

He, with his partner, a young Swiss lady, will pro Ramsay to teach the religion of Rome, and to bably sail during the present month. In reference | take the children regalarly to mass. This she can. to their arrival, Mr. Webley says, in a letter ad. not conscientiously do, and, after an appeal to the dressed to Mr. Underhill, “Had you six instead of President, has resigned her post. two brethren to send us, we could now advantage In her letter to the Secretary of State, she says, ously place them. I certainly never witnessed “I have not the power to convert the soul, espesuch a disposition on the part of this people to cially that of a person twenty-five years of age. hear the truth.” Still later he writes :--"A great The hand of man is too weak for this. The Father and glorious work is going on, and almost daily of Spirits alone possesses absolute power over the instances of inquiry after truth, or conviction, souls of men to work as he pleases. Eloquence sceur."

the most brilliant, discourses the most touching Some of this excitement arises out of the follow. and persuasive, are all too feeble to attain this ng circumstances. Soon after General Geffrard's

It is thus that she seeks to exonerate her. leration to the Presidency of the Republic, he self from the charge of having unworthily used nstituted sixty-seven primary schools in the va her influence to pervert the soul of this convert ious towns of the island. A girl's school was esta to the faith. In a private letter to a friend, she lished in Jacmel, of which Madame Diane Ram thus eloquently writes :-"When you have read ay, formerly an assistant to Mrs. Job, and a the letter of the Secretary of State, you will see Member of the church, was chosen governess. that it is impossible for me to teach, or cause to She was known to be a Protestant. She stipulated be taught to my pupils, the dogmas of the Catholic or freedom to open the school with prayer, and to religion, or to take them every Sunday to mass. ead in it, with the children, the Holy Scriptures. This would deeply wound my conscience before This was granted her. With some interruptions my beloved Saviour, Jesus. How can I, after rom the bigotry of a member of the local commis. having for fourteen years known and professed ion, she has continued to conduct the school on the truth, now abandon it-and that for earthly hese principles for two years, to the advantage of things, which are only vanity ? Can I lead or he children, and with the general approval of teach my pupils to worship graven images ? Can heir parents.

I see them fall down prostrate, or myself show Two events have lately happened to destroy this them how to bend the knee, before idols and pic. - Arrangement, and she has been obliged to resign tures ? No, my dear friend, the thought alone

he appointment. One of these events is the sign makes me tremble--it makes my blood curdle in -ng of a Concordat with the Pope by the Haitien my veins. The inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorgovernment. The object of this is, doubtless, to rah would rise up in judgment against me. The estrain the bad conduct of the priests, but it also Lord is witness of the profound grief I feel in gives a revival of influence and of numbers to the taking the resolution to give up this school, seeing

Jhurch of Rome. The other incident is a far more how much good may be done to the children who interesting one. Madame Ramsay had engaged frequent it. What is to be done? Satan seems is an assistant a young woman, twenty-five years to wish to sift me as wheat. Why? Because a

age, named Adelaide Musac. Through the soul has been rescued from his dark prison ; beerusal of the Scriptures, and converse with the cause 250 children enjoy the opportunity of learn. overness, she has become a decided Christian. ing the Scriptures, and the Holy Spirit can work ler conversion aroused the hostility of her on their minds as he has upon Adelaide's. But the arents, and of a brother. Her life, that of the orders of the Secretary of State leave me no alterdissionary, and of Madame Ramsay, were threat native. Whatever my regret, I am obliged to ned. Then the priest took up the matter, and give up 'this school. The Lord will provide for enounced the school, and its mistress, every Sun me. My hope is in him, and that he will bless ay for weeks from the pulpit, urged the people me in my request to my brothers and sisters in

withdraw their children, and incited others to Christ in England, that they will assist me in pedition the government for the removal of their opening a Christian school." nstructress. The parents of Adelaide at length We fervently hope that our Committee will be vithdrew her from the school, shut her up at able, with the accession of strength now on the way lome, and, for a time, used every endeavour to to Haiti, to re-open the school, which was for. um her from the way of life. For two months merly so useful. We understand that premises de remained a prisoner in her father's house. As have already been secured for the purpose. Should nese efforts were unavailing, her friends at length Mrs. Baumann be permitted to undertake this llowed her to leave, and she is now residing tem work, she will find in Madame Ramsay an admirable Jorarily with Mr. Webley.

aid. May our readers be moved to assist in this A memorial was at last sent in to the Secretary good work, both by prayer and liberal contribuState. Ho interfered, and directed Madame / tions !

