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wished to go home that afternoon. Never I Now mark the result of that attempt at did I carry a person from my house so prayer, when the good man was, in his own gladly before. She was now out of my way, esteem, a “laughing-stock.” In about a and one great obstacle was removed. Night week he received a letter from that brothercame on, and I seemed to gain strength for in-law student, which began with these my duty. But just as I was about to get words : “Rejoice with me, brother Daniel, my Bible and tell my family what I in for I have found the Saviour, and that tended then and thereafter to do, who | scene at your house the other evening God

knock at my door but the youngest | has blessed to the salvation of my soul." orottier of my wife, a mirth-loving, captious This young man studied divinity at young man, a member of college, just the Andover, but when about to be licensed last person in the world I then wanted to to preach the Gospel, was taken with see. What shall I do! what! what! my bleeding at the lungs, and soon went to

bleeding at heart cried, and my agony seemed to me

his rest. That wife, those children, and more than I could bear. But my vow had

many others under the same roof, have been made, and there could be no going

found the Saviour through the instrumenback. I arose, got my Bible, and told

tality of this praying man. He bore the them what I was about to do. My wife

cross and received the crown. He lives looked as though she would sink. My

still in a green old age, waiting for his sumchildren looked one to another, at their

mons to go up higher. mother and at me,'not knowing what was

Be sure it is always best to obey God. to happen. My brother-in-law seemed

Nothing is gained, but much is lost, by greatly amazed.

But rallying all my
But rallying all my

shrinking from duty. strength I read a Psalm, and knelt down,

They are difficulties

overcome and conquered, upon which we at length said, 'O Lord' _ and could

rise. The Christian is a soldier. He must not utter another word; and there I was,

not fear when executing a command. The a great stout man, upon my knees, a

anxious lose-oh how much they lose! laughing-stock for my family. I was, I could not speak, and there my


sometimes the immortal soul-by failing

to do the right thing, that one thing, to proud heart was humbled, and there my

which God evidently calls. Many a head heavenly Father met me, and my soul was

of a family has stumbled at the cross of filled with unutterable peace. When ?

family prayer, and lost all. What though arose, my poor wife was mortified, and

for once, or a hundred times, he may be a nung her head to conceal it. My brother

“ laughing-stock !” It matters nothing, m-law said nothing, soon retired, and the

when such interests are in peril. The care of the soul is the great care. Who canor will--neglect it?

next morning left for college again.".

That family altar has not ceased to burb with daily incense, though the priest thereof has ministered unto it for forty odd yousse

Gems from Golden Mines.

CHRIST OUR LIFE. TWICE, in the course of a few sen is Christ thus announced " Eternal Life." He is the Life." Life is ascribed to hip and singular sense. We oply life. We live by permission man, Adam, was made a living sou last Adam is a quickening perhaps Christ is mentioned !

i principally to convey the idea that he is

the sole giver of life to us, quickening Se of a few sentences, «s whom he will.” As the word, he is the wounced. He is the l revealer of what we need ; as the life, he

Te is the “ Word of is the communicator of what we need. As cribed to him in a high the word, he is God uttering himself; as e. We only live; he is the life, he is God giving himself. As the permission; but “ the

word, he is God without us ; as the life, he

word, he isS imself.” 's The first is God within us. Having offered the great

a living soul; the atonement, and thus done all that was kening spirit.” And needful, in order that law might have a entioned as the life, compensation to accept, and love a forgive

