
sant it is for brethren to dwell together in must come into your circle, as Christ came unity. It is like the good oil upon the into the world, “not to be ministered unto, head which runs down upon the beard bice to minister.” You must deny youreven Aaron's beard, flowing down to his selves, and that gracefully-waiving rights, garment's hem. It is like the dew on abstaining from indulgences, exercising a Hermon-even the dew that falleth on the | careful guardianship over manner, ten:per, hills of Zion ; for there has the Lord com. words, deeds, that, by manifestation of s manded the blessing, even life for ever boly self-denying love, you may quickens more.” Your own reading and experience | kindred love in the hearts of others. AI will furnish you with the clearest and pro | this may at first seem painful to you, nay, bably the most persuasive commentary on will be painful, for selfishness, and not lore, this theme.

is natural to man. But, in the end, selfishVI. Yet let me, in briefest words, urge ness is a harder and more painful rule ca upon you the duty and value of fraternal life than love; it leads in solitude, aliens. love. You may have often admitted and tion, self-disgust; wbile charity, if hard at admired the lesson of this Psalm, yet not the first, grows ever easier, and richer, and have acted on it. If you would reduce it more blessed. Follow this “ more excel to practice, if you would help to establish lent way,” and it will bring an added comeor conserve that national unity which liness to your life; it will work in you the David lauds, you must believe that God has peaceable fruits of righteousness; it will “ordeined the eras of all nations," settled the clothe you with garments of salration ai bounds of their habitation, and the epochs praise; it will make you a source and the of their development; you must believe that tre of harmony, good-will, and vital unity God rules the fates of men and nations now among men. as really and as minutely as of old he ruled Nor only so. But in this lore, ali those of his chosen people. You must be gives pleasantness, fruitfulness, sanctity to lieve that God has made you what you are, your life on earth, you have, as the last and placed you where you are, that you, sentence of our Psalm declares, the germ of according to the measure of your ability, “ life for evermore.That love will make may strive to make his worship the chief you like the Eternal God, and, therefore, bond of unity among your fellow-citizens fit you to inhabit his eternity; for " he and fellow-countrymen. You inust endea that abideth in love abideih in God," and vour for yourselves to serve him as Lord | he that abideth in God can never die. The and King, and to love your brethren in love that hallows, immortalises. The love proportion as they are like him; while, by that consecrates this life, assures and utterance of the truth and the influence of glorifies the life to come. your example, you help to make them like But how may this love be attained? Can him. If your sphere of action and influence te slnvelop and cherish it of ourselves? be limited, you must accept its limits as Havu we in our own hearts a power s. ordained of God, and within these limits pure, so potent, so divine? Nay, it is not put forth whatever power of truth and ia our nature to love, except self, and is love you have ; for unless you love the narrow circle of which self standscentre. We brethren whom you do see, there is not must learn to love the unselfish Christ be much hope of you loving those whom you fore we can love selfish men. We m have not seen. Among the members of learn to love the perfect Christ before we your own family, then, towards your ser can love imperfect men. We can nater vants or masters, in the immediate circle of love them, as we should, despice the your kinsfolk and acquaintance-in the faults and sins, till we love Him who was school, in the shop, in the house, in the faultless and undefiled. A true, pie church-wherever you are or go, you must abiding love for man, must have a true, 2/7, try to show love, and, by showing it, to abiding basis in humanity; and that begins create it. In this high sense, as well as in in Christ, the spotless, all-perfect Son of its more popular one, charity begins at / Man, in him alone. No man, sare or home. And « charity suffereth long, and Christ, ever did love men altogetler is kind...seeketh not her own, is not easily | they should be loved ; and we shall guin a provoked, thinketh no evil... beareth all true love for them only as we love him. things, believeth all things, hopeth all and, by love, are transformed into his bir things, endureth all things.” If you would ness. Here lies our first step. I te have it, and show it, and create it, you would have the love of the brethren, and

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make the motive and inspiration of our life; us to Christ and his Cross, and leaves us one with the motive and inspiration of this there. Only in “ Christ crucified" can we Psalm, we must love Christ; we must ask find hope; only in him, the fount and pathim to shed abroad his love in our hearts, tern of love. Look, then, to him ; to him and so to purge us from the enmities and | lift up your hearts in earnest prayer; and selfishness of sin ; we must pray, and to | he will give you love, the love which is prayer add endeavour, that we may grow fragrant as oil, fertile as dew, more holy up into Him in all things. till, like him, we than priest or mountain; the love which is go about loving and doing good to all. the life of life on earth, and the germ of

And so, this theme, like all others, leads | power and blessedness of life for evermore.


BY THE REV. W. ABBOTT. Jesus was the consolation of Israel, and both spoke words of kindness and performed deeds of mercy. The testimony of his enemies was, “Never man spake like this man.” The testimony of his friends, that “ the people wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth.” Jesus said, " Blessed are ye ihat mourn, for ye shall be comforted.” And it is said of him, that “he took our infirmities, and bore our sicknesses."