· Intelligence.


resolutions on public questions were passed scarcely one of the Associations omitting an earnestly-worded resolution on the subject of Churchrates, and on the union of Church and State. We have thankfully acknowledged elsewhere a grati. fying resolution, passed by the Northamptonshire Association, in favour of this Magazine. Three of the Associations passed resolutions in favour of

The last month has been that in which most of e Associations have held their meetings. Ac. ruing to the reports which have appeared in The eman, most of the meetings were well attended, most of the Associations had to rejoice in more an average increase of members. The usual


than an averag

names. Landelisme occasion, mblage of post

The Bunyan Library.” The “ General Baptist Association " has also held its meetings this month, but too late to be noticed in this column.

On the 26th of May, a great anti-Sabbath demonstration was inaugurated at the Crystal Palace. The scheme involved something like a conspiracy to cbeat the law. In the first place, “Crystal Palace Share Clubs” were formed, to enable working men, by subscribing one sbilling a week, to obtain hy monthly ballot one share in the proprietorship, with the privilege of admission on Sundays after half-past one o'clock. To assist this movement, the Crystal Palace directors granted free admissions to the members and their friends for “Trinity Sunday." These tickets were originally sold at a penny a piece, but afterwards were bought at greatly enhanced prices. It is stated by the advocates of the Crystal Palace, that this was a voluntary penny subscription, “not attended by a shadow of compulsion," and that “half the tickets were used gratuitously.” It is, however, significantly added, "that many persons who could afford to help the scheme did so by donations of various amounts.” The attendance at the Palace on the Sunday named exceeded 40,000. It is need. less to say that the demonstration is one to be most deeply regretted.

The great political event of the month is the death of Count Cavour. It was an event as much deplored as unexpected. He had, indeed, been ill for some days, but all the telegrams had informed us that “no danger was apprehended”; so that the final announcement of his death was both a surprise and shock. Count Cavour was a great man, The success of the late movement in Italy was, to a great extent, the result of his wisdom and courage. What will be the result of his early remoyal, it is yet too early to speculate. His post has been filled by Baron Ricasoli, who, we are informed, is a noble patriot and a competent statesman. It is hardly to be expected, however, that he will be another Cavour. One result of Cavour's death is, the recognition of the Italian kingdom by the Emperor Napoleon. It is too probable that if that recognition had been given earlier, some of the anxieties that proved too heavy for Count Cavour, and hastened his end, would have been saved.

From America, the news is still of peace-but of approaching war. Both the North and the South appear determined; and the bitterness of both sections towards the other is increasing. Singularly, a feeling of animosity to England has sprang up, arising, in the North, from our having declared ourselves neutral, simply acknowledging, as a matter of political necessity, the “belligerent rights” of the South. This feeling towards England is quite unnecessary. All the sympathies of Englishmen are with the North; and they would be more so if it could be certain that the North would wash its hands of all complicity with slavery.

Parliament has been busy, as usual, but little has been done. The Paper Duties Abolition Bill has, however, passed both Commons and Lords- & measure sufficiently important to make the session respectable. The Church Rates Abolition Bill carne on on the 19th ult. On the question of the third reading, the votes were equal, so that the Speaker had to give his casting vote which was against the Bill. The Bill is, therefore, lost. Well, we can afford to wait, if our opponents can!

churches in Victoria, as well as those in New South Wales, are doing important work. The ablest and most popular of the Independent ministers in Victoria, the Rev. B. Landells (who was for eighteen years pastor of a Congregational church in Sheffield), has been publicly baptized, and bas thrown his whole energies into the interests of our denomination. Mr. Landells has been in the colony over eight years, and by his talents and successful ministry has raised the most prosperous of the Independent churckes about Melbourne, which te now cheerfully resigns to follow out his conviction on the subject of baptism. At a special servit, held at the Collins-street Church on the 15th April, the ordinance was administered by the Rer. James Taylor, after impressive devotional exercise conducted by the Rev. Isaac New, Mr. Landels delivered an address, in which he detailed the process of thought by which he had been ultimately led to the decision he was about to consummate, and in manly terms vindicated the propriety of his course. Mrs. Landells and their eldest son were also baptized on the same occasion, which was one deeply interesting to the large assemblage of per sons present. Mr. Landells has since delivered two elaborate lectures on Baptism, which are about ) be published in a separate form. Although tia ministers and members of the Independent churches acknowledge that Mr. Landells can only be acto ated by the purest principle in taking this step, is would hardly be credited with what bitter reviling he has been assailed, and how desperate are the efforts made to counteract the influence of his cession to the ranks of the Baptists. Verily, the spirit of intolerance is not dead, even among Inde pendents. Mr. Landells has been invited to the pastorate of the first Baptist Church in Geelong, and he has intimated his willingness to accept the call.

