
Our Missions.


INDIA. One of the most important methods of spreading the Gospel is that of itineracy. This is especially the case in India, where the population is very depse, and the niissionaries are few. The habits of the people also greatly facilitate the missionaries' object. They often assemble at fairs and festivals in very large numbers, are very ready to listen, and even in the streets and bazaars of the cities they rapidly gather together around any person who may exhibit a desire to address them. A very interesting tour of this description was early in the year made by the Rev. J. Parsons, of Benares, in company with an excellent brother of the name of M'Cumby, but who is supported, not by the Baptist Missionary Society, but by the Rev. W. Start.

The first part of the journey was accomplished in a gig, or buggy, the missionaries' luggage, tent, and necessaries being carried by a cart drawn by a pair of bullocks. This slow mode of travelling was exchanged at Cawdpore for the quicker dawk garry-a carriage on four wheels, drawn by one horse-in short stages of six or seven miles. For this change they were indebted to the kindness of the proprietor, Mr. Greenway, who, from love to the good cause, gave them permission, gratuitous to use these public conveyances whenever their route required it.

The missionaries left Benares on the 22nd of January. Preaching on the way in two villages, they reached Mirzapore on the 24th. This is a city of large population, situated on the Ganges, and a station of the London Missionary Society. At several eligible spots in the wide streets of the city they preached to large congregations. Much attention was given, and frequent discussions took place, in which Mr. M'Cumby met the arguments of several persons accustomed to dispute with the missionaries.

At Gopeegunge, on the road to Allahabad, good congregations were gathered on the road side in the morning, and in the market in the evening. Allahabad was reached on the 30th. It was the time of the mela-a religious festival in honour of the meeting of the waters of the Jumna and Ganges, which here unite. Numerous temples and gháts line the banks of the rivers ; sacrifices are made to them, and frequent washings in the sacred streams are supposed to cleanse from sin. Here they met other missionaries. The brethren of the American Presbyterian Mission, who have a station at this place, had erected two tents for the con. venience of preaching to the multitudes, and there for several days the Word of God was proclaimed. For the first three days the occupants of the ground were principally merchants and dealers, preparing for the great days of the fair. There were numerous religious mendicants, with stands of idols, variously decorated, to attract attention. Priests in great numbers were there, and barbers, who claim a right to the profits of the bathing and shaving of the head, which are the leading ceremonies of the mela. One fakir particularly attracted attention by his singularity of manners and dress, and his skill in composing and singing poetry. He was endeavouring to establish another sect, to add to the innumerable sects into which Hinduism is already divided. Morning and even. ing the labours of the missionaries were carried on, and many thousands heard the Word of Life.

On the 14th of February, Mr. Parsons and Mr. M'Cumby reached Cawnpore, the scene of Nata Sahib's cruelty. For five days they visited the bazaars of the city. On every occasion large congregations of attentive hearers surrounded them. Opposers were few. On the last day of their ad. dresses, one of their hearers requested them to stay another fortnight, to allow him and some others opportunity of further inquiry. But Meerut required their services, and to this place they came on the 23rd.

Two spheres of missionary labour presented themselves in Meerut, -the Sudder, or chief bazaar, near the cantonment, and the city itself. In the former Mohammedans chiefly abound, and though large congregations assembled, the interruptions were frequent, and the discussions were marked by much warmth and bitterness. In the city Hindus predominate. There the congrega. tions were still larger and the interruption less. One opponent owned rank infidelity. Though s Mohammedan by race, he asserted that the Koran, the Shasters, and the Bible were all alike fictions invented by priests to frighten people, and that there was no such thing possible as distinguishing truth from error.

