Apply thyself to reading. St. Paul. by T. Hannam. FIVE VOLS. VOL. I. THE THIRD EDITION, REVISED AND CORRECTED, LONDON: PRINTED FOR WILLIAM BAYNES, PATERNOSTER ROW. PREFACE. THE general acceptance which the Pulpit Assistant has met with from the religious world, has encouraged the Editor to send a newedition of it to the press. He has taken considerable pains in revising and correcting the typographical errors of the former edition, which he found to be very numerous; and which had been suffered to pass by the person who was appointed to correct the press; and hopes that this new edition will ap. pear in a more perfect state than the former. He has now added a new volume to the fourformerly published, and has taken particular care to select such subjects, and such matter as in his judgment is best calculated for general useful. |