The Rev. James Smith, whose indefatigable eter: tions in the cause of Christ at Chitours and Den have made his name eminent, has arrived at Nele bourne, and has resolved upon settling in Victoria. If, as is probable, he enters upon the work of 24 evangelist in the populated districts of the internet, there can be no doubt he will accomplishers good, and infuse fresh vigour into many of te infant Baptist churches.

Many readers will be glad to hear that the Bet J. G. Oncken, of Hamburg, has arrived in Englise to seek additional support for the German Miguel We have no doubt that he will be every kindly welcomed and generously helped.

hon of the result ofever, that

DOMESTIC. NEW BAPTIST CHAPEL, RATHMIXES, DUBIUS The services connected with the opening of this place of worship were held on Thursday, June Many of our readers are aware that the cause this place was established in accordance with 13 purpose of the Baptist Irish Society to put churches in cities and large towns, where there probably become self-supporting, and also se the means by which to act on other parts of country. We are glad that the effort at Rsthma has been so thoroughly successful. The building erected by the friends who have been here gather, into Christian fellowship, and who are now favou with the services of the Rev. John Eustace Guess their pastor, is one of remarkable convenieno simple beauty. With the entire absence of tentation, there is a chasteness and proper throughout the whole which calls forth aanse commendation, Its situation has also been adim

Denominational intelligence from Australia is of much interest. The churches in Melbourne, under the pastorate of Messrs. New and Taylor, are making most gratifying progress; and other

hly chosen, being at a convenient distance from o'clock in the afternoon. The examinations were the neighbourhoods of Rathmines, Rathgar, and ably conducted by the Rev. Edward Roberts, in Harold's Cross. In the morning, at eight o'clock, Theology; the Rev. G. H. Davies, Houghton

meeting for prayer was held, under the direction Regis, in Philosophy; and the Rev. G. W. of the Rev. J. E. Giles, which was well attended, Humphreys, B.A., Merthyr, in mathematics and and marked by great interest. Among others who the languages. The reports addressed by these ed the devotions were the Rev. J. G. Manley, gentlemen to the committee are of the most satissecretary of the Irish Congregational Home factory character. The general committee meetVission, and the Rev. Dr. Kirkpatrick, of the ing, held in the afternoon, was attended by a large Presbyterian Church. At half-past nine a large com number of ministers and gentlemen from the counpany sat down to breakfast, under the presidency of ties of Pembroke, Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and he pastor of the church, and addresses were de Monmouth. The reports of the tutors and the arered by the Rev. Dr. Kirkpatrick, Rev. D. treasurer were most encouraging, as indicating Tarding, Rev. C. J. Middleditch, and Rev. Mr. the continued prosperity of the institution. ThirtyHenderson. The opening sermons were afterwards two students received education bere during the reached, morning and evening, by the Revs. John year which now terminates. There were eighteen Iall (Presbyterian), and J.D.Smith, of Kingstown, fresh applicants for admission. Six of these were Independent). On the following Sunday, the received on the fund of the College; the others, pening services were continued, when sermons with two exceptions, were offered admission provere preached by the Revs. C. J. Middleditch, and vided they would support themselves either from N. L. Giles, of Abbey-street, Dublin. The ser July 1st or December 2nd of this year until Jaly ices were closed, as they had been began, with a 1st, 1862. In the evening the public service was neeting for prayer. We are informed that the introduced by the Rev. G. H. Davies, and the uilding has been erected at a cost of £2,500.

