myself he drunken-one-two-three"was dead or driven out; but the next time “What's that you call me?" roared I gave him a chance, he would leap up, Adam, turning pale with wrath. and fill my whole heart. I confess there is "Four-five--six"-said Josiah. a certain satisfaction in getting downright Adam brandished his stick. “What do mad, which makes it so darling a sin for you say? What's that you are mutterone of my hot and irritable nature to mas. | ing? I'll”ter. I feel already that this confession has “ Seven-eight-nine"-Josiah went on made me better and stronger; and I want firmly and slowly. you to advise me what to do."

" Leave my shop." I urged upon the old man the necessity “ Ten-eleven--twelve"of leaving no nook in his heart that he “ I'll break every bone"didn't pray with against this besetting sin; “ Thirteen-fourteen”adding, that in cases of this kind, where a “In your worthless old”long-established habit is to be broken up, “Fifteen”—said Josiah. it may also be useful to employ some me “Body!" said the blacksmith. chanical remedy.

The stick was raised to strike, and there “Did you ever try counting ?” I asked. was a murderous expression on Adam's

“Yes," said he, “but it wouldn't answer. | face; but the old man, with a steady look I get so angry I can't think to count; be- unflinchingly kept right on, counting fifty sides, my tongue will keep saying some without stopping. Adam, amazed, dropped thing at such times, in spite of me.”

his weapon. The few spectators who were “Very well,” said I, " give it something | present began to laugh. In a few moments to say, and count aloud. As soon as you the old man addressed himself to Adam. find your temper rising, begin, and don't "I didn't have very much of a quarrel stop; don't give the devil a chance to slip with you; but I've had a quarrel of long in a single hard word, till your passion is standing with my worst enemy, and I rejoice completely conquered.”

to say I have come off conqueror for once." "That looks reasonable," replied the old “It's no use to quarrel," said the now man. “I'll try it."

somewhat confused Adam, who had some "I hope you won't have occasion to," I generous traits in his character; "and I'm answered.

sorry I lamed your horse. Leave him, and But he did. It is the curse of vices I'll fix that shoe." which have clung to us all our lives, that “Thank you, Adam ; and I'll give you they become a sort of second nature, in payment something better than money." which it is like removing mountains to !

mountains tól i What's that?”

"A receipt for counting Satan out of the “Where shall it stand ? " had become a game, when you have a difficulty with your very serious and agitating one. At a neighbours. I had it of the minister, and meeting which was called to settle the I find it works admirably.”

question, the excitement rose to a high The old man had occasion to use that pitch. There were too many present who receipt many times afterwards. It was had their worldly interests more at heart always effective. His adversaries were than their spiritual welfare. Not for the usually put into good humour at once by Lord, who was to be worshipped in the it; and sometimes, after he had become new structure, but for the gain which was noted for practising that remedy for wrath, to accrue to them from its favourable posiit was sufficient for him merely to threaten tion at the end of the village, their love was å resort to it.

manifested. It was more like a political He held to good old-fashioned notions of meeting than a meeting of Christian church-music, which an ambitious young brethren. Angry words were spoken, and teacher of singing once had the audacity bitter retorts, until, in the midst of the publicly to ridicule.

tumult, Old Josiah Byng solemnly rose and “Look out, young man!” cried old said :Josiah, warningly, “or you will force me “My friends, this should have been a to"

season of prayer and congratulation ; but "Force you to what ?" asked the smart we have made it an occasion for-oneand satirical young gentleman.

two-three". And slowly, emphatically "To go to counting!" said old Josiah ; | keeping time with his band, he counted a a good-natured retort, which quite turned | hundred. Then seeing sunshine restored to the laugh against his sarcastic opponent. | the majority of faces present, he added, “I

.6 And what do you do," he was once think that is sufficient for the brethren asked, “when you are so provoked you | generally; and if I see any person who 1 can't count?"

think needs any more of the same sort, 1 "In that case," said Old Josiah, smiling, shall beg the privilege of inviting him to a “those who provoke me had better desist, private counting at the door." for it would be very dangerous ! ”

I need hardly state that all were careful He was not satisfied until he had so far not to want any especial attention from the disciplined himself as to render the resort | impartial old man, nor add that the good to counting unnecessary. It is well to be | humour of his example, and the rebuke, able to resist temptation ; but it is better succeeded, as by a stroke of sympatby, m when that which was once such has ceased uniting the discordant elements of the conto be temptation. When he had not only ference, and producing a harmony of feel conquered his anger, but also the tempta ing in which the question of the site of the tion to be angry, he began to apply his new edifice was specially and satisfactonis remedy for the benefit of others. If he adjusted. heard two persons engaged in a violent If the reader is troubled with good altercation, he would entreat them to let Josiah Byng's infirmity, there is no better him tell a story.