As to the sympathy of the Saviour, there is not a more pleasing feature in his character, or a more soothing and cheering subject in the Gospel. We are astounded at the greatness of his love, and rejoiced at its gentleness. The love that saves us from hell, and that consoles us in our sorrows, moves our admiration, gratitude, and joy.

1. The sympathy of Jesus is genuine and is easily elicited. In him there was sincerity of emotion, as well as truthfulness of word and deed. If he performed an act of sympathy, there was in his heart a feeling corresponding with it. His affectionate heart was the source of sympathy, while his words and deeds developed it. His sympathy was never affected, but real. It was easily moved, was spontaneous, and incessant in its exercise. It was his element, his delight, to extend it to all cases of suffering and distress, of sorrow and grief, of weakness and exposure.

2. The sympathy of Jesus was discriminating and ever happy in its expression. He was not only wise in teaching, but also wise in feeling and acting. His sympathies were never misapplied, and in no case was he ever deceived. He did not show pity where reproof was required, nor reproof where pity was called for. He did not treat every class of character alike. On some he pronounced woes, on others blessings; to some he declared the Divine threatenings, to others he gave sweet consolations. Some persons may sympathise with others in feeling, but fail in showing it. But in this Jesus excels, and many ever bear their grateful testimony to the sweet and seasonable succour afforded them-sweet sympathy, sweetly shown.

3. The sympathy of Jesus was exhaustless, and ever available. Some may sympathise with a case for a time, but repeated applications close the ear and the heart. The continual coming wearies them. “But “Jesus is the same yesterday, and to-day, and for ever.” He has a fulness of sympathy, and shows much patience and generosity in exercising it. It is often that there may be an abundance of good things near to the needy, but they are not accessible, and they cannot therefore avail theinselves of the benefit. In Jesus there is every good, and all readiness to bestow it. He has much to give away, and thercfore says, “Whosoever will, let him come, and take it freely.” A partaker of the grace of Jesus said, “I have found more in Christ than I ever expected to want."

Blunham, Beds.


"For now is your salvation nearer than when ye believed.”

“NEARER ! yes! we feel it not

Mid the rushing of the strife,
As we mourned our changeful lot,
Toiled beneath our shadowed life,

By each step our worn feet trod,
We were drawing near to God.

" When the day was all withdrawn,

And we walked in tenfold night;
When we panted for the dawn
Of the ever-blessed Light;

In those hours of darkness din,
We were drawing near to Him.

* Wben, beneath the sudden stroke,

All our joys of life went down-
When our best beloved broke
Earthly bounds, to take their crown,

By the upward path they trod,
Nearer drew we to our God,

In those days of bitter woe,

When we saw their smile no more,
When our hearts were bleeding slow,
Stricken--stricken-ob, how sore !

While we lay beneath the rod,
We were nearer to our God.

“ When upon our lifted eye

Gleamed a vision of our home,
When we saw the glory high,
Flooding all that spotless dome;

In that hour of raptured sight,
Pressed we nearer our delight.

“ Through the long and vanished years

Doubting, struggling, and depressed,
Shrouded with the mists of tears,
We were passing to our rest;

Tempest-tossed and current-driven,
Ever drawing nearer heaven.”

Tales and Sketches.


"Well, my friends," he said, as ne asA SKETCH FOR WEATHER GRUMBLERS. I cended the platform in front of the desk,

The small parish at Fallowdale had been I have heard your request to me, and for some time without a pastor. The mem strange as it may appear, I have come to bers were nearly all farmers, and they did accept your proposal ; but I do it only on not have much money to bestow upon the one condition, and that is, that your resupport of a clergyman; yet they were quest for a change of weather must be willing to pay for anything that could pro- i unanimous.” mise them any due return of good. In This appeared very reasonable, since corse of time it happened that the Rev. ! every member of the parish had a deep in. Abraham Surely visited Fallowilale, and as terest in the farming business; and ere long a Sabbath passed during his sojourn, he it was arranged that Mr. Surely should beheld a meeting in the small church. The i come the pastor, and that he should give people were pleased with his preaching, ļ the people rain when they wanted it: and some of them proposed inviting him When Mr. Surely returned to his lodg. to remain with them, and take charge of 1 inge, his wife was utterly astounded on their spiritual welfare.

learning the nature of the contract her husUpon the merits of this proposition there band had entered into; but the pastor was a long discussion. Parson Surely had smiled and bade her wait for the result. signified his willingness to take a perma- . “But you know you cannot make it rain," nent residence at Fallowdale, but the mem- : persisted Mrs. Surely ; "and you know, bers of the parish could not so readily agree too, that the farmers here will be wanting to invite him.

rain very often when there is none for them. “I don't see the use of hiring a parson," You will be disgraced.” said Mr. Sharp, an old farmer of the place. "I will teach them a lesson," returned “He can do us no good. A parson can't

the pastor. learn me anything."

