
the word that has strengthened and comforted many of his most devoted servants, “Them that honour me, I will honour.' Thus maintained and enlarged, the Irish Mission will yield an abundant return for all that the British Churches can do in

1 behalf of a people at once so interesting, and, to a

great extent, so debased by the fell power of Rome. Socially, Ireland may yet be the honour and strength of Britain; and, religiously, it may yet be the joy and hope of the Church of Christ.


GENERAL, The political news of the month is, as usual this time of year, far from important. From America, there is little to record, though that little appears to be favourable to the North. The chief events in France are the visits to the Emperor of the kings of Prussia and Holland. The breach between Austria and Hungary is getting gradually wider. From China, we hear that the Emperor is dead, though the event does not appear to have had much political influence. From Madagascar we have intelligence of the death of the Queen Rana. valo. Her son, after a brief conflict, has been proclaimed by the title of Rakout Radama I. His first measure was to publish an amnesty, and to cancel the edicts of the late queen forbidding foreigners to enter the country. This change is likely to exercise a most important influence on the history of Christianity in that island.

An association has been formed in Hull, under the auspices of the clergy and ministers of various denominations, and of leading gentlemen in the town and neighbourhood, for “ obtaining a legislative enactment to probibit the sale of intoxicating liquors between the hours of eleven on Saturday night and six on Monday morning ;' and, in order to secure unity of action, branch associations are to be formed in every town. The clergy and ministers of every denomination, and gentlemen of every creed, political and religious, are invited to join the movement. Its object is definite, seeking the abolition of Sunday drinking; its qualification of membership an annual subscription of one shilling and upwards; and it looks for success in the assistance and support it cannot fail to receive at the hands of the Christian Church, and of all well. wishers to the community, and particularly at the hands of those who would help the working-man and his family to enjoy the comforts of home, by removing from him the temptation to waste his earnings at the public-house on the Sabbath-day.

An ecclesiastical event that has excited some degree of interest is the resignation, by the Rev. Mr. Macnaught, of Liverpool, of his position as a clergyman of the Established Church. Mr. Mac. naught bas long been known as one of the very broadest Church party, baring published a book some years since on the Inspiration question, in which the very laxest views were avowed and advo. cated. In a letter to his congregation, published since his retirement, Mr. Macnaught arows a wide divergence from the creed of the church to which he belongs. “I have as firm a hold,ne says-"pay, a far firmer bold than ever-upon the great Chris. tian principles of love to God and love to man, Reflection has strengthened-as, I trust, it has also purified- my Christian hopes of a future life, and its discernment between good and evil. These are not matters of doubt or disbelief wih me. I could still continue to preach on these subjects honestly, and, you will, perhaps, kindly to ink, not unprofitably or unacceptably, as I have done be

| fore. It might not be necessary to allude to the

points in which my opinions fail to harmonise with the dogmas of the Church. Suppression of a fer truths now recognised by me would, doubtless, alios me legally and safely to retain my pulpit as long as I chose and God permitted. All this I know for well; but I also know that with many of the Prayer-book's teachings-for example, on the elergyman's supposed power to remit or retain sins ss expressed in the Ordination Service, on the subject of confession as contained in the Service for the Visitation of the Sick, on the doctrine of Regs neration' as treated of in the Baptismal Service, on the Athanasian Creed, on vicarious punishment --with the teaching, I say, of the English Prayerbook on these and other points, I can no longer express ‘unfeigned assent and consent' if these words and the Church formularies are to bear sy natural and grammatical signification. Under these circumstances what am I to do? I bow so other communion which is as tolerant s the Church of England, or whose ministers are se free as bers. Hence I do not see my way to enter seg other Church or its ministry. One thing only is clear, that my duty, as a conseientious Christina Englishman, is to resign my ministry and its empoluments and its dignity. This I must do if I sa to retain my self-respect.” Whatever y te thought of Mr. Macnaught's opinions, the actarse he has taken is a right one, and worthy of li res. pect. We suspect that his example might be ich lowed with propriety by many, whom yet the “loaves and fishes” prevent from carrying oat the conscientious views.