Son hath life

ness to bestow, he offers life to all who proud, and will not come to it as a poor believe. He finds us dead in the sight of sinner; say rather you are slothful, and law. Beings thus sentenced can claim no will not take pains to get more. Cast right, exercise no civil function, perform aside the grave-clothes of pride that still no legal act ; and though as yet only trem | hang around you. Throw off that Egypbling in the grasp of death, the law regards tian garment of indolence which ought them as already dead. “I am come,” | not to have been brought through the Red says the Saviour, " that you might have Sea. Away with that unbelief which ties and life.” “ Look to me and be ye saved, all paralyses your tongue. You are not straitthe ends of the earth.” In the moment ened in God, but in yourself. Come boldly we look to him in penitence and faith, our | to the throne of grace, where the Father is sentence is reversed, and the promise is ever waiting to give, and Jesus stands by fulfilled which declares that “He who be him to intercede. Come boldly, for you lieveth on the Son hath life." The life may, all sinful as you are, if you come in which he spares he renovates, for to the the name of the great High Priest. gift of a free pardon he adds the gift of the Come boldly and ask largely, and you Spirit. That Spirit is life. Henceforth we shall have abundant answers; mercy like s have a life that can trust, a life that can river, and grace and strength like a mighty love, a life that can burn with the beauties stream. Come boldly, and you shall have of holiness, a life that can work for God supplies exceeding all you can ask or think. on earth, and worship him in heaven; and Hitherto you have asked nothing; ast although the body must die, that dissolu | and receive, that your joy may be fulltion which nature regards with such a deep | J. C. Ryle. instinctive terror does not in reality break the continuity of our highest life; it is only an event in our history, a change we must suffer, a line we must cross on our

OH, BE NOT THE FIRST ! way to a nobler existence. You who are searching for the great secret-you who, Oh, BE not the first to discover like the alchemists of the Gothic ages, have A blot on the fame of a friend, been trying through many a long year, and A flaw in the faith of a lover, by many a weary experiment, to discover Whose heart may prove true in the end. the true elixir of life--come to Jesus; he

We none of us know one another, alone can offer to your souls the cup of

And oft into error we fall; eternal youth. Drink of the water of life

Then let us speak well of our brother, that he gives, and you will never die. Time will die, earth will die, sorrow will die,

Or speak not about him at all. death will die ; but he who believes in

A smile or a sigh may awaken Jesus shall never, never die.-- Rev. C. Stan Suspicion most false and undue; ford.

And thus our belief may be shaken

In hearts that are honest and true.

How often the light smile of gladness THE THRONE OF GRACE.

Is worn by the friends that we meet, If you want your spiritual life to be

To cover a soul full of sadness, more healthy and vigorous, you must just

Too proud to acknowledge defeat. come more boldly to the throne of grace. How often the sigh of dejection The secret of your weakness is your little Is heaved from the hypocrite's breast, faith and little prayer. The fountain is

To parody truth and affection, unsealed, but you only sip a few drops. Or lull a suspicion to rest. The bread of life is before you, yet you

| How often the friends we hold dearest only eat a few crumbs. The treasury of

Their noblest emotions conceal; heaven is open, but you only take a few pence. Oh, man of little faith, wherefore

And bosoma the purest, sincerest, do you doubt ? Awake to know your pri

Have secrets they cannot reveal. vileges ; awake and sleep no longer. . Leave base minds to harbour suspicion,

Tell me not of spiritual hunger, and And small ones to trace our defects ; thirst, and poverty, so long as the throne | Let ours be a noble ambition, f grace is before you. Say rather you are I For base is the mind that suspects.

We none of us know one another,

| he is Christian ; to the bishop, not because And oft into error we fall;

he is bishop, but because he is Christian ; Then let us speak well of our brother,

to the Church collectively, not because Or speak not about him at all.

they are a collective Church, but because they are Christian ; to ministers, not be

cause they are ministers, but because they THE KEYS OF HEAVEN AND

are Christian ; to deacons and elders, not

because they are deacons and elders, but HELL.

because they are Christian ; to members, "And I will give unto thee the keys of the

not because they are members, but because dom of heaven and whatsoever thou shalt bina earth shall be bound in heaven ; and whatso

they are Christian. To every living soul loose on earth shall be loosed in hea. who knows the secret of God is given the ven.”—Matt. xiv. 19.

power to open the gate to others; and from LET me ask, then, Who carries the keys ? every living soul who does not know that Does the Pope? Yes, he can carry them.

secret, is taken this power. No matter Cardinals ? "Yes, they may carry them.

what his outward show and circumstances Bishops ? Yes, bishops may carry them.

may be. 3 The Church collectively? Yes, it may.

Take heed, then. Let every man see K Ministers? Yes, ministers may. Deacons

to it that he has power to open the gates 5 and elders? Yes, deacons and elders may. |

1 of heaven; and when he has it, let him Members? Yes, members may. But they

stand, night and day, as the Spirit and the * belong to the Pope, not because he is pope,

bride stand, saying, “Come, come, come, but because he is Christian ; to the cardi

and take of the water of life freely.”— nal, not because he is cardinal, but because

.W. Beecher.