The native church at Mulliana was also visited by the missionaries. Here, in an upper room, that took their thoughts back to that mentioned in Acts i. 13, they enjoyed a season of reading, sing: ing, and prayer with these simple villagers, and listened with much interest to their account of the Lord's mercies to them. Six days were next spent in Delhi. The time

led with services among the numerous Wide tive brethren, in intercourse with the patite para tors and missionaries, and in preaching the Wo On the Lord's-day, they had the pleasure of taking part in the baptism of thirty candidates, and then uniting in communion with the large native gathered in this city of martyrdom and bloo Passing through Agra, they again reached Cake pore on the 15th of March, and resuming their first mode of travelling, with buggy and cart, Lucy started for Lucknow,

At Oonao, celebrated for our Havelock's victories, they had a large audience in the bazaar, maa of the people being Mussulmans and Sikhs. A first they were inclined to be noisy and indifferedl, but afterwards showed much interest, and many followed to the Serai for further conversation. 46 Lucknow, which they reached on the fourth day, they were the guests of the missionaries of the American Episcopal Methodist Mission. Ercepiing on the Lord's-day, they were daily 100 bazaars. The congregations were often large, te quently numbering three or four hundred persons The next stage was Fyzabad, a distance o four miles. The roads were so heavy as them to employ an extra bullock-cart parto way, so that nine days were consumed in the uey. At Nawabgunge, on their way arter ing in the bazaar, they received a pressing from a respectable confectioner that they visit him at his house. The court-yard and instantly filled to suffocation with crowd that accompanied the missionaries bazaar. They adjourned to the shade ol tree, where, amidst the crowd, they.. ence with the man, who was most wide to a comprehensive statement of the top discussion which followed was neither nor long. Here many copies of

their way after preach.

The court-yard was soal, o suffocation with the large

I the missionaries from the bed to the shade of a large

crowd, they had a confer was most willing to listen

ent of the Gospel, The ed was neither important copies of Scriptures were


disposed of, and in the evening they had many | regularly prayed to Christ, and that in paying his visitors at the Serai till a late hour.

devotions to him he found such delight as he had Fyzabad is the second city of Oude, and contains never before known. He wished to be baptized, many extensive public buildings. It was once the and to live a hermit life as before. Every day he capital of the province. It is near the city of the was with the missionaries in the fair, and in the famous Ram, the conqueror of Ceylon, the deity afternoon sought their conversation in their tent. most worshipped in northern India. His name is Gradually his desire to abandon his present conever on the lips of the people; in moments of ex nections ripened into a full resolution to follow the tremity they call upon Ram, and as they hasten to missionaries, and in token of his adoption of Christ the funeral pyre with the bodies of departed friends as his hope, he requested them to call him not by they inyoke his pity. Hunuman, the monkey-god, his proper name, but by one of his own choosing. has also a large establishment and temple in this which imports that he has made Jesus his refuge. place, crowded with byraggees, or beggar-monks, He seems simple-minded, sincere and straightforwho live in high style. It was the strife between ward, and gives every encouragement to hope that these beggars and the Mussulmans of Oude that he has been taught of God. He left his business was the proximate cause of the annexation of the and family ten or twelve years ago to become a to the crown of England. Here the mis raggee, from the conviction that he could serve God sionaries pitched their tent, and for six days, morn better so than amid the entanglements of secular ing and evening, they preached in tbe bazaars Christ | life. But he has been disappointed. It costs him and him crucified. The auditors were unusually nu. evidently a hard struggle to give up Ram. He has, merous, sometimes quiet and attentive, at others, however, accompanied Mr. M'Cumby to Dinapore, contentious. A good number of Scriptures were dis where he now earns a livelihood by teaching a posed of. Thence they removed to Ayodhya to be school, and receives daily religious instruction. in the midst of the mela, and here they daily con At the close of the fair the missionaries returned tinued preaching the Word. They were told that homewards, taking with them this interesting the fair was unusually large, in consequence of the inquirer, after an absence of three months and a safety of the roads since the accession of British few days. authority. Sometimes 700 or 800 persons at a time Such are some of the incidents of a very interest. would listen to the good news, and many exhibited ing preaching tour, at once illustrative of the naconsiderable interest. Their stock of Hindi Scrip ture of the missionary's work, and of the reception tures and tracts was exhausted before they left the the Gospel meets with among the people. May the fair. One byraggee who accosted them had heard seed sown spring up abundantly to the praise of the Gospel at Ghazipore. He told them that he redeeming grace!