A cage has occurred during the month, which has naturally attracted much attention. A poce orphan boy, named Charles Winkworth, a workhouse boy, was placed out at farm work with Mr. John King, of Beedom, near Newbury. During harvest a dispute arose between him and a curtez. The man knocked the lad down with a prong, and struck bim several times with the butt-end of a whip. The lad summoned the man before the he gistrates for an assault, who fined the offender. including costs, 179. King would seem to have taken the carter's part, for he had summoned the boy on behalf of the Church, and the case was taken immediately after the other. He charged the boy with "misconduet in service, in refung to attend Church.It was not alleged or hinted that he had neglected any work ; his only offence was that he refused to attend eburcb, preferring to attend chapel. He informed the magistrate that he did attend chapel. This, we suppose, made the matter worse. So he was fined 4s, od, who with 5s. 6d. costs, made 10s.,- just one skiing more than the hearty growing lad received durse a fortnight for his daily support! The neighbour, thinking a fortnight's starvation rather & more serious penance that it appeared to Church and King, subscribed at once 17s, for the bay. paid the fine, and bought him a Bible and a hymn-bootnot a prayer-book-with the remainder. Is Fuchs thing possible, we ask, in 1861 ?

attentives earnest discours:18. In the eveninos

We learn from The American Baptist Almanac | The first discourse delivered within its walls was for 1862, that 242 Baptist ministers have been or on the morning of Tuesday, Sept. 24, by the Rev. dained in the United States during 1860 ; thirteen W. Robinson, of Cambridge, formerly pastor of ministers have been received from other denomi the church. Mr. Robinson's text was Deut. xxxii. nations; fifty-two Baptist ministers have died ; 3, 4. The other ministers who took a part in this seventy-six Baptist church edifices have been de opening service were the Revs, J. Mursell, the predicated to the worship of God; 152 Baptist sent pastor, T. Toller (Independent), and W. Exchurches have been constituted ; the nett increase ton (Wesleyan). After the service there was a of our denomination throughout the country is dinner at the Corn Exchange, and a tea, which was placed at 16,314. It is highly probable that if thronged. In the evening, the Rev. Andrew G. complete returns could have been received from Fuller, of London, read the lesson and prayed; the Southern and border States, this increase after which the Rev. J. P. Mursell, of Leicester, would have indicated at least 25,000 members.

preached from Psalm cxxxii. 8, 9. At the evening “By the Parisian,” says the South Australia

service there were probably 1,200 persons present, Register, “ whose arrival from London we reported

and numbers crowded the entrance unable to get in our Saturday's issue, we have to welcome

even standing room. The entire outlay is about another minister of the Baptist denomination, the

4,0001., towards which some 2,0001, have been subRev. Silas Mead, M.A., LL.B. The rev, gentle

scribed by the congregation, and 9001, has been man preached a deeply-impressive sermon in the

raised from other sources, leaving a deficit of 1,100%. morning at Ebenezer Independent Chapel, Run

Towards the clearance of this debt, 501. 78. was dell-street, from Matt. xxvi. 39. In the evening he

collected at the morning service and 351. in the gave a most earnest discourse to a large and deeply

evening. The tea festival yielded another 301., and attentive congregation, at the Baptist Chapel,

there were some special donations, the total Leferre-terrace, North Adelaide, from Luke xxiii.

amount raised during the day being about 1201. 34. Mr. Mead, whose arrival has been for some time

On the Sunday and Monday following, the Rer. anticipated, will be located in South Adelaide, a

J. T. Brown (of Northampton), and the Rev. piece of land on which to erect a Baptist church

Arthur Mursell (of Manchester), preached. baving been purchased in Flinders-street. Plans

REGENT'S-PARK COLLEGE.-The session of this of the church, to seat 600 persons, without galle.

