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" I have weigh'da grain of sand 'Gainst her plight of heart and hand ; I told my true love of the token, How her faith proved light and her word was broken : Again her word and truth she plight, And I believed them again ere night. ' How now, sir knave, "
The Waverley Novels - Pagina 218
door Walter Scott - 1912
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Tales of Crusaders

Walter Scott - 1825 - 376 pagina’s
...mean. ~-s. ^ II. I have strained the spider's thread 'Gainst the promise of a maid; I have weighed a grain of sand 'Gainst her plight of heart and hand;...light, and her word was broken; Again her word and troth she plight, And I believed them again ere night. " From an old, ragged, cross-grained friend...
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The betrothed

Walter Scott - 1825 - 258 pagina’s
...'Gainst the promise of a maid; I told my true love of the token, 'Gainst her plight of heart and hand, How her faith proved light, and her word was broken; Again her word and troth she plight, And I believed them again ere night. " How now, sir knave," said the Constable, raising...
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The Norwich magazine

1835 - 404 pagina’s
...the thing those letters mean. " I have strain'd the spider's thread ' Gainst the promise of a maid; I have weigh'da grain of sand ' Gainst her plight of heart and hand; I told my true-love of the token, How her faith proved light, and her word was broken; Again her word and truth...
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Waverley novels. (Library ed.).

sir Walter Scott (bart [novels, collected]) - 1853 - 578 pagina’s
...thing those letters menu. II. " I have strain'd the spider's thread 'Gainst the promise of a maid ; I have weigh'da grain of sand 'Gainst her plight of...the token, How her faith proved light, and her word wan broken : Again her word and truth she plight, And I believed them again ere night." " How now,...
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The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott, Volume 7

Walter Scott - 1857 - 372 pagina’s
...the things those letters mean. I have strain'd the spider's thread 'Gainst the promise of a maid ; I have weigh'da grain of sand 'Gainst her plight of...truth she plight, And I believed them again ere night. Chap. xx. (3.) SONG—I ASK'D OF MY HARP. "A lay, of which we can offer only a few fragments, literally...
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The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott, Volume 7

Sir Walter Scott - 1857 - 370 pagina’s
...the things those letters mean. n. I have strain'd the spider's thread 'Gainst the promise of a maid ; I have weigh'da grain of sand 'Gainst her plight of...truth she plight, And I believed them again ere night. Chap. xx. (3.) SONG—I ASK'D OF MY HARP. "A lay, of which we can offer only a few fragments, literally...
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The Gambler's Wife: A Novel

Mrs. Grey (Elizabeth Caroline) - 1860 - 166 pagina’s
...to her room. CHAPTER XXVII. " T have strain'd the spider's thread 'G;tinst the promise of a maid : 1 have weigh'da grain of sand 'Gainst her plight of heart and hand.' W. SCOTT. ARTHUR BALFODR well knew where Maud was to be found, when with a beating heart and sager...
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The Loves and Heroines of the Poets

Richard Henry Stoddard - 1861 - 526 pagina’s
...letters mean. I have strained the spider's thread 'Gainst the promise of a maid ; I have weighed a grain of sand 'Gainst her plight of heart and hand...was broken ; Again her word and truth she plight, LEIG-H HUNT 1784—1859. TO MY WIFE ON MODELLING MY BUST. An, Marian mine, the face you look on now...
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The Loves and Heroines of the Poets

Richard Henry Stoddard - 1861 - 552 pagina’s
...those letters mean. I have strained the spider's thread 'Gainst the promise of a maid; I have weighed a grain of sand 'Gainst her plight of heart and hand...word was broken; Again her word and truth she plight, LEIGH HUNT 1784—1859. TO MY WIFE ON MODELLING MY BUST. An, Marian mine, the face you look on now...
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Poetical works. With a biogr. and critical memoir by F.T. Palgrave

sir Walter Scott (bart.) - 1866 - 656 pagina’s
...lark, his lay who thrill'd all day I have strain'd the spider's thread 'Gainst the promise of a maid ; I have weigh'da grain of sand 'Gainst her plight of...truth she plight, And I believed them again ere night From Woodstock. [1826.] AN HOUR WITH THEE. AN hour with thee!—When earliest day Dapples with gold...
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