
means were very limited, but during | of his character, and he strove to inspire vacations he employed himself in teach- the young men of the institution with like ing, and during harvest seasons in farm habits, as also of self-reliance and courwork.


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While at the seminary, he was brought under the power of religion, and joined a small branch of the Baptist body known "Campbellites or "Disciples," of whom Alexander Campbell, an eloquent Scotch preacher, was the leader. The creed of the "Disciples " does not differ widely from that of the rest of the body, embracing belief in the divinity of Christ, his atoning death, baptism (immersion) on a profession of faith, and the New Testament as the only standard of doctrine and rule of practice.

The progress of the "Disciples " in northern Ohio led to the establishment of an academical school in the village of Hiram, thirty miles from Cleveland. Here the future ministers and elders of the church were educated. To this "school of the prophets" young Garfield went, first as a scholar, next as a tutor, and finally as a teacher. His progress was marked, and in a short time he was qualified to enter Williams College, one of the oldest and most advanced of all the institutions of learning in New England. President Hopkins took kindly to the young western student, whose gigantic size made him as conspicuous as his proficiency in Greek and Latin made him distinguished. After two years at Williams College, he went back to Hiram seminary as professor of ancient languages and English literature, and at the end of a year he became president of the institution.

He was now (1857) twenty-six years of age, and, while full of energy himself, had a happy way of imparting that energy to all who came under his influence. There were three hundred students in the institution at that time, and no one could be indifferent to the great aims and purposes of education who listened to his lectures. The early morning assembly, which usual ly extended over an hour, was a good start for the day. Proceedings commenced with prayer in the chapel, then a chapter of the Bible was read, followed by an extemporaneous address, sometimes upon a Scripture subject, sometimes on some recent political event or some scientific subject, or upon a new book. Once, it is said, he took the newspaper report of the tragic death of Hugh Miller, setting forth the lessons of his noble life in words which made a profound impression.

Manliness is one distinguishing feature

age. They were encouraged in athletic exercises, football and cricket being the games in which he excelled, and in which he personally superintended their efforts. He drew them all towards him, so that, as one of them has said, "a bow of recog nition, or a single word from him, was to me an inspiration."

During this period Mr. Garfield added to his labors as an educationist those of a preacher. Though not set apart to the ministry, he was none the less a powerful and convincing preacher, and was not only acceptable but popular. He increased his popularity and influence, too, by means of a public debate with a spir itualist lecturer who sought to overthrow the truths of the Bible by the theories of geology. The lecturer took the ground of Mr. Darwin in his doctrine of evolution, Garfield that of revelation. The latter had only three days to prepare for the contest with his able opponent, who was well versed in his theories, and had a ready utterance. Garfield hit upon a novel expedient to complete his preparation. He summoned six of his most advanced students, placed before them the plan of his argument, and then turned them into the college library to select, copy, and condense proofs of its chief parts. They completed their work in twenty-four hours, when the whole plan of the discussion was gone through. The result was that Garfield so overwhelmed his opponent that he abandoned his theory, and gave up the fight against the Bible. But other conflicts and successes awaited him.

The question of slavery was coming to the front. Out of the discussions as to whether Kansas and Nebraska should be slave or free territory, there grew up a large and powerful Free Soil party. Out of this party again there was organized the great national Republican party, which, after four years of great but effective work, returned Abraham Lincoln as president in 1860. Into these discussions Garfield threw his strength, and in the extension and triumphs of the party and its cause he bore a conspicuous part. In 1859, when he was only twenty-eight years old, he was elected a State senator for Ohio. Soon after this the smouldering embers of rebellion in the southern slave-holding states broke out into a flame. Garfield had already become one of the acknowl edged leaders of the Radical branch of

at General Buell's headquarters with a sketch of his plans.

the Republican party, forming with J. O. Cox (afterwards governor of Ohio), and Professor Munroe, of Oberlin College, Having read the paper carefully, Buell the "Radical Triumvirate." They saw made it the basis of an immediate order, the storm coming, but hoped it would placing Garfield in command of a brigade pass over without a general war, or, at of four regiments of infantry and a battalleast, without a conflict of so destructive ion of cavalry, ordering him to eastern and bitter a character as ensued. The Kentucky to expel Marshall's force in his disaster at Bull Run dispelled all such own way. The result of this appointhopes. Seven days after, Senator Garment was that the battle of Middle field accepted a commission as lieutenant- Creek was won, the first Federal victory colonel of a regiment then organizing at gained, and the Confederates were driven Camp Chase. A few days after this he out of that part of Kentucky; and this received a commission as colonel, to by men inferior in numbers to their own, organize and command a new regiment, and who had never been under fire be the Forty-second Ohio Infantry. A hun- fore. For this service he was made brig dred students from Hiram College en- adier-general of volunteers. He took an listed as a company during the first week, important part in the battle of Shiloh, and and in a short time the regiment was after other valuable services he was full. Arming and drilling went on vigor-ordered to join General Rosecrans at ously, the men inspired by the devotion Murfreesborough. In a recent letter

of their colonel, who set himself vigor- Rosecrans says: "When Garfield arrived, ously to master all the details of military I must confess I had a prejudice against duties and war tactics. In three months they were ready for the field. The regiment was a remarkable one. There were graduates and undergraduates, lawyers, clergymen, teachers, carpenters, blacksmiths, engineers, farmers, printers, and machinists serving in the ranks.