College of 1861-62 was opened on Monday evening, ries, have been approved of, and it is expected that the foundation-stone will be laid in a few weeks.

October 8th. There was a large attendance of In the mean time, and until the church is erected,

| the friends and supporters of the institution at the White's Assembly Room has been engaged for

soirée, after which Dr. Wood was called upon to

preside. The proceedings were opened with sin. public worship on Sundays, and the first services will be held there on the 21st inst. For week-day

ing and prayer. The Rev. Dr. Angus then read services, on Wednesday evenings, Zion Chapel,

the report, from which it appeared that during the

past year forty-two students had been connectod Pulteney-street, has been kindly lent, where for

with the college-twenty-nine as ministerial some weeks past a few of the friends of the move. ment have held a weekly prayer-meeting. Mr.

students, and twelve as lay students. Four of the Mead is now staying for a few days with the Hon.

former have recently left the institution, and have G. F. Augas, M.L.C., at Prospect Hall, near

accepted pastoral charges. Two students have

also left for foreign labour in India and Australia. North Adelaide.”

Seven lay students left at the close of last session, At a meeting of the Committee of the Baptist one of whom has entered as a student for the Missionary Society, early in the month, the Com ministry. To supply the eleven vacancies, the mittee formally took leave of the Rev. J. C. Page committee have selected nine students for the and Mrs. Page, the Rev. G. H. Rouse and Mrs. ministry, and three lay students have been admitRouse, departing for India. The missionary ted. Three have also been admitted as non-resi. party left London the next day.--Mr. Oncken is dents to attend the classes; so that there are still in England, endeavouring to raise funds for forty-five students now connected with the college. the German Baptist Mission.

The progress during the past session was shown from the fact that a number of the students had

taken degrees at the London University; others of DOMESTIC.

them having obtained scholarships and other

honours in connection with the college. The KETTERING.--The Baptist chapel in this im

reports of the examiners were also read, and were, proving town, being in a dilapidated state, and in

without exception, highly satisfactory. With several respects incommodious, was taken down in

regard to finances, the total ordinary receipts from the spring of 1860, and a larger one erected, which

all sources were £2,254, and there is now a is named Fuller Chapel, after its former venerated

balance of debt against the institution to the pastor, the celebrated Andrew Fuller. The style

amount of £63. The number of students is larger of the building may be said to be Lombardic, with

than ever it has been, and the committee feel that Gothic filling in the details. The front is built en

this debt ought at once to be liquidated. Twenty tirely of Ancaster stone ornamented by a pediment

previous subscribers have died during the year, with one-storeyed porch. The whole is enriched

and thirty new ones have been obtained, of whom with coloured tiles, and some vigorous and appro

eight are students who have left the institution priate carving. The chapel will comfortably seat

during the last two years. Among the extra donaabout 850 persons, though from its dimensions,

tions was a gift of £1,000, to found & Carey seventy feet by fifty feet, it would appear capable

scholarship. 2500 has also been promised towards of accommodating a greater number; the pews,

a similar sum in memory of Andrew Fuller; the however, are very wide. Behind the chapel is a

remaining £500 for the accomplishment of this minister's and deacon's vestry, wherein is pre

object it is hoped will be forthcoming during the served as an interesting relic the oaken pulpit

ensuing year. After the reading of the report, from which, in by-gone days, Fuller, Carey, Pearce,

addresses were delivered by the Revs. N. Haycroft, Robert Hall, Toller, Knibb, and other departed

M.A., C. M. Birrell, J. P. Chown, F. Tucker, worthies, frequently or occasionally preached.