had been in a very precarious state, but to the day THB proceedings of the past month have been before his death his medical attendants did not anything but interesting. Parliament was pro

cease to hope for his recovery. His lordship was rogued on the 6th of August, by the usual" Queen's

only translated to the see of Durham in 1860, preSpeech," the speech being, however, of even less

vious to which he was for a short time Bishop of than the usual interest, through there being so little

Carlisle. He was the brother of two leading states. for the Queen to say. A day or two before the close men of the present day, namely, the Earl of of the Parliament, considerable regret was caused, Clarendon and the Hon. C. P. Villiers. both in the House and in the country, by the death of Lord Herbert. of Lea. Lord John Russell took

The chief foreign news of the month concerns bis seat, before the close of the session, as Earl

America and Hungary, In America, a great battle Russell. Lord Elgin has been, it is said, appointed

has been fought, and has resulted in a great defeat to the Governor-Generalship of India.

of the Federalists. At present, it appears to have

had little effect but that of exciting both parties in The twenty-seventh anniversary of West Indian the struggle to greater efforts and determination. emancipation was commemorated on the evening The Hungarians are carrying on a peaceful struggle

August 1st, by a public meeting, held under the with the Emperor of Austria for their rights. The auspices of the London Emancipation Committee, result of this it is impossible to foresee. at Spafields Chapel. London. There was a large and enthusiastic audience. The principal speeches

On Monday, the 19th ult., a very interesting and were delivered by Mr. G. Thompson, Mr.W.Wilks, crowded meeting was held in the Surrey Taberna

Hewlett, and the Rev. W. H. Bonner, all of cle (under the auspices of the Young Men's Mis. om expatiated on the slavery question in its Ame sionary Society) for the purpose of celebrating the can aspects. John Anderson, the fugitive slave, centenary of the birth of the Rev. Dr. Carey. Sir as also present; and it was stated that not only

Morton Peto(in the absence of Mr. J.C. Marshman, arrangements been made for his education in who was prevented attending by the death of his England, but that a munificent English lady had

niece, the daughter of Lady Havelock) presided on ..municated, through Lord Shaftesbury, her

the occasion; and eloquent and powerful addresses ungness to ransom the fugitive's wife and child. were delivered by the Revs. "J. P. Chown, F.

One resolution expressed a hope that the Tucker, B.A., and C. H. Spurgeon. sent war in America might result in the aboli. u of slavery, and another severely reprobated

Many of our readers will be interested in hearne conduct of Spain in annexing San Domingo.

ing that Mrs. Knibb (the widow of the Rev. Wil.

liam Knibb) has just arrived in England from ho Bishop of Durham, Dr. Villiers, died on 1 Jamaica. Her present address is Mrs. Moore's, ay, August 9th. For some days his lordship Queen's-square, Bloomsbury.

Friday, Aug

school. Giles illing to worshipping at this

“The honorary degree of D.D. has been conferred” (says The Freeman) “ on the Rey, John Prichard, Llangollen, by the faculty of Jewell College, Missouri, America. The honourable career and the bigh standing of Mr. Prichard in the Principality, make him worthy of this tribute of respect. Dr. Prichard's attainments are wellknown in the Principality. For the last thirty years he has laboured much to instruct the youth of the churches through the press ; he is well read in the literature of the day, at home in church history, and conversant with the original languages of the Scriptures; he has been the means of raising the Baptist cause into a commanding position in the town, and also of establishing an English cause."

