
impairs the native energy of the mind. The intellectual powers are strengthened by exercise. If we take the ideas of other men instead of working out a train of thought for ourselves, we are losers, whatever others may gain. A minister can preach and exhibit truth, and thus do good with very little mental labour-a doctrinal sermon can easily be made out by citing texts and commenting on thembut a minister if he would be extensively and permanently useful ought to improve his own mind while he is improving others. There is extempore writing as well as extempore speaking. The mere mechanism of filling two or three sheets of paper is nothing, if the = intellectual and moral energies are not summoned to the business of preparing a message. If originality of thought and expression should be studied any where, it is in sermon writing, where the sameness of the subjects, their frequent recurrence, the regularity of the routine of duty take so much from the interest. We are no advocates for affected originality. But tameness on a trite subject is like tedious ness, which, Johnson says, is " evil that perpetuates itself." The originality we contend for, will in most cases be obtained by application. Every man, who has requisite talents to preach the gospel, can, by dint of labor and close thought, bring out of his treasure things new as well as old. We were particularly pleased with that trait in the character of Thomas Spencer he desired a friend of his to send to him a printed sermon, but he would not see it, till he had finished one he was writing on the same text. The remarks of Cowper on imitation, are worthy of remembrance, and may be applied as well to ministers as to poets. "I reckon it," he says, "among my principal advantages, as a composer of verses, that I have not read an


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English poet these thirteen years, and but one these twenty years. Imitation even of the best models is my aversion; it is servile and mechanical; a trick that has enabled many to usurp the name of author, who could not have written at all, if they had not written upon the pattern of somebody indeed original. But when the ear and the taste have been much accustomed to the manner of others, it is almost impossible to avoid it: and we imitate in spite of ourselves, just in proportion as we admire." One of the most impressive preachers of our acquaintance long since resolved to read no books of sermons lest he should insensibly become an imitator of some favorite author.

The effect is equally disastrous upon the native energy of the mind. This, if properly cultivated, is capable of almost any degree of improvement and expansion. The mind is like a bed of native ore, or rich mineral, the further it is explored, and the deeper you dig, the greater the treasure and the more valuable the material. Let a man ascertain the bent of his mind, or as it is generally termed, the character of his genius, (or more properly speaking,) let him find out, where his power lies, and then let him apply himself accordingly, and he will need no "pulpit assistant"-such a thing would only be a trammel. It requires some time for a pious, reserved man, to obtain sufficient knowledge of himself, a sufficient confidence in his own abilities, to venture upon an exhibition of his talents before others.

This consciousness of ignorance of general topics, and deficiency of theological knowledge, leads young ministers to read extensively before they commence writing a sermon-a practice than which nothing is more injurious and embarrassing. If one wishes to stir up the gift that is in him, let him pray, let him meditate, let him peruse some finely conceived and

ably executed piece as far from the subject in hand as possible, that he may bring to his work, a mind free and unclogged, and clear as the mountain air. We have often heard sermons from good men, that were excellent, plain, and evangelical, but they did not bear sufficient marks of labour of thought. The native powers of the mind did not appear to have been bent upon them. There was not that bold, vigorous, and manly current of thought running through them, that would be visible if a mind well stored and powerful, were put in requisition, and sufficient time were taken to work out the plan and the execution. They appeared too mechanical, too much as though a given surface must be written over, and not that so many ideas must be compressed into a given compass. We think many good preachers would correct this appearance by just taking their Bibles and concordance, and sitting down to a sermon without ever looking into a book till it was finished. In this way, these sparklings of genius and flights of fancy, that give interest and even force to truth, would be elicited.

Thirdly. The useof printed skeletons prevents improvement. In the same proportion as they prevent close and intense thinking, they retard intellectual improvement. Every clergyman ought to read McIn tosh's "Study of the Law," and Burder's "Mental Discipline."

Let two young men of equal talents and advantages, commence together the duties of the ministry. Let one use other men's skeletons occasionally, and read every thing he can find on the subject of the sermons he is about to compose, and write with his table filled with books open before him, and let the other think out his sermons and compose them in his own strength, (we mean not of course, a leaning

to his own understanding, or a neglect of prayer and dependence upon the Spirit of God; but we refer to his own strength, in opposition to aid from other men,) and in ten years there will be a vast difference in the intellectual stature and breadth of the two. The one will rise, the other will be stationary-or he will loose the freshness and fervor of his first efforts. Are there not numerous melancholy instances in proof of this? Have there not been cases, where young men, who stood high in the theological seminary and who have given by their first sermons great promise of eminence and usefulness, have sunk down to an inglorious level? After six or ten years of labour and preaching, they have not been able to excel their earliest productions.

