Reading Horizons, Volume 51,Nummer 1College of Education Western Michigan University and the Homer L.J. Carter Reading Council, 2011 |
Volume 51 Number | 1 |
Assisted Reading with Digital Audiobooks for Students with | 21 |
Promoting AtRisk Preschool Childrens Comprehension through | 41 |
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adolescent assisted reading Bonferroni correction bullying choral reading classroom comprehension strategy instruction control group correct per minute curriculum digital audiobooks early literacy Educational Psychology elementary entry DRA scores exit DRA scores first-grade tutored students gender and group higher exit DRA implementation of WCCR improve increase International Reading Association ISBN Journal of Educational knowledge learning disabilities male struggling readers measure MP3 players National Reading Panel Neuman nontutored students oral reading fluency partial nē participants phonological awareness practice prekindergarten preschool present study pretest and posttest Rasinski read aloud reading activities reading attitude reading comprehension reading disabilities reading gain Reading Horizons Reading Teacher reading tutoring program reading with digital repeated reading Response to Intervention retelling school-based reading tutoring second graders second-grade nontutored significant significantly higher exit statistics story students with reading Sustained Silent Reading teacher candidates Teaching treatment and control treatment group University vocabulary WCCR Western Michigan University whole-class