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" Both Series Complete in One Vol. Leigh Hunt's Essays : A Tale for a Chimney Corner, and other Pieces. With Portrait, and Introduction by EDMUND OLLIER. "
White Conquest - Page 357
de William Hepworth Dixon - 1876
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Neuer Anzeiger für Bibliographie und Bibliothekwissenschaft

1858 - 658 pages
...Vol. I— Vn. New edition. London, 1858. 12». Jeder Band 1 &g. Vi Ifyt 2457. Malery, Th. The History of King Arthur and of the Knights of the Round Table; edited from the Text of the Edition of 1634, with Introduction and Notes by Th. Wright. 3 vols. London, 1858....
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The Prairie Traveler: A Hand-book for Overland Expeditions

Randolph Barnes Marcy - 1863 - 292 pages
...Life—Leigh Hunt's Essays, with portrait and introduction by Edmund Oilier—Mallory's, Sir Thos. Mort d'Arthur, the Stories of King Arthur and of the Knights of the Round Table; edited by B. Montgomery Ranking—Pascal's Provincial Letters ; a new translation, with historical introduction...
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Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Review, Volume 280

1896 - 724 pages
...feet, with Arms and Seals emblazoned in Gold and Colours, $r. Mallory (Sir Thomas). — Mori <P Arthur: The Stories of King Arthur and of the Knights of the Round Tablo. (A Selection,) Edited by B. MONTGOUERIB RAM* KING. Post Svo, cloth Ump, u. Mallock (WH), Work*...
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Catalogue of the Private Library of the Late Hon. Albert G. Greene: To be ...

1869 - 568 pages
...Shakespeare never before exhibited, &c. 8vo., calf. London, 1796. 4503. MALOEY (Sm THOMAS). The History of King Arthur and of the Knights of the Round Table. Edited from the Text of the Edition of 16-54, with introduction and Notes by Thomas Wright, Esq. 8 vols. Fcp.,...
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The Works of George Chapman ...

George Chapman - 1875 - 556 pages
...6il, Poeme. Small 4t0, bound ID parchment, 83. I* Life worth Living f> Crown Svo, cloth extra, Bs. Mallory's (Sir Thomas) Mort d'Arthur: The Stories...Arthur and of the Knights of the Round Table. Edited by B. MONTGOMF.RIE RANRING. Post Svo, cloth limp, 2l. Mariowe's Works. Including his Translations. Edited,...
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The Life and Campaigns of General Lee

Edward Lee Childe - 1875 - 394 pages
...: A Tale for a Chimney Corner, and other Pieces. With Portrait, and Introduction by EDMUND OLLIBE. MALLORY'S (Sir Thomas) MORT D'ARTHUR: The Stories...Translation, with Historical Introduction and Notes, by T. M'Cum, DD, LL.D. POPE'S COMPLETE POETICAL WORKS. Reprinted from the Original Editions. SHELLEY'S EARLY...
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My Miscellanies

Wilkie Collins - 1875 - 544 pages
...: A Tale for a Chimney Corner, and other Pieces. With Portrait, and Introduction by EDMUND OLLIEE. MALLORY'S (Sir Thomas) MORT D'ARTHUR: The Stories...RANEING. PASCAL'S PROVINCIAL LETTERS. A New Translation, witb Historical Introduction and Notes, by T. M'CEIE, DD, LL.D. POPE'S COMPLETE POETICAL WORKS. Reprinted...
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Tales of a Traveller

Washington Irving - 1875 - 362 pages
...: A Tale for a Chimney Corner, and other Pieces. With Portrait, and Introduction by EDMUND OLLIER. MALLORY'S (Sir Thomas) MORT D'ARTHUR : The Stories...and of the Knights of the Round Table. Edited by BM RANKING. PASCAL'S PROVINCIAL LETTERS. A New Translation, with Historical Introduction and Notes, by...
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A History of Advertising from the Earliest Times: Illustrated by Anecdotes ...

Henry Sampson - 1875 - 698 pages
...: A Tale for a Chimney Coiner, and other Pieces. With Portrait, and Introduction by EDMUND OLLIHR. MALLORY'S (Sir Thomas) MORT D'ARTHUR : The Stories...and of the Knights of the Round Table. Edited by BM RANKING. PASCAL'S PROVINCIAL LETTERS. A New Translation, with Historical Introduction and Notes, by...
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Scenes and occupations of country life

Edward Jesse - 1875 - 402 pages
...ESSAYS : A Tale for a Chimney Comer, and other Pieces. With Portrait, and Introduction by EDMUND OLLIER. MALLORY'S (Sir Thomas) MORT D'ARTHUR: The Stories...and of the Knights of the Round Table. Edited by BM RANKING. PASCAL'S PROVINCIAL LETTERS. A New Translation, with Historical Introduction and Notes, by...
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