
to the Twelve by the lake and on the moun- | But if we do that-if we follow him to the tain.

tomb, we shall also follow him to that And the angel of the sepulchre has also better country, where his words of wisdom a word of promise for us. Christ goeth are best known, and his works of love most before us as he went before the Twelve. clearly seen. The garden grave cannot He is our forerunner; for us he has passed hold us. We shall pass through to the within the veil. He has gone to the Father, fellowship of the just. And when the ful not simply to resume the glory which he ness of time is come, even the body we left had before the world was, but to prepare a in its guardianship will rise; in our risen place for us, that where he is there we may flesh we shall see the risen incarnate be also. He will come again. We shall Christ. see him as he has said, and, seeing him, be The Lord is risen, brethren; the Lord made like unto him. Before that happy day is risen. We may well love that song.

can come, we must, indeed, pass through For among other meanings it has this : _ the garden, and enter the sepulchre, the We shall rise to be with him. God grant new sepulchre which he has hallowed for us, it. Amen. and in which our flesh shall rest in hope.


Ar rest! What a comfort it is, after a fatiguing day's work, to be able to lie - down, and receive that refreshment which is necessary, in order to perform the

duties of life. The Bible declares that there “remaineth a rest for the people of God :” a rest from the temptations of this world, from this sinful nature, from God's enemies, who here assail and fight against those who are on his side. Here we are soon tired, “The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak ;” duty, however pleasant, soon wears us down; and yet we do not look forward enough to this rest, prepared for all those who have received the forgiveness of all their many sins through the blood of Christ. Jesus declared, when on this earth, that in his Father's house were many mansions, and that he went before to prepare a place for us.

Reader, are you looking forward with much anxiety for the time when God shall see fit to call you to enjoy restfrom all your labours and trials in this world of sorrows, where we are soon wearied, to thy rest in the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world ? or, are you forgetting that Christ has proclaimed a rest, to be enjoyed for a long eternity after his people leave this earth? “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest,” said Christ. “Him that cometh unto me, I will in no wise cast out.”

« Come! said Jesu's sacred voice,
Come, and make my paths your choice !
I will guide you to your home;
Weary pilgrim, hither come,
“Sinner, come, for here is found

Balm that flows for ev'ry wound;
Peace that ever shall endure,
Rest eternal, sacred, sure.

Do you expect to enjoy this sacred rest! Those that believe on the Lord Jesus Christ will enjoy this rest; those that have received remission for all their sins through the cleansing power of Christ's precious blood will enjoy rest. “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life” (John iii. 36.) Do you, dear reader, believe? or do you say, “I am afraid I am too great a sinner"? Listen. “Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool” (Isaiah i. 18). “Jesus Christ came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” “Whosoever will,” is Christ's invitation; therefore, he does not consider you, nor any one, too vile to come to him ; but those that come to him must come in faith, believing “ that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him ; “ Those that seek me early shall find me.” Therefore, if you have not sought Christ and yielded yourself up to him and his cause, may he bow your stubborn will; for, “ Behold, now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation.” It is dangerous to delay seeking salvation, for you know not what an hour may bring forth; before this day is post you may be numbered with the dead, you may bave left this world—which will be either for the place of everlasting torment in company with the devil and his angels, or to enjoy rest in heaven, there to be continually singing the song of Moses and the Lamb.

“When shall I reach that happy place,

And be for ever blest?
When shall I see my Father's face,

And in his bosom rest ?


SOMETHING, my God, for thee

Something for thee!
That each day's setting sun may bring
Some penitential offering;
In thy dear name some kindness done -
To thy dear love some wanderer won-

Some trial meekly borne for thee,
Dear Lord, for thee.

Something, my God, for thee

Something for thee!
That to thy gracious throne may rise
Sweet incense from some sacrifice;
Uplifted eyes, undimmed by tears-
Uplifted faith, unstained by fears,

Hailing each joy as light from thee,
Dear Lord, for thee.

Something, my God, for thee

Something for thee!
For the great love that thou hast given-
For the dear hope of thee and heaven,
My soul her first allegiance brings,
And upward plumes her heavenward wings

Nearer to thee.

Tales and Sketches.



But once more she thought, “Who

knows, perhaps some treasure may lie in (Translated from the German.)

this book, which in time of war has been MORE than a year ago, as the Basle thus concealed.” Magazine (1860) tells us, an old woman She took it up again, and began to feel lived in a small hut in the south of France. and turn it over; but, alas ! she found noShe had encountered many a trial and sor thing-nothing but dry paper leaves, one row during her long pilgrimage, yet thought after the other. She was about to throw she had never seen such a woeful day as it away, when her eyes falling on a page dawned upon her one Monday of a new deeply marked, she put on her spectacles, month. Her house rent was then due: and went to the window and spelt out the she could not pay it, for the winter had wordsbeen long and severe, and her earnings Come unto me, all ye that labour and small. She would willingly not have are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” opened her eyes to the light that morning, “Weary and heavy laden, that I am, yet she must rise, for there was no one to God knows that I am. Who is it that do anything for her. It was a cold winter speaks here? Who will give rest to old day; à drifting wind had so enveloped the | Martha, whom nobody ever asks or cares little hovel in a wreath of snow, that to go either out or in seemed impossible. There And the aged woman read and read in sat the old woman on her small, hard stool, the holy book, while the great Friend and alone in her distress, and wept and wept, Comforter drew nearer to her, and the word "till she had no more power to weep." from his mouth became sweeter to her