r. Dexter, sen., elder of rose, and, after a few remarks,

DOMESTIC. WOODGATE, LOUGEBOROUGH.-On Tuesday, July 23rd, the friends worshipping 8 held a tea-meeting to welcome their the Rev. Giles Hester. At five o'clock the school-room were well filled by a numerou pany, who, after tea, adjourned to the chapel, Woeu the service was opened with singing and praju: after which, Mr. Marshall as chairman, made some introductory remarks. Mr. Dexter, seni, the church, then rose, and, after a I presented to Mr. Marshall a copy of to

of the "Ency clopædia Britannica.” containing the following scription :-“This complete edition, in volumes, of the Encyclopædia Britannica, pero chased by voluntary contributions, 18 prese Mr. Thomas Whittle Marshall, by the me the General Baptist Church and Congregaus worshipping in Woodgate Chapel, Loughborough in grateful recognition of the valuable and untiring services he has rendered them in his frequent su earnest ministrations of the Word o

aicious management of the business of the churve, and arrangements for the regular and efficier supply of the pulpit, during the period intenta between the lamented decease of their late pastos, the Rev. Joseph Goadby. on the 19th of February 1859, and the assumption of the pastorat by the Rev. Giles Hester. The gift is accompaniet by their earnest desire for the long continuance Mr. Marshall's useful life, their fervent that he may at last receive his full reward in heaven from the Great H Church,- and also that this, as an heir prove an incentive to his descendants his faithfulness and zeal in the cause of the service of the church.-Loughborouge, 23, 1861.” -Mr. Marshall having suitab ledged the gift, introduced Mr. Hester to ing: Mr. Hester was 'most cordially and siastically received. After he had briensuu

od briefreddressed the assembly, addresses of a kind and en character were delivered by the Rere son and J. Mason, and by Messrs. R. DONOV. Mason; ang oy nomey Foulds, Fisher Baldwin, H. Jelley, J. Š. Lacey, Foulas and Wilshere.

on of the pastorate this dar

2. the Great Head of the

018 descendants to emulate

in the cause of Christ, and

Il having suitably acknow

1r. Lester to the meetst cordially and enthu

The Committee of the Evangelical Alliance have issued a Circular on a "proposed Week of Prayer," in January next. After introductory remarks it proceeds:-- Brethren beloved, we affectionately and earnestly ask you to unite with us in repeating and perpetuating the observance of the Week of Prayer. Nor shall we ask in vain. The hallowed influence of our former New Year's services, still lingering in the hearts of thousands, will obtain to this request a quick and devout response. Let not our earnestness cease until, in answer to believing, wrestling, importunate supplications, the windows of heaven are opened, and far richer and more copious blessings descend upon the Church and the world.” The following are suggested as topics suited for a prominent place in the exhortations and prayers on the successive days :-Sunday, January 5.-“ Sermons on the Holy Spirit:" His divinity and personality-His offices and opera. tions. Prayer for the Lord's blessing upon the service of the week. Monday, 6.-"Humiliation and Confession of Sin :" as individuals-as families-as churches and as a nation. Thankegiving and praise for recent religious awakenings. Tuesday 7.“Home objects for Prayer:" The conversion of the ungodly-the cessation of intemperance and all immorality-and the spread of vital religion in our families and households, among our rulers, the rich and poor, our soldiers and sailors, the authors of our literature, secular and religious. Wednesday, 8.-“Foreign Objects for Prayer:" The revival of pure Christianity, and the extension of religious liberty in Europe and the lands of the East-the overthrow of every form of anti-Christian errorconversion of the house of Israel- the prevalence of peace among all nations, especially in Americaand a yet more abundant blessing upon our brethren and sisters engaged in the work of missions, Christian education, and literature in foreign lands. Thursday, 9.-"The Church of God and the Christian Ministry :" The increased spirituality of the Church, and its more decided separation from the world-brotherly love, sympathy, and union of labour among the Lord's people--a higher standard of piety and power among Chrietian ministers and all their fellow-labourers-the outpouring of the Spirit upon our universities and colleges, and on the rising ministry at large--the conversion of the young, and a large blessing upon Sunday and other schools. Friday, 10.-“The Word of God :" That it may be received with increased faith, reverence, and love-that its assailants may be enlightened and brought into the way of truth-that the power of the Divine Spirit may attend its private study, and its circulation throughout the world. “Saturday, 11.-“The Lord's Day :” That its divine institution may be recognised, and its desecration at home and abroad may cease. Sunday, 12. “Sermons on the Signs, Dangers, and Duties of the Present Times”-motives to personal holiness and Christian activity.

of a kind and encouraging red by the Rers. E. Steven

by Messrs. H. Godkin, B.

