
soundness of perception, but there is a quality of fineness distinguishable from this. BYRON possessed this quality in a high degree.

If, in each of two individuals, the organs of propensity, sentiment, and intellect, are equally balanced, the general conduct of one may be vicious, and that of another moral and religious. But the question here is not one of power, for as much energy may be displayed in vice as in virtue, but it is one of direction merely. Now, in cases where an equal development of all the organs exists, direction depends on external influences, and no phrenologist pretends to tell to what objects the faculties have been directed, by merely observing the size of the organs.

Suppose that two individuals possess an organization exactly similar, but that one is highly educated, and the other left entirely to the impulses of nature; the former will manifest his faculties with higher power than the latter; and hence it is argued, that size is not in all cases a measure of energy.

Here, however, the requisite of cæteris paribus does not hold. An important condition is altered, and the phrenologist uniformly allows for the effects of education, before drawing positive conclusions *. It may be supposed, that, if exercise thus increases power, it is impossible to draw the line of distinction between energy derived from this cause, and that which proceeds from size in the organs, and hence that the real effects of size can never be determined. The answer to this objection is, that education may cause the faculties to manifest themselves with the highest degree of energy which the size of the organs will permit, but that size fixes a limit which education cannot surpass. DENNIS, we may presume, received some improvement from education, but it did not render him equal to POPE, much less to SHAKSPEARE OF MILTON: therefore, if we take two individuals whose brains are equally healthy, but whose organs differ in size, and educate them

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alike, the advantages in power and attainment will be greatest in the direct ratio of the size, in favour of the largest brain. Thus the objection ends in this, that if we compare brains in opposite conditions, we may be led into error-which is granted; but this is not in opposition to the doctrine that, cæteris paribus, size determines power. Finally-extreme deficiency in size produces incapacity for education, as in idiots; while extreme development, if healthy, as in SHAKSPEARE, BURNS, MOZART, anticipates its effects, in so far that the individuals educate themselves.

In saying, then, that, cæteris paribus, size is a measure of power, phrenologists demand no concessions which are not made to physiologists in general; among whom, in this instance, they rank themselves.

There is a great distinction between power and activity of mind; and, as size in the organs is an indication of the former only, it is proper to keep this difference in view. In physics, power is quite distinguishable from activity. The balance-wheel of a watch moves with much rapidity; but so slight is its impetus, that a hair would suffice to stop it; the beam of a steam-engine traverses slowly and ponderously through space, but its power is prodigiously great.

In muscular action, these qualities are recognized with equal facility as different. The greyhound bounds over hill and dale with animated agility; but a slight obstacle would counterbalance his momentum, and arrest his progress. The elephant, on the other hand, rolls slowly and heavily along; but the impetus of his motion would sweep away an impediment sufficient to resist fifty greyhounds at the summit of their speed.

In mental manifestations (considered apart from organization) the distinction between power and activity is equally palpable. On the stage, Mrs SIDDONS senior and Mr JOHN KEMBLE were remarkable for the solemn deliberation of their manner, both in declamation and action, and

yet they were splendidly gifted in power. They carried captive at once the sympathies and understanding of the audience, and made every man feel his faculties expanding, and his whole mind becoming greater under the influence of their energies. This was a display of power. Other performers, again, are remarkable for vivacity of action and elocution, who, nevertheless, are felt to be feeble and ineffective in rousing an audience to emotion. Activity is their distinguishing attribute, with an absence of power. At the bar, in the pulpit, and in the senate, the same distinction prevails. Many members of the learned professions display great felicity of illustration, and fluency of elocution, surprising us with the quickness of their parts, who, nevertheless, are felt to be neither impressive nor profound. They possess acuteness without power, and ingenuity without comprehensiveness and depth of understanding. This also proceeds from activity with little vigour. There are other public speakers, again, who open heavily in debate, their faculties acting slowly, but deeply, like the first heave of a mountain-wave. Their words fall like minute-guns upon the ear, and to the superficial they appear about to terminate ere they have begun their efforts. But even their first accent is one of power, it rouses and arrests attention; their very pauses are expressive, and indicate gathering energy to be embodied in the sentence that is to come. When fairly animated, they are impetuous as the torrent, brilliant as the lightning's beam, and overwhelm and take possession of feebler minds, impressing them irresistibly with a feeling of gigantic power.

