
surrendering his poita, his idols, his beads, and his Shasters, he said, “What have I any more to do with idols ?" But driven away by his relations, he had for years laboured in Bengal. He now returned to the scene of his early life, and with zeal entered upon the task of evangelising his native city. Prayer meetings, and schools for the chumars (the shoemaker caste), were established. By the end of the year not fower than ninety-four persons had been baptized, and a church formed, consisting of (including ten Europeans) one hundred and twelve members. Thus, when the Spirit of God works with power, the fruits of one year exceed the barvest of forty years.

At the request of the Committee, Mr. Broadway, of Agra, went to the assistance of Mr. Smith, and 10 November the Mission was further strengthened by the arrival of Mr. Parsons, from Moradabad. Mr. Parsons had been a missionary of the American Methodist Church : but owing to a change of views oa Baptism, had offered his services to the Society. Under the circumstances they were gladly accepted, and thus, two brethren, well acquainted with the Language, and conversant with missionary work, were raised up by Divine Providence to assist in carrying on this remarkable work of grace.

And now the labours of the brethren were multiplied, and month by month God honoured their labours by many conversions. In January, 1860, sixteen were baptized. In February, Bhugwam Das was ordained as pastor over a church of fortysex members, in the suburb named Purana Killah, the site of the ancient city of Delhi. Three regiments of rebellious sepoys occupied this place as a military post during the siege of Delhi. It is now the chosen abode of a body of soldiers of Christ. By the end of the year, one hundred and twenty persons more had been baptized, and not less than

rty-eight places in and around the city, and in the neighbouring villages, have been occupied as

ons for missionary labour. So numerous had converts become, that in December last they ore formed into five churches, and suitable native urethren set over them in the Lord. The whole number in Christian fellowship at the end of 1860 was two hundred and ten. How delightful must

the event recorded by one of the ren on the 9th of December last, as they re

long waiting of the husbandman before

od has blessed us here in a remarkable er, and a goodly number have already learnt reverence this holy day. This morning, we Lad thai a the privilege of meeting about 150 of our native

Ten around the table of our common Lord, this service we were joined by our dear mislonary brethren from Agra and Muttra, and by ne (Mr. G. Pearce) from Calcutta."

ready intimated, many of the converts

o lower castes; but there are not a few

convert, a woman, is a granddaughter of the now exiled Emperor of Delhi. Another is a zemindar of the village of Rona, and is actively employed in leading his tenantry to the Saviour. Another is the son of a moulţie, a Mohammedan priest, to whom an East Indian lady is indebted for the saving of her life at the time of the mutiny. One interesting feature of the work is the establishment of one or more reading rooms in the missionaries' houses, where inquirers and strangers come to read the Scriptures and other books provided for their use, and to converse with the missionary on the gospel of Christ.

But the work of God has also extended to Meerut, the hearthstone of the mutiny; and at Mullianah, a village in its immediate vicinity, a church of Christ has been established. Crowds of natives there gather to hear the word, and also an interesting congregation of Europeans. Inquirers spring up in all parts of the district. Mr. Parsons reports in October, “I have now invitations from no less than seventy-six heads of families, who express a wish to embrace Christianity." On the 14th, a Lord's-day, he again writes :-" The chapel was crowded, and great in terest manifested by all present. At the close of the service, I had the pleasure of immersing seven promising converts in the river Jumna. A large crowd of natives assembled to witness the administration of the ordinance, and the scene presented was animating." In December, another visit was paid to this interesting spot, when two men and twelve women were baptized. Then, over twentyfour natives and six Europeans partook together of the Supper of the Lord.

Thus, the word of God is having free course and is glorified; and that in the very centre of the region where the great revolutionary movement began, and wore its most frightful form. The only drawback to this cheering account is the necessary departure of the Rev. James Smith, on account of health. It is a source of deep grief to him, as it is of pain to all who have watched his career as a missionary of the Cross, that in this moment of Divine grace manifested on his work so wonderfully, he has to seek the renewal of physical strength in another clime. Ere this is in the hands of our readers, he will have reached Australia, we trust to return after a sojourn of a few months to the work he loves. To sustain the mission, the Rev. T. Evans, of Muttra, has gone to Delhi.