him, as I understood he was a preacher who had gone into politics, and a man of that cast I was naturally opposed to." But he adds, "I found him to be a competent and efficient officer, an earnest and devoted patriot, and a man of the highest honor.' He was made chief of staff of The State of Kentucky was not out of the Army of the Cumberland, and immethe Union, but there could be no doubt as diately he began to organize a "Bureau to its general disloyalty. Its eastern fron- of Military Information," by which he tier was invaded by five thousand Confed-rendered essential service to the governerates under Marshall. In December ment and the army. Colonel Garfield was ordered to report himself and his regiment to General Buell, at Louisville. The historian of the Forty-second Regiment relates his interview with Buell, and the result:

On the evening of the 16th of December Colonel Garfield reached Louisville, and sought General Buell at his headquarters. He found a cold, silent, austere man, who asked a few direct questions, revealed nothing, and eyed the new-comer with a curious searching expression, as though trying to look into the untried colonel, and divine whether he would succeed or fail. Taking a map, General Buell pointed out the position of Marshall's forces in eastern Kentucky, marked the locations in which the Union troops in that district were posted, explained the nature of the country and its supplies, and then dismissed his visitor with this remark: "If you were in command of the sub department of eastern Kentucky, what would you do? Come here to-morrow at nine o'clock and tell me." Colonel Garfield returned to his hotel, procured a map of Ken

tucky, the last Census Report, paper, pen, and ink, and sat down to his task. He studied the roads, resources, and population of every county in eastern Kentucky. At daylight he was still at work; but at nine o'clock he was

The influence Garfield acquired over Rosecrans, the manner in which a council of war decided to act on his sugges tions and advance upon the enemy, contrary to the written opinion of seventeen of his principal officers, are recorded at length by Whitelaw in his history, and more briefly by Captain Mason in his sketch. The campaign of Tullahoma and the important battle of Chickamauga were followed by Garfield's promotion to be major-general.

While the war was proceeding, and he was thus rendering important service in the field, his native State had elected him to a seat in Congress. He was divided between the two most important calls. His regiment was still at the front, and there he felt he ought to be; but when Rosecrans sent him to Washington to report minutely to the president the state and necessities of the army of Chattanooga, Lincoln strongly urged him to resign his commission, and take his place in Congress. There was no lack of brave and competent generals in the field, but there was a sad lack of men in Congress

limited to allow of even the slightest sketch of his multifarious labors both in and out of Congress. From the head of the Military Committee he became, after the war was ended, chairman of the Committee on Banking and Currency, and, still later, chairman of the Committee of Appropriations. This committee deals with all governmental expenditures, including those of the army and navy, the postal service, the improvement of rivers and harbors, the consular and diplomatic and other services, preparing estimates and schemes for the disposal of Congress. He strenuously opposed the false measures in reference to paper money which produced the panic of 1873, and contended

who understood the wants and require- | soon became almost the controlling influments of the army, and who were capable, ence there. But this paper is far too and could be trusted, to deal with the important governmental questions then pending. The question of emancipation was coming up —a war measure ostensibly, but upheaved by a vast amount of popular opinion and strong philanthropic principle-with which there was strong sympathy in Great Britain, especially in some circles. The Confederates were evidently resolved to fight to the bitter end, and the question was, not whether the North was stronger than the South, but whether Congress, the Treasury, and the War Department could bring up men in sufficient numbers, backed with sufficient resources, to strike the decisive blow. The early enthusiasm had declined in some quarters, and the not infrequent for a measure which should restore money blunders and inexperience at Washington to its proper value. A passage from one had produced their effect on the army, of his speches has reference to one of our while the long lists of killed and wounded English sovereigns: served also to abate the zeal of some. Some of Garfield's fellow-officers joined with the president in urging him to take his seat in Congress, well aware of the value of his experience, his sound judgment, and his ready eloquence. He yielded to their request from a sense of duty rather than from choice.

The four counties in the north-eastern corner of Ohio, lying along the southern shore of Lake Erie, known as the "Western Reserve," were ceded in colonial days to the "Connecticut Land Company," and settled by pioneers from New England.

