
hands, that they may know how to argue for the preservation of their country. And give them notice to beware of those rascally Frenchmen, who attend in many of our schools and seminaries for the teaching of the French language, but are many of them spies and emissaries of republicans, who take the opportunity of recommending their pernicious politics to the young people with whom they are concerned. Marat who makes such a figure among the new tyrants of France, was a teacher of the French language at Oxford; and in his character but a pattern of many more. When Thomas Bull's first letter was shown to one of these, who teaches in a very respectable seminary, he fell into a violent rage, and pronounced it all to be Bétise! Sottise! stupidity and nonsense. And why so? Is it not because they, who wish to see this country ruined, hate the principles on which we hope to see it saved. Another of these gentlemen, for the notoriety of his principles, was imprisoned by the boys of a great school; and after he had cried out of the window for his liberty to the people in the street, they made him sing, as well as he could, God save the King, before they released him. All these, wherever they are to be found, should now be well looked to: the times demand it: and masters and tutors should admit such only as are known to be of good principle as well as good ability. Let the gentry also be aware of their French servants: for many of them are spies.

We are also called upon to pay some regard to those laws made in support of religion; which the same right honourable gentleman would abolish, who in his printed speech (if it be genuine) objected high treason to the first innocent letter of Thomas Bull to his Brother John, When a piece is overcharged, it is

apt to burst in the hand; which actually happened when the piece was levelled at Thomas Bull's letter.. Such accidents should be avoided and it might be a blessing to themselves and their country, if certain gentlemen of high parts, and great popularity, would read more, and talk less; that they may know better what is true, and speak for it instead of speaking against it. There is a wild audacious spirit stirring; which presuming on a supposed fear in the government to do itself justice, mounts upon a table, to inflame the multitude with incendiary speeches. Blasphemous writings are published with the like audacity; not only breaking, but even menacing the laws, and reflecting upon those who have neglected to put them in execution. Where can such things end, but in the ruin of religion? The loss of religion in France was the loss of their government, and the chief cause of all their late enormities.

Our nation, Sir, is now in a state of vigilance: but it must continue so. French anarchy was breaking in at the front door of the house. That door is now barred and guarded but we are far from being sure that another attempt will not be made upon it: and if not that, we are still to take care that it does not enter by stealth at the other door of reformation: a good thing in good times, but a frightful thing at this time because no man can say, from its first step, what will be its last. The meeting of the notables in France, was the beginning: the bloody death of Louis their well-beloved, is the end! If it should please God that any like calamities should fall upon us; let all true men stand their ground: and I second my advice with a story. A worthy friend of Thomas Bull was observing to a French emigrant, the son of a nobleman, and of late an officer in the army, that in case of

a revolution here, we should not be able to fly, as they had done, to any place of refuge: so much the better, said he; you will then be under the necessity of dying with your swords in your hands: and had we resolved to do the same, we might have saved ourselves and our country.

Believe me, sir, with all proper respect,

Your affectionate Relation,

and obedient humble Servant,

London, Jan. 30,






A LETTER of information with respect to a design of petitioning for relief in the matter of Subscription to the Thirty-nine Articles of the Church of England, having lately been dispersed among the members of the House of Commons, I sent my copy to a friend, requesting his opinion of it, which I received in the form of


THEKE was a certain house, into which the rats had made an entrance, by gnawing an hole in the bottom of the main door. It happened that the servants were grown careless, and the traps rusty with disuse; so that the rats were in a manner unmolested. Not satisfied with the scraps of the kitchen, they go into the library to nibble the books: they brought the old family-bible into a very tattered condition: they endangered the house, by burrowing deep into the ground and making themselves nests under some of the main pillars of the fabric. Notwithstanding all these advantages, they were very discontented. There were a few plain-spoken servants in the family, to cry out, a rat, a rat, if any of them were seen in the day-time, which gave them great offence; and


who were apt

they were now and then reminded of their rat-like nature by others, who showed them the marks of their teeth at the bottom of the door.

It was therefore proposed among themselves, that the only way to spare their pride and improve their character would be to persuade the heads of the house to take the main door off the hinges, that animals of all kinds might have free access; after which there would be no room for odius distinctions and reflections.

This proposal, though started only by one or two of the forwardest, was readily approved by many others; and their discontent having attained its highest pitch just at a time when other creatures of the voracious kind were making petitions, they also agreed to make a petition. The difficulty was, how to put a good face upon the business. the business. For as doors are affixed to houses, and porters are stationed on purpose to keep out ill-designing people, to take off the door by a deliberate act, would argue an intention of letting them in. This difficulty, however, did not stop their proceedings. They knew some would overlook it; and others, who were no friends to the family, would pay little regard to it; so it was at length voted, that the following reasons for making a petition should be submitted to the consideration of the family.

1st, That they apprehend rats have an instinct proper to themselves, which no power can deprive them of; and, consequently, that they have a natural right to follow it as far as they are able, in opposition to the tyranny of man. Why else was it given?

2dly, That the door they wish to see removed is very ill made, very old fashioned, the work of an ignorant carpenter, who knew nothing of modern mechanics; and that if doors are necessary (as they are persuaded

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