And as she sat, and wearily gazed on the soul, and the thought grew deeper in her bare wall before her, ah! what did she see heart, -He knows thee also, he loves even there? what made her old eyes lighten up thee ! so youthfully ? She had noticed a kind of Yes, she sought and sought till she found hole high up in the wall, and a ray of hope the Saviour. And now she has become darted "like" lightning through her soul. rich, rich as a queen, for all things are hers, Who knows, she thought, but some trea earth and heaven, time and eternity. Now sure may have been hidden here in former she can kneel down and pray to him who calls days? And new strength and activity her, the weary and burdened one, to himcame to her aged limbs, she stood up on self. Hunger and care are over; yes, she the table, seized a knife, and began cau has found the pearl of great price, Jesus tiously to loosen the lime near the spot, and his word. And he takes the burden and observed to her delight that certainly of her earthly cares. The landlord waited there was a loose board which covered a patiently till she should be able to pay him cavity in the wall. What might be con when the winter was past. He even spoke cealed there? Gold, silver, jewels ? Joy to the neighbours, and brought the case of gave her strength and success. Soon the poor old Martha kindly before them. One barrier was removed, her withered hand man cut a path to the hut through the was thrust into the opening, hoping to snow, and his wife came in with a basket bring out a bag , or a casket; she drew of provisions. Strange, ever since she dissomething out,—what was it? A book, covered the treasure, she has felt herself an old worn-out book !

cared for by God and man, as if she were "Ah, my God!” sighed the old woman, loved by all. She can smile now, and yet and tears once more streamed from her she weeps—tears of gratitude, of love, and eyes, “what good can a book do to me? of shame and sorrow too, that she should Oh! if I had only something to quiet my have only learned to know the best Friend nunger, to pay my rent!”

at the end of her life. But she takes all She came down from the table, and from to the Lord, and receives from him the U her golden hopes, threw the book an gracious message, I have loved thee with grily aside, and relapsed into her former an everlasting love, therefore with loving gloomy, comfortless musings.

kindness have I drawn thee.” She has re

newed her youth as the eagle, and gained. The afflicted woman had few words to strength and joy for life and for death. say. Sorrow and vexation were gnawing at The word of God, now that she can search her heart. She consented at last, for she it daily, is the light to her feet, and the knew of nothing better. That very night lamp to her path, sweeter than honey or | Isaac carried the furniture to his house, for the honeycomb, her treasure, her comfort, the woman preferred its being done in the her delight.

dark, to save herself the shame cf the Thus has the Lord dealt with aged neighbours' observation. Martha in the south of France, and turned "Have you nothing more that is worth her mourning into joy.

giving, neighbour ?" said Isaac, after be Something different, and yet the same, had carried tables, chairs, desk, and other passed in another dwelling, which we shall articles away. now enter. There the Bible was not built The widow sighed, and gazed with disinto the wall, for, since the wedding morn | may at her desolate apartment. Ah, she ing, it lay bright and handsome on a shelf; thought of the time, when as a young and and yet it was walled up, and a sharp in- happy bride she had left the nicely arranged strument was needed in order to set it free. | dwelling, to go to church with her hus

This cottage was pleasantly situated on band; and now, he in the grave, she is a hill, surrounded by fir-trees, fresh mea. misery! Then her eyes fell on the Bible, dows beyond, and then a stream which, which since that day had lain there on the through a green valley, pursued its cheer shelf. It was a gift from her pion fal course.

father, now in heaven, and still quite les All around was fair and peaceful; but and bright, for it had never been made ah! in the abode of man all was dark with use of. care and sorrow. Here dwelt a widow, Hastily she took it up, handed it to the the mother of three children. Not many Jew, and said, “Take that with you also, days had passed since her husband had Isaac; it is of no use to me.” And lasse been carried out to his grave; and now | took the sacred volume under his sro, several persons came forward to claim pay. | while an expression of mingled compassion ment of debts, which she had known no. and mockery passed over his Eastern coat thing of. When she saw that the sum tenance. Silently he laid down some Bob required would take almost all her little on the table, said, “ Good night,” and let property, her heart was full. She stood in the house. her little apartment, wringing her hands, But the widow remained standing on the and wishing that she and her children were spot where she had given the Bible to the lying at her husband's side. Frau Linner Jew. There she stood for long, silent and bad possessed the Scriptures from her sad, while a new distress was added to her childhood, and yet she knew not the mighty old sorrows, and seemed like a fire abore Friend, who has said, “ Come unto me, all her head. ye that labour, and are heavy laden, and I “What hast thou done?” said a roice in will give you rest.”