Rev. G. W. Humphreys preached the annual

English sermon to the students at Bethesda Chapel. BURLINGTON CHAPEL. IPSWICH.-The church The text was taken from 1 Sam. xvii. 37, and nd congregation assembling for some time past in 1 Cor. xvi. 13. he Temperance Hall, under the pastorate of

STRATFORD-ON-Avon.--The ceremony of laying be Rev. John Cox, opened this very neat and comortable place of worship on Wednesday, April the

the memorial-stone of a new school-room for the

Sunday-schools connected with Payton-street Uth. The Rev. John Aldis, of Reading, preached a the morning from,“ Seeing, then, that we have

Chapel, Stratford-on-Avon, took place on Wednesuch hope, we use great plainness of speech,” in

day, May 29th. The weather was most favourable, Thich he unfolded the glorious truths of the good

and a goodly gathering assembled on the ground. id Gospel. A cold collation and tea followed in

After singing, prayer was offered by the Rev. J.

Collier, Wesleyan minister of the town; and an be Temperance Hall, which was attended by the

animated address followed from James Cox, Esq., arious ministers, the mayor, and several influential

Senior Deacon of the church. A brief statement entlemen of the town and neighbourhood. In the vening, a devotional service was held in Tacket

of the subject of the building, with the names of

the present pastor and deacons, and trustees of treet Chapel, kindly lent for the occasion, preded over by Wilbraham Taylor, Esq., when ad

the chapel and school property, was then read and resses were delivered by the Rev. W. Leask, D.D.,

deposited in the stone, together with a copy of

The Freeman of May 22nd, and the local papers. sev. John Cox, and the Rev. John Aldis. The

Mr.Cox then proceeded to lay the stone, after which oncluding service was held on the following

an earnest practical address on the greatness of the rening, when a masterly and instructive sermon

object of Sunday-school instruction was delivered as preached by the Rev. Dr. Leask. The cost of

by the Rer. R. P. Macmaster, of Coventry. ne building, including lecture-room, school-room,

The evening meeting was commenced with estry, and fittings, amounted to £1,677 8s. 4d.

prayer by the Rev. W. Radburn, of Henleyowards this sum, £1,132 have been received, and

in-Arden. The chair was taken by Mr. Thomas 150 promised ; leaving £395 yet to be provided. trenuous efforts are being made at once to raise

Adams, of Birmingham, and the meeting was ad

dressed by the Revs. D. Payn, of Leamington, 118 eum in order to meet the last payment, which

Philpin, of Alcester, Harding, of Stratford, MSczu become due to the builder on the 17th of July

master, of Coventry, and Wassall, of Blockley. ext. As the people engaged in this effort are far

The entire expense of the building, including purrom rich, and as all expenses connected with the inistry of the Word, incidentals, &c., are defrayed

chase of ground, will be about 4001., of which 2261. y voluntary weekly offerings—there being no

has been already raised. ew-rents or collections—they are very anxious LEWISHAM-BOAD, KENT.-On Wednesday evenot to incur any debt. Hitherto all demands have

ing, May 29, the Rev. E. Dennett, late of Truro, een met as they became due, and it is hoped that

was publicly recognised as co-pastor, with the Rev. ith the help of those to whom the case shall be

Joshua Russell, of the church assembling in the lade known, the sum now required will be pro

Lewisham-road Chapel. The Rev. R. H. Marten, ided by the time mentioned. Subscriptions will

B.A., of Lee, commenced the service by reading le gratefully received by Wilbraham Taylor, Esq.; and prayer; after which Mr. Russell, on the part of 1adley Hurst, Barnet, treasurer; and by the Rev. the church, explained the circumstances under ohn Cox, Ipswich.

which Mr. Dennett had been invited to be his as

sociate, and Mr. Dennett stated the reasons which HAVEBFORDWEST BAPTIST COLLEGE.—The an

led to his acceptance of the invitation. The Rev. ual meeting of this college was held on Tuesday

J. H. Hinton, M.A., then gave the address to the nd Wednesday, the 28th and 29th of May. On

minister elect, and the Rev, D. Katterns preached nesday evening the Welsh service was held, as

to the church. The Revs. F. Trestrail, J. Palling sual, at the Welsh Chapel, Hill Park, when the

(Independent), W. R. Noble (Independent), G. ev. Titus Jones, Neath, Glamorganshire, read the criptures and prayed, and the Rev. Edward Ro