NCOLNSHIRE.-On Wednesday,

FLEET, LINCOLNSHIRE.-On 10th, the Jubilee of the General Bapti school, Fleet, was celebrated. At nie prayer-meeting was held; at hall public service commenced, when Kenney preached an instructive serm Psalm cvii. 43 ; after which the teach dren of the school, also the branco Gedney Broad Gate, walked in proce the village, and thence returned to quee, where they were provided w beef and plum-pudding, of which, partook; dinner was also provided for at the same time and place, and 190 the children. After dinner, the Rey Peterborough, delivered a short three o'clock, the friends again as chapel, when the Rev. T. Barrasso vice with reading and prayer, at Ashberry, from Sheffield, preached sermon from 1 Timothy xvi. 1. A tea-meeting was held, at which mo down. The public meeting in presided over by the Rev. F. Chat of the church. The chairman prese esting report of the school from its a from which it appears that 2,000 C taught in the school; three have be Baptist churches one, the Rev. missionary for twenty-five years

he General Baptist Sunday.
ebrated. At nine o'clocks
eld; at half past ten the
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tructive sermon from

the teachers and chi
the branch school from

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returned to a large mus
provided with a diner of
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& short address. At
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Barrass opened the mer
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VI. 1. At five o'clocks

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F. Chamberlain, pastor
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de Rev. J. Stubbins,
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take the ninth chan the grado delivere

the reading of the report, interesting addresses persons took tea in the Music Hall, the collections. were delivered by the Revs. T. Barrass ; E. Sten including the profit from the tea, amounted to on, from Sutton St. James' ; T. Cotton, from £67. The chapel is a beautiful building, that will lolbeach; G. Hester, of Loughborough ; H. Ash seat about 900 persons. merry, and R. Kenney.


chapel in this village having been closed three Sabre aware that some six months ago the Rev. A.

baths for repairs and enlargement, by the erection Cilly resigned his pastoral charge of Bethany Bap

of a school-room and vestry to open into the chapel. ist Church, Cardiff, for the purpose of establishing

re-opening services were held on Tuesday, Aug. church in the neighbourhood of Roath. Joined

6th. In the afternoon the Rev. J. T. Brown, of py a few zealous persevering men, and followed

Northampton, delivered an eloquent discourse by about 120 of the members of Bethany, the new

founded upon Luke vii. 9. Tea was provided by cause has apparently taken root, and prospered to

the ladies of the congregation, to which two hun. very considerable extent. No sooner had they

dred and upwards sat down. In the evening a secured a temporary place of worship in Plucca

public meeting was held, the Rev. J. T. Brown ane, than they set to work to procure funds for

presiding. The Rev. A. Smith, minister of the che erection of a new building, and before many

place, read an account of the cost of the alteramonths had passed they were in such a position as

tions, together with the amount privately subto feel justified in resolving to commence the build scribed by his friends, from which it appeared that, ing without further delay. Accordingly the ne

uniting the expense of new windows, gates, &c., cessary steps were taken, and such is the progress

which was incurred last year, with the present out. of the works at the present moment that the walls

lay, £200 had been expended for which no appeal of the first floor, forming the school-rooms, are had been made beyond their own congregation, raised their proper height. Considerable sums of

and the whole now wanting to make up this sum money have been subscribed by different gentlemen

was £38, towards which would go the entire proin the locality, and although the building will cost

ceeds of tea and collections. Suitable and effective £3,000 before it is finished, the leading members

addresses were delivered by the chairman ; the have no misgivings as to funds. Wednesday, July