Looking at the history of missions in the northern provinces of India, no such work as this has ever before been wrought. God has displayed the saving power of his arm in a manner at once most remarkable and extensive. May it be but the droppings of the shower, the premonitions of a flood of Divine mercy, before which idolatry shall sink away, and India become the kingdoin of our Lord !

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have watch fler to him, as it

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have been the event re

alled the long waiting of ti bem :-"God has blessed us

elong to the lower castes; buy no come from the higher ranks of society. One

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with autising it at

it was four and five; in 1859 and 1860, it had in. | sides have prevented results of the most painful creased to ten and eleven; in 1861, as we have kind ! We think that, without raising our Associastated, it was sixteen. Such a fact was of course tions into Courts of Appeal, or in any way trenching recognised by the Union with mingled humiliation on the independence of our churches, they might and thankfulness, and we trust it is an augury of often do a good work in the direction indicated. better days.

We have no doubt, if the proceedings of our AssoSince the Annual General Meetings in London,

ciations were more generally known, that many the meetings of most of tbe local Associations

modes of usefulness would be found in operation have been held. At the time we write, the reports

in some of them which others might advantage

ously imitate, and that those who have bad ex. of but few of these meetings have reached us; but those that have been held have been at least as in.

perience in conducting their affairs could propose

many valuable additions and improvements upon teresting and as well attended as usual, though we cannot say that they have done much to make the

their present operations." Associations more practically useful. On this sub

The Parliamentary bistory of the month refers ject we quote from an excellent article in The

chiefly to the financial proposals of the GovernFreeman:-“A general feeling is abroad in our

ment. The Repeal of the Paper Duty, eschurches that we might work the principle of com.

pecially, has been opposed by the Tories, beaded bination to a greater extent than we now do, with

by Mr. Disraeli, in every way which the forms of advantage to all parties, and that the Associations

the House of Commons would permit; but hitherto, furnish the means for effecting this. In many parts

we are glad to say, without avail. On the fourth of of the country this work has been entered upon,

this month, the Tories are intending another reac and with very cheering success. In looking through

tionary move, in the defeat of the Church-rate Aboa large number of Circular Letters for the last few

lition Bill. We trust they will be agaiu defeated; years, we note down the following work done by

but whether they are so or not, we cannot conceal some one or other of these organisations, which we

from ourselves that the policy they have chosen is think worthy the consideration of all :-1. Proposals

the one that will prove most disastrous to them. for the erection and enlargement of chapels in the

selves. Of course, Church-rates will be abolished: district are considered, and, if deemed desirable,

if the abolition movement should be long consanctioned by the Association, with authorisation

tinued, it will lead to the raising of other questions to collect throughout the churches comprising it at

which it is to the interest of the Establishment to a given time, to the saving of much temper, time,

allow to remain quiet as long as possible. As it and money, which would otherwise be lost. 2. An is, a high Conservative authority gives fifty years efficient organisation on behalf of the Foreign Mis for the maintenance of the Church as an Establisb. sion, so that the smallest and poorest churches are

ment: Dissenters readily accept his prophecy: but visited, and the contributions to the mission an.

Churchmen must not be too bold and irritating, or nounced in the letter of each church. We may

less than fifty years may see mightier changes than mention the Western Association as one in which

Lord Robert Cecil expects. If it is not now too this plan has been worked with admirable effect. late, we entreat our readers to use all their in. The great increase of missionary contributions

fluence with members in favour of the Churei. from Devonshire is to be attributed mainly to this

rate Abolition Bill, cause. 3. A thorough home missionary organisa. From America, the news is still of approaching tion, the spiritual condition of the neighbourkood, I war. If we may express in a sentence the aspect and the evangelisation of those parts of it which are which recent intelligence presents to us, it is that destitute of means of grace, being the great object of great activity and union in the North, of besi. steadily kept in view in all the proceedings and ar tation and disunion in the South, especially if we rangements of the Association. In various parts of include the Border States, and altogether, thouga the country this plan has worked with great success. military efforts are not relaxed, yet a less confident 4. A subdivision of the districts into smaller sec. demeanour on the part of the Slave States. It is tions, containing, perhapa, half-a-dozen churches not now hoped, however, that civil war will be each; the churches in each subdivision being ex. | avoided. Every mail may bring us news that the pected to meet frequently for mutual edification two parties have plunged into a contest from which and counsel, to watch over the interests of religion there can be no withdrawal. What a contest it will in their own immediate neighbourhood, to hold be! Let us pray that at least the right may special services where such may be desirable, and to prevail, and that the cause of freedom may be adreport annually to the general body as to their pro vanced by a struggle, than which there has never ceedings during the year. All applications for | been one that in itself was more to be deplored. pecuniary help are to come through the District Secretary with the recommendation of the churches