Bellowes (Independent), and B. Davies, took part erts, Bassaleg. Monmouthshire, preached an ex

in the service of the evening. Pllent sermon from Rom. xi, 13, 14. On Wedneg PANDY AND HAVELIDAN.-Services were held by morning, the 29th, the public examinations at these places on Tuesday and Wednesday, the immenced, which were continued until three l 28th and 29th of May, in connection with the settle

is all expenses in this effort of July

ment of the Rev. John Jones, late of Conway, as | J. Eastty, Esq., of London; the Rev. J. Duthie ; minister of the Baptist churches in these places. and T. Appleton, Esq., also took part in the Services were held on Tuesday evening at both meeting. chapels. The service was introduced at Havelidan, by Mr. W. Jones, and the Revs. E. Jones, of

MINISTERIAL CHANGES. - The Rev. J.J. Brown Ruthin, and R. Williams, of Hengoed, preached,

having removed from the Circus Chapel, Birming. The service was introduced at Pandy by the Rev. ham, with a view to the establishment of a new R. Roberts, of Plasy bonum, and the Revs. J. G.

cause in the Bristol-road of the same town, those Owen, of Rhyl, and R. Pritchard, of Denbigh,

friends who intend to remain at the Circus here preached. On Wednesday services were held at

given a cordial invitation to the Rev. J.P., Barnett Pandy at ten, two, and six o'clock. The different of Penzance, who has accepted the call, and es. services were introduced by the Revs. R. Pritchard,

tered on his labours in his new sphere on the lake H. Jones, and J. G. Owens; and the Revs. R.

Sabbath in June.-The Rev. T. Rhys Evans has Williams, J. Pritchard, R. Roberts, R. Pritchard, signed his commission with the Baptist church, E. Jones, and J.G. Owens preached. The services

Usk, Monmouthshire, and accepted an invitation to were highly interesting and impressive.

labour chiefly at Countesthorpe, near Leicester;

but in conjunction with the pastor and church at CROESGOCH, PEMBROKESHIRE.--On Sunday and Arnsby, of which the cause at Countestborpe is s Monday, May 19th and 20th, meetings were held

branch interest. He intends to commence bis si in this place in order to liquidate the debt remain

bours on the first Lord's day in July.-Mr. Joseph. ing on the chapel. The ministers who officiated

Williams, of Haverfordwest College, having ac were the Revs. J. E. Jones, M.A., of Cardiff, T.

cepted the cordial invitation of the Welsh Church, Price, Aberdare, and T. Williams, Llangloffan.

Athol-street, Liverpool, commenced his stated On Monday evening the Rev. Mr. Price delivered

labours there June 9. The Rev. John Davies, who an excellent lecture on “The Literary History of

for the past seven years has served the said church the Bible.” P. M. G. Williams, Esq., of Tyllwyd,

with diligence and faithfulness, now retires from who has given nearly two acres of land for building

a settled charge with the fullest respect and best the chapel and for burying the dead, presided. wishes of the Welsh population of the distr: The collection previous to the meetings amounted

generally.--The Rev. J. E. Perrin, of Walton, to 1081., the collections during the meetings

Suffolk, recently, as was announced, resigned as amounted to 71., and the proceeds of the lecture to

pastorate of the church there, but, having beste about 121.--total 1271.; the remaining debt will be

earnestly and unanimously entreated to remen, about 721., which it is hoped will soon be cleared. he has consented to do so. - The Rev. Giles Hester,

BRYNMAWR.-On Monday, May 27th, the Rev. A. of Long Sutton, having received a unanimous 15J. Morton, of Pontypool College, was publicly re

vitation from the Baptist Church, Woodgsa, cognised as pastor of the Baptist Church meeting

Loughborough, has resigned his pastoral charges in Zion Chapel, Brynmawr. At half past ten a.m..