remedy than his, to secure a permanent 6 One - two — three” – the old man cure. Try it. Be assured it is a specific would begin, in a mellow and soothing tone of voice, and continue to count until he saw signs of returning good nature in the disputants. The exercise of an eccentricity of this

THE WOUNDED SOLDIER. character, by a single individual, is often of A FEW months ago, a young Swiss these great use in harmonising a whole commu- | logical student was travelling amidst the nity; and the minor virtues frequently

virtues frequently | Piedmontese valleys. Bad health had son. prove all the more effective in their in: | him from home; but the balmy wind a Auence for being flavoured with a little genial sky of Italy had failed to exerci spice of humour. I remember, especially,

especially, their healing powers upon hun, avec one great service Old Josiah rendered us, il young man felt heavy at heart. besides the general benefit of impressing on the eve of entering on his fielo his cheerful character upon old and young. I bour, when torn away from it by Theory

It had been decided to build a new and it seemed to him that his day, place of worship; and the question, fruitlessly squandered in search of

Still he had his Master's work at heart, 1 him, and whom he loved like a brother, and in his daily walks around the retired fell before him, killed by one of the last hamlet where he was staying he was look shots of the enemy. He had knelt, in the ing for some opening for doing good. confusion of the battle-field, beside his

On a Sunday afternoon, as he had left friend, and when he had seen all efforts to the humble wooden chapel, where some revive him were vain, he had taken his thirty Italian Protestants had been led by knapsack to save it from the rapacity of him in prayer and singing of hymns, he the camp-followers. It contained only his wandered toward the mountain to enjoy clothes and the tract, “ It is 1,” translated some hours of quiet and peaceful com- | into French. “This is the very book, sir," munion with himself and God. He had added the soldier, “ which has become not gone far when he perceived a small dear to me; for I have often seen my friend cottage, half hidden by the luxuriant reading it, when resting from our marches, branches of the vine, and sheltered under a or stopping in our barracks. I have often high, projecting rock. On a bench at the read it through myself since that terrible door, warming himself in the sun's bright day when I saw my poor Francis's eyes setting rays, was a young man, little be closed in death,--and during the long weeks yond boyhood-pale and thin. His arm, I have spent here, unable to work, and tied up, and his bandaged head, at once alone with my thoughts, it has become not told the student that he was one of Victor only my companion, but my friend too." Emmanuel's many brave Sardinian sol. What were the young student's feelings diers, who had returned wounded and at hearing those words! That tract he had maimed to their mountain homes.

translated into French, years before, little As our friend was approaching him, he thinking then of the work those pages saw a small French tract in the soldier's would do on the battle-field and in the hands; and surprised at finding a book in lonely cottage. that language in that Italian hut, he at He had read the English tract, and being once sat down by the reader, and entered much comforted and benefited by it, he into conversation with him. The young had wished to make an old friend, who soldier told him a simple and touching could not understand the English lanstory. He had joined one of the regi- | guage, a sharer in his enjoyment. That ments of volunteers which had answered French translation had found its way into from every mountain hold and sequestered print; and just when the young labourer valley their country's call; he had fought was lamenting his incapacity of working in the glorious battles of Magenta and Sol- | his Master's vineyard, the Lord placed beferino; on that last bloody field he had fore him that living proof of the truth seen nearly all the soldiers of his regiment | of his word, “ Cast thy bread upon the fall around him. One in particular, a waters; for thou shalt find it after many young Frenchman, who had enlisted with days."

Gems from Golden Mines.

consummate the sacrifice by supplying the LOVE TO CHRIST.

needful fire from heaven. Whatsoever we If the life of a Christian may be com lack in our piety, as it is indispensable that pared to a saerifice, then humility digs the we should have faith in Christ, so it is abso. foundation for the altar ; prayer brings the lutely necessary that we should have love unbewn stones and piles them one upon to him. That heart that is destitute of an another; penitence fills the trench round earnest love to Jesus, is surely dead in about the altar with water; obedience lays trespasses and sins. And if any man the wood in order; faith pleads the Jeho should affirm that he had faith in Christ, vah-jireh, and places the victim on the but had no love to him, that man's relialtar. But the sacrifice then is incomplete, gion is, vain. The great want of the for where is the fire? Love, love alone can | religion of the times is love. Sometimes

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