Appeal for China.

Recent events in China, of an extraordit ture, summon us to the solemn and prayeríu. sideration of our duty as Christians to empire of idolatry and superstition tion of the war between the allied for Emperor of China has been signalized by the matual adoption of a treaty, which, among

Har advantages, opens the whole of the Im. perial territories to Christian missionaries, 01 cm dition that the bearers of passports do not to city in the possession of the rebels. '


provinces of the empire. containing a probable population of 30,000,000 of souls. They hold immense territories against all the efforts of th Imperial forces, and in every part of the down the temples of the gods, break the pieces, and displace the priests from Maries. They profess (with many errors) ther gion of Christ, call all Christians bre seek friendship with Europeans of every

last respect reversing the traditional policy of China.

For some years, the progress of this revolution has been watched with interest and curiosity. It was kno ginated with an individual, who, 14


China, of an extraordinary na- | ton, received instruction in the Scriptures from the o the solemn and prayerful con- | lips of Christian missionaries. By a series of duty as Christians to that vast | events, very imperfectly known, a local insurrec.

· superstition. The cessa tion has expanded into a revolution, which threatens the allied forces and the the extinction of the Tartar dynasty. The author

of it claims to have received a commission from heaven for this purpose, and everywhere com. mands the destruction of idolatry. Mingled with assertions that he has seen Christ, and held imme

diate communion with God, he yet teaches the the rebels. On the other unity of God, the Sonship of Christ, believes in hare overrun at least six the atoning sacrifice of the Saviour, and affirms

the necessity of repentance and faith to salvation.

From intelligence recently received from our

esteemed missionary, the Rev. H. Z. Kloekers, we n every part of them cast learn that on the 6th of November last he left the gods, break the idols into Sbanghae, accompanied by the Rev. Griffith John, the priests from their sanc. and two Chinese gentlemen. On the 18th they

reached Nankin ; and for several days enjoyed fre. all Christians brethren, and quent opportunities of conversation with the uropeans of every name; in several subordinate chiefs of the Celestial King,

by which designation the founder of the Revolu.

tion is known. In their interviews, there was e progress of this remarkable found to exist, combined with much error, an ex

watched with the deepest tensive knowledge of the Scriptures. The main g. It was known to have ori. doctrines of Christianity were fully received. Laividual, who, in 1947, at Can. |

Some individuals were evidently the subjects of

vital religion, spoke of Christ's merits as sufficient | safe passage and residence in any town or part to cover all sin, and of his blood as efficacious to of the country, with entire freedom to preach the wash away all guilt.

Gospel. Now then is China everywhere open to In Nankin, the missionaries found idolatry en the missionary. Pekin and Nankin, the two tirely overthrown. Not an idol, or an idol temple, capitals of Chica, may become the scenes of miscould be found. Opium and tobacco-smoking was sionary toil. The Imperialists suffer our efforts to prohibited, and spirit-drinking forbidden. The evangelize the land ; the Revolutionists inrite city was undergoing reconstruction and repair; and them. Is it not our duty to embrace to the utmost there were signs, in reviving trade, and in the this wonderful opening, and to enter boldly into aspect of the people, of a settled civil government the door which Providence unfolds before us ? having displaced mere military command. As yet, only two brethren are engaged by our Eighteen places for Christian worship had, more society. Many are required. We shall not be over, been opened.

thought too urgent if we entreat your assistance to On the day of their departure, November 25th, send at least six as speedily as we may. the missionaries received an “Edict of Toleration,”

FREDERICK TRESTRAIL, giving free access to Nankin, and to all the terri

EDWARD B. UNDERHILL, tories of the Revolution, to missionaries of the

Secretaries. Christian faith. It promises them every assistance,

Our Missions.


to decide this question; for, lately, some very ex.