Long Sutton, and intends eutering upon his per the Rev. Frederick Evans, Llangynidr, preached,

sphere of labour on the third Sabbath in July and the Rev. E. Evans, Dowlais, asked the usual

The Rev. S. Cowdy having received a cordial 120 questions of the young minister, which were an

unanimous invitation to the pastorate of the Bap swered in the most appropriate manner, after which

tist church assembling at Arthur-street, adjacent the ordination prayer was offered up, with the

to Camberwell-gate, he has resigned his counec laying on of hands. This baving been done, a

tion with the First Baptist Church, Leighton. powerful sermon was preached to the young minis

Beds, and accepted the invitation of the churca ter by the Rev. Dr. Thomas, of Pontypool. At

Artbur-street chapel. --Mr. George Allen is ab half past two p.m., the Revs. E. Evans, and E.

to retire from the pastorate of the Baptist church, Edwards, Llanelly, preached, the former to the

Wootton, Beds, and is open to an invitation to church, the latter to the congregation. At half

small church. The Rev. L. B. Brown, of Barre past six p.m., the Rev. S. Williams, Nantyglo, and

ley, has accepted a cordial and unanimons in W. Roberts, Blaenau, preached.

tion to the pastorate of the Baptist church, a

kergate, Berwick-on-Tweed. rendered vacant , MIDHURST.-On Thursday, May 23rd, the anni.

the recent removal of the Rev. Dr. Bannister versary of the Baptist chapel at Midhurst was held, Sunderland, and will enter upon his stated labeas In the afternoon, a sermon was preached by the

there (p.v.) the third Sunday in July.-The Roc Rev. J. Duthie, of Petersfield, after which a large J.J. Owen, of Paddington, having received a wake company took tea together, wbich had been gra nimous invitation from the Baptist church sol tuitously provided by a few friends. In the even congregation in Princes Risborough, entered ing, a public meeting was held. T. Pewtress, Esa.. his new sphere of labour on the fourth Sabbstá occupied the chair. The Rev. J. Eyres, the pastor; ! in June.

Editorial Postscript.

We have much pleasure in acknowledging the following resolution, which was perkel unanimously at the recent meeting of the Northamptonshire Association :

6. That this meeting would recommend to the support of their brethren throughout Association "The Church, as a cheap and instructive religious periodical, and a valu vehicle of denominational information.”

We need not say that this resolution is highly gratifying and encouraging to us. are much obliged to the brethren and friends by whom it was proposed and passed. shall continue to do our best to merit such expressions of confidence, which are all the only reward we look for, in addition to the approval and blessing of the Master.

to us. We



“Built upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the

chief corner-stone."

AUGUST, 1861.



BY THE REV. W. LANDELS. "For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater : so shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth.'

These twin metaphors are very beautiful to our thinking, and certainly they are very significant. An ingenious mind could trace many points of similarity between the illustrations and the thing illustrated ; and without much ingenuity we can readily perceive the one broad resemblance which, as we are disposed to believe, is chiefly present to the prophet's mind.

It is needless to expatiate on the fructifying influence of rain to those who have had the opportunity of noticing its effect. Nothing is more desolate and cheerless than the state of a landscape after long drought, when vegetation is withered, and the springs are dried up, and the cattle languish, and the birds sit silent on the bough, and the husbandman toils in vain, and the people perish for lack of food—as thousands are now perishing in India—because the clouds withhold their rain. But let the fruitful shower descend, and how speedily all things are changed. Then the withered plant revives, and the bare soil is covered with verdure, and all nature puts on gay attire, and becomes vocal with song, and redolent of fragrance, and the fields give promise of plenty to gladden the heart of man and beast. The snow, though not to the same extent, serves a similar purpose. The perpetual masses which cover the loftier mountains temper the summer's heat; and when melted by the sun's rays, it flows down in streams which collect and form the noble river, on whose bosom the commerce of nations floats, while its waters irrigate the surrounding soil, and spread fertility along its banks; or oozing, as it melts, through the mountains, it bursts out at their base in gushing springs which quench the traveller's thirst, and form oases in the desert, where, on the cool verdure and beneath the grateful shade, he can rest from his toilsome journey. Even our winter's snow is not without its use. Falling gently, though in large quantities, it forms a covering for the tender plant, which, without crushing it by its weight, protects it from the biting frost; and when the thaw comes, the garden or the landscape testifies to the good it has done, nasmuch as the only spot on which vegetation remains fresh and green is that which the snow has covered.

We cannot, of course, minutely apply these figures. Our space would not admit of it were it conducive to our purpose. It is enough for us to notice the general truth, that as the rain and snow favour and promote vegetation, so does he influence of the Gospel produce gracious feelings in man, and render his life fruitful of good works.

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