Ay, that you cannot be as good as your To this it was answered that stated re word ; and when you have taught it to ligious meetings would be of great benefit them, they will turn you off.” to some of the younger people, and also a “We shall see," was Mr. Surely's reply, source of good to all.

and he took up a book and commenced "I don't know about that. I've heard reading. tell of a parson that could pray for rain, Time flew on, and the hot days of midand have it come at any time. Now, if we summer were at hand. For three weeks it could hit upon such a parson as that, I had not rained, and the young corn was bewould go in for hiring him.”

ginning to curl up beneath the effects of This opened a new idea to the unsoplis- the drought. In this extremity the people ticated minds of Fallowdale. The farmers bethought themselves of the promise of their often suffered from long droughts, and pastor, and hastened to him. after arguing a while longer, they agreed to ! "Conne," said Sharp, whose hilly farm “hire” Parson Surely, on the condition that was suffering severely, “we want rain. he should give them rain whenever they | You remember your promise.” wished for il, and, on the other hand, that “ Certainly," returned Mr. Surels. “ If he would also give them fair weather when you will call for a meeting of the members required.

of the parish, I will be with them this Deacons Smith and Townsendi were de- , evening.” putized to make this arrangement known With this the applicants were perfectly to the parson, and the people rernained in satisfied, and forthwith they hastened to the church while the messenger's went upon i call the flock together. their errand.

“Now you'll see the hour of your disWhen the deacon returned, Mr. Surely / grace," said Mrs. Surely, after the visitors accompanied them. He smiled as he had gone. “Oh, I am sorry you ever unentered the church, and with a bow he sa- i dertook to deceive them so.” luted the people there assembled.

i " I did not deceive them."

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“Yes, you surely did."

Sharp lost his visit, but he met the dis“We shall see."

appointment with good grace, for his crops “So we shall see," added the lady. smiled at the rain.

The hour of the meeting came round, Ere another month had passed by, and Parson Surely met his people at the another meeting was called for a petition church. They were all there---some for rain, but with the same result as anxious, the remainder curious.

before. Many of the people had their “Now, my friends," said the pastor, | muck to dig, and rain would prevent them. rising upon the platform, “I have come to Some wanted it immediately- some in one, hear your request. What is it?”

some in two, and some in three days, while “We want rain,” bluntly spoke Farmer other parishioners wanted to put it of Sharp ; " and you know you promised to longer. So Mr. Surely had no occasion to give it to us."

call for rain. "Ay-rain-rain," repeated half a dozen One year rolled by, and up to that time voices.

the people of Fallowdale had never once “ Very well. Now, when do you want to been able to agree upon the exact kind of have it Ş”

weather they would have, and the result "To-night. Let it rain all night long," was that they began to open their eyes to said Sharp, to which several others imme the fact that this world would be a strange diately assented.

place if its inhabitants should govern it. “No, no, not to-night,” cried Deacon On the last Sabbath in the first year Smith. “I have six or seven tons of well. | Mr. Surely's settlement at Fallowdale, be made hay in the field, and I would not have offered to break up his connection with the it wet for anything."

parish ; but the people would not listen to " So have I hay out," added Mr. Peck. it. They had become attached to him and We won't have it rain to-night."

the meeting, and they wished him to stay. Then let it be to-morrow.”

"But I can no longer rest under our " It will take me all day to-morrow to formercontract with regard to the weatber," get my hay in,” said Smith.

said the pastor. Thus the objections came up for the "Nor do we wish you to," returned two succeeding days, and at length, by was Sharp. “Only preach to us, and teach us of compromise, Mr. Sharp proposed that and our children bow to live, and help us they should have rain in just four days. | to be social, contented, and happy."

“For,” said he, “by that time all the "And,” added the pastor, while a tear hay which is now cut can be got in, and of pride stood in his eye, “all things above we need not cut any ”

our proper sphere we will leave with God, “Stop, stop,” uttered Mrs. Sharp, pulling for he doeth all things well.” hier worthy husband by the sleeve. “That is the day we have set to go to Snowhill. It mustn't rain then." This was law for Mr. Sharp, so he pro

THE ACORN. posed that the rain should come in one week, and then sat down.

WHEN will my training begin ? " said But this would not do. “If we can't | the acorn to itself, as it unfolded its have rain before then, we had better not delicately-carved cup and saucer on the have it at all," said they.

branch of an old oak on the edge of a In short, the meeting resulted in just no forest. I understand I ain to be an oak conclusion at all, for the good people found one day, like my father. All the acorts it utterly impossible to agree upon a time say that is what we are to be, but there wlien it should rain.

certainly seems little chance of it at present. "Until you can make up your minds on I have been sitting here for no one knows this point,” said the pastor, as he was how many days, and I feel no change, about leaving the church, “we must all except that I look less pretty than I did trust in the Lord.” And after this the when I was young and green, and begin to people followed him from the church. feel rather dry, and shrivelled, and old.

Both Deacon Smith and Mr. Peck got At this rate, I do not see much chance of their hay safely in ; but on the very day | my becoming an oak, or anything else but Mr. Sharp was to have started for Snow. | an old, dry acorn. When will my training Hill, it began to rain in good earnest, Mr. I begin ?”

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