The Dublin Christian Examiner, in reviewing: in that district. This plan strikes us as one of

work on American slavery, says :-“ The indil great excellence. If worked with energy, it pro

ference even of religious people in the South upon mises to combine all the advantages of both large

the question is strongly exemplified :-Mothers and small Associations without the disadvantages

are sold from their children, husbands from their of either. 5. The appointment of deputations to

wires, sons from their fathers, and daughters from visit various parts of the country in which their

their mothers, and so on-for what purpose? We services are desired, to carry on evangelistic effort,

are not surprised to be told, 'to furnish the houses and promote a revival of religion by holding special

the owners live in ;' but strange to say, 'to buud meetings for that purpose. 6. The appointment of

cbapels with their lofty spires, the finger of man 8 brethren to act as referees in case of difficulty or

devotion, pointing heavenward !'-to pay the disunion in any church. It often happens that

salaries of ministers ! (who should proclaim hberty misunderstandings between pastor, deacons, and

to the captive)-to pay pew-rents, and even to buy people, give rise to serious disagreements, and issue

the bread used at the Lord's Table!-and in one in consequences disastrous or even fatal to the

certainly, and perhaps in many other instances, welfare of the church. In such cases there is urgent

slave was actually sold for the purpose of buyung need of wise and impartial counsellors, whose

plate to be used at the administration of the Lords judgment is unbiassed, and whose advice would

Supper !" carry weight with both parties. How often would L. Thos. Farmer, Esq., an estimable man, audone of an opportunity for frank explanations on both the chief supporters of the Wesleyan denominaciday

expired on the 11th ult., at his residence, Gunnersbury House, Acton, in the 71st year of his age. Dr. Osborn feelingly referred to his decease at an auxiliary missionary meeting. He had closed his useful life, protracted by the goodness of Divine Providence to the full age of man, under circum. stances quite as favourable as the generality of the sons of men had reason to expect, -calm, peaceful in his own mind, surrounded to the last and at the last by all the members of his family, and in the fall possession of the hopes and consolations of that blessed Gospel which it was his privilege to do so much to spread throughout the world. He was one of the earliest, and lived to be the oldest member of the Committee of the British and Foreign Bible Society. In the service of missions he began his work by accompanying Dr. Coke from door to door collecting subscriptions, and how he ended it all men interested in Christian missions know. These were the two labours which had most of his love, but in behalf of schools, both day and Sunday-schools, of the Evangelical Alliance, the Strangers' Friend Society, and of every other good work, he was every ready to give and toil.

Last Sunday week Mr. Spurgeon made a collection in aid of his efforts to instruct young men for the ministry. More than £90 was received in the morning--the amount of the evening collection, which was merely supplementary, we have not heard. Nearly double that sum, however, had been spontaneously offered at a social tea-meeting of many of his friends the preceding Friday evening. Mr. Spurgeon described the way in which he had been led to make this kind of effort, by the usefulness of a young man, whom he had deciined to recommend to think of the ministry. His theological and literary tutor is the Rev. Mr. Rogers, an Independent minister, who was present, and who, with several of the young men, addressed the meeting with much interest to all, The course of instruction is for two years. Mr. Spurgeon addresses the students one evening in the week. Seven of them are already in stations of useful. ness, and most of them labouring very successfully; and, we understand, he has about thirty applicants for admission.

Some time ago, the Rev. C. Hodgson, rector of Barton-le-Street,offered four prizes of fifty, twenty, ten, and five pounds respectively, for the best Essays on “The best method of infusing a Missionary Spirit into the Minds of the Young.” The Rev. Canon Champneys, and two other clergymen, were appointed adjudicators. No less than 473 essays were sent in. We are glad to hear that an essay by our brother, the Rev. John Stock, of Devonport, has received the award of the first prize. The ?ssay will be published shortly.