B.A., J. T. Wigner, and Sir H. Havelock. There is also a lecture-room forty feet hy twenty feet, and a school-room ninety feet by twenty feet. | STRATFORD-ON-Avon. The new school-room ad

far tooly increasing. ok the pasto in numbers:

joining the Baptist Chapel in this town, the building of which was commenced in May last, was opened by a tea-meeting on Monday evening, September 30th. Able and interesting addresses were delivered by the Revs. J. Wassall, of Blockley, Macmaster, of Coventry, Barlow, of Stratford (Independent), Todd, of Sydenham, and James Cox, Esq., of Sbottery. Messrs. T. Adams, of Birmingham, W. Stephenson, W. Canning, and W. Hawley (Wesleyan), of Stratford, and the Rev. M. Philpin, of Alcester, also took part in the proceedings of the evening. The pastor of the church, the Rev. R. Hall, presided. The meeting, although a protracted one, was sustained with unflagging interest to the end. It was stated that the whole work was expected to lead to an outlay of nearly £450, of which sum £291 5s. 0 d. has been already subscribed. On the preceding Sunday the Rev. J. W. Todd (one of the former pastors of the church) preached three very effective sermons, and on the Wednesday following the children of the Sabbath-school took tea together in the room.

SIon CHAPEL, BRADFORD.-At a church meet. ing held in this chapel during the past month, it was resolved to proceed as soon as possible with the erection of a new edifice, the present one being far too small for the accommodation of the gradually increasing congregation. Since the Rev. J. P. Chown undertook the pastoral oversight, the church has very much increased in numbers. All the accommodation which could be made in the present chapel, by internal alterations and superior arrangements, has been made, but even yet the room provided is found to be inadequate to the requirements. For a long time the gallery has had to be used for the members at the Lord's Supper, and many other considerations induce the congregation to feel that it is their duty to“ arise and build." According to the arrangements, the present chapel is to remain unaltered, and the new one is to be a separate cause, the nucleus of which is to go from the present church. A committee of seven gentlemen were selected to co-operate with the deacons in carrying out this laudable enterprise ; and we understand that, as soon as a suitable site can be found, no time will be lost in car. rying out the arrangements. The cost of the new chapel is to be not less than £5,000.

ALDBOROUGH, SUFFOLK.-On Tuesday, 24th September, Rev. T. M. Roberts, B.A., was ordained as pastor of the church assembling in Union Chapel, Aldborough. The services commenced at three p.m., when Rev. R. P. Jones, of Saxmundham (Independent), read the Scriptures and offered prayer. The Rev. J.P. Lewis, of Diss, then stated the nature of a Gospel church, and proposed the usual questions; and these having been answered, Mr. B. c. Lincoln, the senior deacon, narrated the circumstances of the present union. The ordina. tion prayer was then offered by the Rev. W. Brown, of Friston, and the Rev. James Webb, of Ipswich (in the unavoidable absence of the Rev. C. Elven, of Bury St. Edmunds), gave a few words of coun. sel to the pastor, and then closed the meeting with prayer. At half-past five, about 140. persons sat down to tea. At seven o'clock, a public meeting, which was numerously attended, was held under the presidency of the newly-ordained pastor. The Rev. W. Butcher, of Leiston (Independent), read and prayed, and addresses were delivered on the several duties of members of the church, by Revs. W. Bentley, of Sudbury; G. Hinde, of Rendham (Independent); J. Morris, of Ipswich ; and W. E, Beal, Esq., of Walworth.

DRIFFIELD, YORKSHIRE.-On Tuesday, October 1st, the foundation-stone of a new Baptist chapel was laid by the Rev. Dr. Evans, of Scarborough, on a site on the west side of Middle-street, Driffield. A large concourse of people assembled to witness the ceremony. The proceedings were commenced by the Revs. J. W. Morgan, of Brid. lington, and J. Hithersay, of Malton; after which the stone was laid by Dr. Evans, who delivered a powerful address. In the evening a public meet. ing was held in the old Baptist chapel, when addresses were given by the Revs. J. Hithergay: Osborne, of Kilham; Mitchell and Monk, of Drif. field : Upton, of Beverley; and O'Dell, of Hall. The collections amounted to nearly £30. The plans have been prepared by Mr. Hawe, of Beverler. The style of the edifice is Italian, and it is intended to accommodate upwards of 500 people. The cost will be £655, exclusive of the site, which has been purchased for £300.

