
The proud man sprang to his feet, 1 upward glance-the brow that seemed to almost throwing her hands from him in his have grown white with spirit light-the impatient movement; and not daring to attitude, so self-possessed, yet so modesttrust his voice, for an oath was uppermost, so quiet, yet so eloquent-filled him with a he walked swiftly backward and forward for strange admiring awe. But the hostility a moment. Then he came back and stood toward religion was so strong in his heart before her. His forehead was purpled with that it bore down all tenderness, almost the veins that passion swelled, his face crushed his love, and he parted from her white, and his voice unsteady, as he ex for the first time coldly, and like a claimed:

stranger. “Do you really mean to say that you will The engagement was broken off; but i really cast your lot among these people, 1 who can tell the struggle it cost ? that for them you will give up all--all ?” This was the first trial; there came

“I will give up all for Christ." The another while yet the blow lay heavy on words were very soft and low, and not her heart. spoken without reflection. For one mo Her father had never been very loving ment he locked his lips together till they toward her. He was proud of her ; she looked like steel in their rigidity, then was the brightest gem of his splendid he said in a full, passionate voice

home. She was beautiful, and gratified his 1 "Lizzie-Miss Ashbrook, if these are vanity; she was intellectual, and he heard your sentiments, these your intentions, we praise lavished upon her mind with a must go different ways."

miser's greedy ear; for she was his, a part This was cruel. It was a terrible test, | of himself; she belonged to him. for that young girl had, as it were, placed He called her into his study, and 18her soul in his keeping. Before a higher, quired a minute account of the whole a purer love was born in her heart, she had matter. He had heard rumours, he said; given him her human love-an absolute had seen a surprising and not agreeable idolatry—and the thought of losing him change in her ; she had grown mopish, even now caused her cheek to grow ashen, quiet. What was the cause? It was a and her eyes dim.

great trial, with that stern unbelieving face, As he saw this his manner changed to full of hard lines, opposite, to stand and entreaty. He placed before her the posi testify for Christ. But He who had protion he would give her ; lured her by every mised was with her, and she told the story argument that might appeal to the woman calmly, resolutely, kindly. ly heart. And he knew how to win by "And do you intend to be baptized?" 1 entreaty, by the subtlest casuistry. His Yes, sir." was a masterly eloquence. He could adapt A gleam of hope entered her heart ; she his language, his very looks, with the most dill not expect his approval, but she could adroit cunning, to the subject and object of not think that he would absolutely refuse his discussion. More than once the gentle to sanction this important step. spirit of the young Christian felt as if she “You know your aunt Eunice has long must give way--that only help direct from wanted you to become an inmate of her the Fountain of Life could sustain her with home?" firmness to resist to the end of the inter “Yes, sir," the gentle voice faltered. I view.

“ Well, you can go now. Unless you At last it was a final “ All this will I give up this absurd idea, and trample it give you if you will fall down and worship under your feet, I do not wish you to read me!" It came to this—“Christ or me!" main with me. Be as you were before, and! There could be no compromise ; it was, you shall want for no luxury. Henceforth“ Christ or me!” And standing there, I am your father only in name." clothed with the mantle of a new and And still, though her heart was broken, heavenly faith, with its lights shining in she said, as she had said before, “ Christ! her heart and playing over her pale fea She did forsake all for him ; but her step tures, she said with a firmness worthy the became slow, her form wasted, her ere bol martyrs of old, “ Christ!

low, her cheek sunken. The struggle bad Though his soul was filled with rage, so been too much for a frame unable to cope that he could have gnashed his teeth, the with any overwhelming sorrow. Swifter slight figure standing there in its pure she went down into the valley, but it was white robes-the eye that cast an earnest, I not dark for her. Too late the man w



had so sorely tempted her knelt by the side look. Two of his fellow-workers, secing
of her bed and implored her forgiveness. this change for the better, took to John's
Too late! No, not too late for his own new ways, reformed, went to meeting with
salvation ; for in that hour his eyes were him, and behaved like good Christians.
opened to the sinfulness of his life; and by John joined the Church, and from a tiger
her dying pillow he promised solemnly to he became a lamb.
give his heart to God. Her father, too, “John's religion was severely put to the
proud infidel though he was, looked on his proof at the dye-house. The dyers ban-
wasted child, triumphing over death, with tered him, ridiculed him, swore at him,
wonder and with awe.