Revs. S. Stenson, of Kislingbury; H. Capern, of 31st, was the time fixed for laying the memorial Bugbrook; D. Smith, of Brington; and T. Perry, stone. At half-past three the proceedings com

Esq., of Northampton. menced by the Rev. A. Tilly proposing that Geo. Smith, Esq., take the chair. The Rev. Dr. Thomas, BARNSLEY.-On Monday, July 15th, the memread the eighth and ninth chapters of the Second

bers and friends of the Baptist Church, Barnsley, Corinthians, commenting upon the grace of Chris held a social tea-meeting on the occasion of the tian benevolence. The chairman then delivered

removal of their pastor, the Rev. L. B. Brown, to an appropriate address, and was followed by the

a pastoral charge in Berwick-on-Tweed. A very Rev. E. Probert, of Bristol, who ably explained large and respectable company met together, and and defended the principles of Nonconformity. Mr. after tea adjourned to the chapel, when a public Fawckner was then called upon to explain the main meeting was held. Dr. Smith (Established Church) features of the building, which he did in a very

took the chair, and addresses were given by the clear and intelligible way, with the assistance of the Rev. W. J. Binder (Incumbent of St. John's), plans. Mr. R. Cory, jun., then laid the stone; a Rev. G. Wood (Wesleyan), Rev. J. Barker bottle, containing an historical document, a New

(Baptist), Rev. E. Watmough (Free Church), and Testament, and other papers, being first deposited Rev. J. Ashmead (Baptist), all of whom bore in a cavity provided for the purpose. The building cheerful testimony to the public and private esteem 18 to be in the “ early English ” Gothic style, and in in which Mr. Brown was held. In the course of side measures 70ft. by 4ift. The total accommoda the evening Mr. T. Dale, on behalf of the church tion will be for about 1,100 persons. It is to be

and congregation, presented to Mr. Brown an ele. completed in April next.

gant gold watch in a chaste and beautiful pearl

stand, together with a purse of gold, as some token BARNSTAPLE, NORTH DEVON.--The commodious

of their gratitude for his faithful labours amongst Baptist chapel. built by the church and congrega them for nearly four years. Mr. Dale also pretion under the pastorate of the Rev. Samuel sented to Mrs. Brown, in the name of her Bible Newman (who is at present laid aside from his

class, a beautiful silver cruet-stand with cruets. work through affliction), was opened for Divine worship on Wednesday, July 17th. In the morn HAMPSTEAD.-On Tuesday, July 23rd, the new og, at seven o'clock, there was a meeting chapel erected for the Baptist congregation at or prayer. At eleven o'clock the Rev. Thomas Hampstead was inaugurated for Divine worship by Winter opened the service by prayer. The Rev. the celebration of two opening services; the l'homas Leach (Wesleyan) read the Scriptures preachers on the occasion being the Rev. William ind prayed. The Rev. Alfred Tilly, of Cardiff, Brock (in the unavoidable absence of the Hon. and reached an excellent sermon from Hebrews xii. 2. Rev. Baptist Noel), and the Rev. Newman Hall. he Rev. John Sanders concluded with prayer. The chapel, which is a neat, light, and elegant It three o'clock there was a public meeting, when structure presenting the same architecturalensemble he Rev. George Lovering presided, the Rev. Hugh as Bloomsbury Chapel, is situated in Heath Street, Ling prayed, Revs. J. J. Brown, David Thompson, and presents an appearance of a very ornamental Obn Besley (Independent), John Sanders, and character. It has been erected at a cost of £5,000, oseph Wilshere, addressed the meeting, and Mr. and contains sittings for about 800 persons. Its fear concluded with prayer. At half-past six interior is conveniently fitted up, and the sittings clock in the evening the Rev. William Tarbotton are comfortably cushioned, whilst the lightness of

