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" Glendower— And a thousand of his people butchered ; Upon whose dead corpse' there was such misuse, Such beastly, shameless transformation. By these Welshwomen done, as may not be, Without much shame, retold or spoken of. "
The Waverley Novels - Pagina 103
door Walter Scott - 1912
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The Plays and Poems of William Shakspeare, Volume 16

William Shakespeare - 1821 - 456 pagina’s
...Herefordshire to fight Against the irregular and wild Glendower, Was by the rude hands of that Welshman taken, A* thousand of his people butchered: Upon whose dead...misuse, Such beastly, shameless transformation, By those Welshwomen done ', as may not be, Without much shame, re-told or spoken of. K. HEN. It seems...
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The Plays and Poems of William Shakspeare: With the Corrections ..., Volume 16

William Shakespeare - 1821 - 460 pagina’s
...Herefordshire to fight Against the irregular and wild Glen dower, Was by the rude hands of that Welshman taken, A* thousand of his people butchered: Upon whose dead...misuse, Such beastly, shameless transformation, By those Welshwomen done ', as may not be, Without much shame, re-told or spoken of. K. HEN. It seems...
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The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare: From the Text of ..., Volume 1

William Shakespeare - 1825 - 508 pagina’s
...Herefordshire to fight Against the irregular and wild Glendower, Was by the rude handsof that Welshmau taken, And a thousand of his people butchered : Upon whose dead corpse there was such misuse, auch beastly, shamele?.' transformation, By those Welshwomen done, as may not be, Without much shame,...
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The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare: Richard II. Henry IV, pt. 1-2 ...

William Shakespeare - 1826 - 558 pagina’s
...Herefordshire to fight Against the irregular and wild Glendower, Was by the rude bauds of that Welshman taken, And a thousand of his people butchered: Upon whose...misuse, Such beastly, shameless transformation, By those Welshwomen 6 done, as may not be, Without much shame, re-told or spoken of. K. Hen. It seems...
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King Richard II. King Henry IV, part 1. King Henry IV, part 2. Henry V

William Shakespeare - 1826 - 560 pagina’s
...Herefordshire to fight Against the irregular and wild Glendower, Was by the rude hands of that Welshman taken, And a thousand of his people butchered: Upon whose...misuse, Such beastly, shameless transformation, By those Welshwomen 6 done, as may not be, Without much shame, re-told or spoken of. K.Hen. It seems then,...
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The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare - 1826 - 552 pagina’s
...Herefordshire to fight Against the irregular and wild Glendower, Was by the rude hands of that Welshman taken, And a thousand of his people butchered : Upon whose...misuse, Such beastly, shameless transformation, By those Welshwomen 6 done, as may not be, Without much shame, re-told or spoken of. K.Hen. It seems then,...
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Introductions, and Notes and Illustrations to the Novels, Tales ..., Volume 3

Walter Scott - 1833 - 486 pagina’s
...to fight, Against the irregular and wild Glendower— Was, by the rude hands of that Welshman taken, And a thousand of his people butchered; Upon whose...not be, Without much shame, retold or spoken of." BAHR-GEIST—P. 260,1. 4. The idea of the Bahr-Geist was taken from a passage in the Memoirs of Lady...
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The complete works of William Shakspeare, with notes by the most ..., Volume 2

William Shakespeare - 1838 - 804 pagina’s
...Herefordshire to fight Against the irregular and wild Lilendower, Was by the rude hands of that Welshman taken, And a thousand of his people butchered : Upon whose dead corpse there WHS such misuse. Such beastly, shameless transformation. By those Welshwomen clone, as may not r>e,...
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The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare: Winter's tale. Comedy of errors ...

William Shakespeare - 1839 - 572 pagina’s
...Herefordshire to fight Against the irregular and wild Glendower, Was by the rude hands of that Welshman taken, And a thousand of his people butchered ; Upon whose...misuse, Such beastly, shameless transformation, By those Welshwomen 5 done, as may not be, Without much shame, retold or spoken of. In forwarding this...
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The Works of William Shakspeare: The Text Formed from an Intirely ..., Volume 4

William Shakespeare - 1842 - 596 pagina’s
...i. sc. 3, we have expedition used instead of " expedience." A thousand of his people butchered 4 ; Upon whose dead corpse there was such misuse, Such beastly, shameless transformation, By those Welchwomen done, as may not be Without much shame re-told or spoken of. K. Hen. It seems, then,...
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