and brought all their infidelity hotly to Such a dying scene it is the privilege of bear against both him and his religion. but few to witness ; she has given up all, Tom and Jem tried for a time to stand up absolutely all for Christ, and in the last for him, and withstand the ungodly storm hour, like Stephen, she saw heaven opened. of their persecuting associates; but after Her face was angelic, her language rapture, a while they gave in, grew ashamed of their her chamber the gate of heaven. Like one religion, deserted John, and went back to who but the other day untied the sandals of their old ways. As for John, much as his life, and moved calmly and trustingly down temper was tried, he bore himself patiently, the one step between earth and heaven, so watched over his weak points, clung closer she said, with a smile irrepressibly sweet, / to Christ, and stood firm as a rock. Poor

John never undertook to say much, but And they sang, “Rock of Ages, cleft for | his consistent Christian life was a powerful

plea in behalf of his principles. One day, At its close they heard one word the however, after his fellow-workmen had Elast. It was, “ Christ !"

been boasting what good infidelity would do, and how much harm the Bible had done, John's soul was stirred within him ;

he turned round, and said feelingly, but SOUND LOGIC.

firmly, “Well, let us deal plainly in this "SIR,” said a pious lad to his pastor one | matter, my friends, and judge of the tree evening, “the fellows in our shop are by the fruit it bears. You call yourselves always picking flaws in Christians, and infidels. Let us see what your principles arguing against the Bible, and I don't do. I suppose what they do on a small know how to answer them."

scale they will do on a large one. Now, "The best logic any one can use," an- | there are Tom and Jem,' pointing to the swered the pastor, “is what a good man two who went with him and then turned has called the logic of the life. Give them back. You have tried your principles on that, and they can't gainsay you."

them, and know what they have done for “The logic of the life?" asked the lad, them. When they tried to serve Christ not quite understanding what his pastor they were civil, good-tempered, kind huameant.

bands and fathers. They were cheerful, “I will tell you,” said he. « There was hard-working, and ready to oblige. What once employed at a dye-house as ungodly a have you made them? Look and see. set of fellows as could well be,-scoffers at They are cast down and cross; their religion, despisers of the word of God, | mouths are full of cursing and filthiness ; swearing, drinking, betting, fighting, gam- they are drunk every week, their children bling. At last one of the number was half clothed, their wives broken-hearted, drawn to a prayer-meeting, when the Spirit their homes wretched. That is what your of God laid hold of him. Poor John was principles have done. Imost in despair about his sins, which, * w Now, I have tried Christ and his relile said, looked black and blacker. But gion; and what has it done for me? You Tesus Christ came and spoke peace to his know well what I used to be. There were oul. Light broke upon him. Old things none of you that could drink so much, assed away, and all things became new. swear so desperately, and fight so masterly. ohn really was made over.' He gave I had no money, and nobody would trust p his cups and the companions of his me. My wife was ill-used. I was illips. He brought home his wages, set up humoured, hateful, and hating. What has mily prayer, and everything, both within religion done for me? Thank God, I am ad without, wore an altered and improved I not afraid to put it to you. Am I not a

happier man than I was ? Am I not a ' my Bible every Sabbath. I was now very better workman and a kinder companion ? | anxious to get my Bible and read, but I Would I once have put up with what I now was afraid to do so before my room-mates, bear from you? I could beat any of you who were reading miscellaneous books. At as easily now as ever. Why don't I? Do length my conscience got the mastery, and you hear a foul word from my mouth? I rose up and went to my trunk. I had Do you catch me at a public-house ? Has half raised it, when the thought occurred anybody a score against me? Go and ask to me that it might look over-sanctity and my neighbours if I am not altered for the Pharisaical, so I shut my trunk and rebetter. Go and ask my wife. Let my turned to the window. For twenty minutes house bear witness. God be praised, here I was miserably ill at ease; I felt I was is what Christianity has done for me ; doing wrong; I started for my trunk a there is what infidelity has done for Jem second time, and had my hand upon my and Tom.'

little Bible, when the fear of being laughed “ John stopped. The dyers had not a at conquered the better emotion, and I word to say. He used a logic they could again dropped the top of the trunk. As I not answer--the logic of the life. If you turned away from it, one of my roomcannot argue, you can act. If you cannot mates, who observed my irresolute morereason with the enemies of the Bible, you ments, said laughinglycan live out its blessed truths, and so “James, what's the matter? You seera ' with well-doing put to silence the igno as restless as a weathercock!'. rance of foolish men.'”.

“I replied by laughing in my turn, and

then conceiving the truth to be the best, THE BIBLE IN MY TRUNK.

frankly told them both what was the matter.