traordinary information has come to hand, respect. It is now about a year since the missionaries, ing the views and purposes of the rebels. the Revs. H. Z. Kloekers and C. J. Hall, Early in November, Mr. Kloekers, with two entered on the service of the Baptist Missionary Chinese gentlemen, planned a visit to Nankin, Society. Owing to the warraging in the some 250 miles from Shangbae. The Rev. Griffith north of that great empire, between the Emperor John, a missionary of the London Missionary of China and the English in alliance with the Society, joined the party. They started on the 6th French, they were contined to the city of Shang. of November. Their great object was to ascertain hae. And Shanghae itself was daily threatened the views of the rebels as to missionary operations with an attack from the forces of the rebels, who among them, and whether missionaries could have gradually overrun the great districts around safely reside in their midst. On the 7th, the Nankin, their capital. Under these circumstances, passed the city of Sung-kiang, hearing on their way little missionary labour could be carried on, beyond some heary cannonading in the neighbourhood of preaching to the Chinese of the city, instructing Tsing-poo, between the troups of the emperor and the English soldiers and sailors in the Gospel, and the rebels. The next day they reached the very occasional excursions into the district around large city of Suchau, which is in the possession of Shanghae, undertaken by Mr. Kloekers. The the rebels, where order has been restored and the taking of Pekin, and the signing of the treaty of people live in peace, though many were in mourn Tien-tsin, have opened the way for the dispersion ing for the loss of friends in the conflict between of the band of missionaries gathered in Shanghae, the hostile forces. Here they visited Liu, one of and they are now contemplating the commence. the three chiefs left in charge of the city. He was ment of missionary toil in some of the great cities quite ready to furnish the travellers with passports opened by the treaty to the visits of Europeans. for Nankin ; and said, “The way is quite clear and Even Pekin itself will probably be occupied by safe. From here to Nankin there are no local some of the missionary societies, for the treaty thieves, no imps:”- that is, Imperialists. In Lin's gives free access to this centre of Imperial power apartment they found the New Testament ani to all Europeans and Christian ministers who desire other Christian books lying open by his side on the it. The passports only specify that the persons sofa on which he sat. These, he said, he had been who travel in the Imperial dominions shall not reading, and was much pleased with them. A grea: visit any city in the hands of the rebels.

part of the city was in ruins, the work of the Imperia.. Now, this raises the very important question for ists before they abandoned it. The missionaries our Missionary Society to decide :- Shall the mis visited several of the temples. All the idols were sionaries be sent to the rebels or to the Imperial. gmashed in pieces. In one, an old priest was met ists? This is also a very interesting question. with. Shaking his head, he said, “The gods have For, while the Imperialists have never shown any not a bit of intelligence or power in them. They candesire to embrace Christianity, the leaders of the not save themselves. How can they save others ? rebel movement profess to be Christians, have On the 10th, the missionaries proceeded on their taken the Bible as their religious guide, and, if | journey. Much of the country was desolate, t !! they have promulgated some strange and erro. they reached Usih; but they did not enter this neous thingy, yet do they destroy idolatry, and city. The next day they met many bands of the command their subjects to worship God alone. rebels on their way to the scene of war; but the But the providence of God seems to be helping us

ems to be helping us | villages were not molested by these warriors.

Everywhere the missionarios were treated with uniform kindness by the officers and soldierg, “Foreign brethren," they would say, “whither are you going?" "To Nankin.” “Good, good. Al the way up are none but our brethren. No thievea, no imps. Don't be afraid. All is peace and quietness.” On the 14th they entered the city of Tang-yang, and were introduced to the chief Lin. They conversed with him on religion, and found him believing many of the truths of Chris. tianity. He had, however, faith in some pretended visions of tbe Celestial King, as the prime mover and chief of the rebellion is called. Another chief, by name Chung, was visited. On the doctrine of the atonement of Christ he held very correct views. He spoke of Jesus as having died for all, and of our being saved by trusting in him. He bad followed the Celestial King for eleven years, and said he owed his knowledge of the true God entirely to his teaching