MILDENHALL, SUFFOLK.-On Thursday, Oet. 3rd. 1861, the Baptist chapel in this place, after considerable enlargement, was re-opened, when the Rev. W. Landels, of Regent's-park Chapel, preached two able sermons, in the afternoon from Matt. xxii. 1-10, and in the evening from Lake xii. 3. During the interval between the services, about 250 friends sat down to tea in the spacious school-room adjoining the chapel. The collections realised proved sufficient (in connection with a legacy lately bequeathed by a generous supporter of the cause) to discharge all obligations. The Revs. G. Hester (Wesleyan), D. L. Matheson (Independent), W. W. Cantlow, and Thomas Mee, took part in the services, aad waruuls codgratulated the Rev. J. Richardson and friends on the completion of their commodious and beautiful sanctuary.

PUTNEY.-The new chapel erected by the Union Church recently formed at this place was opened for public worship on Tuesday, October 8th. The afternoon sermon was preached by the Rev. J.C. Harrison, of Camden-town; the Rev. W. Brock, of Bloomsbury Chapel, preached in the evening. The devotional parts of the services were conducted by the Rev. J. K. Stally brass, minister of the chapel, the Rev. E. Mannering, and the Rer. J. M. Soule. The attendances were large, and the collections liberal. The chapel is a neat, suhstas. tial, and commodious building, surrounded by an increasing suburban population.

MINISTERIAL CHANGES. -The Rev. J. W. Lance, of Newcastle-on-Tyne, has accepted the unanimous invitation of the church at Newport, Monmonthshire, and intends entering on his duties there the first week in November.--The Rev, S. Hodges, late of Norton, Glamorganshire, has removed to Chai bury, Oxfordshire. -The Rev. W. Bontems, of Ford Forge, has accepted an invitation to take the oversight of the church at Hartlepool, under the auspices of the County Home Mission. He has commenced his labours.-The Rev. H. Hardin, late of Regent's-park College, bas accepted the cordial invitation of the Baptist church, Towcester, Northamptonshire, and entered upon nis labours there on Lord's-day, October 20th.-The Res. James Bullock, M.A., has given notice to the Baptist church at Wallingford, that it is his intention to resign the pastorate of that church at Christmas next.-The Rev. P. Gast, of Appledore, Devon. has accepted the invitation of the church 18 Spencer-place, Goswell-road, London, and bus commenced his labours.


"Built upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the

chief corner-stone."



BY THE REV. S. MANNING. We are again surrounded by the memorials of our mortality. The trees, stripped of “ summer's leafy crown,” and of their autumn vesture of crimson and gold, stand desolate and bare. The dry and withered leaves, rustling before the wintry wind, “ bid man think on his end,” reminding him that “we all do fade as a leaf, and our iniquities like the wind have taken us away." The last days of the closing year are passing by, sadly, solemnly, yet swiftly. Soon all will be gone!

“ Yes, the year is growing old,

And his eye is pale and bleared!
Death, with frosty hand and cold,
Plucks the old man by the beard,

Sorely ! sorely!” | Nature at this season forms an illustrated commentary on the words of inspired warning:-" But this I say, brethren, the time is short : it remaineth, that both they that have wives be as though they had none; and they that weep, as though they wept not; and they that rejoice, as though they rejoiced not ; and they that buy, as though they possessed not; and they that use this world, as not abusing it: for the fashion of this world passeth away(1 Cor. vii. 29-31).

