
it be not likely that Miss Howe, creature, revengeful, artful, enterwhen she knows of her saucy prising, and one who, had she been friend's flight, will be concerned a man, would have sworn and about her letter, which she must cursed, and committed rapes, and know could not be at Wilson's till played the devil, as far as I knew after that flight; and so, probably, [I have no doubt of it, Jack]: but would fall into my hands? who, nevertheless, by advantage

All these things, as thou'lt see of a female education, and pride, in the sequel, are provided for with and insolence, I believe was as much contrivance as human personally virtuous. foresight can admit.

Mrs. Bevis allowed, that there

I have already told thee that was a vast deal in education-and Will is upon the look out for old in pride too, she said. While Miss Grimes Old Grimes is, it seems, Rawlins came with a prudish God a gossiping sottish rascal; and if Will can but light of him, I'll answer for the consequence; for has not Will been my servant upwards of seven years?


Mr. Lovelace. In Continuation.

forbid, that virtue should be owing to education only! However, I declared that Miss Howe was a subtle contriver of mischief; one who had always been my enemy: her motives I knew not: but despising the man whom her mother was desirous she should have, one Hickman; although I did not directly We had at dinner, besides Miss aver, that she would rather have Rawlins, a young widow-niece of had me; yet they all immediately Mrs. Moore, who is come to stay a imagined that that was the ground month with her aunt - Bevis her of her animosity to me, and of her name; very forward, very lively, envy to my beloved: and it was and a great admirer of me, I assure pity, they said, that so fine a you; hanging smirkingly upon young lady did not see through all I said; and prepared to approve such a pretended friend.

of every word before I spoke: and And yet nobody [added I] has who, by the time we had half more reason than she to know by dined, (by the help of what she experience the force of a hatred had collected before) was as much founded in envy; as I hinted to acquainted with our story, as you, above, Mrs. Moore, and to either of the other two. you, Miss Rawlins, in the case of her sister, Arabella.

As it behoved me to prepare them in my favour against what- I had compliments paid to my ever might come from Miss Howe, person and talents on this ocI improved upon the hint I had casion: which gave me a singular thrown out above stairs against opportunity of displaying my that mischief-making lady. I re- modesty, by disclaiming the merit presented her to be an arrogant of them, with a No, indeed! I

should be very vain, ladies, if I great reason to acquit, at least, to thought so. While thus abasing allow for me: since it is generally myself, and exalting Miss Howe, the conscious over-fullness of conI got their opinion both for mo- ceit, that makes the hypocrite desty and generosity; and had all most upon his guard to conceal it. the graces which I disclaimed -Yet with these fellows, proudly thrown in upon me besides. humble as they are, it will break In short, they even oppressed out sometimes in spite of their that modesty, which (to speak cloaks, though but in self-denying, modestly of myself) their praises compliment-begging self-degracreated, by disbelieving all I said dation.

against myself.

But now I have undervalued And, truly, I must needs say, myself, in apologizing to thee on they have almost persuaded even this occasion, let me use another me myself, that Miss Howe is ac- argument in favour of my obsertually in love with me. I have vation, that the ladies generally often been willing to hope this. prefer a rake to a sober man; and And who knows but she may? of my presumption upon it, that The Captain and I have agreed, Miss Howe is in love with me: it is that it shall be so insinuated this: common fame says, that occasionally and what's thy Hickman is a very virtuous, a very opinion, Jack? She certainly hates innocent fellow - a male-virgin, I Hickman; and girls who are dis- warrant! an odd dog I always engaged seldom hate, though they thought him. Now women, Jack, may not love: and if she had like not novices. Two maidenheads rather have another, why not that meeting together in wedlock, the first other ME? For am I not a smart child must be a fool, is their common fellow and a rake? And do not aphorism. They are pleased with your sprightly ladies love your a love of the sex that is founded in smart fellows and your rakes? the knowledge of it. Reason good: And where is the wonder, that the novices expect more than they man who could engage the can possibly find in the commerce affections of Miss Harlowe, should with them. The man who knows engage those of a lady (with her them, yet has ardours for them, to alas's) who would be honoured borrow a word from Miss Howe*, in being deemed her second? though those ardours are gene

Nor accuse thou me of SINGULAR rally owing more to the devil vanity in this presumption, Bel- within him, than to the witch ford. Wert thou to know the without him, is the man who makes secret vanity that lurks in the them the highest and most grateful hearts of those who disguise or compliment. He knows what to cloak it best, thou wouldst find expect, and with what to be satisfied. Then the merit of a woman, in

See p. 28, where Miss Howe says, Alas! my dear, I know you loved him.

See Vol. II. p. 279, 301.

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Mr. Lovelace. In Continuation.

some cases, must be ignorance, whether real or pretended. The man, in these cases, must be an adept. Will it then be wondered at, WE had hardly dined, when my that a woman prefers a libertine coachman, who kept a look-out to a novice?- While she expects for Captain Tomlinson, as Will in the one the confidence she did for old Grimes, conducted wants, she considers the other and hither that worthy gentleman, herself as two parallel lines, which attended by one servant, both on though they run side by side, can horseback: he alighted. I went never meet. out to meet him at the door. Yet in this the sex is generally Thou knowest his solemn apmistaken too; for these sheepish pearance, and unblushing freefellows are sly. I myself was mo- dom; and yet canst not imagine dest once; and this, as I have else- what a dignity the rascal assumed, where hinted to thee*, has better nor how respectful to him I was. enabled me to judge of both I led him into the parlour, and presented him to the women, and But to proceed with my narra- them to him. I thought it highly tive: imported me (as they might still


Having thus prepared every have some diffidences about our one against any letter should marriage, from my fair one's come from Miss Howe, and against home-pushed questions on that my beloved's messenger returns, head) to convince them entirely I thought it proper to conclude of the truth of all I had asserted. that subject with a hint, that And how could I do this better, Mrs. Lovelace could not bear to than by dialoguing a little with have any thing said that reflected him before them? upon Miss Howe; and, with a deep sigh, added, that I had been made very unhappy more than once by the ill will of ladies whom I had never offended.