Kenzie, of Isleham. The origin of the Baptist interest at Barton seems to have commenced through the instrumentality of Mr. R. Saunders, & small farmer at Barton Mills, who had his house licensed for preaching the Gospel in 1804. That house being found too small to accommodate the numbers who attended, a weekly subscription was entered into of threepence per week, which soon realised £30. A house was then purchased for £150, and converted into a chapel, and was opened in March, 1810. Mr. R. Saunders was requested, in 1811, to accept the office of pastor to the newlyformed church, which, after much deliberation and prayer, he accepted, and honourably sustained gratuitously for thirty-two years, when death removed him from the church below to the church above, April 9, 1839. Since that time the pulpit has been supplied by six different ministers, the present pastor (the Rev. J. Richardson) having supplied it the last fourteen years. The meeting was afterwards addressed by several neighbouring ministers. The outstanding debts were then and there paid, and money left in hand for a coming day.

CAMDEN ROAD, LONDON.-The debt on this place of worship has been entirely removed by & vigorous effort of the church and congregation during the past year. The final meeting for this purpose was held on the 30th of April, when Sir S. Morton Peto presided, and the Revs. E. White, W. Landels, and A. J. Morris, and Joseph Payne, Esq., gave stirring addresses. This effort originated in a generous effort by Mr. Cartwright to give onetenth of the whole amount if the remainder was raised within twelve months. So successful had the several plans adopted proved, that of the en. tire debt of £2,939 there remained but £248 to raise at this meeting. After a resolution pledging the meeting to effect this, the subscription papers were collected and found to contain promises of nearly £200; the remaining sum was readily made up by a few friends, and the entire congregation joined in singing the doxology. It was stated in the course of the meeting that the church, formed four years ago, under the pastorate of the Rev. F. Tucker, B.A., had signalised each year of its existence by some special effort. During the second year they built a commodious school-room at a cost of £1,000 : in the third year they added galleries to the chapel, at a cost of £1,050; and in the fourth year they have paid off their debt of £2,939.

SMARDEN. KENT. On Monday, April 29th. services were held in Zion Chapel, for the public recognition of the Rev. J. H. Wood, late of Sutterton, as pastor of the church of the New Connexion of General Baptists. Mr. S. J. Banks, of Canterbury, commenced the afternoon service by reading and prayer. Mr. T. Rofe, one of the deacons, briefly stated the circumstances that led to the invitation, after which Mr. Wood gave a short outline of his religious and ministerial history, and a statement of doctrinal views. The Rev. B. Freeman, of Sutton, then offered the recognition prayer. The Rev. E. Bailey, of Staplehurst, followed with an address on the question, “ What have the Church a right to expect from the Pastor?” In the evening, W. Jull, Esq., of Staplehurst, responded to the question, “ What has the Pastor a right to ex. pect from the Church?” The Rev. B. Freeman stated what the members have a right to expect from each other; and the Rev. J. Moss, of Ten. terden, explained the relation of the Church to the Sabbath-school. The attendance was large, and the services were fraught with pleasure and

DOMESTIC. BARTON Mills.-On Thursday, May 2nd, very nteresting services were held in the Baptist chapel, Barton Mills, to commemorate the formation of he church, on May 2nd, 1811. In the afternoon, he Rev. C. Elven, of Bury, preached a very apropriate sermon from Leviticus xxv. 9, 10, it five o'clock, a public tea was provided in he chapel, of which 160 partook. The evening ervice commenced at half-past six, the ehair being aken by the pastor (the Rev. J. Richardson). 'he chairman delivered & brief history of the hurch since its formation in 1811, when nine perons were baptized in the river Lark, and formed ato a Christian church by the Rev. Hugh Mac.