To my surprise and delight, they both A FEW evenings ago I was present at a spoke up, and averred that they both had tea-table where the conversation turned Bibles in their trunks, but were afraid to upon praying “ before folk ;" some of the take them out, lest I should laugh at party contending that where two travellers them. lodge in the same room for a night, it would “ Then,' said I, 'let us agree to read look Pharisaical for one or the other to them every Sabbath, and we shall have kneel down and “say his prayers” in the the laugh all on one side.' To this there presence of the other; while the other was a hearty response, and the next moparty defended the propriety of it, and ment the three Bibles were out; and I asserted it to be a duty. As an illustra- | assure you we all felt happier all that day tion, an incident was related where two for reading in them on that morning. members of one cburch-at home good : “ The following Sabbath, about tem men enough-both got into bed prayerless o'clock, while we were reading our chap for fear of praying before the other's eyes. ters, two of our fellow-boarders, from ano This conversation, which was very interest ther room, came in. When they saw how ing, and in the course of which many we were evgaged, they stared, and then er striking illustrations were brought up to claimed, prove the healthy example of never neglect “Bless us! what is this ? A conten. ing prayer, led a minister present to relate | ticle?' the following anecdote, which I think wor. "In reply, I, smiling, related to them thy of preservation, and perhaps may do exactly how the matter stood; my struggle some good :

to get my Bible from my trunk, and how “ When I was a young man,” said the / we three, having found we had all been clergyman, " I was a clerk in Boston. Two afraid of each other without cause, had of my room-mates at my boarding-house now agreed to read every Sabbath. were also clerks, about my own age, which “Not a bad idea,' answered one of was eighteen. The first Sabbath morning, them. You have more courage than during the three or four long hours that have; I have a Bible, too, but I have not elapsed from getting up to the time of public looked into it since I have been her worship, I felt a secret desire to get a Bible, But I'll read it after this, since you hate which my mother had given me, out of broken the ice.' my trunk, and read in it; for I had been The other then asked one of us to read so brought up by my parents as to regard | aloud, and both sat and quietly listened to it as a duty at home to read a chapter in l the time for public worship had arrive


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"That evening we three in the same room agreed to have a chapter read every night by one or the other of us, at nine o'clock, and we religiously adhered to our purpose. A few evenings after this resolution, four or five of the boarders (for there were sixteen clerks boarding in the house) happened to be in our room, talking, when the nine o'clock bell rang. One of my room-mates, looking at me, opened the Bible. The others looked inquiringly, and I then explained our custom.

“We will stay and listen,' they said almost unanimously.

"The result was, that, without an exception, every one of the sixteen clerks spent his Sabbath morning in reading the Bible ; and the moral effect upon our household was of the highest character. I relate this incident to show what influence one person, even a youth, may exert for evil or good. No man should ever be afraid to do his duty. A hundred hearts may throb to act right, that only await a leader. I forgot to add that we were called the “ Bible clerks!' All these youths are now useful

and Christian men, and more than one is | labouring in the ministry.”


Gems from Golden Mines.


THE PEACE OF GOD. E" To us one day inay seem a thousand

We ask for peace, O Lord ! years; to God a thousand years are but as

Thy children ask thy peace; one day. A little more or a little less of

Not what the world calls rest, pain or pleasure; a life longer or shorter,

That toil and care should cease, by a few years, are differences which dis

That through bright sunny hours appear at once in the presence of eternity.

Calm life should fleet away, Say, that at some time within these last

And tranquil night should fade hundred years two friends died, the one

In smiling day, twenty years before the other, to the sur

It is not for such peace that we would pray. vivor that interval seemed long and tedious; to us now looking back upon the whole it

We ask for peace, O Lord ! seems trilling; and more so to them : they

Yet not to stand secure, are met again, and no trace of it is to be

Girt round with iron pride, seen. A sick man who passes a night with

Contented to endure: out sleep, thinks that night to be without

Crushing the gentle strings, end; but the night in reality is no longer

That human hearts should knowthan another; and when it is gone, he him

Untouched by others' joys self will be convinced of it. Life rolls along

Or others' woe; like a torrent--the past no more than a | Thou. O dear Lord, wilt never teach us so. dream; the present, when we think we hare fast hold of it, slips through our hands, We ask thy peace, O Lord! and mingles with the past; and let us not Through storm, and fear, and strife, vainly imagine that the future will be of To light and guide us on, another quality; it will glide by with the Through a long struggling life: same rapidity. You have seen the waves While no success or gain of the ocean passing each other to the Shall cheer the desperate fight, hore; you then beheld an emblem of hu

Or nerve, what the world calls nan life--days, months, and years crowd Our wasted might: orward in like manner. Yet a little while, | Yet pressing through the darkness to the et a few moments, and all will be at an

nd: "The things which are seen are tem-
oral; but the things which are not seen It is thine own, O Lord!
ce eternal.”-Bishop Horne.

