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eidolon, image, apparition. elève, pupil.

elf-stricken, stricken out of his right mind by fairies. empacketing, packing.

empiric, one whose knowledge of an art is not scientific, a charlatan. escalade, storm.

escutcheon, a shield on which a coat-of-arms is represented. es spuckt, it is a spirit. Ethnic, heathen, pagan.

eudorchawg, gold chain (see note 3). ex cathedra, lit. 'from the chair,' with authority.

fabliaux, tales in verse.

far jettee, hawking term, meaning on the near side'.

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febrifuge, a medicine that mitigates or removes fever.

fee-simple, an estate held by a person in his own right. felly, savagely, fiercely.

fiançailles, ceremony of betrothal. fief, feudal estate held of a superior.

flail, wooden instrument for thrashing grain.

fleams, a kind of lancet. fosses, moats, ditches. fray, frighten.

frayings, peelings from a deer's horns.

frieze, coarse woollen cloth or stuff.

fulling-mill, a mill for fulling, i.e.

scouring and thickening cloths. furbelowed, a puckered flounce

attached for ornament to a dress or petticoat.

galleon, large ship with three or four decks.

gambades, leaps, springs. gauds, showy ornaments. gauntlets, steel gloves. gerfalcon, a large falcon. glaives, broadswords.

glee-man, minstrel, singer.

goss-hawk, short-winged hawk.

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jack, breastplate, coat of mail. jangler, wrangler, noisy fellow. jennet, a small Spanish horse. jettee ferré, hawking term, meaning on the farther side'. jonglerie, jugglery.

Keller-master, cellar-master. kestrel, an inferior kind of kite. kirtle, a woman's gown.. Kyrie Eleison, Lord, have mercy upon us.

lacquered, varnished.

lais, a favourite form of song; a legend or short tale in verse. lances, knights, spearmen. latten, fine brass.

leaguered, beleaguered, besieged. legate a latere, ambassador of the highest rank, sent by the Pope. levee, a reception held at the time of rising.

ligature, binding.

list, like, wish.

lithe-alos, a mild but good Saxon ale.

locutory, room for converse with strangers.

Lollard, one of a sect of early reformers.

Lombard, one of the natives of Lombardy, who were the first to exercise the profession of money-lenders and bankers in London.

long-shanked, long-legged.

lurdane, a worthless person, a sot.

mails, trunks or bags for holding apparel.

malapert, pert, impudent. manchet, a small loaf of fine bread. Mandeville, Sir John, a traveller of the fourteenth century, and author of many marvellous tales. manège, the art of horsemanship. mangonels, engines used for throwing stones.

Mara, the nightmare.

marchers, the name given to the lords who were appointed to watch and defend the marches or border between two countries. marry quep, my cousin the weaver, an expression of contempt. mazed, bewildered, amazed. mimes, actors, mummers. minivair, the fur of the white Siberian squirrel.

miserere me, Domine, have mercy upon me, O Lord. mithridate, an antidote against poison, so named from Mithridates, King of Pontus, celebrated for his knowledge of poisons.

morion, a kind of open helmet without vizor or beaver. mort, the flourish of a trumpet that intimates the death of the game.

mortier, a knight's bonnet, made of velvet.

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pantler, the officer in charge of the bread.

par amours, in illicit love. per ambages, by roundabout ways. persona standi in judicio, personal standing in law.

placket, pocket or petticoat. plebeians, common people, not noble.

plenary, full, complete.

portcullis, a grated framework of timber, let up and down at the gate of a castle. pottle, bottle.

precentrix, leader of the singing. preses, the chairman of a meeting. prognostics, foretelling by the symptoms.

pursuivant, officer-at-arms, next in rank to a herald.

quarrel, arrow with a square head. qui jurat, &c. (p. 63), he that sweareth unto his neighbour and disappointeth him not (psalm 15).

rascaille, wretched, rascal. reclaimed, tame. rendition, surrender. riding-tire, riding-dress. rippling-comb, comb for cleaning flax.

rochet, a linen garment resembling the surplice, worn by bishops and other dignitaries. Roschen, little Rose. rote, a small lute, the strings of which were played by turning a wheel.

rubric, direction, marginal note. Rudel, Geoffrey, one of the most famous troubadours. running breakfast, hasty refreshment.

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