dependent) read the Scriptures and prayed. the roof and ventilation are all that could be wished he Rev. Thomas Winter preached an appropriate for. Galleries run round the entire space, the ermon from Haggai ii. 9. The Rev. J. J. Brown organ being placed in a recess immediately in the pncluded with prayer. On Lord's-day, July 21, rear of the pulpit, and facing the congregation. In Ir. Winter preached, morning and evening, to addition are large and commodious school-rooms Powded congregations ; indeed, all the services underneath the chapel, as also a vestry and other ere well attended. On the Wednesday about 600 1 rooms necessary for the transaction of chapel busi

in a cavint, and other historical

ness. The pastor of the new congregation is the series of interesting proceedings in aid of the fund Rev. William Brock, jun.

for re-flooring, re-seating, &c., &c., the Baptist

cbapel, Monk's Kirby. A successful bazaar was Hatch, NEAR TAUNTON.-On Tuesday, August

held in the reading-room, under the management 6th, public services were held in the Baptist chapel

of the ladies of the congregation. In the afternoon in this village for the purpose of giving an affec.

about 400 sat down to tea in a spacious tent, in tionate farewell to the Rev, J. Teall, the late min.

which, in the evening, a public meeting was held, ister, upon his removal to Queen-street Chapel, Woolwich. At half-past four o'clock a large number

Mr. Isaac Vernon, of Lutterworth, in the chair. of friends from the neighbouring churches assem.

After singing and prayer, a statement was made bled for tea. A public meeting took place in the

by the Rev. J. W. Moore (the pastor), from which

it appeared that the estimated outlay was £120, evening, when John Broom, Esq., of Wadeford House, Chard, took the chair. “After singing,

towards which the congregation had given or pro

mised £80. The following ministers then delivered prayer was offered by the venerable Samuel Hallet.

addresses :--The Revs. J. Cox, Dancburch; R.P. and the chairman having delivered the opening

Macmaster, and E. H. Delf, Coventry; W. Bol, address, Mr. Perry, of Curry-Mallet, one of the

B.A., Sutton; H. Angus, Rugby ; Froggati, deacons, rose, and in the name of the church and

Stretton; and Lowe, Woolston. congregation at Hatch, presented to Mr. Teall a handsome gold watch as a parting token of esteem. WATERFORD, IRELAND.-On Sunday and MonMr. Teall acknowledged the gift, and took an affec day, July 28th and 29th, services were held at the tionate farewell of the friends amongst whom he Baptist Chapel, Waterford, publicly to recognise had laboured for eight years. The Rev. R. P. the settlement of Mr. Thomas Evans, of the Haver. Cross commended the retiring minister to the Di. fordwest College, as pastor of the church assemvine blessing and protection. The Rev. E. Edwards, bling there. The service on Sunday morning was Rev. S. Pearce, and other ministers, followed in in conducted by the Rev. D. Davies, Pembroke (Mr. teresting and appropriate addresses.

Evans's late pastor), who preached an excellent

sermon from Rev. i. 18. At the close of the service, Town MALLING, KENT.-On Tuesday, July

the Rev. T. Davies, president of the Haverford18tb. Rev. Thomas Field, late of Shadwell, was

west College, delivered a sbort address on Christian publicly recognised as pastor of tbe Baptist church

baptism, and baptized a young person on her proin tbis town. Rev. John Russell, of Shoreditch,

fession of faith in Christ. In the evening the Rer. preached in the afternoon. A tea-meeting in the

T. Davies preached a thoroughly practical sermca adjoining school-room followed. In the evening,

from 2 Cor. v. 7. On Monday evening the Rers, a public meeting was held in the chapel; Rev. J.