ACTIVITY means the rapidity with which the faculties may be manifested. The largest organs in each head have the greatest, and the smallest the least, tendency to natural activity.

The temperaments also indicate activity. The nervous is the most active, next the sanguine, then the bilious, while the lymphatic is characterized by inactivity.

In a lymphatic brain, great size may be present, and few

manifestations occur through inactivity; but present an external stimulus, and the power will appear. If the brain be very small, any degree of stimulus may be presented external or internal, and great power will not be manifested.

A certain combination in size, namely, Combativeness, Destructiveness, Hope, Firmness, Acquisitiveness, and Love of Approbation, all large, is favourable to general activity; and another combination, namely Combativeness, Destructiveness, Firmness, and Acquisitiveness, small or moderate, with Hope, Veneration, and Benevolence, all large, is frequently attended with inactivity in the mental character; but the activity of the whole brain is constitutionally greater in some individuals than in others, as already explained. It may even happen, that, in the same individual, one organ is naturally more active than another, without reference to size; just as the optic nerve is sometimes more irritable than the auditory; but this is by no means a common occurrence. Exercise greatly increases activity; and hence arise the benefits of education. Dr SPURZHEIM thinks that "long fibres produce more activity, and thick fibres more intensity."

The doctrine that size is a measure of power, is not to be held as implying, that power is the only, or even the most valuable quality, which a mind in all circumstances can possess. To drag artillery over a mountain, or a ponderous car through the streets of London, we would prefer an elephant, or a horse of great size and muscular power; while, for graceful motion, agility and nimbleness, we would select an Arabian palfrey. In like manner, to lead men in gigantic and difficult enterprises,―to command by native greatness, in perilous times, when law is trampled under foot,―to call forth the energies of a people, and direct them against a tyrant at home, or an alliance of tyrants abroad, to stamp the impress of a single mind upon an age,—to infuse strength into thoughts, and depth into feelings, which shall command the homage of enlightened men in every period of time,-in short, to be a BRUCE,

BUONAPARTE, LUTHER, KNOX, DEMOSTHENES, SHAKSPEARE OF MILTON, a large brain is indispensably requisite; but to display skill, enterprise, and fidelity, in the various professions of civil life,-to cultivate, with success, the less arduous branches of philosophy,―to excel in acuteness, taste, and felicity of expression,-to acquire extensive erudition and refined manners, a brain of a moderate size is perhaps more suitable than one that is very large; for whereever the energy is intense, it is rare that delicacy, refinement, and taste, are present in an equal degree. Individuals possessing moderate-sized brains easily find their proper sphere, and enjoy in it scope for all their energy. In ordinary circumstances, they distinguish themselves; but sink when difficulties accumulate around them. Persons with large brains, on the other hand, do not readily attain their appropriate place; common occurrences do not rouse or call them forth; and, while unknown, they are not trusted with great undertakings. Often, therefore, such men pine and die in obscurity. When, however, they attain their proper element, they feel conscious greatness, and they glory in the expansion of their powers. Their mental energies rise in proportion to the obstacles to be surmounted, and blaze forth in all the magnificence of genius on occasions when feebler minds would expire in despair.

The term Faculty is used to denote a particular power of feeling or thinking, connected with a particular part of the brain. Phrenologists consider Man by himself, and also compare him with other animals. When the lower animals manifest the same propensities and feelings as those displayed by man, the faculties which produce them are held to be common to both. A faculty is admitted as primitive,

1. Which exists in one kind of animals, and not in another;

2. Which varies in the two sexes of the same species;

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