THE EPITAPH. HERE rests his head upon the lap of Earth, Large was his bounty, and his soul sincere, He gain'd from Heav'n, 'twas all he wish'd, a Friend. No farther seek his merits to disclose, Or draw his trailties from their dread abode, (There they alike in trembling hope repose) The bosom of his Father and his God. O'ER moorlands and mountains, rude, barren and bare, A gentle young shepherdess sees my despair, Yellow sheaves from richCeres her cottagehad crown'd, Green rushes were strew'd on her floor, Her casement sweet woodbines crept wantonly round, And deck'd the sod seats at her door. We sat ourselves down to a cooling repast, Fresh fruits!-and she cull'd me the best; Whilst, thrown from my guard by some glances she cast, Love slily stole into my breast. I told my soft wishes-she sweetly reply'd, Her air was so modest, her aspect so meek, Now jocund together we tend a few sheep; Together we range o'er the slow-rising hills, Or rest on the rock whence the streamlet distils, To pomp or proud titles she ne'er did aspire, The cottager Peace is well-known for her sire, A PRAYER FOR INDIFFERENCE. BY MRS. GREVILLE. OFT I've implor'd the gods in vain, Sweet airy being, wanton sprite, If e'er thy pitying heart was mov'd, And for th' Athenian maid who lov'd, Oh! deign once more t' exert thy power; Sov'reign as juice of western flower, I ask no kind return of love, No tempting charm to please: N Nor peace nor ease the heart can know, Which, like the needle true, Turns at the touch of joy or woe, But, turning, trembles too. Far, as distress the soul can wound, Take then this treacherous sense of mine, Oh! haste to shed the sacred balm! At her approach, see Hope, see Fear, And Disappointment in the rear, The tear which pity taught to flow, 'The heart that melts for others' woe Shall then scarce feel its own. |