The missionaries started for Nankin on the 16tb, and on the 18th caught sight of the far-famed city, and arrived on the same day. They found in Nankin the Rev. J. I. Roberts, an American Baptist missionary, who is said to have been, years before, the first missionary to instruct the Celestial King, then a poor student in Canton, in the doc. trines of Christianity. He arrived some weeks pre. viously, and had been received with much honour by his former pupil and inquirer. The missionaries now had many interviews with various chiefs. They were well received, and the most cordial intercourse was enjoyed. Many inquiries were made as to the religious views of the rebels; to some satisfactory answers were returned, to others there was a want of knowledge, or a desire manifested to exalt the Celestial King to a divine origin. He was said to claim God for his father, in an extraordinary sense; to have seen Christ; to have beheld visions; and to have received a Divine commission to expel the Tartar emperor, and to destroy idol. atry in the land. But they said that missionaries would be welcomed, and might especially have free access to the people. They displayed some hesi. tation as to missiongries labouring among the soldiers, as they might upsettle their minds with regard to the visions of their king. Among the chiefs is one more enlightened than the resta brother of the Celestial King, and at one time em. ployed as a catechist by the London Missionary Society. He has written a work of some value to correct the errors of the Insurgents, though in one or two respects he has departed from the truth.

On the 20th, the brethren breakfasted with Chung Wang. He believes in the visions of the Celestial King, and regards him as bolding a special and intimate intercourse with heaven. Touching missionary work, he said, that missionaries have full liberty to go to Suchau, and other cities, to preach the gospel, and that if any should feel inclined to do so, chapels and houses would be provided for them. He thought that missionaries had better not go to Nankin at present. Nankin was formerly full of the temples and monasteries of Buddhism ; now not a vestige of them remains. The rebels have been true to their supposed divine calling the destruction of idolatry. There is nothing in the entire city to remind one of idolatry," says Mr. Joha: "I don't think that there is such a thing as an idol, or idol worship, in the city. Pro

bably this can be said of no other city in China." Even tobacco and opium-smoking, these besetting vices of the Chinese, are hardly known. If used at all, it is quite in secret, and contrary to the orders of the king. In their examination for office, the old text books of Confucius are thrown aside. The themes are always selected by the Celestial King, and generally from the Scriptures. An essay pre. sented to the brethren, was on the Fall and the Deluge, which they say is well written, and very scriptural. The general impression produced by numerous conversations with the chiefs was, that they had a vast amount of vital religion and pure Christianity among them at one time ; and that even now the spark is not entirely quenched in the hearts of not a few of the chiefs. “It is truly de. lightful,” says Mr. John, “to listen to some of these men speaking on religious matters. Many vital points are held by them tenaciously, and are spoken of by them in such a way as would lead one to suppose that even now they are not altogether unacquainted with the spirit and power of the truth." It would seem from this, that as their conquests have extended, worldliness and other motives have come into play, and the earlier zeal for truth and piety has, in soine meagure, abated.

On the 23rd, the missionaries learned that the Celestial King had expressed his pleasure at their arrival, and that he approved of the missionaries having full permission to enter his territories to preach the gospel. As an explanation of the errors existing among the rebels, a subordinate chief said : * You foreign brethren have had the gospel for 1,800 years, but we have had it only as it were eight days. Your knowledge must be correct and extensive; ours must necessarily be imperfect and limited. You must bear with us for a season, and gradually we shall improve. As for the gospel, it is one ; and the foreign brethren may rest assured that we are determined to uproot idolatry out of the land, and plant Christianity in its stead." In these words seems to be conveyed the origin of those discordant accounts which have reacbed us : and with such a spirit prevailing in their minds. may we not hope that, under better instruction, they may receive the truth as it is in Jesus, in all its purity!

On the 25th, the missionaries took leave of Kanwang, the chief already referred to. As they were leaving, he put into Mr. John's hand an “ Edict of Religious Toleration," written on yellow Bilk, with the vermillion pencil, and sealed by the Celestial King. In this important document, full liberty is given to missionaries to enter the terri. tories of the Celestial King, and to preach every. where the gospel. They are assured of protection, and all inferior officers are commanded to show them kindness.

Thus both the territory of the Emperor of Pekin and that of the Insurgents are thrown open to Christian missionaries. China is literally and truly open. The rebels invite us; the Imperialists suffer us. Our inclination is to accept the former, if we must cboose. But why should not the society be furnished with men and means to enter both? Truly this is a marvellous work of the providence of God, and shall we be backward to respond? May all our readers, in their measure, do their utmost by prayer and diligent labour to send the gospel to the 360 millions of China !

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