PENYRHEOL, BRECONSPIRE.- Ordination ser. vices in connection with the settlement of the Rev. R. Lloyd, of Hay, as pastor of the Baptist Church in the above place, were held on Tuesday and Wednesday, April 30th and May 1st. On Tuesday evening, the service was introduced by the Rev. Eno: h Price, of Crickhowell; sermons were then preached by the Rev. G. Phillips, of Erenjobb and Gladestry, and the Rev. G. Cosens, of Kington. On Wednesday, at ten o'clock, the service was commenced by the Rev. G. Phillips; an eloquent address on the nature of a Gospel Church was then delivered by the Rev. F. Wiles, of Hay. The usual questions were proposed by the Rev. G. Cogens, to which satisfactory answers were given; the ordination prayer was offered up by the Rev. F. Wiles ; and an impressive charge delivered to the newly ordained pastor by the Rev. E. Price. At half-past two excellent sermons were preached by the Revs. J. Hughes (Calvinistic Methodist) and F. Wiles. At six o'clock, the Rev. J. Hughes read and prayed, after which an important charge was delivered to the church by the Rev. G. Phil. lips, and a powerful sermon to the congregation by the Rev. G. Cosens. The services throughout were deeply interesting.

MARGATE.-On Tuesday evening, April 16th, a public meeting, of a deeply interesting character, was held at the Baptist Congregational Chapel, Margate, to recognise the union which has recently been formed between the Rev. Isaac Haycroft, B.A., and the church assembling here. The chair was taken at seren o'clock. The Rev. J. Crofts, of St. Peter's, offered the recognition prayer, and Mr. Lewis, the senior deacon, stated the circum. stances which led the church to give Mr. Haycroft a unanimous invitation to the pastorate. The congre. gation, which was large, and included many friends of the various churches in the town and neighbourhood, was addressed by the Revs. C. Bird, of Sion Chapel, T. Moore, of the Congregational Church, T. Thompson, M.A. (Wesleyan), and the Revs, H. A. Beris, and B. C. Etheridge, of Ramsgate. The concluding address of the Rev. I. Haycroft was suitable and impressive, fully setting forth the great work before him, and whilst alluding to the kind and devoted friends at Lewes with whom he had associated seven years, expressed his confidence in the full sympathies and hearty co-operation of the people of his present charge.

WARWICK,-Services were held on Sunday, April 21st, at the Baptist Chapel, Warwick, “to complete and celebrate the liquidation of the expenses incurred in the restoration of that place of worship,” the sermon in the morning being preached by the Rev. R. W. Dale, M.A., and that in the evening by the Rev. J. Jenkyn Brown. On the following Monday evening, a public meeting was held in the chapel, and the chair was taken by R. Slack, Esq., M.D., of Leamington. Prayer was first offered up by the Rev. G. J. Allen, The Rev. T. A. Binns said about £300 had been raised for the chapel restoration fund ; and of that sum £293 had been spent upon the restoration. The sum of £134 was raised in the congregation itself, whilst the remainder had been furnished by friends in various parts of the country. The various sums thus contributed left about £10 still to be obtained. The Rev. W. A. Salter, of Leamington, J.H. Hopkins, Esq., of Birmingham, the Rev. J. W. Percy, the Rev. J. J. Brown, of Birmingham, and the Rev. R. P. Macmaster, of Coventry, then addressed the meeting; and the collection having been made, Mr. Binns announced that the sum slightly exceeded the amount of the remaining debt, which had therefore become extinct.

WALSALL.-On Monday, April 15th, upwards of 200 persons sat down to tea in the school-room and chapel of the Baptist Chapel, Stafford Street, Walsall. At six o'clock the public meeting com. menced, when a good congregation assembled. After a few opening remarks, the report of the church for the year was read by Mr. Jabes Marshall, and then interesting and impressive addresses were delivered by the following minis. ters:-Mr. Bulmer and Dr. Gordon, of Walsall; Mr. Young and Mr. Nightingale, of Coseley; and Mr. Evans, of Dudley. The report stated that the congregation had been trebled, nearly 300 sitting had been taken during the year, seventy had been added to the church, fifty of whom had been bape tized by Mr. Lees. Candidates for membership and inquirers are between twenty and thirty at the present time.