I. Life is short and illusive." The time is short,” and the fashion of this world passeth away."

It is probable that these words were written and were read under an impression that the present dispensation was to be very brief, and that the generation then living was to see its close. The apostles were restrained by a divine influence from ever giving an authoritative expression to such a belief. They spoke in this matter " by permission, not of commandment." Yet all early Christian literature betrays the extent and depth of the expectation that our Lord's return would be very speedy. The Christian mother gave up her first-born to be burned, In the hope that the lurid glare of the flames might be eclipsed by “ a light from heaven above the brightness of the sun”-the radiant glory of the returning King. The Christian slave went forth to labour in the mines with a cheerful heart, because he expected day by day that the deliverer and avenger of liis people would " appear in the clouds of heaven;" and he lay down to sleep at sight with the thought that before the morning dawned his slumbers might be

roken by " the voice of the archangel and trump of God.” Various passages n the epistles show how feverish this expectation often became; how the postleg needed to curb and control it, and call believers away from airy dreams

the sober, practical realities of duty and of daily life, Still the exulting hope emained, “Brethren, the time is short!'

To us the same words are true, the same hope remains. Across the ages the words come ringing, trumpet-tongued, “Brethren, the time is short ;" “ Behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me.” But our exultation is sobered, and our estimates are corrected, by our experience of eighteen hundred years. We are reminded that long and short are not absolute, but relative terms. They must always be referred to some standard of comparison. There are insects of an hour, to which a leaf is a world, and a day eternity. Their little lives seem long to them-how short to us! The threescore years and ten, which are to us an expression of longevity, would have been a brief and trivial episode in the millennium of life allotted to an antediluvian patriarch. Whilst, even of them, it was true, that, “one generation passeth away, and another generation cometh, but the earth standeth fast for ever.” Their long lives seemed short in comparison with the antiquity of “the everlasting hills, and the changeless stars.

We may say, then, first, that the time is short when we think of the immense magnitude of the event contemplated. In standing before Mont Blanc, or any other lofty mountain, the mass is so enormous that it makes the intervening distance seem most trivial. Yet it is many leagues away, and peaks which are miles apart from each other seem as one from the same cause. So the advent of Christ forms the great event of history-not our history alone, but that of all worlds. It is the focal point of the Divine govern. ment, for time and for eternity. It is the centre whose circumference is the infinite and eternal. Upon it the destinies of the universe depend. In it the Divine purpose and wisdom find their supreme manifestation and fulfilment. Is eighteen hundred years to be thought long for the completion of such a scheme When we remember the grandeur and magnitude of the interests involved, shall we impatiently ask, “Where is the promise of his coming!" In the judgment of God, the first and second advents of Christ form but one complete and perfect whole. The longest duration which finite powers can express is but short when compared to the infinite and immeasurable greatness of the event we look for.

And then, second, we must remember how much depends upon the point of view we occupy. As we struggle up some mountain side, how long the journer appears! Each summit we descry promises to be the last, but, when reached, it only discovers to us another and another still. Each fresh reach of hill or valley adds to our weariness, and the ascent seems interminable. But, having reached the highest point, where the eye commands and ranges over half a continent, what a tiny speck does our day's journey occupy! It shrinks into insignificance, and we wonder that we could have made so much of so little. So is it in the course of time. We cannot now estimate it truly. Eternity gives us the true point of view. Looked at from thence, “ a thousand years are as one day.” As the brief day of our earthly life recedes into the remote past, and is compared with the measureless cycles which lie between, it will appear briefer and briefer still. With an ever deepening significance and emphasis shall we learn to say to each other in the review,-Brethren, the time was short. He who communes deeply and habitually with eternal realities will be able to say it now. As the stars dwindle down to a point as they recede from us in space, 80 will the duration of our world, as we recede from it in time, and look back upon it from eternity. And since this estimate will prove the final and permanent one, it is our wisdom to arrive at it whilst here. “Brethren, the time is short.

Or we may think of our own personal interest in time, and it will seem still shorter. Time, in itself, and in its whole duration, may be long, but what ot that if I have no part in it ? Life measures out and limits my interest in it. Ages rolled away whilst as yet I was not. Those ages were nothing to me. Ages may roll away after I have passed from earth, but they will affect me not. They only make my day appear more brief by the comparison. How very soon shall we have gone away from these sublunary scenes ! Remembering our own

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