The widow Bevis believed, that might very easily be.

Dear captain, I thought you long; for I have had a terrible conflict with Mrs. Lovelace.

Capt. I am sorry that I am later than my intention - my account with my banker [there's a dog, Jack!] took me up longer time to These hints within doors, joined adjust than I had foreseen [all the with others to Will, both without time pulling down and stroking and within, [for I intend he shall his ruffles:] for there was a small fall in love with widow Moore's difference between us maid, and have saved one hundred pounds in my service, at least will be great helps, as things may happen.

See Vol. II. p. 69, 70.

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only twenty pounds, indeed, which I had taken no account of.

The rascal has not seen twenty pounds of his own these ten years.

Then had we between us the amply rewarded in such a lady; characters of the Harlowe family; and that you ought to forgive the I railing against them all; the father for the daughter's sake. captain taking his dear friend Mr. John Harlowe's part; with a not so fast!—not so fast, young gentleman! and the like free assumptions.

Mrs. Moore. Indeed so I think. Miss R. So must every one think, who has seen the lady.

Widow B. A fine lady, to be sure! But she has a violent spirit; He accounted for their animo- and some very odd humours too, sity by my defiances: no good by what I have heard. The value family, having such a charming of good husbands is not known till daughter, would care to be defied, they are lost! instead of courted: he must speak

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Her conscience then drew a

his mind: never was a double-sigh from her.
tongued man. He appealed to
the ladies, if he were not right!
He got them of his side.
The correction I had given the
brother, he told me, must have
aggravated matters.

Lovel. Nobody must reflect upon my angel an angel she is some little blemishes, indeed, as to her over-hasty spirit and as to her unforgiving temper. But this she has from the Harlowes; How valiant this made me look instigated too by that Miss Howe. to the women! The sex love But her innumerable excelus mettled fellows at their hearts. lences are all her own.

Be that as it would, I should Capt. Ay, talk of spirit, there's never love any of the family but a spirit, now you have named my spouse; and wanting nothing Miss Howe! [and so I led him to from them, I would not, but for confirm all I had said of that her sake, have gone so far as I had vixen] yet she was to be pitied gone towards a reconciliation. too; looking with meaning at

This was very good of me; Mrs.
Moore said.
Very good indeed; Miss Raw-

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Good; it is more than good; it is very generous; said the widow.


As I have already hinted, I had before agreed with him to impute secret love occasionally to Miss Howe, as the best means to invalidate all that might come from her in my disfavour.

Capt. Why so it is, I must needs Capt. Mr. Lovelace, but that I say: for I am sensible, that Mr. know your modesty, or you could Lovelace has been rudely treated give a reason. by them all more rudely, than Lovel. Looking down, and very it could have been imagined a modest - I can't think so, capman of his quality and spirit would tain have put up with. But then, sir, cause. [turning to me] I think you are

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but let us call another

Every woman present could

Capt. Well, but as to our pre-offence sent situation

look me in the face, so bashful Capt. Your nicety, and your was I. love, sir, may make you take but it is my way to call only it mayn't be every thing by its proper name, proper looking upon me, and let who will be offended. round upon the women.

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Thou canst not imagine, Belford, how brave, and how independent, the rascal looked.

Lovel. O captain, you may say any thing before this company only, Andrew, [to my new ser- Capt. When, young gentleman, vant, who attended us at table] do you shall think proper to give us you withdraw: this good girl particulars, we will find a word looking at the maid-servant] will for this rash act in so admirable a help us to all we want. lady, that shall please you better Away went Andrew: he wanted you see, sir, that, being the not his cue; and the maid seemed representative of my dear friend pleased at my honour's preference Mr. John Harlowe, I speak as of her. freely as I suppose he would do, Capt. As to our present situa- if present. But you blush, sirtion, I say, Mr. Lovelace - why, beg your pardon, Mr. Lovelace: sir, we shall be all untwisted, let it becomes not a modest man to me tell you, if my friend Mr. John pry into those secrets, which a Harlowe were to know what that modest man cannot reveal. is. He would as much question the truth of your being married, as the rest of the family do.

Here the women perked up their ears; and were all silent at



I did not blush, Jack; but denied not the compliment, and looked down: the women seemed delighted with my modesty: but the widow Bevis was more inclined to laugh at me, than praise me for it.

Capt. I asked you before for particulars, Mr. Lovelace; but you Capt. Whatever be the cause of declined giving them. Indeed it this step, (I will not again, sir, may not be proper for me to be ac- call it elopement, since that harsh quainted with them. - But I must word wounds your tenderness) I own, that it is past my compre- cannot but express my surprise hension, that a wife can resent upon it, when I recollect the any thing a husband can do (that affectionate behaviour, to which is not a breach of the peace) so I was witness between you, when far as to think herself justified for I attended you last. Over-love, eloping from him. sir, I think you once mention but over-love [smiling] give me leave to say, sir, is an odd cause of quarrel few ladiesLovel. Dear captain! And I tried to blush.

Lovel. Captain Tomlinson: sir - I do assure you, that I shall be offended I shall be extremely concerned-if I hear that word eloping mentioned again

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