BERWICK-ON-TWEED.-The Rev. Dr. Bannister, of Berwick, having accepted the unanimous call or the first Baptist Church in Sunderland to become their pastor, a social tea-meeting was held in the Assembly Hall, on Tuesday evening, April 301, in order to welcome him to his new sphere of labour. The attendance was large. After tea, tad meeting was opened with prayer by the Rev. A. Parkes, of Monkwearmouth, and John Halem, Esq., was called to the chair. Addresses were de livered by the Rev. A. A. Rees (Baptist), Rer. G. C. Maitland (Independent), John Hills, Esq., Rev. J. Parker (United Presbyterian), Rev. W. Lance (Baptist), of Newcastle, Rev. T. E. Fuller (Baptist), of Melksham, Rev. G. Geikie (Independent), Rev. Dr. Bannister. John Androw, , of Leeds, Rev. H. Angus (United Presbyterian, Rev. Simpson Hodgson, and Mr. Wardropper.

PETERBOROUGH.-Anniversary services in One nection with the General Baptist Chapel, Westgate, Peterborough, were held on Lord's-day, Apni 28th, when the Rev. Dr. Burns, of London, preached two sermons to good congregations the following day, a tea-meeting was held in La Assembly-room. About 220 persons sat down, seven o'clock a public meeting was beld. The T. Barrass presided. The Rev. J. S. Renu. offered prayer, and addresses were delivered the Revs. Dr. Burns, T. T. Wilson, J. B. Pike, A. Murray, S. S. Allsop, T. Watts, and J. Ashw The Rev. J. B. Blanch concluded with prafet. weekly contributions, subscriptions, collect and tea-meeting, a sufficient amount was.. pay off the whole of the chapel debt of £18A BUY and to leave a small balance in hand,

BETHESDA CHAPEL, SWANSEA.-The services connection with the re-opening of this novo modious and elegant place of worship took pi on Sunday and Monday, May 5th and bid, . sermons were delivered by the Revs. T. Aberdare; B. Evans, Hirwain; N.. Cardiff ; and M. Roberts, Felinfoel. Th this enlargement amounts to about £700, which £150 has been subscribed, and lections at the above services amou upwards of £45. The chapel now measure three feet by forty-seven feet, and the alone increases the number of sittings by up of 500.

COTTENHAM.-On Monday, May 6th, anniversary of the new chapel of them Church, Cottenham, was held. The dels, of Regent's Park Chapel, London, two powerful discourses. The attendance, markably good. At night the congregat very large. Over 200 persons too chapel between the services. The

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ALFORD, LINCOLNSHIRE.-The third anniversary of the General Baptist Sabbath-school in this place was celebrated on Sunday and Monday, April 28 and 29. As the place of worship was considered far too small, the whole of the services took place at the Corn Exchange, which was engaged for the occasion. On the former day two very power. ful sermons were preached by the Rev. John Clif. ford, B.A., of London, to large congregations. On Monday the children were regaled with tea and plum-cake, after which the teachers and friends, numbering upwards of 200, sat down to tea. In the evening a public meeting was held, when addresse: were delivered by the Revs. J. Clifford, B.A., J. C. Smith, W. Wilson (Wesleyan), and W. Ortou, of Louth. The whole proceeds of the anniversary amount to £22 128. 11d.

EBENEZER CHAPEL, SOUTHSEA.-On Sunday evening, the 28th of April, the Rev. J. B. Brasted closed his pastoral labours here. After the evening service there was presented to him a handsome copy of" Matthew Henry's Commentary," and the following expression of regret at his removal, beautifully written in gold, enclosed in a richly gilt frame :--“The members and friends worshipping at Ebenezer Chapel, Southsea, deeply regretting the resignation and removal of the Rev. J. B. Brasted from the pastorate, desiring to express their warm attachment to him, and value of his ministerial labours among them, herewith present him with a copy of Matthew Henry's Bible,' as a mark of love and esteem.” Mr. Brasted entered upon his pastoral engagements at Andover on Sunday, May 5.

money realised by the day's services exceeded £30. The prospects of the church here, under the care of the Rev. J. B. Blackmore, are very encou.

raging. - GLASGOW.-On Lord's-day, April 28th, the

annual sermons connected with the second anni. versary of the opening of North Frederick Street Chapel were preached in the forenoon by the Rev. W. Rossborough, of East Campbell Free Church ; in the afternoon by the pastor, Rev. J. Williams; and in the evening by the Rev. R. Glover, of Blackfriars Street Baptist Church. On the following Taesday evening the annual soirée was held. The pastor presided, and deeply interesting and impressive addresses were delivered by Revs. G. Dann (of Airdrie), R. Glover, Dr. Paterson (of Glasgow), J. Forsyth (of Greenock), and others.