her inmost soul; “thou hast giren sus The children were in bed ; and dumb thy salvation, thou hast sold thy faith and motionless the mother sat, looking out " Ah,” she replied, “ what good has the into the dark night, and feeling her own book ever done to me? it never paid us soul as dark. She had no tears to shed. debts !” She was angry with her Creator, her hus- “That it has done thee no good, is the band, her creditors, with all mankind; and own fault; why hast thou never read it ? while her heart was encompassed by such Hadst thon done this more, who know bet feelings, no word of comfort from the love things might have been otherwise now of God could reach her soul. Just then A feeling of anguish unknown before she heard footsteps on the road. “Is it became deeper and deeper ; she stood as a any one who can want anything with me, chained to the table on which the money the most desolate creature under heaven ?" lay, and felt as if the ground were sinens

Isaac, an old Jew, her neighbour, en- under her feet. At last she came to be tered. “What is the matter, Frau Linner? self, gave one glance at her children, N why so sad? Be easy; give me your fur- that they were sleeping soundly, then we niture, and you can pay your most pressing out, shut the door, and disappeared like a debts, and hope for better times. What say bird. She must go to Isaac, to the des you to that, Frau Linner ?”

| and get back her Bible.

Breathless she reached his dwelling. It | her “soul was among lions,” the waves and was Friday evening, and seven candles billows went over her head, but at length threw a clear light far across the street. A the morning star arose. With the whole kind of shame came over Frau Linner ; she burden of her sins she ventured to aphesitated to go in, and standing on a stone, proach Golgotha. She looked up to a cast a hasty glance into the Jew's sitting crucified Redeemer, she heard his words of room. But what did she behold? There mercy, his blood seemed to drop like balm sat four men round the table, who listened on her wounded conscience. She could say with evident interest and astonishment, at last with Jacob, “I have seen God face while Isaac read aloud out of her own Bible, to face, and my life is preserved ;” and from the New Testament.

with David, “Bless the Lord, O my They had intended to make merry over

soul !” the old book ; for this purpose Isaac had The children were still sleeping. The called them together. In hearing of the mother left her house once more. She hasbirth of Jesus, they had indeed found cause tened to Isaac to reclaim her Bible, and for mockery, that the Son of God should this time did not fail. be born in a stable and laid in a manger. As she entered, she found the Jew in the But the further on they proceeded the more same place where she had seen him the grave they were. When they came to night before. The Bible lay open before Mary's song of praise, all laughter was at him, his hands covered his face, and he was an end. Chapter after chapter, from the weeping bitterly. various Gospels, Isaac read, and at times the words he met with appeared almost to * * * * * * * overpower him. When he came to the scene of agony in Gethsemane, he could go Frau Linner took possession of her Bible on no more, and in silence closed the book. again. But Isaac purchased another, and It was past midnight; the other men rose, read and searched it day and night, and with sad, earnest looks, and each departed read it with his family and friends, while to his own dwelling.

what he found there became to him more And Frau Linner? Hardly had she precious than gold or silver. looked at her Bible, and seen the Jews en And peace and blessing returned to the gaged around it, when the icy bondage of habitation of the widow; for now she had her soul gave way. She gazed for one mo found a Saviour, now she knew how to pray. ment, saw how strangers were interested in She was still poor, and yet rich. She lathe holy treasure she had rejected, and boured hard, with diligence and prayer, could bear to look no longer. She burst and the Lord blessed her industry. By into tears, and hastened home. There she degrees she was able to buy back her furnifell upon her face, and felt as if her heart ture, and she led a quiet, tranquil life with were bursting with repentance and sorrow. her God and her Bible, bringing up her "O Jesus, holy God, I am the Judas who children in the nurture and admonition of sold thee for the pieces of silver! I have the Lord. sold my Saviour, and trodden him under One bright Sabbath morning the bells foot!” Then she thought of her early rang for worship, and the church was aldays, her first approach to a communion ready filled. Then Isaac, the Jew, and his table,-how happy she had then felt in her family, walked slowly up to the altar. Then Lord, and vowed to be faithful to him in | he witnessed a good confession before many life and death. How much of love and | witnesses, and acknowledged with a clear faithfulness had she since received from voice that Jesus Christ was the true Son him; how many gracious warnings and of God, his own Messiah and Saviour, his knocks in providence at the door of her only hope and confidence for time and heart! And now ? Her own heart con eternity. demned her, and passed the sentence of As the pastor laid his hands upon that guilty over all. 7. Thou art a child of | grey head, and an expression of indescribawrath,” sounded in her soul. She felt as if ble joy came over the Jew's countenance, the Lord with eyes of fire were looking many a Christian heart felt ready to respond through her whole past life, all she had with deep thankfulness, Lord, now lettest done or neglected to do, her thoughts, thou thy servant depart in peace, according words, and deeds of sin.

to thy word, for mine eyes have seen thy She lay prostrate till the break of day; | salvation.” “O Lord, arise, have mercy

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