There are other causes that operate to impede the progress of a minister in the path of honorable fame. In the country, and we may say in the city perhaps with more truth, the generality of his hearers are not capable of appreciating high intellectual effort. In many congregations there are none, whose intelligence and accomplishments, will operate as a subordinate stimulus to great mental improvement. They are satisfied as to the talents of their minister, and are pleased with his preaching. He has no confidential friend who will give him a critical opinion: he has however many injudicious ones who are always filling his ears with flattery. No wonder that a minister in such circumstances should relax. Very few have energy and principle enough to rise above every deadening influence, and task their powers to the utmost in their weekly ministrations. We recollect one of our ablest theological professors observed to us many years since that "perhaps it was not best to put forth every exertion in writing all our sermons, but a great

effort should be made at least once in four weeks. We thought the remark judicious, and worthy of re. membrance.

How often do we hear of ministers being dismissed in the meridian of life, who travel through the country in search of a place of settlement. They have gone on in an even, monotonous course, a dead level, for many years, till they have failed to excite any interest and have lost their hold upon the hearts of the people and they are dismissed. Such men have fairly rusted out. Now their complaints of the number of ministers, and the difficulties of a location are to be received with many grains of allowance. Had they been industrious (not to labor with their hands but with their heads and hearts,) they would have been held in requisition to the very close of life.

A minis

ter must not depend upon popular favor, but under God, upon intellectual and moral power. A "growing man" need fear no changes. If a minister is faithful and conscientious in feeding and guiding the flock of Christ, the Shepherd and Bishop of souls will provide labour and conveniences enough for him.

There is a period, however, in the history of every faithful minister that is peculiarly trying and painful. It occurs usually after a settlement of ten or twelve years. If he has been studious and diligent in his calling, he will have gone over all the great topics, and have gained his points. His influence will be at its height. His strength has been laid out. Then comes the trial of his faith and piety. He is in danger of relaxing. He experiences a feeling that resembles slack water at the turn of tide he fails to interest his hearers as he has done : his influence he discovers to be on the wane.

Then, if he is not called in providence to leave, and a new impulse is not given, by entering upon VOL I.-No. VIII.


a new field, he must return to the labours and studies of his youth. He must break up his sermons, cast the whole of his materials into the furnace, the ore must be melted and wrought over anew. If there be not a spring given to his mind, and an impulse imparted to his energies, he will sink down into an inefficient, powerless ministry, and he will linger on, with little comfort to himself, or interest to his people.

No professional man ought ever to suffer his mind to lie fallow. Even to old age, he ought to keep before him some object of commanding interest, which will put all his powers in requisition.


Fourthly; But we have another serious objection against using other men's plans of sermons. This is not an unfrequent thing. It is common for clergymen to make a species of exchange. This is doubtless allowable to a certain extent; but after all we must say we consider it a species of deception. The people expect a minister to preach his own sermons. Now, whatever labour may have been bestowed upon the filling up, a sermon written after a full skeleton is not the minister's own. is said, when the plan is formed and the introduction written, the sermon is half done. If there is any truth in this, it proves the justice of our remark, that a minister cannot say it is strictly his sermon, if he has adopted another's plan. A minister in doing it, will always feel that he is doing violence to his conscience. Let two sermons be written upon the same plan, if it be original and ingenious, by two men of the same school, and what will be the impression upon the same audience? This proves conclusively to us that it is morally wrong. We know in saying this, we expose ourselves to the remarks, and perhaps strictures of many very good men; but we must beg the privi


lege of giving our opinion. surely cannot be wrong for a minister to make the whole of his sermon from the bible and his own resources; it is wise as well as Christian to avoid the appearance of evil. Purity of conscience, consciousness of integrity, and uprightness will more than compensate for any closeness of application, or fatigue of exertion that may be requisite to perform the duties of the ministry. The time is coming when ministers will preach more without writing. A man with a well disciplined mind, and of industrious habits, will soon acquire a facility of extemporaneous speaking, that will be more effective than preaching written sermons. Reading sermons is not a natural way of preaching. On this subject, however, every one must judge for himself, and adopt the method which, on the whole, is

best calculated to accomplish the greatest good.