Who toil while others sleep,
Who sow with loving care

What other hands shall reap :


They lean on thee, entranced

| sure through thy social circle, and receiving In calm and perfect rest:

pleasure from it, is thy cheerfulness unGive us that peace, O Lord

damped when thou observest Death drawDivine and blest,

ing a chair, and taking a place among the Thou keepest for those hearts who love company? Thou art a happy man. Dost thee best.

thou pray, not because thou dreadest A. A. Proctor. curses, but because thou hopest blessings?

Thou art a happy man. Dost not thy re

trospect of regret cast a shade over thy JOHN FOSTER ON HAPPINESS.

prospect of hope? Thou art a happy man. Is pleasure willing to keep her assigna- | Amidst prosperity, canst thou detect the tions with thee equally in an open cow futility of means which may have gained house and a decorated parlour? Thou art thee pleasure ? In misfortune, canst thon a happy man. Dost thou behold good triumph in the rectitude of those measures ness, though accompanied with vulgarity, of wisdom to which yet success may have with complacence; and baseness, though been denied ? Thou art a happy man. Let arrayed in elegance, with disgust? Thou | the windows of thy soul. like the windows art a happy man. Dost thou behold in of a house, not disclose everything within ; ferior talents without vanity, and superior but, at the same time, admit notices of ones without envy? Thou art a happy everything without.- Unpublished Letter of man. While thou art diffusing gay plea- | John Foster.

Our Missions.

DELHI. DELHI will ever remain famous in the annals of the British Empire in the East. For five months it was the seat of the attempt to revive the reign of the Great Mogul, and only yielded to the heroic and indomitable bravery of the small English force which invested it. Equally memorable will the city of Shah Jeban continue to be in the records of our missionary history. There the devoted Mackay lost his life, and Walayat Ali breathed out his spirit into the hands of his Redeemer. Among the earliest to fall a prey to the sanguinary rage of the revolted Sepoys, they are the first martyrs which the history of the Baptist Mission in India presents. It was a dark day when the cloud of rebellion overhung this great city. Not only did the dominion of England totter to its base ; but the Christian efforts of more than forty years seemed on the eve of utter extinction, Delhi was first visited by the apostolio Chamberlain in 1814. Of the hundreds of books of Scriptures he distributed, some found their way into the palace of the Emperor. An Arabian Bible was sent to the heir-apparent, and duly recorded in the royal Gazette. The Emperor of Delhi was then less of a pageant than he afterwards became. A Brahmin of the name of Paramanund received the truth, and was the first convert which Delhi gave to the Gospel of Christ. In 1818, Delhi became a station of the society, when Mr. J. T. Thompson settled there and continued, with few interruptions, to reside there till his death in 1850. Mr. Thompson was an indefatigable missionary, and laboured much to spread in all the north-west provinces the savour of Christ's name. During his missionary career he was permitted to baptize sixty persons, irrespective of many who joined other missionary bodies. For four years the station was unoccupied, until our native brother Walayat Ali was sent from Chitoura to carry on the work of God. In 1856 he was

joined by Mr. Mackay. But at the time of the mutiny the native church did not consist of more than eight or ten persons.

For months the prospects of missionary labour
were shrouded in gloom. It was a question whether
this arena of Moslem violence and bigotry should
again become the sphere of Christian toil. 10
Committee of our society found in the Rev. James
Smith a man eminently qualified to lift up te
fallen standard, and at their request be recom-
menced the preaching of the Cross in the monta o
February, 1859. On his arrival he found only four
persons left who had been connected with the more
sion church. The chapel was occupied as 8 pr.
residence by an European. There was no nature
preacher, nor even the nucleus of a native church
To all appearance the labours of past years
lost, and the work had to be commenced
But before the close of the year, Mr. Smit
write, “ Thompson, Mackay, Walayat Ali,
laboured and died in vain. The seed they had som
in tears was imperishable seed, and thoug
remain in the ground some time, its vi
not lost; hence, watered by the Holy Spins
now springing up and bringing forth fruit unto me

Marvellous in this once spiritually dead
the effects of the preacher's voice. God po
his blessing in a manner unwonted in form
Hundreds thropged his steps in the bazaar
streets, in the suburbs of the city, and
rounding villages. In great number
flocked to his house, leaving him no tim
night nor day. Christian books and Script
eagerly sought and as eagerly peruse
Mr. Smith obtained the assistance of
Nearly thirty years before this estima
consistent Christian had been baptize
young Brahmin, by Mr. Thompson. At the

ble seed, and though it might

some time, its vitality was

e spiritually dead city were

8 voice, God pound out nwonted in former years.

the city, and in the surgreat numbers inquirers

& him no time for rest,

agerly perused. In April Assistance of Bhugwam Da.

this estimable mad and been baptized whers ompson. At the time of

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