The conditions of settlement [says Captain Mason] offered special advantages to officers and soldiers who had served creditably in the patriot armies during the war of the Revolution; and thither, in the early years of the present century, came the flower of the energetic, educated, conscientious people of the New England States. So distinctly have the descendants of these pioneers retained the characteristics of their ancestors, that the "Western Reserve" is to-day more like a portion of Massachusetts or Connecticut than any other similar district west of the Hudson River. It is a reading, thinking, praying community, which is remarkably fastidious in its choice of political representatives, keenly watchful of their conduct, and loyal to them against all opposition so long as they are faithful to their


The honor this constituency conferred on the young major-general was soon reflected on themselves. On entering the House, he was at once assigned to the Committee of Military Affairs, and he

Mr. Speaker, I remember that on the monument of Queen Elizabeth, where her glories were recited and her honors summed as the climax of her honors, was this-that up, among the last and the highest, recorded she restored the money of her kingdom to its just value. And when this House shall have done its work-when it shall have brought back values to their proper standard-it will deserve a monument.

This subject of finance had been one of close study with him, especially English finance. The entire record of British legislation on commerce and currency for two hundred years had been so studied that he had all their most important facts at command. And therefore, when several prominent statesmen brought forward in Congress plans for meeting the difficulties of the government which would amount to an absolute repudiation of their promises, Garfield stood up and fought the battle of justice and right. His words on this occasion are worth recording:

blow of the axe, every swing of the scythe, The dollar is the gauge that measures every every stroke of the hammer, every fagot that blazes on the poor man's hearth, every fabric that clothes his children, every mouthful that feeds their hunger. The dollar is a substantive word, the fundamental condition of every contract, of every sale, of every payment, whether from the national treasury or from the stand of the apple-woman in the street. Now, what is our situation? There has been no day, since the 25th of February, 1862, when any man could tell what would be the value of our legal currency dollar the next month or the

next day. Since that day we have substituted for a dollar the printed promise of the government to pay a dollar. That promise we have broken. We have suspended payment; and have, by law, compelled the citizen to receive dishonored paper instead of money. After pointing out the errors and wickedness of this system, he concluded by urg ing the gradual restoration of the ancient standard of value, "which will lead us," he said in conclusion, "by the safest and surest paths to national prosperity and the steady pursuits of peace."

The obnoxious measure was defeated; but in July of the following year a bill was introduced to tax the United States bonds. Garfield was again a stout opponent. He concluded an able speech by saying, in tones which produced their due

effect on the House:

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Mr. Speaker, I desire to say, in conclusion, that in my opinion all these efforts to pursue a doubtful and unusual, if not dishonorable policy, in reference to our public debt, spring from a lack of faith in the intelligence and conscience of the American people. Hardly an hour passes when we do not hear it whispered that some such policy as this must be adopted, or the people will by and by repudiate the debt. For my part, I do not share that distrust. The people of this country have shown, by the highest proofs nature can give, that wherever the path of duty and honor may lead, however steep and rugged it may be, they are ready to walk it. They feel the burden of the public debt, but they remember that it is the price of blood-the precious blood of half a million of brave men who died to save to us all that makes life desirable or property secure. I believe they will, after a full hearing, discard all methods of paying their debts by sleight of hand, or by any scheme which crooked wisdom may devise. If public morality did not protest against any such plan, enlightened public selfishness would refuse its sanction. Let us be true to our trust a few years longer, and the next generation will be here with its seventy-five millions of population and its sixty billions of wealth. To them the debt that remains will be a light burden. They will pay the last bond according to the letter and spirit of the contract, with the same sense of grateful duty with which they will pay the pensions of the few surviving soldiers of the great war for the Union.

that the secretary of the treasury had the two speeches of General Garfield printed in pamphlet form and sent to the leading statesmen and financiers of Europe. A copy came into the hands of Mr. John Bright, who showed it to Mr. Gladstone. They marked their sense of appreciation of the speeches by nominating their author as an honorary member of the Reform Club, a motion which was readily carried, and which General Garfield regarded as a high compliment.

"As an

British economists may possibly take exception to General Garfield's views on the tariff, but the result might be different if they could look at the subject from his side as well as their own. abstract theory," he remarks, "the doctrine of free trade seems to be universally true; but, as a question of practicability, in a country like ours, the protective system seems to be indispensable." The fact is, he takes a middle course, and contends for protection, not for its own sake, but as a means to an end. “I am for a protection," says he, “which leads to ultimate free trade. I am for that free trade which can only be achieved through a reasonable protection."

For other features of General Garfield's public work, and for the steps which led to his election by a good majority to the presidential chair, reference must be had to Captain Mason's excellent sketch. We will only add here that General Garfield has a wife who is worthy of him, the choice of his early days, and one who is not carried away from her simplicity of living by the sudden elevation of her husband, and who is well fitted to be his patient helper and peaceful solace amid all his weighty cares, as also to train their five children to follow the worthy example of their father. The mother of the presi dent, who fought so nobly the difficulties and endured so patiently the trials of her early widowhood, still lives to meekly share the blessings Providence has sent her family. In the plain but comfortable brick house which the general built some years ago in Washington, or in the neat Gothic farmhouse, a few miles east of The matter was justly deemed to be of Cleveland, the country home of her son, so grave a character, and the fear was she spends her now declining days in with equal probability entertained that peace, contented and happy, but looking the sentiments of the inflationists would forward to that home above where there compromise the national credit abroad, | are no partings and no tears.

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