These are some of the objections we have to the use of any " pulpit assistant." A further object we had in view in offering these remarks was to prepare the way for some brief observations on the history of the pulpit; the characters of the preachers of the gospel in the several ages of the church; the comparative effect of doctrinal and moral preaching; and the general subject of sermonizing.

[What the writer had to say within this part of his plan, as it was not naturally connected with the foregoing remarks though valuable in itself, we have already printed in a separate article, which may be found at page 337 of the current volume.]


Webster's American Dictionary of the English Language, which will make two volumes in quarto, is now in the press.

This work will contain nearly eighty thousand words; and form the most copious vocabulary of the language ever published.

In the etymological department, the affinities of words will be given in twenty-two languages throughout; with many affinities in five other languages. The correct definitions of the English Dictionaries are retained, but many of them rendered more precise and technical. To these will be added many thousand significations which are not found in any English Dictionary of the kind.

The common orthography of words is retained, except in cases where the original and proper orthography has been mistaken, and in cases where alterations have been necessary to reduce classes of words to uniformity. It is a reproach to the authors of such

works that no one of them is consistent with himself; nor is there one English Dictionary which is not marked by frequent inconsistencies.

The pronunciation of words will be given according to the general usage of the educated classes of society in England and the United States. The author has visited England for the purpose of ascertaining the real state of the language in that conntry, and he has an advantage, which no other orthoepist has enjoyed, of knowing perfectly from personal observation, the actual usage in both hemispheres. He has ascertained that for half a century past the people of this country have had imposed on them, books called standards of pronunciation, which were never regarded as authorities in England, such as Sheridan's and Walker's Dictionary--many of whose peculiarities are not according to English usage, and which are received obsequiously in this country to the immense injury of elegant pronunciation.


Already the pronunciation of many of at the office of the Christian Spectaour people of the higher classes, is so corrupt, that they could not appear in genteel society in England without being exposed to derision.

This Dictionary will explain the peculiar uses of words in this country, which have grown out of our peculiar civil and political institutions. Many words have a sense annexed to them in this country which is absolutely necessary here, but which the English do not well understand, and cannot explain.

In citing authorities, American authors of reputation are placed on a footing with British authors; and the names of Franklin, Washington, Adams, Jay, Madison, Marshall, Ramsay, Dwight, Belknap, Hamilton, Trumbull, Ames, Hare, Silliman, Cleaveland, Walsh, Buckminster, Irving, and many others will be found on the same page with the names of Clarendon, Hooker, Boyle, Milton, Dryden, Addison, Pope, Davy and Jameson.

The introduction to this work will contain a history of the languages of the Shemitic and Japhetic families; with critical observations on their structure. The investigation into the origin of languages has developed some facts and principles not generally known, which, if they should be found correct, will be materially useful in elucidating the original languages of the Scriptures.

Goodrich's Greek Grammar.-The fourth edition of this work, with additions and improvements, is in press

Scriptural Geology.--We have seen a notice of the publication of a work in two volumes, h the above title, or Geological Phenomena consistent only with the Literal Interpretation of the Sacred Scripture, upon the subjects of the Creation and Deluge, in answer to Cuvier's Essay on the Theory of the Earth, and Professor Buckland's The

ory of the Caves. The writer undertakes to demonstrate, both upon Scriptural and physical principles, that there is not a fossil bone or a fossil shell in existence that can be proved to be more ancient than the Noahic Deluge.

Our countryman, Mr. William C. Woodbridge, has been elected a corresponding Member of the Geographical Society of Paris, on the nomination of the Baron Humboldt, so distinguished for his researches in South America.

New Invention.-Mr. Richard P. Morgan, of Stockbridge Mass. has invented a Railway Carriage, which so reduces the friction that one horse can draw fifty tons on a level road with The invention has been perfect ease. tested by actual experiment. A pound weight was suspended over a pulley, and attached to the carriage, which moved quickly seven hundred pounds. The friction is overcome at the axles by means of four additional wheels which operate as rollers on the ground axle, while the friction wheels move round but four times in going one mile.

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