D. and T. Davies preached from Jude XX. 21, sod H. Blake, of Sandhurst, presided : Rev. Robert

2 Cor. v. 9. At all the services the congregations Shindler, of Matfield-green, offered prayer. The

were good. meeting was addressed by Revs. W. H. Bonner, John Lewis, of Chatham; J. Russell; G. Haigh, ISLE ABBOTTS, SOMERSET.—The Baptist chapel is of Bessels-green; J. Mountford, of Sevenoaks ; this place having undergone considerable repairs, Mr. David Taylor, of Whitechapel ; Mr. Constable,

the annual tea-meeting was held on Wedeesday: of Borough-green, and the newly-elected pastor. July 24th. In the afternoon a sermon was preached Mr. Sedgwick, of Shadwell, concluded with by the Rev. R. Green, of Taunton. Upwards of prayer.

one hundred persons sat down to tea, after which

addresses were delivered by the Rers. James KINGTON, HEREFORDSHIRE. – An interesting

Moreton and George Taylor (Independent); James meeting was held at Titley, near Kington, on

Young, R. Serle, J. Teall, R. Green, and J. Thursday evening, the 8th ult. for the purpose of

Chappell (the minister), Baptist. presenting the Rev. G. Cosens with a purse of money on his leaving Kington for Usk, Monmouth MINISTERIAL CAANGES. - The Rer. Edwari shire. The Rev. W. Nayler (Wesleyan) presided. Merriman, of London, has accepted an invitation Addresses were delivered by Mr. Joseph Davis, of to the pastoral charge of the Baptist Church s Titley; the Rev. N. Ingham, of Pembridge (In Dorchester, and commences his stated ministry on dependent); and the Rev. G. Phillips, of Even. the first Sunday in September.- The Rer. J. Teal jobb ; after which w. P. Damerel, Esq., handed having resigned the pastorate of the church 2 over to Mr, Cosens a purse containing £36 2s, 6d. Hatch, Somerset, bas received a cordial invitat20 as a small token of respect, which sum was made from the church meeting in Queen Street, Wool up by the inhabitants of Kington and its vicinity. wich, to become their pastor, and entered upon Mr. Cosens, in a very touching manner, acknow. his new sphere of labour the second Lord's-ds ledged the regard shown, and the kind feeling ma. in August.-The Rev. J. H. Jones has res goes nifested towards him. The meeting was after the pastorate of the church in Kiddermuster, wards addressed by the Rev. J. Brown (Inde and closes his labours there on the last Lord's-day pendent), Mr. Barrer, and Mr. Gwent, of King in September. He is open to invitation to sugar ton.

any destitute church.-Mr. D. T. Daries, studo FRAMSDEN, SUFFOLK.-On Tuesday, July 16th,

of the Baptist College, Bristol, has taken the the recognition of the Rev. George Cobb took

oversight of the Baptist Church, Presteiga, Ral

norshire.-The Rev. W. Burton having resignes place as pastor of the Baptist church at Framsden, on which occasion the Rev. J. Webb, of Ipswich,

the pastorate of the Baptist Church at Bernd preached the introductory discourse and asked the

on-Tweed, and accepted the unanimous io vitstice usual questions, which were satisfactorily answered

of the church meeting in Badcox Lane, Frode, by one of the deacons and the youthful pastor. In

commenced his duties there on Lord's-oss, the afternoon, the Rev. C. Elven, of Bury, de.

August 11th, with cheering prospects of usefulness. livered the charge, and in the evening, the Rev. R.

-The Rev. Thomas Michael has resigned the pas E. Sears, of Lexfield, preached to the church and

torate of the Baptist Church, Evesham, se congregation. Messrs. Woodgate, of Otley; Perrin,

accepted an invitation to the pastorate of te of Walton; Lewis, of Diss; and Berrett, of Bard.

First Baptist Church, Pellon Labe, Halifar. well, engaged in the devotional services.

wbich the late Rev. Samuel Whitwood was paster

for thirty years. Mr. Michael enters on his Dr PAILTON, WARWICKSHIRE.-The village of Pailton was enlivened on Tuesday, July 30th, by a 1 september,

sphere of labour on the first Lord's-dsy 3

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