WIstow, Hunts. The foundation-stone of a new chapel, the first in the place, was laid in this village on Friday evening, April 26th. The funds for its erection have been chiefly collected by

Baptist friends residing in the neighbourhood; but - the chapel is meant to be a missionary station, its

pulpit to be supplied by the various sections of the Evangelical Dissenting church in the neighbouring town of Romsey. The ceremony of laying the first stone was performed by Miss Mary Saunders, of Wistow. Addresses were then delivered by the Rev. Arthur Ransome (Wesleyan) and the Rev. W.H. Wylie (Baptist).

LUTON.-On Sunday, April 21st, two sermons were preached at the Baptist Chapel, Wellington Street, Luton, by the Right Hon. Lord Teynham, in behalf of the Sabbath-school connected with that place of worship. The attendance was very large, and the collections liberal. His lordship's sermons were eloquent, earnest, and deeply impressive, and bis visit to Luton will be long remem. bered. During the past year the school has increased considerably, and now numbers nearly 400 scholarg. The sermon in the afternoon was preached by the Rev. J. Malcolm, the pastor of the church.

STONEY STRATFORD.-Services to celebrate the enlargement of the Baptist Chapel in this place were held on Sunday, April 21st, and the following Tuesday. The preachers were Mr. E. Vernon, of Towcester, and the Rev. J. A. Spurgeon, of Southampton. The attendance was large, and the Collections excellent. A goodly company took tea ogether on the Tuesday afternoon, in the public oom. The tables were given by the friends, and he whole proceeds therefore added to the funds. the sale of useful and ornamental articles realised nore than was expected. BLAKENEY. GLOUCESTERSHIRE.- Anniversary armong on behalf of the Sunday-schools were reached on Lord's-day, April 14th, by the Rev. V. Best, B.A., of Coleford. On the following day, le annual tea-meeting was held, when about 150 iends were assembled. They were afterwards Idressed by the pastor, the Rev. A. Hudson, by le Revs. E. E. Elliott, J.D. Davies (Independent), : S. Ridley, of Lydney, V. P. Sells, and Mr. st. UXBRIDGE.-On Thursday, April 18th, the anni. mary of the Baptist Church, Uxbridge, took ice. The weather being most propitious induced ny friends to assemble. The Rev. Henry Allon, Islington, delivered a very deep and practical course in the afternoon. The Rev. C. Graham, the evening, gave a powerful sermon from . xxxii. 2. 3. Collections were made towards

extinction of the building debt. A public tea. eting was held in the school-room,

BESSELL'S GREEN, KENT.-On Lord's-day, May 12th, two excellent sermons were preached by the Rev. C. Brake, of London, on behalf of the Sabbath-school. In the afternoon a large number of the parents assembled, having been kindly invited by note to attend the service arranged specially for them and the children. On the following day the children were regaled with tea, cake, &c., to which they did ample service. The friends after. wards assembled for tea, and the meeting (presided over by the pastor, the Rev. G. Haigb) was addressed by the Revs. C. Brake, J. Mountford, J. Felkin, Alfred Shrimpton, Esq., of the Sunday. school Union, and Mr. S. Corke. The chapel was crowded on each occasion and the collections were good.

WATERFORD.- After a ten-years' pastorate, the Rev. T. Wilshere has resigned his connection with the Baptist Church in this city. His removal to England is regretted by a large number of friends at Waterford, who, before his leaving, presented him with an address, acknowledging the valuable services he has rendered to the charitable and religious institutions of the place, and expressing the esteem and respect of those who united in the pre. sentation. The address was accompanied by a handsome gold watch and chain, and a purse containing more than £50.

OBCOP, HEREFORDSHIRE.--The Baptist Church in this place held its annual tea-meeting on May 2. when a goodly number of persons collected to receive the good things of the Divine bounty. The public meeting was commenced by singing, and prayer offered by Mr. John Jacobs, after which the Rev. 8. Packer (of Garway), Mr. R. Pritchard (of Hereford), the Rev. C. Burleigh (pastor of the church), and the Rev. E. Edwards, successively and suitably addressed the.meeting.

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